Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

my OH appologised for being such an idiot the other night, he said he felt really bad about it. i told him i felt fat and unattractive and he says he doesnt think of me like that.

:hugs: thats great- well done to Danny :thumbup:

Alex kind of giggled last night but I'm not sure it was the real thing. we watched some old home videos from when the girls were babies the other day, it reminded me of how much we've got to look forward to with these babies :cloud9:

another dull day here which has foiled my plans for the beach :( x
i converted the pram to pushchair today. owen seems much happier being able to survey all!!! we're out for lunch now for my sisters birthday. its a nice sunny day!

amy - sorry the weather has foiled your plans


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erin enjoying desert! lol!


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Thankyou all for thinking of us, Daisy is so much better, she's still crying when she wees though- but my mum noticed that a while ago and I thought it was just coincidence, so maybe it's linked to the duplex. She's lovely and still so smiley and happy- she was the whole time she was sick too!
Muddles I expected you to be big from what you'd said- you're not at all, you look amazing!
Sarah I think the monitor is well worth the money, I'm soo paranoid that I sometimes listen for the next beep so I know she's still breathing!
Owen is so cute! And Erin is too :) I'll come back later cos I'm just on my way out :)
Evening All!

I'm back online - goodness knows what was wrong with the netbook but Steve did his thing and its working properly now - yay!!

So for a quick catch up . . .

Katie I'm glad Daisy is doing well :) Bless her.

MaybeBaby I'm glad you spoke to your OH, lovely pics :)

A3my its so lovely when they start laughing - Oliver does it all the time now, its so cute!! We have so much to look forward to with our babies, we are very lucky ladies :)

Martia I wish I had your dedication to fitness . . . . I've never been great but now I have no idea when to find time lol! I do my Tracey Anderson DVD's and walk with the pram every day . . . and I'm trying to eat nice and healthy. I think I have just under a stone to loose, I would normally just diet like mad for a bit but with breastfeeding I have to put that first, so I'm just trying to be super healthy. I can't believe I did the Great North Run a few years ago, it would take me a week if I did it now!!!

I'm sure I've missed sooo much out that I wanted to say lol!!

Well all is very good here, Oliver is just such a delight!!!! He's such a sweetie. I always wanted him to fall into his own routine re bedtime and he has done, he has a bath or shower with Daddy (while Steve is getting ready for work - so Steve has his shower and then I pass him Oliver for a bit lol! Oliver LOVES the shower!!). Then he gets dryed, PJ's on, boobie, then he gets all sleepy so I take him up to bed. Yesterday I missed out the bath / shower element and he didn't settle nearly as well, the days we stick to the routine he settles so quickly and then sleeps for a good 7 - 8 hours, then has a feed, then sleeps for another 3-4 hours, which is great!!!

Tomorrow Oliver has his last well baby appointment, I can't wait to see how much he weighs!! My parents are coming up too so we'll go out for lunch or something while Steve is sleeping.

Well I'm just off to check on Oliver - my video monitor is great but I'm still running up there the whole time. At least its good for my legs lol!!

Marta - Respect to you for getting back to your exercise so soon and with such conviction. I tried to go back to my yoga class about a month and a half ago but Joni still had colic at the time and hubby really struggled while I was gone so I have not been for a while :sad1: However now Joni's colic is much better hopefully I can go back again soon :mrgreen:

Amy :shock: about the swan attacking Alex, poor little mite :hugs: I can;t wait for Joni to start giggling :cloud9:

Maybe - I am glad that your OH apologised :thumbup: I love the new pics of the kids, they are all so gorgeous. I have changed switched Joni to her pushchair mode now too on account of her being so nosy :haha:

Katie - good to hear that Daisy is coming along well :thumbup:

Sarah - I hope you had a nice time with your parents. Joni had a pre-bedtime bath and I like to massage her afterwards and she does not sleep as well at night if the massage is missed.

Well I went for a walk around one of the country parks here today with some of the Mums and babies I got to know through my prenatal yoga class. My Mum and my nieces came along too and we did a spot of blackberry picked while we had our stroll. It was a lovely afternoon and for the first time EVER Joni actually went to bed before 8pm :shock: and with hardly any fuss whatsoever :yipee: I really hope we can keep it going for evenings to come. She had a good night last night and managed to go from 11pm til 7 without a feed, she woke a couple of times but I only had to pop her soother back in and she went straight back to sleep :thumbup:

Anyway, enough from me. I hope you are all well and have a lovely weekend :hugs:
maybebaby - love the pics - Erin and Owen are adorable!

Katie - thats great that Daisy is doing so well and that she's managed to keep smiling throughout the ordeal :flower: :)

sarah - well done Oliver for being so good at bedtimes :thumbup:. Alex isnt bad but he's rubbish at falling asleep by himself :wacko:

well done to Joni too frufru :thumbup: Iread that babies should be going to sleep at about 7pm by 4 months old. I cant quite see it happening in my house, the girls are so noisy and they dont go to bed until 8pm. sounds like you had a lovely day :hugs:

well we had a lovely day at the beach, I dipped Alex's feet in the sea for the first time - he didnt like it :haha: he shouted at me :)
Evening All!

Does anyone know anything about choosing cot mattresses? We bought a lovely (expensive!!) one for the cotbed, but the one Oliver currently sleeps on came with the cot and I just feel its a bit soft. Its probably fine but I think I'd prefer to get a firmer one. I'm a bit baffled by the choice - with the cotbed one we just bought the most expensive one from M&P's, with the cotbed, thinking it must be the best one. Now I'm trying to keep costs down a bit so I really want to know more about what's the best kind so I can find a good deal. Any ideas?

Well Oliver seems to have cracked this sleeping through lark - he was fab again last night and tonight he was fast asleep in bed for 9pm with no fuss at all - woo hoo!!

We had 'Well Baby' clinic today and Oliver now weighs 15lb 12oz, so he's put on 2lb in 4 weeks! The HV we saw today was lovely, she said so many lovely things about Oliver which made me a very proud mummy :) She popped him on his belly to check his hips and he pushed himself up like he does at home and started chatting away, she thought it was really cute, and she said he's really alert and has great coodination and control of his head etc for his age. She said he looked really happy and content and I was just so proud. We also had a chat about weaning - I really want to do baby led weaning at or after 6 months and expected the HV to try to sell traditional weaning to me but she actually suggested baby led weaning to me before I mentioned it! So I was really pleased about that too :)

We had a lovely day, shopping and things with my parents and then spending some time with Steve before he went to work. Oliver has been lovely all day, argh he's just so lovely!! I just feel so, so lucky to be his mummy.

Hope you are all well :hugs:
Just another quick question for you ladies lol!!!

Is anyone else loosing lots of hair? I've heard its normal . . . and I have long hair so I guess I notice it lol! When I was pregnant my hair was even thicker than normal, so I expected to loose some but I feel like its soooo much . . . . . its not in clumps but there is just so much :( Does anyone know when it stops? Between that and my wobbly belly I'm such a mess lol!
sarah - congratulations on Oliver's weight gain and for him being such a clever boy :thumbup: as for the hair, I think my hormones are all pooped up this time becasue I havent noticed hair loss but I definately did after I'd had the girls. It grew really quickly during those pregnancies too but didnt this time. I cant remember when it stopped falling out but dont worry, you wont end up bald :haha: x

I forgot to say I got my monthlies back today :cry::cry::cry: cant believe it, I thought I'd have until I started weaning him. me and OH have only DTD twice since Alex was born and I really didnt want to take the pill while BF, I dont like the idea of Alex having the hormones. is anyone else on the pill? x
A3my thanks :hugs: I was precribed the mini-pill since I'm bf'ing too but I haven't started taking them yet. I wanted to avoid it if possible, though I am told the mini pill is fine to take. I really should start taking it - I haven't had any periods yet but I'm not sure I want to get pregnant again just yet lol!!
amy - what a nasty swan!!! as for contraception the few times we dtd we used condoms.

sarah - as amy says u wont end up bald! think it happens for a few months!

frufru - glad joni is sleeping better! owen has yet to master that art!
just when i think things are getting better OH goes and pulls another one. we were meant to go to a friends bbq today. i asked him at the start of the week whether he wanted to go and he said yes and now today he's deided he cant be bothered. so i've had to cancel at the last min as i dont want to go on my own as it means driving into spain on my own with the 3 kids :cry: i was looking forward to doing something different for once. he's still in bed, just got up to get some breakfast, left everythig on the side so i had to clear it up and is now watching tv in bed whilst i look after the kids, get lunch, tidy up etc! i am so angry! :growlmad::grr:
A3my - poor Alex :nope: That is why I hate them. We have them in one near-by park and when I go there I'm always afraid.
maybebaby3 - you can also attach weights to your legs when power walking, makes your leg muscles stonger. Actually you can do lots of things just using Owen - lifting him, swinging etc. Good that your OH apologized but not so good for jumping out of promise :hugs: Your kids are so adorable :cloud9:
Sarahwoo - know what you mean with that run. My distance is just 10km what actually is nothing for me, but at moment I want to die after 4km and 1,5 hours for 10km distance seems so so so not enough. I'm afraid I won't be in finish before they close it :wacko:
A3my - I'm using mini-pill. We just don't want to deal with condoms and not having my periods is no excuse for me to not use nothing.

We have another big changes coming. First one is that I was offered a part-time job from school. They got a new teacher for my place but now one other teacher left and they only got part-time teacher for her place. She is taking over all her P.E classes but don't want to take her moving classes. The job is only for 3 lessons(one is 45min) in a week, so 1 or 2 days depending of timetable and I can take Kristan with me. So I'll be working again soon.
Other change, a bit bigger one is that OH was offered an apartment by the company he works for and we're thinking of accepting it. It's in our capital where OH also works so that would mean less driving for him. At moment he has to drive an hour to get to work and an hour to get home. My school is right middle of our hometown and capital so from here I have 25km to work and 25 from our capital so I don't really care from where I'm coming but moving would mean 2 more hours in a day at home for OH. Only problem is that we have to find new school and kindergarten for kids. School starts in 2 weeks so we're in a hurry with finding a school for Janely, with Janno it's easier and harder at the same time. There is no certain time when he has to start in kindergarten but our kindergartens don't have a lot of places so I don't know if we can get him into one at all. I've done some phonecalls into schools and everything should be clear within next week. On Monday I'll start calling to kindergartens. It's clear that if we don't find them new ones, then we won't be moving.

It has 4 rooms so that'll mean I can move Kristan into his room and have our bedroom for just us again :happydance:
maybe - I love your signature :hugs: as for your OH what a shame! I think screwing things up just when they were going well is a talent men have :dohh: my OH has been a complete grump lately and keeps coming out with stupid comments about how easy my life is :growlmad: he's lazy and wont help out. Men :shrug:

marta - how exctiting, 4 bedrooms sounds lovely and the job sounds good as you can take Kristan. Good luck with getting the school/kindergarten places sorted :hugs:

Isnt this thread getting quiet! where is everyone! xx
Hi ladies. I have been SOOOOO busy this past week! I tried read up on everyone the other day but before I could reply to anyone I got sidetracked!

I am super excited for my first day of Kindergarten on Monday! LOL! I really can't wait! (I have only taught 2nd and 3rd in the past!). I think (and hope) that I am going to love it! I got to meet some of my students on Friday for a Meet and Greet. The ones I met seemed sweet and smart - but of course - the parents that are involved enough to bring in the kids early to meet the teacher are probably going to have good kids because they are INVOLVED and INTERESTED in their kids lives. The ones that don't show could go either way!

Logan got to meet his pre-K teacher and see his classroom and is also very eager to start! Its going to be fun having him there with me and being able to see him periodically during the day!

Dillon is doing very well and seems to be fine with daddy during the day too. So thats good. I just worry about Dad not doing things "right" but I am trying to just get over it! He has his way and I have mine... as long as baby is happy, content, and healthy, I guess thats all that really matters.

As for my niece Chloe - she has had a setback. She had to go back into the hospital yesterday! :( She has some sort of infection - which they think is in her liver. She has to stay for at least 7 days - maybe 14! She has to be on IV antibiotics for at least 7 days, then they will see how she is doing and see if she can go home. If she is doing better and they can switch her to oral antibiotics, they will let her go, but if not, then she will have to stay in! I feel so bad for her - getting poked and prodded all day! And I feel terrible for her parents having to deal with all the stress from it! Keep her in your thoughts and prayers please!
Marta - Your job op sounds great! How awesome that you can take Kristan with you! And the apartment sounds fab too!

As for periods - I have had mine back since about 7 weeks pp! Sucks. I got jipped for sure! I am currently waiting for it to arrive again. Feeling like it should have been here by now ( a few days ago) ... but trying not to stress because I am still EX Bfing... so I know that can cause me to be irregular. BUT - I can't help but worry since our only method of BC is withdrawl... Yikes. I can't even freaking imagine what I'd do if I were preggo again already. I would have a nervous breakdown I think!
Amy - sorry your OH is being a grump. why do men think that we have it easy!?! my OH is not even working now and does zero housework!

LM - glad that Dillon is fine with you back at work. sorry to hear about chloe, hpe she responds well to the iv antibiotics. :hugs: oh and hope your BC method works! you're a brave woman! we have been using condoms on the rare ocassion we dtd. i still have not had af though.

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