Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

i dont know what is wrong with OH. he's not interested in being intimate at all. he doesnt even give me a kiss or anything. if he is in bed and then i come in after settling the baby he just gets up and goes into the living room. today i settled owen and put on some nice undies and went up to him and told him the baby was asleep and i'd put nice clean sheets on the bed and i might as well have been stood there wearing a bin bag! :cry: i feel so yucky and unattractive :cry: i dont think he fancies me at all :nope: i mean what bloke turns down sex :shrug::cry:
evening all :hi:

LM - glad your first day back wasnt too painful, apart from the wasted hours. I would have got really aggitated, I hate wasting time :haha:

frufru- Katie is right, Joni has changed loads. I guess all our babies have since they were newborns :cry: its going so fast. she is beautiful though! And dont worry about the BF, it's more important that her mummy isnt all stressed out and you've done an amazing job so far :hugs::hugs:

Katie - hope the washing is going ok, I always find that baby poop really stains :haha:

emera - I'm sure its just a phase with the milk. Do you use a pump? I can always get more when I do it by hand :blush:

maybe - does Danny normally smoke cigars? special occasion?:)

Alex had his 2nd imms today and "fingers crossed" he's been fine. Its annoying though, my HV only comes to the surgery every other week and I missed her so he wont get weighed until late september! I think he's doing OK though, he feeds enough :dohh: x
i dont know what is wrong with OH. he's not interested in being intimate at all. he doesnt even give me a kiss or anything. if he is in bed and then i come in after settling the baby he just gets up and goes into the living room. today i settled owen and put on some nice undies and went up to him and told him the baby was asleep and i'd put nice clean sheets on the bed and i might as well have been stood there wearing a bin bag! :cry: i feel so yucky and unattractive :cry: i dont think he fancies me at all :nope: i mean what bloke turns down sex :shrug::cry:

:hugs: you're lovely, dont let him make you feel like that. My DH is the same with me but he was before I got pregnant. I tease him that he has no testosterone! He reckons its his age! Men are meant to peak at 18 though arent they :haha: whereas we are in our prime :winkwink: xx
oh amy its not a special occasion! he's drunk 2 bottles of wine and has probably run out of cigarettes! he shows no sign of coming to bed so as it's almost 1am i may as well call it a night and try to get a bit of sleep as owen is bound to wake in the next hour or so!
Maybe - Bleh men, what can you do? :shrug: Don't let his laziness get you down though, and if it carries on for long i'd talk with him about it. I have a similar problem these days, although OH is loving and hugs me alot thats as far as it goes :( I did ask him about it and he said he feels a bit differently about DTD these days since he saw Roh being born, not too sure what to do about that. :wacko: Especially since he wants to start TTC again in a couple of months (well, we want to, but he suggested it) doubt we'll get very far if he can't be bothered with DTD :nope:. To be honest i just think he's being lazy and would rather play computer games than bother with the energy of DTD :dohh: ah well, hope our men get their mojo back soon!

and A3my - i do use a pump yep, i haven't really hand expressed since the first week or so. I did try it a while ago, but i didn't get much out and lost alot as it seems to spray out in all directions! :haha:
I'm hoping its just a phase, i don't think its a growth spurt as Roh isn't all that interested in feeding these last few days, he's just doing his minimum feeds and thats all. I'll have to get back on the oats and lots of water and expressing after each feed thing if it doesn't pick up soon!
well its almost 3 am and he never came to bed. he came in lookin for the tv remote and didnt speak to me!
WTH is up with these men? Really? My DH is very much the same.

I'm so annoyed by him today! Work is actually going okay - but when I get home I am instantly PO! He is just such a flipping lazy slob. It really makes me crazy. I clean and clean before I go to bed - go to work - then come home to a mess! Its not fair. He can't even wash his own dishes! I don't want to say anything -because then I am a "nag" - but its really unfair to me. WTF should I have to do EVERYTHING?? I am not asking him to clean the house - just clean up after HIMSELF. Is that really so much?

Ugh... anyways - thats my rant for today.
PS -

frufru - Joni is adorable.

Maybe - I hate the potty training stage. Logan seriously JUST got through it at age 4. Its only been a few months since our last accident. Really since Dillon was born I think....

Emera - You have a big boy too! Or do I really just have a tiny little guy? LOL. And I agree - its probably a growth spurt.
And about the men and their disinterest.... How old are your husbands? I bet it does have something to do with age. Mine is 34. Def not like he was when he was 18! I like to think its him and not me!!

Funny - as I'm typing there is a commercial on for Low Testosterone.... LOL
Morning all! just catching up, I'm on my mobile so please excuse any errors!

Frufru good to see you back! Joni is adorable! And don't feel bad about bf'ing - my goodness you went through so much and every day you bf was such an achievement. You inspired me to keep going when it got a bit tough and I'll always be grateful for that :hugs:

LM I'm glad your returning to work has gone okay, I sympathize re your OH - its sooooo annoying! Steve can even put his own laundry in the basket but will happily leave them right next to it! If I was working full time too he would really havw to start pulling his weight - or paying for a cleaner lol!

With the whole DTD thing, we have had no issues, I just find it really difficult to feel even remotely attractive these days. Hubby is as keen as even and I am just trying to get some confidence back. I have zero sex drive though, I think that's really the whole confidence thing and I heard that bf'ing can effect it too.

What monitors to you guys all use? I've been putting Oliver to bed at 9pm for the past few nights and he's been great, not waking up for 7 - 8 hours!! I've always kept him with me before so I've just starrted using my monitor. Its a video one which is cool, but I think the wifi might be interferring with it, plus I find I'm constantly staring at it trying to make out Olivers breathing. I wondered about getting one of those movement mats but does anyone know how sensitive they are? Oliver is a super still sleeper - he can literally not move apart from his breathing for hours. I wouldn't want him to set off the alarm the whole time as I'd end up a nervous wreck! Its really to use with the video monitor, what do you all think? Or am I just super nervous because I've never had him sleeping anywhere on his own, does it get easier?

Well Oliver has gone back to sleep so I think I will try to too!

LM - my OH is also 34

sarah - we dont have a monitor as our flat is so small!!!
I have an Angelcare movement monitor Sarah, I love it, I still swaddle Daisy as she wa les herself up wriggling otherwise, and you can't tell by looking if she's breathing. Literally the only movement she makes all night is breathing but we've never had a false alarm. It has 5 settings for sensitivity too :)
Frufru what cute pictures!

Emera I found this for you about milk supply when expressing:
Rohan will always be more effective at getting the milk out than a pump so don't worry about supply.

Maybebaby :hugs: I'm sure it is his problem not anything you have done. Maybe he is really tired and that's why he doesn't want to be intimate or did you say he wasn't working perhaps it is that getting him down?

Logansmama glad work is going ok.

Sarah we have the Angelcare movment and sound mat, even though Oliver sleeps in his cot in our room! We have had a couple of false alarms as Oliver is a wriggler and had moved off the mat. There are different sensitivity settings on it though.

Katie how is Daisy?

Finally got our christening pictures back (my H cousin took them for us and took ages to send them).
Muddles you look fab, and Oliver looks soooo cute in his little shirt!!

I think I might look at the angelsounds monitors as you guys use them without issues, I'll have a look at them when I get chance. I just think I'd relax a lot more, last night even with the video monitor on I was running upstaris every five mins to check he was okay.

How is Daisy doing Katie?
G'day ladies :wave:

I hope you are all ok today. I have been housebound this morning waiting for the boiler engineer to come. We had our boiler serviced on Monday morning and when I went to give Joni her bath last night we discovered we had no heating or hot water. Luckily the warmish water in the tank along with a top up from the electric shower and a few hot kettles saved the bedtime routine :thumbup: All fixed now though so hopefully bathtime tonight will be uneventful!

Joni is down for a nap at the moment so I have just picked some runner beans and courgettes from the garden and had them steamed with butter for lunch. Mmmmmm they were amazing :mrgreen:

Thank you all for your kind words about Joni - I too think she is super-cute but then I am extremely biased :lol: After a good run of poop last week we have had none yesterday or so far today :sad1: but I am holding out hope after some super-stinky trumps from Joni this morning :winkwink: I gave her a tummy massage earlier today to try and help things along and will give her another massage later - I am hoping to avoid using lactulose and suppositories Joni has been prescribed to use while we are waiting for out appointment with the paediatrician in a couple of weeks to check on the poop situation. Her best record for not pooping while I was BF has been 15 days :shock: and then she only went with help from a suppository poor little mite. The BBC has Springwatch and Autumnwatch - in our house we have Poowatch :winkwink:

I totally know what you mean about lazy OH - My Hubby is notorious for leaving stuff everywhere!!!! If there is a clean surface he seems to make it his mission to cover it in clutter and stuff. If he unpacks shopping he takes the purchases out of the bags but leaves the purchases and the bags on the counter :shrug: He is also guilty of leaving dirty clothes all over the house - is it really so hard to put them in one of the two washing baskets we have?

Emera - I hope your supply perks up again soon, 8oz in the evening is alot to keep up with! Regardless of whether Joni has BM or formula she only takes 3-5 ounces at each feed (about 20-25 over the whole day) which seems REALLY low compared to most babies but hey-ho she seems happy and is developing well so I guess she is just a small eater. Have your tried fenugreek or fennel tea to try and boost your supply - they always worked well for me. Joni was early like Roh and is also tall and skinny just like her Dada.

Maybe - I am sorry your OH did not return your advances :hugs: Alongside my postnatal recovery, with Hubby's operation on his testicles sex has been impossible for some time :sad1: Hubby's balls are making a sterling recovery though so hopefully DTD will be back on the menu again soon - that is if we can ever get Joni to bed before 10pm :rolleyes:

Amy - I am glad Alex's jabs went ok. Joni has her 3rd set tomorrow :shock: how time flies!

LM - Joni is a tiny too. She is currently about 11 and a half pounds - at least she is getting good wear out of all her clothes :winkwink:

Sarah - I wake at every snuffle or movement Joni makes as it is so I don't have one of the mat thingies. She is still in our room at the moment but in her own cot. However, I think we might put her in her own room soon as I am sleeping really poorly because I do wake at every noise she makes!!! We have Tomy baby monitor - I did want the BT cordless monitors but I got given the Tomy one for free so I can't justify a new one really.

Katie - it is great news that Daisy is home :thumbup: Are you caught up with your washing yet? I have done 2 loads of washing already today as it the first dry day we have had this week :wacko:

Muddles - It looks like you had a lovely Christening for Oliver. He is a really cutie :mrgreen: Incidently I don't think you look fat in the pictures at all!!! You do however look GORGEOUS :)

RIghto - Joni should be waking soon so I better get a few jobs done and her next feed ready while I still can!

Catch up with you all later :hugs:
maybebaby3 - just diet without healthy food and training doesn't give much. Or at least the results won't stay for long. Do you have older kids for whole day or are they in nursery? If they're not home maybe you can have long walks or even go jogging with Owen. If not then leave kids to your OH and go out. Just about 30 minutes should be enough for the begining and your OH should manage that time with kids also. Or can you do some exercises during day? Sit-ups, different calisthenics. Also for 30 minutes and you can include kids doing these too. But anyway, even if you can't go out, diet is a way to begin :thumbup: Yay for your phone and :hugs: because of OH being such a jerk. What would happen if you'd talk to him? Ask him why he doesn't want to have sex?
Windmills - great that you're home now.
A3my - don't even want to leave him to OH? Then I'd take them both with me to stables and let OH walk Alex til you ride :laugh2:
Frufru - don't worry about Joni being on formula feed. She doesn't give much about that, she just wants you to be there, with or without the breastmilk. And she looks perfect, like a Little Miss Sunshine :thumbup:
LogansMama - :hugs: Treat him like a baby if he wants to be one. Like one women I know did, just one day she decided that's it. Her OH always said I don't feel like doing it at mo. She said the same. Cleaned up only essential things for her, cooked for herself, took care onl of the baby. Just a week and that man got enough. Cleaned the dishes, rooms etc. Then they had a chat about all of that and shegot what she wanted. Women are clever, I'm sure you are too and you'll manage to get your OH grow up.
muddles - Oliver is so sweet :cloud9:

Went running today again. Gosh, I had only ran for about quarter of distance when I felt that's it. I'm going to fall into next bush. Ofcourse the weather was also "good". It was raining and when I felt the love against next bush, it started raining harder, thundering and lighting. Oh boy how I ran. I really ran. When got home I was wet like a kitten, heart beated with no pauses but my time was 10 minutes faster than last time. Ohh, in City Run there should be a thunderstom also :rofl:
LM and maybe- my DH is nearly 33. i'm sure its their age (at least thats his excuse :haha:). LM - I also have a lazy man, its so annoying. He thinks he should be allowed time to himself despite the fact I am on the go 24/7 :growlmad::dohh:

emera - my DH felt differently about DTD after I'd had my first baby. He could never really explain why but things gradually returned to normal as much as I can remember - they must have done because I was pregnant with Holly when Emily was 6 months old :haha::blush:

Marti - my DH is useless with Alex when he cries :dohh: maybe Alex would like to watch me riding though :haha: you're doing so well with your running! :thumbup:

Muddles - you look so lovely in the photo!! And Oliver is a very cute little man :hugs:

Sarah - I just have a normal monitor. I'm doing the same with Alex and trying to get him to bed for about 9pm and I keep going upstairs to check he is breathing :dohh:

we had a lovely day out at Leeds castle today. Alex was really good. The only downer of the day was that he got attacked by a swan! it put its head in the pram and bit his fingers :cry: it took some skin off one of his knuckles, he was really upset. nasty horrid swan :growlmad: x
marta - my oldest will be at school from 9-12 as from september and erin will be going to nursery til 12/1 3days a week from then too so maybe that will be a good time to get something done even if it is only power walking with owen in the buggy!

owen laughed for the first time last night! so cute!!!

my OH appologised for being such an idiot the other night, he said he felt really bad about it. i told him i felt fat and unattractive and he says he doesnt think of me like that.

katie - how's daisy getting on?

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