Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Muddles my car seat is the Silver Cross ventura so you have to do the seat belt thing. I guess I could get a different car seat for my car. Im hoping its just me been silly and doing something wrong lol!

Im pretty sure that Oliverwoo is teething :cry: he's just woken up, cried for half an hour and gone back to sleep. Our poor Olivers!! Are you just using bonjela or calpol too?

At the moment just Bonjela, cuddles and Mam teething ring or one of those little link things to chew on seem to be enough to settle him but have Calpol in the cupboard just incase, Can you give both together or do you alternate?

OMG LOVE your avatar Muddles!!!!!!
Thanks he lifts his head up so high when he is on his tummy, would love to say he is looking at me but he was in fact shouting at me as I was blocking his view of the tv! :rofl:

nice to hear from you LM glad Dillon is doin so well.

harrison is also forever chewing his hands, i bought him a teether but he isnt interested lol, i use dentinox, its the same as bonjela just £1 cheaper and also calpol, when he sees both he gets all excited, im guessing he likes the taste.. lol

sarah, i had the same problem with my car seat.. well not so much a problem i just hadnt tried it in my car and couldnt work out the nack, i hvae the viaggo car seat from mamas & papas, i have to use the base in my car as my seat belts are just too short, in marks car we just about get away with no base. i have also cot sophies old car seat from her dads, its a combination one so can be rear and forward facing so therefore lasting alot longer, he can go in it from birth but im waiting a few more months!

we had a fairly busy weekend, marks grandma was 90 last week so we went out for a big family meal, it was lovely but not good for my weight watchers! dreading this weeks weigh in on wednesday lol, yesterday i took sophie shopping wiht me in the hope that she would fall asleep in the car since we didnt get home till 11pm the night before! no such luck. i treated myself to a pre-owned ds lite.. i would have got a brand new dsi but i dont think i could have justified it to mark, only way i got this one was because we got some back pay from the tax credits lol sophie is happy tho because i got to choose 2 games out of 6 to be free with it, one was peppa pig which she has been asking for for months!

mark made me use the EA SPORTS ACTIVE on friday night... one word for you OUCH!!! i was sooo achey the next day from the squats and lunges! mark carried on once i stopped and he said yesterday he felt like he had a workout so thats good!

and last night we finally DTD.. i know its took me long enough lol but ive either been too tired and in bed early or just not in the mood... poor bloke its been since about feb time! tho i was slightly nervous last night.. how daft! and it did slightly hurt but i guess thats because i was a bit tense, have no idea why!
muddles harrison is the same with the tv, if im winding him (which is usually on my shoulder by the end because it seems to be easier) so he cant see anythign but the wall he goes mental untill i turn him around to the tv... and apparently yesterday he was straining his neck to watch the F1 lol, he does seem to like the go compare ad too.. grrr
morning all!!! just come back from taking erin to the dr for a check up. we're going to go to spain, to puerto banus, in a while to the phone house (spanish carphone warehouse) so i can get my new phone. think i'm going to get a htc desire but am not sure. it's cheaper in spain than gibraltar though. we'll have a wander round puerto banus and see all the gorgeous millionaire boats and cars and shops and then have a mcdonalds for lunch :haha: OH has 2 job intrviews on thusday so fingers crossed he will get lucky and then i'll be able to take till may off, if not i'll have to go back to work in january :cry:

Logansmama - it's so crap that you have to go back to work already. if i were you i'dget the expensive breastpump as it'll probably be worth the money in the end.

muddles - it is fine to use bonjela and calpol at the same time.
oo if u get that one let me know how it is! my sister ended up getting a samsung galaxy and im not keen on that one! i cant upgrade till sept :( but i have a feeling it will cost me alot to upgrade to it but i noticed the carphone warehouse do the same deal id have gone for and the phone is free.. how odd is that!! but if i wait for that i have to wait till nov.. knowing my luck the deal will be over lol
Daisy is starting to go into 3-6 now too. She's just so big :lol: she's not quite long enough for most of it though so she's just in dresses and tights at the moment. I think baby clothes are funny sizes, I had the same problem as you with vests Emera.
I've put her in her cot now, in her own room as there's no room in my bedroom. She's literally the other side of the wall and our bedroom doors are right next to each other- like no wall in between at all, so it's nearly as good as having her in the room. I use the Angelcare sensor pad and monitor too. The transition has been fine, she started sleeping better straight away- and so did I.
I think Daisy might be teething? She keeps having screaming fits like she's in pain. Last night I have her Calpol before bed and she slept 10-8.. So I assume that must be what's waking her up!
Oh and Sarah, Daisys car seat doesn't fit in my friends car. I don't know what it is, some kind of Renault convertible? I'm awful with cars! But there's just not enough space, and the seatbelt isn't long enough in the front :dohh:
Speaking of cars, I really badly want a Corsa, I love them, I'm going to work out my money and decide whether I can afford finance for a new one :lol:
Muddles & Jolou - Oliverwoo LOVES TV!!!! His favourite is F1 - my Dad is most impressed :haha: He also sat and watched American Idol yesterday and cried every time the adverts came on!!!

Katie I hope your move went well!!! We want pics!!!!!

MaybeBaby enjoy your trip to Spain!! Fingers crosssed for your OH and his job interviews - sounds like things are much improved :)

Argh I never even considered that the seat belt in my car might not be long enough!!! I'm gutted!! It seems so silly to buy another car seat when I will hardly use it and Oliver will outgrow it in a few months :( I don't know what to do now, I guess I need to speal to Steve and see what he thinks. Maybe this is a sign I should sell it. It's a 3-door so not great for access into the back anyway . . . maybe I should sell it and buy a five door. I just love my Saab!!! We have talked about getting a 4x4 so maybe we should just do that. Argh!!
Hmm, IMO you should think about a bigger car- even when O is out of his rear facing car seat, he'll still need to be in a forward facing one and it'd be a lot easier access with a 5 door!
I'll post pics once my bathroom walls are done.. My Mums boyfriend is a tiler so he's doing it for free :)
By the way, the telly my Dad got me? It's a 50"! What is it with men and massive tellys? V was thrilled with it when he came round last night!
haha tell me about it katie! my step dad decided 42" wasnt big enough and got 50"... their living room isnt very big so it looks odd lol
Bloody hell, 50"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All round to Katies for movie night lol!!!!

I think you're right . . . I think I need to sell my lovely Saab :cry: I quite fancy a Land Rover Freelander . . . . would be good for the snow in the winter. Mmmmm, will have to talk to Steve. He will probably suggest that I take his BMW and he gets a new car lol!! Not that I'd say no :haha:
:lol: push for a range rover!
My mum used to have a freelander a few years ago, it was lovely! But something weird happened to the electrics on it.
I know, it's massive! It's going on the wall this week, it's on a cabinet just now and it's taking over the room :wacko:
sarah - you can always get a group 0-1 seat that is suitable from birth-4yrs rather than another group 0 one. my mum bought a britax one when dylan was born and have used it for dylan, erin and owen (though owen looked tiny in it when we used it when he was a month old :haha: )

i got a new phone in the end i got samsung wave as there was 60 euros off it special offer!!! so was 369 euros instead of 429 euros. the desire was 469 and galaxy s was 499 so really i think i got a good deal. we dont have deals with the handset thrown in here like you get in the uk. you can get them on spanish networks but not the gibraltar ones. they were doing an i-phone deal on the gibraltar network but it was £59 a month for 24 months for a 16G 3Gs and only £10 free calls an unlimited internet in gibraltar, not in spain and no free texts like you get in UK so not a good deal I think. mobile phones are v expensive here to run as opposed to in the uk!
katie - 50" wow! talk about cinema experience!!! how's things with V?
well let me know how it is maybebaby! im open to any experiance! im so far going for the htc cos mark has the hero one and i do like it, the only thing i liked about the galaxy was how thin it was, similar to the i-phone.

sounds like u got a good deal tho!
Thats a good point about the car seat MaybeBaby . . . but I'm kinda thinking I should have a five door now. I mentioned to Steve about getting me a Freelander and he seemed quite keen . . . might get mine on Auto Trader. I'll be sad to see it go though, its a lovely car. Anyone want to buy a Saab 93 lol!!
sarah - a 5 door will definately be more practical.

Jo - will let you know how i get on with the wave!

owen is feeding so much these past few days. growth spurt maybe? i took dylan and erinto the cinema yesterday and he had an 8oz bottle of ebm whilst i was gone and then a bf when i got back less than 3hrs after the bottle :wacko: :shock:
Hi All:flower:

I haven't been on for a whole month:haha: Baby Dylan has kept me busy but I can't believe he is 12 weeks already and will be 3 months on the 7th! He is doing much much better sleeping through the night ! He now sleeps from 9:00 PM til 10:00AM only waking up at 4 and 8 to eat, then he goes right back to sleep!!! He is so awesome and he is on a great sleep schedule!!!

Well I hope everyone is well, I've missed you guys. I can't believe how time flies, first we were all waiting for our babies and now they are growing so fast!!!
Hi Girls!

Katie: Congrats on your move!

Sarah: Sorry you have to sell your car :( but if you get a new one most come with the isofux socket and you wont need a seatbelt to attach the carseat.

Muddles: your Oliver is gorg! I wanna hug him :kiss:

Babyhope: so good to hear from you!


I am so annoyed at my mother!!! I feel like she is treating Bobby like a toy rather than a human being with wants and needs. I left him with my family while I went to an appointment. First my mother wanted to put his bouncy chair IN HIS PRAM so we could all "see him better" like he is a doll or something. I ofcourse put my foot down and said "no way."

After we left my sister (I am pretty sure) woke him from his nap. If she didn't then she def did not encourage him to go back to sleep. He usually feeds plays and then sleeps until his next feed is due. My mother agreed with her that he had had "enough sleep."

I have been cluster feeding him his last two feeds (basically two hours btw instead of three). We came back intending to take Bobby home before his bedtime at 7.30pm. My Mother pleads that we take him quickly to meet some family members staying in a hotel nearby. We reluctantly agree and head over there (after a million delays from her getting ready) and Bobby seems fine on the walk there in his pram. Ten minutes after we arrive to the hotel room Bobby starts crying and I assume that he is just sleepy. Then my mother mentions that he is due his bottle now. WTF?!!! He was supposed to have his last feed at 6pm and it was now 7pm. she replied that he drank his last bottle so quickly he couldn't be hungry yet. WTF?? He is going through a growth spurt drinking 190 ml each feeding (usually 150) and sleeping soon after. I told her before leaving to feed him at 6pm that I was cluster feeding. Totally disregards this as she is so sure she is right!

I tried feeding Bobby in the car but it was too late he was too sleepy to drink. He tried sleeping in his car seat but was too hungry to fall asleep. It took me AGES to get him to sleep tonight (this is not like him at all) and he barely had any of his last bottle :(

I am FURIOUS at her right now and I don't even know what I am going to say to her :growlmad:
Aww Modo, :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you, i'd be fuming too! I don't understand why people can't just follow instructions when they are taking care of other people's children, even if its relatives. It drives me crazy too! My mum took Roh for a few hours, i left plenty of milk, more that twice what he needed, and when i got back she hadn't fed him at all, but had given him some water because "its hot and he was thirsty" :dohh: What the hell is the milk for!?!? :growlmad: Grr, i love my mum, but i was really mad, she got a real talking to! I feel for you :hugs:

Nightmare for me yesterday, i lost my footing in the street and fell over! I was carrying Roh in the baby carrier at the time though, i swear my heart nearly stopped i thought i was going to crush him!:cry: Luckily i managed to put my hands out to stop myself and went down on my knees rather than falling right over.
Not much damage done i skinned my hands and knees badly, ripped my jeans and hurt my only-just-mended back again :dohh: I was sooo terrified that i'd caught Roh's leg when i fell, but he didn't cry, and i lifted his hat so i could see if he was ok and he just gave me a "weird mummy why are we looking at the floor?" sort of look :haha: Phew, it really scared me though and i had a bit of a cry on the way home thinking how much worse it could have been :nope: I'm going to be walking extra carefully from now on!

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to you all!

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