Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

modo - :hugs: i wouldve been mad too! :grr:

emera - so glad u+roh were ok after your tumble. thats my fear with my sling! it must have given u such a fright! :hugs:
Seems so odd to me that you have issues with the seatbelts not being long enough to fit your car seats.... never heard of that before!

Jolou - congrats on finally getting some action again - lol! I know all about the long wait though... me and dh went from december until beginning of july without! Now we are right back into the swing of things though! Thank god.... I was feeling like a virgin again! A virgin with 2 kids nonetheless! LOL.

maybe - thanks for the pump advice... I probably am going to get the more expensive one. Now I'm debating between the avent isis duo or the medela pis... both have good reviews.... avent reviews say its more comfortable to use than medela, but harder to clean and put together. Its about $20-30 cheaper than the medela.... so i can't decide! I've had good luck with medela in the past.... geesh. I wish I could try them both out and decide!

About cars - I'm confused! 3 doors and 5 doors?? What? Here we have 2 doors and 4 doors. Are you including the trunk in the count? lol.

Oh, and Sarah - When I wrecked my 2-door car back in February, I ended up getting a 4 door, and it is world's easier! Def get a bigger car if you can!

Katie - how nice to get a new tv! I never really cared about our tv or how big it was or if it was high def or not, but we recently got a 48 inch (I think) and its AWESOME!!

emera - hugs to you! that must have been scary!
Emera that sounds so scary :hugs: so glad everything was ok!
LM - yeah over here we count the trunk (we call it the boot) as a door. not sure why though as you wouldnt get in the car through it :rofl:
About the breastpump i dont really know. i had an avent single electric one and that worked pretty well. i have heard good things about the medela also so i'm not sure which i'd go for. good luck deciding!!!

i need to clear up and do a spot of cleaning today. my sis and one of our friends are coming round for supper tonight. think we may get a thai takeaway from across the road.

yep LM i started feeling like a virgin again too lol tho i think OH was hoping his luck was in again last night haha nooo way ive had the worst headache since yestrday afternoon and still have it now!

emera glad you are both ok!

modo, i know what you mean about people not listening to how you do things! my mum is far worse this time around, she makes me feel im not good at what im doing!

talking of mum we are off to see her today and go see my grandad, harrison has never been to his flat and ive not been for such a long time, i normally only see grandad now if he is up taking mum out... i feel bad about it as i used to go about once a week when nan was alive but he never seems to want you there and it feels different going.

hope everyone has a nice day! im off to get some coffee in hopes it will clear the headache.. im sure its because i hardly had caffeine yesterday lol
What is it about our Mothers that make them think that they should not listen to us about our own children. My mother had 4 children so she thinks she knows everything. Things have changed since she had my brother 18 years ago.

If she had her way Bobby would have been wearing a vest, full length babygrow and bundled up in blankets because "its cold." Well maybe to her because she lives in Dubai but Bobby lives in the UK where it snows in January!!!! I mean if he is wearing so many layers now what would he need to wear in Autumn and Winter?!! Besides I have explained to her countless times about the dangers of SIDS and nothing seems to register.

Ok I need to go chill out!
Deep breath modo! yeah my MIL is all for wrapping owen up too even when it's almost 30degrees out! :rofl: just say yes yes yes and then do what you want :haha:
ok now seriously going to get on with the chores! have wasted best part of an hou looking on amazon for a gel case and screen protector for my new phone :haha:

jo - have a nice day out!
Emera how scary but how lucky you didn't fall on Rohan! Hope you are ok now.

Thanks Modo Oliver loves cuddles so I will give him one from you when he wakes up. Grrrr to your mother. Just because what they did with their own children worked doesn't mean that it is the best thing for YOUR child!

I have trouble with my mum too here are just a few issues we have had:
-She told me how enormous I was all the way through my pregnancy.

-She told me I was far too excited about being pregnant and did i not know that anything could go wrong any any time (I was around 8 weeks at the time and having had two early miscarriages I was well aware of what could go wrong).

-She then tried to make me see people a few days before my due date and told me i was really selfish and childish to refuse, this was even though I had told her before she invited guests to stay with her that i wouldn't be up for visitors and she ignored that.

- She keeps getting right in Oliver's face, holding him right up there the whole time she is holding him, not just giving him a kiss just holding him right up there with her face about half a centimetre from his. I don't know why as it means Oliver can't focus on her so doesn't smile or talk when she does it and he tries to wriggle away. This means I feel on edge the whole time about what she is going to do.

- She came to the church part of the christening then came to the party afterwards for less than half an hour. This was because she doesn't believe in having a big celebration for a christening (I do go to church every week so wasn't just doing it for the sake of it) and she apparently didn't feel welcome how she got that impression from the few minutes she was there I don't know as I spoke to her as soon as she came through the door!

-At the christening I had fed Oliver before we left the house then he needed a feed soon after we got to the party after so I popped out of the room to feed him. My mum suggested that i just 'break off his feed a bit early as it is his special day'. I said no as he feeds for different amounts of time each time and he will cry if he is still hungry and i take the food away.

-She keeps telling me how big Oliver is despite him being just above the 50th percentile line. She also says things like 'hello fatty' to hm. I would hate for him to grow up thinking he is big/fat so I always say things like 'awww you aren't fat little boy you are perfect.' My avatar picture is a recent pic of him i know he isn't a teeny baby but certainly isn't fat.

- I mentioned to her when he was no more than a week old that i was uncomfortable with people being right in his face and she said 'oh that doesn't apply to me though does it' I said well actually it did so she said she would try not to do it, then continued to do it everytime she holds him anyway. When I have been out with her and left Oliver with her so i could go to the loo I will come back and he will be awake/crying even if he was asleep when i left him a couple of mins before.

- She said i used to be good at letting other people hold him but not now. I don't know why she thinks this as I let everyone hold him, even my 3 year old godson, and have been like this all along and still gave him to her for cuddles despite being on edge!

- She turned up at our house a couple of weeks ago unannounced about 7pm and rang the doorbell waking Oliver up. She then spoke loudly to make sure he stayed awake and had a good poke at him too. She wondered why we were a bit annoyed- ermmm maybe because he has had a bath and milk, is in his babygrow for bed and was asleep so we were about to have dinner now you have woken him up and he is grumpy as he wants to be asleep and we wont get to eat for ages now! I have no problem with visits just text/phone first so we can tidy up the mess and get dressed if I am having a lazy day!

At the weekend we met for coffee and she brought up the fact that we hadn't really been getting on and asked why. I explained calmly that i felt on edge when I am with her as she was always right in his face and she said I should have told her (I did 12 weeks ago) and that i should tell her when things annoy me as all first time mothers have 'weird' things that upset them for some reason and that she wouldn't bite my head off. This from the woman who a few years ago told me we would be having words about 'this' when she got back (we were at my grandmas on holiday) and when i asked what 'this' was she wouldn't tell me so i had to wait two weeks to find out whilst wondering what i had done!). She also thought maybe I had postnatal depression as I was being so funny with her which I don't, I have never been so happy!

Oh and apparently all of the above are my problems nothing to do with her at all. Thing is she has some kind of weird power over me as I keep making an effort to see her and meet up with her then she just upsets me and I wonder why I bother. I also feel bad when I complain about her to my husband as she is my mum and she wants to see her grandson. I felt awful telling her at the weekend why I was funny with her, although she was absolutely fine and didn't look surprised at all I keep getting an image of her in my head of her sitting at home crying about it, though I am sure she didn't. She isn't all bad she loves Oliver so much, asks how he is all the time and loves hearing what new things he can do, she will spoil him rotten as he grows up and frequently asks for new pictures of him that she can show all her friends. That is why I feel bad for being mean about her to my husband. I don't think I am a horrible person so why do I feel like it?!

My husband thinks my mum is struggling with the fact that she knows she has always been able to get me to do what she wants by shouting/emotional guilt trip/insulting me.... but now i have my own child she can't do that anymore though she still tries. Oh i am not 16 by the way like you may think i am 29, haven't lived at home since i was 18 and i have been married 3 years! I had 24 years of being made to think all problems were mine so it's only since I met my husband 5 years ago that he has been trying to convince me that it isn't me at all and that my mum is used to using her usual methods to get her own way. What do you guys think?
Babyhope - nice to see you!! Well done with the sleeping! Sounds like you are doing fab! :hugs:

Modo - my car does have isofix but my seat doesn't :dohh: Sorry to hear about your issues with your mum, I would be soooooo annoyed!! I'm so lucky, my mum is amazing with Oliver and even though sometimes I can tell she might now agree with something I say or do she leaves me to it. I know she'd never go against something I asked etc. As an example, we're planning to do baby signing with Oliver, when I fist told her she had 'that' look on her face lol!! I explained it and she seemed better, and then a few days after she was asking if they could get a book etc so that they can learn the signs too. My parents are fab. When does your mum go home hun?

Emera - OMG you poor thing!! Thank goodness you are both okay - I bet it was worse for you than Roh. I'm so scared of doing something like that . . . I wore heels for the first time today and I made Steve carry Oliver, I need to get used to them again before I trust myself.

LogansMama - I've never heard of the seatbelts not been long enough for a car seat either . . . Steve is going to try later on and see if it's just me lol! And yeah, I think you are right about getting a four / five door lol!! I've been looking and I think I will go for a Freelander. Steve seems quite up for it, he joked about getting me a little car - I had a Ford Ka before the Saab but no way could I go back to a little car now lol!!!

Muddles - OMG, Oliver looks like he is just perfect!! Defnietly not fat!! Grrrr at your mum, he's just adorable :hugs: Those things she does would annoy me too. I'm glad you talked to her, I wish I had some advice for you, but I send you lots of hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oliverwoo had his second vaccinations today and he was sooooo good. We're having a relaxing afternoon now, I did all my house work this morning so I'm all Olivers this afternoon, bless him. He's napping at the mo.

Oh and on a good note, I got my ass back into my pre-pregnancy jeans today - woo hoo!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Modo - When we went on holiday there was a travel cot provided in the cottage so did not bother taking the moses basket. Che slept even better straight away in the travel cot so when got back just moved him into the travel cot I had at home and had no bother at all!

Logansmama - cannot believe you have to go back to work so soon. Poor thing!

Sarah - hope you manage to sort out the car seat. Yay for getting into pre pregnancy jeans. I am back in mine and having to get used to undoing the button and zip for a wee rather than just yanking them down!!

Modo - God how frustrating re your mum. Putting the bouncy chair in the pram - what are they on?! I am leaving Che with my mum for the first time for more than an hour on Friday in that she will be responsible for feeds etc. I THINK/HOPE I can trust her as she has been pretty good so far. My MIL on the other hand I reckon would have Che on weetabix as soon as my back was turned as she keeps going on about having solids etc.

Emera - glad the 2 of you are ok after the fall. I am petrified of falling or dropping Che

Thanks again for all your words of support and understanding. It does make me feel better that some of you others find your OH the same. I think DH had a bit of a shock on Sat - we had a bbq for our NCT class on Sat and the other dads were all really hands on etc and could deal with their LOs which I think shocked him a bit. On Sunday he offered to take Che on the walk when he took the dogs so I could get some sleep as I was knackered and that is the first time he offered to take Che on his own. Small steps and all that..........
CG - i am glad your DH is starting to help out! :thumbup:

Sarah - well done on getting skinny again! :yipee::wohoo: i still have a looooooooooooong way to go b4 i get in2 my pre-pregnancy jeans but then again i only have myself to blame as i dont stop eating rubbish :blush:

muddles - oliver isnt fat (i dread to think what your mum would think of owen who is on 91st centile :rofl: ) i think mothers have a hard time letting go and letting us live our lives. oh and you are not a bad person. sorry i cant write more but owen has just woken up.
Muddles: :hugs: I am sorry your Mom is being difficult :hugs: Oliver is not fat! I wonder what she would make of Bobby who is also on the 91st percentile.

Sarah: Well done!!!! :happydance: Very pleased for you :hugs:

CG sounds like progress to me :)
muddles - Your baby looks PERFECT and your mom sounds like - well - let me just say if she was MY MOM I'd be really annoyed too! I sometimes feel lucky that my mom lives in another state! As much as I'd love to have her close by - I think we get along better with her not - because I know if she were here I'd probably have the same issues you are!

Sarah - my mom is GOOD in that way too - that I know she would go along with what I say - but I most def get "the look" when I tell her some of my parenting things. For example - she has always frowned on my cosleeping... and would tell me to rub brandy on the babies gums for teething - things like that. She did once give my first born something to eat that I didn't want him to have and I flipped out a little - since then she hasn't pushed the boundaries too much. But like I said - she lives far away, so I only see her a couple times a year.

And congrats on the old jeans fitting again! I still have a few pounds to go. I hope it happens soon!

Cactus - About my returning to work - Thanks. It sucks - but so far I am handling it okay. Hopefully it will go smoothly. I'm not nearly as stressed about it this time as I was the first time around... although I'm sure I'll be a nervous wreck the night before I go....

Anyways - I am feeling really proud of my 4 yo today. He has gotten really good at jigsaw puzzles and did a 50 piece one tonight - all by himself - in about 20 minutes. I think thats amazing (don't know if it really is - but seems so to me!). I know a lot of my 2nd graders that probably couldn't do that!

And Dillon is as yummy as ever. I heard him laugh yesterday. Not a FULL ON laugh yet - but it was def a giggle. CUTEST THING EVER when they laugh!!
OMG what life we've had. OH's ex came here couple weeks ago when OH was at work and started yelling at me that what was I thinking when took her kids to China with me. Said I don't like her kids, I hate them, I treat them bad and so on. She just yelled while standing on the doorway. Kids were inside so terrified, Janely was trying to calm Kristan. God, I'm the one taking care of her kids, I'm with them all day long while OH is at work, I love them like Kristan, they're like my own kids. She didn't even care where her kids will go while we're away. Said that is our problem because kids are with us that time and now she comes and yells at me? She wanted to take kids with her but I said no because she wasn't capable of taking care of them. Called OH and asked him to hurry home. Next day she took kids and told she is taking them for 3 days but was gone for a week and when she came back Jannos' arm was broken. She didn't say anything, just gave kids and went. Thank god we started calling through hospitals to find out where they were and what happened. He has to wear plaster cast for a month and then go into rehab. We wouldn't know that if wouldn't called to hospitals because she didn't told us that. So on 27th August we'll go take that off. Kids told us where they've been, how their mom treated them. God, poor kids.
I'm sure there is a lot of mistakes but thinking of this made me so emotional. Uhh, I just can't believe how can she name herself mother.
I'll be catching up in a little while but right now there's somebody crying for me.
oh god marta thats awful!! i hope the kid are ok now!

boo i got in from weigh in and put 1llb on lol i guess all the weekends where ive had a celebration of some sort finally caught up with me and tis still not ended, we have a reception to goto saturday night, another the week after then at the end of the month is marks 30th and we are having a big family bbq! ho goddddddddd
modo - I know what you mean with your mother :hugs: My mom is tottaly okey with Kristan but OHs mom is not that much. She also insists me to cover him up. It's hot outside, he doesn't need that much clothes. One day OH's aunt tried to give Kristan banana although I had said no. Left them with baby and went outside with OH for a minute and when I came back saw his aunt giving banana to Kristan. I know it's almost okay to give him something to taste but if I said no then it's no. Took Kristan and told OH we're leaving. Hope they got my point and will be listening from now on.
emera35 - that must have been frightening. When I'm wearing Kristan in sling I always watch my steps so carefully, especially when using stairs. I'm just so afraid that I'll fall over or smth.
Sarahwoo - :happydance: for pre-pregnacy pants :thumbup:
Martia you are a super step mum, what a cow their real mother is! I can't believe she didn't say anything about the broken arm!! Did you find out how he did it? Gosh it makes Steve's ex look almost normal lol!!!

I'm need a quick rant. I'm not even sure its justified tbh. Steve has a lot of stress from work at the moment, lots and lots going on and I know he's got a lot of stress and pressure etc. He tells me all about whats going on and I offer advice if I can, but he's probably the hardest time he's had in that job. So he had a day off on Friday, and we went out and had a nice day although while we were out he probably spent an hour or so on different phone calls and then we had to call in at his work so he could collect some figures from the office to prepare for a meeting. He worked Saturday and Sunday, on both days he slept in quite late. Monday he was off, again he slept in. He was going to get up earlier but was tired so he slept in. Yesterday he got up at 1pm - but he went to bed when I did at 11pm the night before. I think he only got up at 1pm because Oliver had his vaccinations and I made it quite clear that he WAS coming with us. So last night he left for work at 5pm, as he had an event to attend. He didn't get home until 6am. I text him last night saying I wasn't feeling great and he said he would take Oliver so I could get some sleep this morning, but obviously he was home too late to do that. He said he'd get up at lunch time, so at 12 I went to wake him and he barely even acknowledged me. I took a shower, with Oliver sat where I could see him in his bouncer, went into our bedroom and got dressed etc and still he didn't get up. So now its 2pm, and still no sign of him getting up. I KNOW he's stressed with work - but surely he should want even more to make the most of his days off? I was hoping we might go out for the day or something but its going to be too late to really do anything now. ARGH! The more I'm writing the more pissed off I'm getting so I think I'd better leave this and go get a coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am I been mean?
i dont think ur being mean, we have stressful days some days and we dont get to just sleep it off, we have to carry on. he should at least comprimise with you and et up earlier 2pm/..

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