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Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

emera that pic is soo cute!

harrison is doing well! he got weighed today properly by the HV and not by my wii fit ;) and he has gained some of his weight back. we have been having problems winding him after a feed, can take an hour just to get a teeny weeny burp and its even worse at night resulting in a very tired trio and a 5 yr old wondering why we look like death warmed up lol. HV recommended a few things to try, we are to prop his moses basket up slightly on one end with a few books under the stand so he is slanted more, also we are to try him in his bouncer chair in the day after a feed rather than laying him back down, which makes sense to me since he does seem a lot happier when he is more upright after a feed so we are trying to out today, so he is sat infront of me sleeping in his bouncer whislt i finally get around to sticking photos on facebook!#

I heard about that baby odeon thing a while back, but not at the odeon, it was at cineworld, same thing as the odeon tho.
Hiya ladies would love to join you - I had my son (was team yellow) on April 26th - 4 days before due date. Can't believe he's 16 days old already. I'm loving being a mummy but I'm absolutely exhausted - he sleeps all day and is awake all night. Besides that, it's wonderful :cloud9: The visitors have trailed off, almost all our family and friends have now seen him - that really didn't help at the start when I was really sore and completely shattered and shell-shocked. Next baby I'm definitely putting a ban on visitors for at least a week and anyone who turns up un-announced will be turned away lol
AFC- Im in Fareham, so still a bit far away!

I think Freya is having a growth spurt. fed solidly for an hour last night had about 40 min break and then another 30 mins! was draining and my nipples hurt!

This morning we went to a baby group! It was really busy, so hope to meet some nice people there! they had loads of play mats, i cant wait for Freya to start reacting to them! We then did a little foot print in clay! Its so tiny!!

She is having a lovely sleep now!

Hubbie is sick, coming down with a cold/flu so has gone to bed! Bless, he is due to go back to work tomorrow so not good timing for him! I will miss him!

I have to go food shopping which is my least favourite activity as it always seems to take me ages as i just seem to wander! and it costs loads!
Re; these problems with wind/colic

I always find 'cycling' my babys legs very gently releases wind if pent up,dont ask me why but it works...also laying along arm belly down at an angle and rubbing back gently...lavendar oil also in a bit of base oil rubbed on belly anti-clockwise is good too but I would do this with lightest of touch as babe could throw it all up.

All good here went to an NCT baby group which was fab-really enjoyed it and was given some tips on getting milk supply up as I ummed-and arred about BF Harry but have been putting him on 3-4 times a day and he has 6oz's formula too-for such a weeny baby he likes his milk! he is over 8lbs now so please with that well he was of last Friday dont know what he weighs presently.

Hope all good
i second the cycling with the legs thing with the colic/wind altho i do it more to help poo, he was having trouble last week with that and since doing the cycling he tends to go pretty soon after, i also massage his tummy every now and then, aswel as a massage after a bath, which he loves! he totally takes after his mummy lol.
Hah AFC, its always nice to know that your baby is "normal" :) Glad to hear Roh isn't the only baby to headbutt people!

And yeah Logansmama, Roh was pretty tiny, none of his babygros fitted at all, here is a picture of him with his bear, you can see he's quite little, and the feet of the babygro are totally empty :haha::haha: He is just about at newborn size now, but then, technically he was due on 7th of May, so i guess thats about right :)


Awww how cute! :cloud9:

Well I think its safe to say Finley really WAS going through a growth spurt...he was 6lb 4oz at birth, then 6lb 14oz last Monday, and today [9 days later] he's 7lb 14oz! :o Little porker! :D

Hiya ladies would love to join you - I had my son (was team yellow) on April 26th - 4 days before due date. Can't believe he's 16 days old already. I'm loving being a mummy but I'm absolutely exhausted - he sleeps all day and is awake all night. Besides that, it's wonderful :cloud9: The visitors have trailed off, almost all our family and friends have now seen him - that really didn't help at the start when I was really sore and completely shattered and shell-shocked. Next baby I'm definitely putting a ban on visitors for at least a week and anyone who turns up un-announced will be turned away lol

Oooh congrats, same date as me...he's gorgeous! Did you have any boy/girl feelings during pregnancy?

Don't blame ya with the visitors...I spent a week in hospital and banned everyone except mine and OH's parents :)

AFC- Im in Fareham, so still a bit far away!

I think Freya is having a growth spurt. fed solidly for an hour last night had about 40 min break and then another 30 mins! was draining and my nipples hurt!

This morning we went to a baby group! It was really busy, so hope to meet some nice people there! they had loads of play mats, i cant wait for Freya to start reacting to them! We then did a little foot print in clay! Its so tiny!!

She is having a lovely sleep now!

Hubbie is sick, coming down with a cold/flu so has gone to bed! Bless, he is due to go back to work tomorrow so not good timing for him! I will miss him!

I have to go food shopping which is my least favourite activity as it always seems to take me ages as i just seem to wander! and it costs loads!

Ah right...wow I wish Finley would feed for that long, at the moment he's feeding around every 90mins on average, and usually for 10-20 mins...wish he'd space it out a bit more and just feed for longer but I'm putting up with it for now because he seems to be quite an easy baby [so far, touch wood!]

Oooh I'd love to get a footprint casting done, they had some in hospital that I was looking at...I've also got my eye on the fingerprint/footprint jewellery, they're gorgeous!

Re; these problems with wind/colic
I always find 'cycling' my babys legs very gently releases wind if pent up,dont ask me why but it works...also laying along arm belly down at an angle and rubbing back gently...lavendar oil also in a bit of base oil rubbed on belly anti-clockwise is good too but I would do this with lightest of touch as babe could throw it all up.

Thanks, I'll have to give those a go...Finley seems to have had his first real bout of wind last night/today :(
I said boy from the minite I found out I was pregnant but every single person I spoke to predicted a girl which sewed a seed. I was shocked when they said BOY, but not..if you get me?! I like the winding tip of cycling the legs!!
I know what you mean...everyone said I was "definitely" having a girl from all the old wives tales about pregnancy symptoms, bump shape etc etc...and it convinced me I was too! Except I only lasted til my 20wk scan and couldn't take the suspense :roll:

Oh...did anyone else have a forceps delivery btw?
Emera- That picture is so cute! I think I want to take a picture like that! I've been trying to find ways on how to capture just how tiny Dylan is but everytime I take a picture it always makes him look bigger than real life:haha:

I have been trying to breastfeed, but I am having a really hard time and don't think it will last long. Dylan has a hard time latching, and i think it is because my nipples are sometimes flat. Also i have been pumping but I think because I don't breast feed regularly I am not making that much milk, yesterday I only got ONE oz out!!! So frustrating because I really wanted to breastfeed.

Tomorrow will be a week since I had my son, I can't believe how time is flying, but I am still traumatized by my labor...haha...I think that is why I haven't written my birth story yet because just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes because I feel sorry for myself:haha:
Hello Ladies!

My LO is 1 week and 1 day today. Just wondering how much formula your LO is taking?

So far today she has had:
7.30 - 6oz
13.30 - 4oz
17.30 - 4oz
19.00 - 3oz

Does this seem like too much? She weighed 9lbs at birth.

Also, she seems to be struggling to poo today? And her poo is like paste. Sorry if TMI. Is this normal? xx

harrison today had

4:30am 3oz
9:30am 3oz
1:30pm 2 1/2 oz
5:30pm 2 1/2 oz

he isnt due another untill around 9ish but he is already showing hunger signs! harrison weighed 9llb1oz but wouldnt have even an oz of milk untill he was 2 days old.

what formula are u using?
Thought would put pic of Harry on being so am too thick to work out how to do avator but will try that too
Oh...did anyone else have a forceps delivery btw?

me...i had an epiostomy and i ended up with a 3rd degree tear...not nice...

had ollie at HV on tuesday and he's now 9lb 1oz, i dont know where he puts it tho the 1st size clothes are still too big for him...he still wears tiny baby clothes but babygros hes in newborn size so im thinkin he must be long never had him measured tho they dont seem to do that here ill need to get my tape out

hope all LO and mummies are doing well xxx
Cute pic bexxie :)

Oh...did anyone else have a forceps delivery btw?

me...i had an epiostomy and i ended up with a 3rd degree tear...not nice...

had ollie at HV on tuesday and he's now 9lb 1oz, i dont know where he puts it tho the 1st size clothes are still too big for him...he still wears tiny baby clothes but babygros hes in newborn size so im thinkin he must be long never had him measured tho they dont seem to do that here ill need to get my tape out

hope all LO and mummies are doing well xxx

Oh poor you...I was just wondering if you were still feeling really bruised in general down there, but with a 3rd degree tear as well I'm sure that can't be pleasant! :hugs: It's just that my episiotomy doesn't bother me now, but I feel bruised in other areas which I'm assuming is from the forceps :(

I'm having the same problem with clothes too...Finley's now 7lb 14oz but the legs are too short on the tiny baby clothes, and even some of the newborn babygros which are massive on him everywhere else! When I was pregnant the midwives/sonographers said he had long legs so I think that must be it, need to get the scissors out I think!
lol my mum actually suggested that! i've not tried it yet i guess its ok for the babygros to be too big on the body at nighttime anyway i wouldnt want my PJ's skin tight on me so i guess he doesnt either...

i am still feeling a bit bruised and im sure its from the forceps cause ive checked my stitches and stuff and they seem fine..funny thing is it doesnt look bruised just feels it maybe my body is just odd!

Ollie's really blocked up today poor little lamb he cant get a good sleep with it (which in turn means neither can i but im not too bothered about that) went to minor aliments but they wouldnt give him nasal drops because the doctors hasnt got round to registering him yet! HV suggested boiling a kettle n lettin the steam unblock him but that didnt really seem to work ah the joys! xxx
I think Harry might have colic, how do you know? I am usually really self-assured and am so not used to feeling out of my depth.

We simply cannot get Harry to settle. He will fall asleep on my breast but no matter how long I leave it, if I put him down whether on my bed, in moses basket or in his bouncer he will wake within a few minutes and start screaming, sometimes he looks in pain, sometimes he looks really, really sad and it's breaking my heart but he will stop as soon as either DH or I pick him up.

He's fine at night but we are co-sleeping, which I want to stop, he wriggles and thrashes his arms so much that he takes up a lot of room and neither DH nor I are particularly comfortable, DH has spent a few nights on the sofa! I've tried settling him in his moses basket but with his arm thrashing, I think it's too narrow but his cot-bed won't fit in our room.

I've just spent 20 minutes in tears, I don't know what to do!
MrsGlitz, do you swaddle Harry to sleep? I know that I have to swaddle Rohan really tightly before he'll settle, and if his arms escape while he's napping (which they regularly do, he's a real Houdini!) then he'll start yelling, and sounding like he is straining. I thought at first that he was in pain, but i've found that if i re-swaddle him and give him his dummy, he settles right back down peacefully. I also use 2 blankets rolled up on either side of him when he's in his Moses basket, that way he feels totally secure and like he's being tightly held, its the only way he'll go off to sleep. I'm not sure if this will solve you're problem, but its helped me.

I have the opposite problem, in that he hates co-sleeping with me :( I just can't get him to feel secure in the big bed, even if i hug him to me, its a shame because it really would be easier for the brestfeeding if i could have him in bed with me at times. He's just never settled at all unless he's all tucked up in his basket. Ah well, as long as he's happy and gets a good sleep :)
I've tried swaddling, I'm obviously not doing it right as he still manages to free himself. He won't have normal blankets over him either. I have just seen another post re swaddling so will try again. Do you swaddle before getting Rohan latched? Will try the rolled up blankets on the sides too, thank you!

I am now beginning to wonder if maybe Harry is going through the 2 week growth spurt a bit early? He had a 40 minute feed, was quite for 20 minutes and has started crying and rooting again!
lol my mum actually suggested that! i've not tried it yet i guess its ok for the babygros to be too big on the body at nighttime anyway i wouldnt want my PJ's skin tight on me so i guess he doesnt either...

i am still feeling a bit bruised and im sure its from the forceps cause ive checked my stitches and stuff and they seem fine..funny thing is it doesnt look bruised just feels it maybe my body is just odd!

Ollie's really blocked up today poor little lamb he cant get a good sleep with it (which in turn means neither can i but im not too bothered about that) went to minor aliments but they wouldnt give him nasal drops because the doctors hasnt got round to registering him yet! HV suggested boiling a kettle n lettin the steam unblock him but that didnt really seem to work ah the joys! xxx

Yeah that's true...I have a few teeny pairs of socks so I might hack away I think :lol:

Yeah I'm the same, no visible bruising...its mainly my outer labia that just kill! Oh, little word of advice...I found some arnica cream and thought it'd be ok....noooo! Burns like hell down there, had to wash it straight off :rofl: The tablets would be better I reckon but there's not much point now.

Aww poor thing, how annoying about the doctors :( Same sort of thing as the kettle really but maybe you could try sticking the shower on and sitting in the bathroom with him with the door shut? Might be worth a try anyway!

I think Harry might have colic, how do you know? I am usually really self-assured and am so not used to feeling out of my depth.

We simply cannot get Harry to settle. He will fall asleep on my breast but no matter how long I leave it, if I put him down whether on my bed, in moses basket or in his bouncer he will wake within a few minutes and start screaming, sometimes he looks in pain, sometimes he looks really, really sad and it's breaking my heart but he will stop as soon as either DH or I pick him up.

He's fine at night but we are co-sleeping, which I want to stop, he wriggles and thrashes his arms so much that he takes up a lot of room and neither DH nor I are particularly comfortable, DH has spent a few nights on the sofa! I've tried settling him in his moses basket but with his arm thrashing, I think it's too narrow but his cot-bed won't fit in our room.

I've just spent 20 minutes in tears, I don't know what to do!


I'm certainly no expert so I could be talking crap but from what I've read, you can't really do anything to soothe babies with colic....no matter how much you cuddle them it doesn't help, so maybe it's something else :( Finley has been similar for the last couple of nights, and I *think* it's just wind rather than colic. I also read that colic usually comes on in the evening, not sure why though!

I'm going to grab some Infacol which works for both anyway so could be worth a go :)

Have you noticed any difference in colour of his top lip [well, the bit between his mouth and nose?]
I think Harry might have colic, how do you know? I am usually really self-assured and am so not used to feeling out of my depth.

We simply cannot get Harry to settle. He will fall asleep on my breast but no matter how long I leave it, if I put him down whether on my bed, in moses basket or in his bouncer he will wake within a few minutes and start screaming, sometimes he looks in pain, sometimes he looks really, really sad and it's breaking my heart but he will stop as soon as either DH or I pick him up.

He's fine at night but we are co-sleeping, which I want to stop, he wriggles and thrashes his arms so much that he takes up a lot of room and neither DH nor I are particularly comfortable, DH has spent a few nights on the sofa! I've tried settling him in his moses basket but with his arm thrashing, I think it's too narrow but his cot-bed won't fit in our room.

I've just spent 20 minutes in tears, I don't know what to do!


I'm certainly no expert so I could be talking crap but from what I've read, you can't really do anything to soothe babies with colic....no matter how much you cuddle them it doesn't help, so maybe it's something else :( Finley has been similar for the last couple of nights, and I *think* it's just wind rather than colic. I also read that colic usually comes on in the evening, not sure why though!

I'm going to grab some Infacol which works for both anyway so could be worth a go :)

Have you noticed any difference in colour of his top lip [well, the bit between his mouth and nose?]

Yeah, I just read that. It's frustrating not having an answer. Also his feeding has stepped up massively today. and being that I am BFing I asm knackered and hungry. I have homemade chips and steak for dinner, wonder if I will get to eat?!

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