Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)


CG so sorry your OH is being like that but like the others i have to say mark is pretty much the same with both kids, if he cant solve the problem in a minute he gets annoyed and uses his (what i like to call) work voice.. its just easier to plod along on my own half the time.

modo harrison HATES being on his tummy aswel but is trying to roll from his back.. talk about makin it hard for himself lol

off topic but does anyone know anything of "ZEN internet"? I'm looking for a new ISP and these come up tops on the which? review but just wonder how good they actually are and if my router from sky would work with them since they dont provide one just give you recommendations on routers you can buy through them.
Modo - Roh always hates being on his tummy if i put him on the floor or bed, i tend to do it for a minute at a time only, more than that and he gets quite angry! I guess i'd get pretty stressed at being plopped face down on the floor when i don't know how to turn over :haha: The last week when i did that he immediately started propping himself up on his elbows, and then yesterday started rolling onto his back.
He spends quite alot of time on my chest with me leaning back a little though...thats where he got used to the idea of propping himself up. If you lean back a bit so that some of his weight is on his arms, as in it takes a little effort to push up then that counts as "tummy time" technically. What i did try today was sitting with him against my chest on the end of the bed, and then slowly lying down onto my back, so he was lying on my tummy, he looked a bit unhappy for a bit and then looked down and realised my face was there, he completely cracked up with a really big giggle! Think he was pretty suprised to see me down there! :haha:
morning all! hope you all have a lovely weekend! i'm going to head off into town with the kids in a bit to mee tmy mum and sister and her friend for coffee in a nice coffee shop. erin's eating breakfast watching the hannah montana movie :haha: she loves it and i prefer to have that in the background than cbeebies! dylan slept at my mum's last night so it's slightly more peaceful than usual round here this morning!!!
Morning All!!

Insomnimama I was wondering where you had got to! Nice to 'see' you :wave:

Jolou I hope Harrisons cold clears up soon! If he is stiill struggling with breathiing at night I recommend a humidifier, it really helps Oliver when he has a bunged up nose.

MaybeBaby I hope you are feeling better soon!! Re mobile phones, I have a blackberry which I love, it means I can go online and check my e-mails etc even when I can't get on the laptop. I love it :) Have a lovely day today!!! Oh, and thanks for the card :thumbup:

CG Che is so cute!! And a fab weight too :) So sorry to hear about things with your OH. I dont think men have nearly as much patience with newborns as us mummys. Steve is great with Oliver most of the time - but if he's tired of stressed with work he's a right grump. But then he's a grump with everyone :haha: It is hard getting used to the changes in the relationship, I think I expected us to be closer than every when Oliver arrived but for a good few weeks I felt like we really were drifting apart. Things have picked up in the last few weeks and hopefully things will just get better and better now. I don't think it helps that I have absolutely no sex drive :blush:

I think as we are getting more used to been parents - and to each other as parents IYKWIM - it is getting easier. Last night Oliver was sooo overtired, we'd been out all day and he'd been so good but I think all the excitement caught up with him and he was so tired and crying like mad. Steve had cooked tea so asked him to put mine in the oven while I tried to get Oliver to sleep. When Steve had had his dinner he got mine and took Oliver - I had been stood up rocking him, holding him tight etc to try to get him to sleep, I gave him to Steve and he started bouncing him on his knee and said 'this sent him to sleep the other day'. Mmmmmm. So part of me wanted to say he's overtired - and you're playing with him!!!!! But on the other hand he was trying, and though Oliver didn't fall asleep he wasn't crying and I got to eat my tea so I just left it at that. A few weeks ago I would have said something and we would have probably argued, so maybe I'm chilling out a bit lol :)

Katie sorry to hear that Daisy's sleeping has not been so good :( I don't really have any more advice other than what the others have said, hope things pick up soon for you!

Emera Oliver did the same thing when he discovered rolling :haha: every time I put him down for tummy time he rolled again and again and again!!! Quite useful when I wanted to show Daddy!! I do the same thing with Oliver laying on my chest. He loves to prop himself up on his arms and have a good chat lol!

We had such a lovely day yesterday - we were just going to go to B and Q and the supermarket and ended up going to Leeds and having a good shop :happydance: I got a few things for me - some lovely shoes and a few tops, and lots of things for Oliver! I've pretty much sorted his 3-6 wardrobe now, I don't think it will be long before his 0-3 are all too small! So I've got half his 3-6 in warm weather stuff, and half for when it's colder. Argh I love baby shopping :)

We don't really have any plans for the weekend, Steve is working. My parents are home from holiday tomorrow so I'm looking forward to seeing them :)

ahh i sorted through harrisons clothes last week! to be honest the majority of his clothes are now 3-6, only a small amount of 0-3 fit now, its not even due to his chunkyness because thats evened out, its his length, even his 3-6 sleepsuits look really stretched.. im gonna have a lanky one me thinks! he still has loads of 3-6 that are too big and for when its colder, most of it was given as presents so its been nice not having to go and buy more stuff, ive been concentrating on 6-9 and 9-12 months..mad isnt it lol but i got some cute little trendy 9-12mth t-shirts from asda for a £1 each in the sale! bargain. I think i had him in my fave outfit the other day and wish it was warmer today so he could wear it for a meal tonight, its lovely cream coloured smart shorts and a duskey orange t-shirt from H&M, it looks so nice on him!
owen has outgrown 0-3 apart from a few tops and shorts. he cannot get into 0-3 bodysuits and even the 3-6 just about fit as he is so long! :dohh: he had some lovely dungarees too but they were all 0-3 so they dont fit coz of his length!

just come back from town. met up with a friend who's in the army in uk so it was nice to see him again. we went for lunch with my sis. it was baking hot but we managed to find space in the shade.

sarah - i havent looked at any blackberry's. which are the best ones? 3G connection is v expensive here so will mainly use wireless connection.
What is it with the sizing on baby clothes?!? Roh is the same, none of his 0-3 vests even remotely fit, the sleepsuits just about fit and the outfits the same, they fit ok for now. Why the heck make the vests so short? Unless there are just alot of unusually long babies suddenly? I know Roh is quite long and slim, so i would understand if it was just him, but i hear soo many people saying the same thing.
I got out all his 3-6 stuff yesterday and tried a couple of things on, the vests will be good in a couple of weeks, but everything else currently looks flipping massive :wacko: What he's going to wear when he grows out of the 0-3 stuff i don't know, because the 3-6 is still going to fall off him... Guess i'll just hope for a heatwave and have him in only a nappy for a few weeks! :haha:

Thanks for the advice on Tummy Time :thumbup: I will try it out!

Bobby doesn't fit his 0-3's anymore and I bought him a whole bunch of 3-6 from the Asda Baby event, John Lewis and Mothercare (I also bought him some 9-12 months from the sale there).


I have finally bought Bobby a cot because our cotbed is too big to fit our bedroom (I don't want him to move to his nursery until he is 6 months old). But I am really worried about how he will react to the cot.

This is the moses basket he sleeps in now. We have it on a rocking base.

This is the cot I ended up getting.

I am really worried as it obviously doesn't rock and will seem a lot bigger to him :( Have your babies outgrown the moses basket? How did you deal with the transition?
modo what a cute moses basket! i cant open the link to the cot! we have a crib so should last at least til 6 months (i hope). it lased erin til around that age. then he will go into the cot. does bobby have a toy he sleeps with or a blankie? put that in with him if he does. if you are still swaddling him then continue to do so. good luck!
Thanks Maybebaby! He doesn't have a toy but I will continue swaddling him :)

I don't know why the link didn't work as it works for me.

Try this:
I just noticed my ticker is wrong. Bobby is actually 2 months 2 weeks and 2 days...
Modo we put the moses basket in the cot so Oliver could get used to the view from the cot and also to how high up he would be etc. I also started putting him in the cot awake for a few minutes if I was in the room pottering about so he could get used to it. He has slept better in his cot than he did in his moses basket )in moses basket was sleeping 11-5ish then 6-9 and in the cot does 10:30-at least 5am then up for a feed and nappy change then sleeps until 10:30am!). Only downside to the cot is he is a real wriggler and likes to have either his feet or his hands touching something so he often gets a leg or arm stuck out the side where he is trying to hold on. He also seems to think the cot is a large mat to practice rolling over, though he hasn't mastered it yet. :lol: He seems to love the cot and the fact that he can see all around the room so you may be lucky like us and find that Bobby loves his cot.

CG :hugs: how are thing for you now?

Oliver is very dribbly, keeps doing huge poonamis (3+ a day instead of just 1 or 2) and seems to permanently have either his fingers, a toy, or as much of his fist as he can manage in his mouth. I can also feel a little sharp bit under his gum on one side so am guessing he is teething. Been putting the Bonjela stuff on but he is more interested in sucking it off my finger so not sure how much is actually going on his gums but it seems to settle him as he has been quite tearful at times.

Hello to everyone else hope you have had a good weekend.
Hi ladies. How is everyone? Just thought I'd check in and update a bit...

Dillon and I (and the rest of the family) are doing very well. He is such a wonderful baby - no trouble at all. I really had worried about how the transition from 1 to 2 kids would go - but luckily its been very very smooth!

He has been a great sleeper since day 1, but has gotten even better. Last night I put him in his crib at 10pm and he slept until 5 this morning! I heard him fuss a little tiny bit around 2am, was about to get him, but then he fell right back to sleep. What a blessing! Then at 5am I brought him into bed with me... he nursed and went back to sleep until 9am... nursed again and then slept till noon! My little angel! :)

Other than that - I am gearing myself up to go back to work in about 2 weeks. I'm okay with it... a little nervous but not too bad. Dillon will be home with daddy during the day, and my older one is starting pre-k so he will be coming with me! I'm pretty excited about that! I can't believe he is starting school! He's such a big boy now! :(

I still need to go buy a good breast pump. My old one broke - and right now all I have is a single. I really need a double pump so it won't take as long. Just trying to figure out where to get the money from! I have a $100 gift card, but need another $150 to get the one I want... I could give in and just buy a cheaper pump - but I did that last time around and ended up needing a new one a few months down the road - so I ended up spending as much on 2 as I could have on just buying a good one the first time....
EEEK. What to do....

Stay well everyone.
Whats the difference between a cot and a crib? I tried to look at the links but they didn't work.
Whats the difference between a cot and a crib? I tried to look at the links but they didn't work.

Hi nice to hear you are doing so well.

In the UK you could use a crib when the baby is in your room with you as it is like a mini cot and a cot is what you call a crib I think. I used a moses basket then moced Oliver into a cot 3 weeks ago when he got too big for his moses basket.

This is a crib, though it doesn't have to rock:,r:26,s:0&biw=1680&bih=869

Also a crib:

This is a cot:,r:5,s:0
Hi Ladies!

Modo you have some gorgeous stuff!!!! I hope Bobby does well in his cot :)

Muddles Oliverwoo has also been dribbling lots in the last few days and sucking / chewing his hands which he's never done before. He's also been a bit tearful and slightly more clingly than normal . . . I wondered if he was teething. I have Bonjela at the ready lol!! He woke up crying earlier and sounded so upset, bless him. He's been napping on me for about an hour now - I don't have the heart to move him, bless.

LogansMama I'm glad everything is going well for you :) Dillon sounds lovely!

I've had a nice day, my parents came up and mum and I went shopping with Oliver :)
I've also spent ages researching re-usable nappies, I'm all excited now and want to order some, but I feel like I should sleep on it just so I can make sure I'm happy with what I order before I spend lots of money :)

On the down side, I was going to take my car when we went shopping but I couldn't get the car seat in :( I haven't used my car since I went on Mat leave in March - eeekkkkk!! Steve takes it for the odd run to keep it ticking over, but this was the first time I tried to get the car seat in. The seat belts just aren't long enough, I tried both sides and just couldn;t do it!!! My car is a Saab 93, mum has a new Saab 93 convertable and I had no probs getting the car seat in that. I'm going tp get Steve to try and see if its just me. I'm going to be gutted if I can't get it in :( I love my car, but if I can't take Oliver in it I'll have to sell it :cry: and get another one :(
Sarah I have one of those seat bases that my car seat clips into so I don't need to use seatbelts. Could you use one of those with your seat? This is what I have (we did not pay that much for it though):

Maybe Oliverwoo is getting his first teeth too. Our poor little Oliver's.
Muddles my car seat is the Silver Cross ventura so you have to do the seat belt thing. I guess I could get a different car seat for my car. Im hoping its just me been silly and doing something wrong lol!

Im pretty sure that Oliverwoo is teething :cry: he's just woken up, cried for half an hour and gone back to sleep. Our poor Olivers!! Are you just using bonjela or calpol too?
I can't believe how big all the babies have gotten! Not newborns anymore! :( It goes so fast! And they are ALL gorgeous btw! I'll have to post a new one of Dillon soon.

As far as the cot/crib thing goes... thats confusing...LOL. Over here we have the crib in the nursery (thats the big one). Some have porta-cribs or pack-n-plays for the parents room or elsewhere... we don't use moses baskets - but they are really cute - similar to what we would call a bassinet I guess! And the rocking ones are called cradles.

But since my house is only a 2 bedroom - I have the crib (big one) in my room. Its the one I used for my first born - I took it out of his room and bought bunk beds for in there.

Oh - so I have been reading through all of my old posts.... from ttc, 1st tri, 2nd tri, 3rd tri, etc... I copied and pasted most of what I wrote, and I'm gonna make it into like a little journal.... I am half way through 3rd tri... wow - we talked a lot. And let me apologize because I don't think i did anything but bitch and moan for 9 straight months!!!

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