Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Sarahwoo - they were climbing on something. Kids told that actually they wasn't supposed to climb there because it wasn't safe but they were on their own and their kids.
I don't think you're being mean with Steve. I think that maybe he needs that sleep because of stressful days but I think that you have every right to want him spend days off with you :hugs:
maybebaby3 - fingers crossed for your OH.
LogansMama - I can't wait when we can christen Kristan.

Kristan isn't giggling with voice. He only smiles and rare. Lazy boy we have here.
Hmm i do like pineapple, and grapefruit too, think i'll just eat both, thanks for the tip LM :)

Yay off to stay with my Mum for the weekend this morning, quite excited as i love the village she lives in and i'll see all my cousins :) Plus i'll be happy to see my Mum hehe! She's also booked me a Shiatsu session which i'm really looking forwards to :)

Oh now Roh woke up! Have a good weekend all!

Hi all,

Thanks for reassuring me about the comments my Mum has made you girls are great. :flower: I don't know why anyone would dream of calling a baby fat, they wouldn't say it to an adult so why think it's ok to say it to a child, especially as I don't think any baby is fat! My H said if there is a next time I should touch my boobs and say 'yeah these bad boys are doing a great job aren't they' He reckons that will embarass them and make them be quiet. Ha ha ha

- what a nightmare! How is Janno's arm?
Sarah- well done for getting back into your jeans! I'd be tempted to feed Oliver then go in and give him to your husband and say something like 'ok I'm off for a shower here's your baby.' Don't give him the option to tell you he is having a lie in! My H has a coupkle of computer nights a week where he plays games with some friends online and then a couple of nights a week i go swimming (I feed Oliver then go straight away so I can be back for the next feed as he wont take a bottle). Any developments on the new car front?
CG- glad your H is seeing what other people's partners do, maybe that was the wake up call he needed.
Logans Mama- that's sounds good about the puzzle. How long do you have left until you go back to work? Is the power back on now?
Jolou- sounds like a busy time for you. Sure the weight will come off once you get a few quieter weeks.
maybebaby- night time is my problem time for leaking as I always wake up soaked because the pads either move or they are soaked through because there is so much. During the day the only time i leak is if i have a let down. Have heard good things about those lilypadz but not tried them myself. How did your OH interviews go? Oliver started with the open mouth silent laugh then one day the sounds magically came out too.
emera- glad you are feeling ok after your fall. Have heard the third set of jabs are the worst so not looking forward to them. Have a lovely weekend catching up with family.
babyhope- Oliver loves mirrors too, he smiles at himself and me. We got a little sun shaped one from Boots which he likes a lot if I hold it. This it is it:
modo-how was Bobby's first night in his cot? Could you try something like fit flops until you get seen they are really comfortable and like walking on cushions.
AFC84- hi :wave: how are things going for you?

Oliver laughs and I love making him do it. He has loads of hair and when I blow on it and make a 'woo hooo hoo' noise he laughs and laughs. Also for some weird reason once I put his car seat in the car if I then go and stand looking looking through the back windscreen then as soon as he sees me he giggles. It's so cute.

I am sitting here giggling. Oliver is asleep in his cot and I keep hearing him farting loudly through the monitor. :rofl: He is such a boy already.

We are meeting one of my friends for lunch today so I am looking forward to that.
Bobby spent the night in his new cot without any problems! I have just listed his moses basket on eBay. I can't believe it only lasted him 2 months and three weeks! I won't buy one next time and next baby can use the new cot then the cotbed.

I am having a hard time burping Bobby today and I don't know why :( he isn't getting as much sleep during his naps because of this :(
Nah - we have power... but 2 walls of my house don't... luckily nothing important runs off those two walls (just the tv and some lights). My uncle is supposed to come down maybe tomorrow to see whats up with it.

I go back to work on the 16th... so like 10 more days? Wow. Its really creeping up on me now!
Wow LM good luck! I am sure everything will go fine :)


I don't think Bobby has been getting much sleep in his naps today. I was just about to give him his bottle when he started screaming! It was so frightening :( I kept trying to comfort him but he just kept crying :( I would put the bottle in his mouth he would drink a little and scream. I tried burping him with no result. I was sobbing with him at this point :(

In the end I swaddled him, put him down and gave him his paci and he fell asleep straight away. I am feeling just shell-shocked right now :cry:
I've missed too much to catch up :lol:
Marta, the kids mum sounds awful, good job they've got you :flower:
Maria, Daisy does that sometimes too, it's scary isn't it!
Muddles, it sounds like Oliver is coming on fab! He sounds like a cutie.
LM, I can't believe you're back to work so soon!
Emera, have a lovely weekend.
Sarah, I used to have the same problem with Vinny. I think it's fair to expect one of his days off to be with you and the baby!
Sorry to anyone I've missed.
Well Daisy is still a giant- 16lbs 4oz :shock:
I can't believe our babies are getting so grown up :( I want another one! :lol:
Hm, I can't remember what else I was going to say. I miss you all, I need to get my Internet connected!
hi all on my phone so sorry if i miss anythin!

modo - owen has been really fussy the past few days it is horrid. hope bobby is back to his old self soon!

emera - have a great time at your mums!

logansmama - did u decide on a breastpump yet?

muddles - i like your OH suggestion :rofl:
sarah - yey for shopping sprees!

owen wont settle again! am bf him in bed. havent even had time for shower yet! OH feeling ill and lying on sofa. cant feel much sympathy tho as am sleep deprived and still sorting everything round the flat as usual plus the kids! owen seems to have dozed off so going to shower! have a fab weekend all xxx
ooh katie daisy is doing so well gaining weight! cant wait to find out how much owen weighs but have to wait til 16th!
maybe - not really but I think I'm leaning towards the medela. For now I have just been making due with the one I have.... I'll have to get one soon though.
morning all. i am so tired. finally got off to bed at 1am and owen woke again at 4am and then again a couple of times before the other 2 woke up and came into bed with us. managed to keep them in there a while but then had to get up to get them breakfast. so tired have a headache. when is owen going to start sleeping better :shrug: he seems to be getting worse as before he'd go to bed at 11-12 and sleep 3-4 but now he wont settle til about 1am and wakes about 4 times. last night he didnt even settle quickly after his feed :sad2:

sorry for the moaning post. hope you all have a wonderful weekend :hugs:
Katie that's fab that Daisy is a good healthy weight.

Maybe any chance of you getting a little afternoon nap whilst your OH watches the kids?

Modo How is Bobby today? That's great he slept in his cot so well.

We are going swimming today, tried it once a couple of weeks ago and Oliver was way more interested in watching people walking around the edge of the pool and the lights than he was of the pool. I was trying to keep his face out of the shower afterwards and he was trying his hardest to launch himself under the water of the shower and smiled every time it ran down his face. Little monkey :lol: He has started splashing in his bath so maybe he will be more interested today.

Had a nice lunch with my friend yesterday and she thought Oliver was very cute. He was a good boy when we were out and was happy to lie in his pram playing with a muslin and a chew toy whilst we ate then soon as I was done he wanted to be picked up and be upright-he puts his feet on my legs and tries to push himself upwards so unless I get out of the way he headbuts me! He loves looking around everywhere so just wants to be 'standing' all the time and does his little fake cry until I put him upright. I do let him kind of stand but I am holding his weight as I am not sure if he should be standing at only 3 months.

Anyone got nice plans for the weekend?
muddles - owen does the same thing as oliver, he loves 'standing'. are you planning to get him a baby walker? my other 2 had one and they both liked it. i saw one in mothercare for £40 the other day but didnt get it as wouldnt get use out of it yet so it'd just be taking up room even in the box and we haventgot that much room in our flat. oh and as for the possibility of an afternoon nap i think it's more likely pigs will fly :rofl: probably go to the beach either here or spain later. enjoy the pool!
maybebaby My sister in law offered us her jumperoo thingy as my nephew has outgrown it. Have heard they are good fun. I like the idea of a babywalker as I remember finding it hilarious watching my little sister whizzing round the room in hers. Are you going to get one for Owen? What age can you use them? Although Oliver holds his head up well as you can see in my avatar piccie he can be a bit lazy and just let it flop! He is the same with rolling over, spent a week or so desperately trying to do it but now seems to have given up as he has realised that i will put him on his back for a bit then put him on his tummy. :lol:

Sorry you wont get a nap, enjoy the beach.

Again I've not been on for ages, how are you all - good I hope!!

Just wondering what you all think. Will is 3 months and I have this gut feeling that his dummy has done it's job (wind) and should go before we start getting up in the night to put it back in. It's partly because he has gone back to feeding twice in the night and isn't sleeping very well in the day and I wonder if it's because it keeps falling out and he can't settle? Sleeps very well on me though!

We also have another problem in that he doesn't go to sleep awake and has to be bounced to sleep with me holding him on my birthing ball, I then put him in his bed asleep. I worry about letting him cry himself to sleep as it's heart wrenching when he gets sooo distressed. I was thinking about getting him to go cold turkey with the dummy and sticking with the bouncing for a bit longer and addressing that later?? He's really good in the night and goes back after a feed without the dummy, usually.....

Anyone have any advice??

I feel really sad that I am learning on him and next time there are already so many things I would do differently! I really wanted him to have the best straight off!
I had to put Bobby down on his tummy for his nap today. He was just not sleeping o his back and kept screaming from over-tiredness. He slept for three hours, had his bottle, played and slept again for two hours.

He seemed so much happier when he woke up but I was crying because I was so scared. I didn't leave the room the whole time he was sleeping.

He never has a problem sleeping on his back at night. He has just had his last bottle, bath and I have now swaddled him and put him down on his back.
Maybe - I hope Owen starts to sleep better for you soon. Maybe he is having a growth spurt - ya think? I have been so very lucky with Dillon so far! I just know thats gonna change when I go back to work. He's probably gonna want to make up for missed time with me in the day by hanging out with me during the night! LOL...

muddles - Thats awesome that you have already been swimming with Oliver. I haven't taken Dillon in the pool yet... I'm too nervous! We go all the time, but I just sit him in the shade. As for weekend plans - I have some possible awesome ones - but I'll discuss them more below when I get to me... Oh - and DEF get the jumperoo if you can! Especially if he likes to stand! My 1st was like that and LOVED his jumperoo... Dillon is not into "standing" so much - but I swear Logan wanted to from the day he was born! I do have an exersaucer for Dillon, but haven't used it yet. He's a little too small for it just yet. Probably in a few weeks though.

LC - don't feel bad! Everyone has to learn - and not with just the first baby - cause they are all different! He IS getting the best straight off! As far as the dummy goes - I have no advice for you! Wish I did! Lucky for me - Dillon uses his thumb most of the time (when he can find it). He still nurses to sleep - and I use the swing A LOT! That things a life saver! I think the only thing I'm really doing different with this baby is that I am not fighting things as much! I mean - I just go with whatever works - to hell with what I'm "supposed to do" - kwim? If it works - I'm not gonna fight it!

modo - I think as long as you are keeping an eye on him - the tummy is fine. I wouldn't do it at bedtime when you are sleeping - but as long as you are up and checking on him - I don't see it as a big problem. I know its a SIDS risk and is scary - but he was obviously more comfy that way and you were watching... Like I said - whatever works (for the most part!).

As for weekend plans - We might might might be goin to Disney World tomorrow! Oh - I hope so! We have free tickets, and $100 to spend on food in the park... so all we really need to do is pay for a hotel and gas. Not too bad. Its about a 3 hour drive from my house. If we go - we will drive up tomorrow, sleep overnight at the hotel, go to the park on Monday, then either drive home that night, or sleep one more night at the hotel and come home in the morning. We aren't sure if we are going to go yet - depends on if DH makes good money tonight at work or not.... If we don't go now, we will go in the next couple months... we have to use our tickets before December.

The other issue is the weather - its SOOOO hot out! And then its predicted thunderstorms too - which would help with the heat - but neither situation is great for the wee one. We'll see.... I'll keep you posted and let you know if we go or not. I hope we do. Logan has been a couple times already - and we are all dying to go back. It really is the happiest place on earth - LOL!
Thanks for the nice words LM!

Logan will have a great time at Disney World I am sure. My family went there in the 80's when I was a child and we all had such a great time :) My uncle used to live in Tampa so we all spent a summer in Florida. I remember there used to be a submarine and my sister threw up when it got low down!
Logansmama - OOh enjoy disney world!!! how exciting! we went there when i was 13. we went to stay with my cousin in toronto and did a road trip down to florida. what is an exersaucer?

LC - dont beat yourself up. as LM said all babies are different anyway! if you can go cold turkey with the dummy then go for it if you feel the time is right. though guidelines do say use them til 6 months to reduce the risk of SIDS so maybe you want to wait til then.

Modo - owen naps better on his tummy. i was really worried at 1st but i think that i is ok. after all all babies used to sleep like that. i think if we are on top of them there isnt a need to worry too much. my sil was here last night and she put him in his crib and when i went to look she'd put him on his tummy. after thinking about what to do i left him there. he slept 12-2.30 woke but settled with his dummy and then slept til 5 when h had a feed. i dont think i'll be making a habit of putting him on his tummy though.

muddles - i am definately getting a walker. i used one with dylan and erin from about 5 months but mainly at 1st just so they were in a sanding position. i didnt want them to put too much weight on their legs. gradually they started using it to move around. i would love a jumperoo but OH will prob kill me b4 he lets me get one. we have a doorframe bouncer but i'm afraid to use it this time around as dylan and erin are constantly riding round on their car/motorbike/trike/truck ride ons so i would have to be keping a close eye!

we were going to the beach today but the weather is hot but cloudy so i'm not sure i fancy it like that. OH is asleep so cant ask him what he thinks!

owen is getting more clingy - not good. got to go as he's crying catch u all later!

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