Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

amy - i was also thinking that this thread was going quiet! i'm always checking in on it!
Hello ladies

I'm soooo tired! that's why I've not been on, only have the energy to read a never two hands to type....

Glad Daisy is doing better.

Logansmamma - goodluck for tomorrow!! Sorry to hear about Chloe - fingers crossed the antibiotics work quickly.

I'm on the mini pill not that I ever have enough energy to make use of it's benefits! So no AF for me which is a huge bonus, couldn't deal with that as well.

I'm really struggling at the moment, Will had three amazing nights sleep last weekend, 7 -7 am with one feed at 3 am, which was fab. However since then he has been feeding every two hours! even as a new born he went every four! I'm so exhausted....

He has his dummy back as the wind came back with avengence - I really think he needs it, without he feeds more to supress the wind which just makes it worse. He is getting really good at sucking his thumb but won't do it at night instead of the dummy, which I would prefer. Anyone else had there LO choose their thumb over a dummy?? Really want him to be able to self soothe.

Sorry I've not replied to everyone, I'm so bleary eyed I can't see the screen xx
LC - sorry you are having a tough time sleep wise. owen is rubbish at sleeping and doesnt go down til past 11pm and then wakes about 3am and then every couple of hours after that. it must be worse when you have had a taster of a good night though. hope things improve. you are bf arent you? it's probably a growth spurt. :hugs:

where is everyone :shrug:
Hi Everyone!

Ergh i'm feeling really down :( Not sure why really, although likely its because i'm having my first proper period. I've had 2 already i think, but they were both really short and light. This one is a total killer, its like the ones i used to have as a teenager! :growlmad: I feel like i did a couple of weeks after the birth right now, its making me so fed up. Also OH was due to be off on holiday next week, but he came home today and told me it had been cancelled due to a mix up in the diary, i was really looking forwards to it, we were going to go and spend a few days down in cornwall in my aunt's caravan, gutted :cry: Its being rearranged for late september, but that feels far off right now....
Roh is absolutely gorgeous, he's such a pleasure :) Although he's stopped sleeping through...I've no idea why, nothing has changed really, but he's now waking at least once in the night, some nights i can get him back to sleep and some i can't, not sure what to do. Also i really want him going to bed earlier, he still goes to sleep at about 9pm, which i feel like its too late. I've tried shifting bedtime forwards a few times, but it just doesn't seem to work :shrug: I wouldn't mind so much but he very rarely will nap in the daytime either, so i worry he's not getting enough sleep... Ah well i'm sure it will all sort itself out. I'm thinking it might be an early sign that he's starting to get ready for weaning, but i just feel like its way too early, i was fully expecting to wait until 6 months as i'd like to do baby led weaning, and he certainly isn't ready for that yet.
I'll wait until we go to the baby clinic again to see if his weight gain has slowed again. He only put on 1lb in 4 weeks when we went last week, which the HV said was fine, but it seems quite a drop to me, he just never puts on any fat, he'll look a bit chubbier for a few days and then will just eat less for another couple of days and then its all gone again :shrug: Guess i just have a skinny baby.

Also i have to go and get Roh's heel prick tests re-done, as the ones they did the few days after he was born apparently didn't give enough blood and so they haven't done the tests. I'm a bit suprised it took them so long to figure that out really! And i know Roh is seriously not going to enjoy that at a way it was easier when he was that little, its worse now he looks at me all sad and cries actual tears :(
Bleh, anyway enough of my down-ness! I hope you're all well! :)

thanks maybebaby, yes he is bf but on the verge of giving up, i really can't tkae this anymore, been up all night and now he thinks it's morning
Morning ladies!

LC sorry to hear you are so tired, that's rubbish :( I hope things pick up for you soon!

Emera :hugs: for you too, so sorry about your holiday - I would be so upset if that happened to me! And re the sleeping - def speak to your hv or someone, I hope things improve soon. I went through a phase with Oliver of giving him formula as his last feed before bed, to begin with it was so Steve could do a feed as I always forgot to defrost some frozen bm lol! I thought it might help Oliver sleep longer at night too, but about a month or so ago I decided to just go back to exclusive bf and it was then that Olvers sleep improved! So for us formula didn't really seem to help.

Oliver has started sucking his thumb - noisily :haha: He used to have a dummy sometimes but reFuses it now, unless I hold it and he just chews it! I haven't tried him with a bottle for weeks either so I can imagine he might npt take that ow eoither, though we are hoping to go out for dinner on Saturday so we'll have to try before then!
morning, I had a hard day yesterday as Emily has tonsillitus and we had to take her to the out of hours doc. We've all barely slept all weekend :sleep:

LM sounds like its all going well back at work :hugs:

emera - really sorry about your holiday. Alex is a skinny baby too :) I've heard they can start waking in the night again around 4 months, Alex has only slept through a couple of times and that was on holiday!

LC - I'm so sorry you are having such a tough time :hugs: Alex was the same with the wind and the sleep before he had his tongue tie cut, I know its totally exhausting. He still wakes every 3 hours in the night but he does settle after a feed most of the time. could you try calling your HV for some advice? There's also a sleep sense thread on here which I was looking into. I hope your OH is being supportive :hugs: xx
oh and Alex sucks his thumb sometimes. He was self soothing on holiday which is the only time he slept through (maybe I should live in a tent!). he tends to suck his whole fist now and dribbles everywhere :haha:
Hi girls!

I haven't been around because I have been spending most of my time getting Bobby down for naps. It was a total nightmare :( He would be so tired but would scream everytime we tried to put him down. I would try putting him down on his back, his front, his side and then swaddle him and try those positions again. One would eventually work but it took so long that I began dreading naptimes. Yesterday the only thing that worked was putting him on my chest where he would sleep for 40 mins. However, this morning he went down relatively easily in his cot. We don't know what we did right :shrug:

Bobby has also recently started waking at night. I haven't been feeding him I just put his paci/dummy back in his mouth a few times and he goes back to sleep. Last night he had hiccups an could not sleep so I turned him over on his tummy and turned on the breathing monitor and he went back ti sleep.
Birth control: I am using persona with condoms as I would rather not go back on hormonal birth control. I really liked the Taking Charge of your Fertility book for TTC and I will be using the same techniques to avoid getting pregnant.

LM: Good luck! Sorry to hear about Chloe :(

LC: I am sorry you are feeling tired hon :( hope its gets better soon :hugs: Bobby has also had bad gas and nothing seems to make it better :(

Emera: I'm sorry about your cancelled holidays I would be gutted too :hugs

Sarah: I caught Bobby sucking his thumb once and he hasn't done it since. Although I wish he would as his thumb does need sterilizing!

Amy: hope Emily is better and I am sorry about your lack of sleep :hugs:

I hope I haven't missed anyone!
I'm on my netbook now so I can have a proper catch up! Oliver is napping :)

Big hugs to all you ladies having a tough time with sleep :hugs:

A3my I hope Emily is feeling better soon!!

Modo I would really rather no go back on the pill . . . I was thinking about using the whole timing thing too but as I haven't had a period yet I have no idea if I am in any kind of a cycle :dohh:. I really don't want to go back on the pill but I have no idea why, I used it for years with no issues. I guess after TTC and having Oliver I feel more in touch with my body and I don't want to start messing about with it. I don't know.

Katie how is Daisy doing?

MaybeBaby sorry about your OH, why do they always have to spoil things when things are going well??

Well things here are going really well, Oliver has been sleeping 8/9pm - 5am, then having a quick feed and then sleeping until about 7am. He doesn't do it every night, last night he woke up for a quick feed at 1.30am too, but overall he's doing fab.

I packed most of his 0-3 stuff away yesterday, I'm not keeping everything but most of it lol! We always planned to have another baby quite soon after Oliver though I'm not at all broody for another one just yet!! But we're keeping things just in case. I look at his things now from when he was born (he was in tiny baby for about four days lol!) and they are sooooo tiny! I have a box with the tiny vest we brought him home in and things, I get all emotional when I look through it!

So with packing away his 0-3 I also washed the 3-6 stuff he hasn't worn yet. I have such a pile if ironing now!! He has sooooo many clothes!!!

We bought a new mattress today, so I'll sleep easier now as I was getting worried about his mattress been too soft. His new one is lovely :)
LC - i feel like that sometimes. bf is hard. i am determined to make it work!!!

sarah - we tried the formula thing when dylan was little and it didnt improve sleep at all. hope oliver likes his new mattress!

amy - hope emily gets better soon!

LM - how's chloe?

katie - hope daisy is doing well

modo - i know what you mean about fighting nap times. it is so hot that i have resorted to putting owen in his pushchair and rocking him til he falls asleep.....usually using my foot so i can have a look on here too :haha:

emera - sorry to hear about your holiday plans being ruined!

owen is still not sleeping too well but it has been 27degrees or more at night lately so maybe the heat is getting to him. i was midnight before he went down. i went to bed at 1am and as soon as i put the light out he woke up :dohh: i put the bdside lamp on and his mobile and gave him his dummy and he nodded off about half an hour later. then he woke at 2.30 for a feed, then 5.30, then 6.45! OMG! i only survive coz when the older 2 wake up they come and snooze in bed with me til 8.30-9am but that all has to stop as erin starts nursery and dylan's back to school next week! Am dreading only surviving on a few hours a day. Erin loves nursery! she has gone on 2 'visits' where she's stayed a little over an hour. she didnt want to leave today! :haha: she has another visit on wednesday and then starts properly next tuesday. she's only going 3 days a week (tuesday-thursday) as it's so expensive and money is tight. well owen is now asleep so it's back to the :iron: though it is 28 degrees and really far too hot for it! am already in need of a cold :shower:
I guess after TTC and having Oliver I feel more in touch with my body and I don't want to start messing about with it. I don't know.

That really resonated with me Sarah and that is exactly why I am charting.

I never did well with hormonal BC as it always seemed to cause me depression or weight gain. I was struck with how much better I felt off it when I started TTC. Before reading the book I didn't really have an understanding of ovulation. Afterwards I realised that I am only fertile for about three days every month and it really made me question why I was doing this to my body.

Bobby sleeps from 7.45pm and wakes between 6.30-7.00am (with a brief wake-up at 2am wanting his paci). I am very happy with this TBH.
Modo I'm glad its not just me feeling that way . . . I feel a bit silly having the pills here and not wanting to take them even though we are dtd as normal now so in theory I could get pregnant again. I guess the sensible side of me says take them even if its just for a few months, the other side says don't and if I get pregnant, well worse things could happen by a long way. I just feel wierd now about messing with my body - esp as I'm bf'ing. I doubt Steve would understand but he always wanted our kids to be close in age :haha:

MaybeBaby Wow I'm not sure I could cope with that heat - when I was pregnant I thought I would be out with the pram all time time this summer - but it always seems too sunny or its pissing it down lol!!!!!
sarah and modo - i was on the pill before ttc dylan and haven't taken it since. i am so jealous of your good sleepers!!!
MaybeBaby Oliver has only recently started been so good! I did a good 12 weeks of sleeping in two hour stints! I think I only got through it because Oliver has always fallen back asleep on the boob and gone back down without a problem - I think I have co-sleeping to thank there though. He's fast asleep now, he had his bath (well shower - with Daddy - Olivers favourite!) just before 9pm, got dry and in PJ's, had a feed and then I popped him in his co-sleeper cot. I always leave while he's a bit awake because if not he seems to stay awake longer. He's fast asleep now, I watch on the monitor and it took him about five minutes to fall asleep, he doesn't cry though he just wriggles lol!!

Well I'm off to get some ironing done while I can lol! I'm still not sure what to do with myself now Oliver goes to bed before me. I don't know if I should chill or make the most of the time and get some jobs done!! What does everyone else do?

nice to hear from you modo, wow you have done so well with Bobby's night routine! :thumbup: I struggle with Alex's naps. I can tell when he's getting tired so I feed him in the hope he'll drift off but when I try to put him down he gets all cross. He falls asleep best when I have the hoover on :haha:

sarah - I've just done the same with Alex's clothes. I felt so sad packing the 0-3 months bits away :cry: I dont like how quickly the time is going! And I imagined a lovely summer, pottering about in the garden with Alex asleep in the pram :dohh: I forgot that August always means rain. I bet next summer when I am back at work its the best summer ever :haha: as for evenings I use the time to catch up on here and facebook, very exciting :haha: then I get into bed and read my book by red torch light!

As for the pill, I had got some too. I took one when my AF (what does AF stand for?? i know it means period :haha:) and it felt all wrong. I know its safe for the baby to take it and I took it when I had my girls but I just dont want to give Alex anything unecessary and as we've only DTD twice it seems pointless. I think I'll have to buy some condoms :blush: OH would flip if I got pregnant again. I could honestly have babies forever, I love it!

Watching Big Brother - Anthea turner is slightly annoying.
I have dinner, watch TV and chill with DH on the sofa. Before I got to bed I put the used bottles and all their bits (I use Dr Browns) in the dishwasher with the remaining plates from dinner. I then sterilise everything for tomorrow and go up to bed. DH stays up a bit later and makes three bottles of milk for the next day. He puts one in the mini-fridge upstairs that at I use at 6.30-7.00am (if I decide to go back to sleep again afterwards) and two downstairs.

I am going to bed now. Goodnight xx


Thanks Amy! AF is short for Aunt Flow :)

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