Sarah - You aren't being unreasonable i don't think, but then i doubt Steve thinks he's doing anything wrong either and is trying to cope with the stress from work in the only way he knows how. Likely it would actually make him feel like he had more of a break and a proper day off if he spent some quality time with you and Oliver, but that probably hasn't occured to him.
OH and i have an agreement that if he's stressed then he gets one of his days off to chill, sleep, play computer games or whatever he wants, and then the other one he has to spend with Roh and me as a family. Its really improving our relationship that we definately have one whole day fully together, and he feels fine because he gets a whole day to himself. Maybe you just need to talk to Steve and tell him how important it is to you that at least once a week he's up and available and ready to do some sort of family activity? And also make him see that he has one day to do exactly as he pleases?
Don't know if that would work for you
, but its certainly cut down on my frustration (which i then pass on to OH in the form of nagging and he gets grumpy, etc etc, viscious circle and all that...) and helps me not to have expectations which then i feel let down because OH had different ideas. Hope you are ok!
Marta - How awful! Their mother sounds totally irresponsible, so good that they have you to give them a stable environment! You must be amazing to take all that on
Logansmama - I'd be dead proud too, sounds like you have a clever little man there!
Jo - 1 lb gain! Never mind its not all that much really, and once the string of fun weekends is out of the way you can spend some boring ones losing weight
Can you tell i'm making no effort to shift this extra 3 stone i'm carrying? Now where did that peice of cake get to?...
CG - Hope you have a great time at the festival!
Muddles - I remember that you were having trouble with your Mother back in 3rd tri
she does sound pretty manipulative. I sympathise, my FIL is the same, although happily he isn't particularly interested in interferring with me or Roh, mostly because i don't stand for it. He can be really awful with OH though, guilt-tripping him into lending money or going over to his for both his days off to fix stuff up for him. He phones each week saying his computer isn't working and so OH goes over (its 2.5 hours drive away) and starts the computer up and it works fine
If he doesn't go its phone calls twice a day with sob stories etc. Shame, as he's clearly just lonely, but the way he goes about things just pisses my OH off.
Problem is, like my FIL, your Mum isn't really likely to change any time soon. I guess its just finding an appropriate way to deal with the situation and living with it
wish there was a solution.
Maybebaby3 - Glad you had a nice lunch. I don't use Lilypadz, but like you i leak alot. I have to say though i've been using the pads from mothercare and i think they are really poor quality, i bought a load as they were on offer, but they seem to fall apart really fast
The lining comes off, i went to BF Roh in a cafe the other day and took down my bra and just loads of fluff and bits came out, i had to go to the bathroom and wash as it was all stuck around my boob! Really annoying!
Happily i'm all recovered from the scary fall (excpet massive bruises on my knee, not a good look!)! Worst part of it was i was in trainers and i always walk slowly and carefully when i'm carrying Roh, not sure how i lost my footing, but i guess accidents can happen. Good to know that my instincts kicked in fast.
Had a tough day today, it was Roh's final set of jabs and boy was he not happy about it! He screamed loads worse than the first 2 lots, it was heartbreaking!
I really hate it, happily there is no more for another 8 months now!
He's sleeping very heavily this evening, but certainly hasn't gone off his food, he had his normal 8oz of expressed milk at bedtime, and then wouldn't go to sleep until he'd had another 3oz
seriously that child must have hollow legs!
I'm just sitting here feeling fed up as OH has been at work all day and is out for the evening as a friend is visiting from Australia and is in town for 1 day only. I don't mind him being out really, just that i'm feeling down today and could do with the company
Ah well Roh and I are going to my Mum's for the weekend, and i'll get to catch up with all my cousins, they haven't met Roh yet, so it should be lovely, so i have that to look forwards to
Just feeling really uneasy this evening...
Blimey, well, thats my life story this evening!
all round