Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Wow I always miss so much! I really need to make time to check things out daily! I really need to catch up on everyone.

Has anyones baby started turning yet? Dylan turned over for the first time on 8/20 and now today he is on a roll! He tries to roll away from me when I am changing his diaper, it is so cute :)
another really crappy night! lost count of the times owen woke, more than once an hour :cry: i put my boob in his mouth so he keeps quiet and goes back to sleep but i think i'm going to get the whole sleep/feed reliance going like i did with erin and that was a nightmare!!! any ideas?
MaybeBaby every hour?!?! Blimey - that must be such hard work! Gosh I don't know what to suggest, what have you tried? Does he wake up crying? The heat must play a part in that - urgh!

Oliver woke up twice last night so not bad! I'm still tired after staying up until midnight doing the ironing lol!

Well I am quite excited about today, I'm seeing a friend who moved to new zealand about four / five years ago, she is in the UK for a holiday so we're meeting for coffee. I can't wait to see her!!
sarah i just dont know what to do. i put him on the boob i guess as i dont want him to wake up dylan and erin but i really need to put a stop to it. as we cosleep it's tough though! it's just to easy to put him on th boob. before i used to bf and fall asleep at the same time but for some reason i seem to not be able to sleep now :dohh: so even more tired. am dreading next week when nursery and school start as i'll have to get up at 7am! at least now the other two come to my bed in the morning and we laze there for a while. today we got up at 9am. enjoy your coffee with your friend!
well we had our best night yet....I'm sorry maybebaby, feel bad saying it as you are having such bad sleep still. I can definitely relate to you as we have been doing it to.

He went to bed just before 7 pm, woke at 11 pm, i put his dummy back in and then he slept until 4. I was laying there awake for ages just after midnight, wih solid boobs expecting to wake up!! He then slept until 7:30.....please please please let this be it!!
I amreally sorry you are having a hard time maybe :( I really don't know what to suggest :( It must be the heat :hugs:
Goodness it has been ages since I have been on! Helloooo everyone!

Had a quick look through all the pages I missed -

Katie - so sorry to hear Daisy has been poorly and it sounds like she is on the mend

All you ladies look gorgeous in your wedding pics!

Well Che and I went to the music festival in Budapest and we had a fantastic time. I am soooo happy we went. My friends were fantastic helping out and it felt easier than staying at home!! Che was brilliant and as long as his needs were met he was happy. He was so cute in his ear defenders, they did not bother him at all and had his photo taken so many times by people. At the main stage we were allowed onto the disabled viewing stage so had a great view and for my favourites Muse and Faithless my friend stayed with Che whilst I got up front!! Nursing bras are not good support when watching a gig!!

Che was great on the plane too - I had to taste my breast milk on the way back but they were not fussed on way there. Just made sure he was feeding from bottle or sucking on dummy on take off and landing.

Took Che swimming twice as went to an outdoor waterpark that had a thermal pool and he loved it! Since getting back we have had a call from Aquababies and are on a course starting in September.

I am so glad we went and it was a reminded of life before baby which was good.

Since being back DH has been so much better - I think he really missed us and realised a few things. He has been much better with Che and showing me a lot more affection.

Che has also slept really well in the last 3 nights - last night he slept 830pm-8am waking for 30min feeds at 4am and 6:30am.

Hope you are all doing well!

Here are a couple of pics from when we were away! Well one as it won't let me upload the others think they might be too big!


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CG - how cute is che!?! so glad to hear your DH has taken a turn for the better :thumbup:

LC - glad you had a good night! hopefully i'll be able to say the same too.
another really crappy night! lost count of the times owen woke, more than once an hour :cry: i put my boob in his mouth so he keeps quiet and goes back to sleep but i think i'm going to get the whole sleep/feed reliance going like i did with erin and that was a nightmare!!! any ideas?

How long has this been going on? Because Dylan has been sleeping through the whole night only waking up 1 time. He sleeps at 8:30 wakes up at 4:00 AM to eat then goes back to sleep til 8:00AM eats and naps again. But last week OMG he was waking up almost every 2 hours again to eat! I googled it and it said it could be a growth spurt and that it usually only lasts a couple of days. Dylan is now back to waking up 1 time a night, thanks goodness!
Bobby's miracle blanket hasn't fit him properly for a while (I have been keeping his legs out) and last night he broke out of it. So tonight is the first night he is not swaddled! Wish me luck....
Hi everyone,

CG - so glad you had such a fantastic time and I'm really pleased your DH has been nicer since you got home :hugs:

babyhope - Dylan is so cute! Alex has started rolling too, he makes me laugh when he does it becasue he always sticks his feet in the air first :haha:

LC :thumbup: yey for the good nights sleep :hugs: it makes you feel more human just to have one good night doesnt it! Fingers crossed it carries on :hugs:

maybebaby - i always nurse Alex to sleep and I have the same fears. I'm just reading a book called "The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night" - I'll let you know if I find any revelations. Alex seems to be just coming out of a batch of bad nights, I'm sure he had a growth spurt. Really hope Owen gives you more sleep tonight :hugs:

modo - good luck without swaddling tonight!

sarah - hope you had a lovely time with your friend, I bet she was pleased to meet Oliver :hugs:

Well I spent the day on the beach despite it raining twice. My sister is nearly 37 weeks pregnant with her first baby and she thinks her hind waters went last night. We chatted lots about childbirth and it made me want to do it all over again now!!! :D
babyhope - owen wasnt so bad, going down at 11pm waking at 3am then about 5.30 and 7 but this waking has been getting worse over a week or so. am going to try not to feed him more than once every 3hrs tonight! famous last words!!! it's past 11.30pm and he's still awake!

amy - let me know if u stumble across any miracle solutions!

modo - good luck with the non-swaddling!
Aloha ladies :wave:

I hope you and your LO's are all ok.

JOni is down for her mid-morning-afternoon nap so I thought I would take the opportunity to pop on her and have a wee catchup :thumbup:

It has been really interesting to read about our LO's sleep patterns and habits as Joni's have just started to settle down a bit now that her colic has cleared up. She had developed 2 regular naps - 1hr usually between 8-9 and then 2-3 hours usually going down around 11-12. In the afternoon I might get one or two catnaps out of her for about 45mins each if we are lucky. We are still trying to figure out bedtime. She seems ready for sleep around 6.30-7 but really fights going down despite being desperately tired. We have started a bedtime routine of bath, massage, feed, cuddles (rocking etc) and then sleep. 15% of the time she is asleep by 7.30, 50% of the time sleep is not until 8.30-9 and the rest of the time she is up until after 10 :wacko:

As for the night she goes from 10-ish through to about 4.30 without a feed. Since we shifted from co-sleeping to Joni sleeping in her cot she has started waking at 2.45ish every night for a cuddle :rolleyes: as much as I love her this is a habit I am keen to break! After the 4.30 feed she sleeps from 5-6 and lays in her cot from 6-7 cooing and playing until we get her up at 7 for a feed. Things play out like this on average 4-5nights a weeks, on the others I can be up and down 10-20 times in the night :nope:

I am reading "Healthy Sleep Habits - Happy Child" at the moment which seems to indicate that now Joni's colic phase is passed, that the next month or so is the best time to instill Joni with a healthy sleep habit. I would have to agree - Mine and hubbies relationship is in desperate need of some TLC after 2.5 months of colic crying almost every evening with Joni only sleeping on/in bed with one of us. I would really love her to learn to fall asleep on her own in her cot. At the moment I spend at least 30-60 mins before every nap and 45min - 2hrs before bedtime singing, rocking and jiggling so she is fully asleep before going in the cot. I am only part way through the book but hope to have some handy tips and a plan of action by the time I have finished reading it.

I am sure we will all get there with our sleeping one day - fingers crossed it s sooner rather than later :winkwink:

On the contraception front I am back on the minipill and have been since 3 weeks after Joni was born. My family have a history of being super-fertile and I really can't risk another baby right now for the sake of my sanity :haha:

Babyhope - Joni can roll from her back to her front thought she often traps the arm she is rolling over and gets very grumpy as she cant get out of the position when it happens.

Amy -Like Alex, Joni lifts her legs up when she rolls too. I have not read the no cry sleep solution and would be interested to hear your thoughts on it when you are finished. I have tried the baby whisperers techniques with Joni but they just don't seem to work :shrug:

L-C & Maybe - sorry that you guys have been having such tough nights with your LO's :hugs:

CG - :haha: about the bra. I am absolutely delighted that you had such a fantastic time at the festival. Che looks super-cute in his ear defenders! And how awesome that the event staff let you use the disabled podium :thumbup:

Katie - I hope Daisy is doing ok

LM - good luck with the return to work

I am sorry if I have missed anyone, I am rushing to get this posted as I have a long list of jobs to try and get done this afternoon.

Have a lovely day everyone xx
CG LOVE the picture of Che. he is such a cutie!

Katie how is Daisy doing?

Whose niece was it in hospital? Was it Logansmama's? How is she doing?

Oliver started trying to roll over a few weeks ago and gets to his side easily then just rolls back, I am pretty sure he can do it but has decided why bother as mummy will just turn me over in a minute anyway. :lol:

Sorry some of you are having such a crappy time with sleep issues or OH issues. Hope things get better soon. :hugs:

Got Oliver weighed yesterday and he is 17lb 9oz at 17 weeks old!!!!!!!! OMG I can't believe he was 7lb 12oz 17 weeks ago! The HV (who is one of the people who run the breastfeeding support group I go to) said to me (before I saw how much he weighs) that i was going to be really impressed as he has had taken a jump and that it should make me feel really good knowing I have done that. I said 'clever boy' to Oliver and she said 'clever mummy too'. Bless her, she had obviously remembered a few weeks ago me being quite upset at the group that my Mum keeps calling Oliver fatty and making comments like 'oh what size is that outfit? He really needs ALL of it doesn't he?' At the group when I was upset she suggested that I call he fatty granny and see how she likes it. :lol: He is still between the 50th and 75th percentile line and not off the scales like my step dad suggested yesterday! Even if he was who cares, he is a happy little boy who is obviously just quick to gain weight and I'm sure if he was a baby who gained weight slower then they would have comments about me needing to introduce solids early or something. Mind you that was suggested yesterday as he is 'so' big. Errrrm no he is happy, sleeps 10:30ish-at least 5am then after a feed and nappy change sleeps for another 3 hours or so so don't think he is starving! He also shows no interest in food, can't sit up without support and isn't 6 months yet.

Oliver is enjoying a bit of nappy free time on his change mat on the floor in front of me but I have just spotted a large puddle (man that boy loves to wee everywhere!) on the floor so better go sort him out, though for a change some of it landed on the towel there for that reason.
frufru - I will let you know if my book comes up with any good ideas, you'll have to share any findings from yours too :p I am the same with Alex's nights, I feel like we are getting there on the whole but no night is perfect. Last night he went to sleep really well but then he woke every hour from 2am onwards :dohh:

muddles - wow, you must have very creamy milk :winkwink: thats a fantastic weight. Its a shame people feel the need to comment, babies are all shapes and sizes and he looks lovely :)

I had a visit from the HV today, I had to get up and clean the house frantically at 8am becasue I lazed about watching Big Brother last night :blush: Alex is down a little on the centile he was following (50th) but she wasnt worried. I've made a chilli today and did some baking with the girls and I am all cooked out!

Hope everyone else is good x
Hi all!!

I am so glad to see everyone again! I can't believe our babies are going on or are 4 months old!!

A3my- Thank you!!! And Alex is so cute with his little blond hair, I love that picture!

maybebaby3- hopefully that works for you. When Dylan was waking up every 2 hours last week, I thought I would lose my mind! I had gotten use to him only waking up 1 time :)

Frufru- I hope you get your sleep soon! I hate feeling tired it makes me grouchy! The schedule we have for Dylan is no napping after 6:30 (sometimes hard, we have to try to keep him up if he is tired) then we bath him every night at 8:00, then I feed him his bottle in the dark (while we watch tv) and he is usually out by 8:30! I would say this schedule works for us 90% of the time, for the 10% that doesn't work he will go to sleep about 9:30 no later than 10. He will wake up around 5 AM to eat then go back to sleep til 8. The downside since he sleeps so much, is less naps during the day. He naps around every 3 hours but now they only last around 45 min. which leaves little time for me to do things...but I don't want to complain because I LOVE LOVE that he is sleeping through the night!

muddles-Chunky babies are the cutest! I myself have a chunky baby, he got weighed at 13 weeks and he was 14 pounds 13oz! He goes to get shots tomorrow and I can only imagine what he is going to weigh at 16 weeks!!

Well I have to get off as Dylan is crying and I hate typing with one finger!!
Hey all,

OMG where has the time gone! I cant believe Amy is already nearly 4 months old and weighing 15lbs 2 oz! How is everyone getting on? Amy pretty much sleeps through the night now but we have moved onto formula as she started to refuse breastfeeding!

Really hope everyone is ok amd getting on alright with Lo's

x x x x x
hi h&f long time no speak!!! glad u r ok!

owen still sleeping crap! his daytime naps seem to last 10-20mins and he is still not going longer than a 3hr stretch at night and that is if i'm lucky :wacko: praying that the weather will cool down soon, though the forecast says it's going to get hotter :shock: OH taken erin and dylan to the beach with his mum and i'm here tending to owen (feeding at mo) and tackling the mammoth :iron: pile! at least bf is a break! lol!
Hi Girls
Great to see all babies are doing well and Mums good.

Q for you all? Has anyone started weaning? I have been giving Harry 'proper' food for past few weeks or so as he was so hungry.......poor boy. He has Sunshine banana for brekkie and either Mash and Carrots or Mashed Banana for Tea,this and 4 bottles of White SMA a day so think is good. His weight is over 20lbs so a chunky monkey!

Also on a personal note: Has anyone NOT done the deed? I have not yet (dont feel like it at all) but think I should soon as hubby is so patient! Also keep thinking about another baby but that is defintely not on cards Hubby went pale!

Well good to catch up
bexxie - i will be weaning owen soon. he's constantly attached to the boob and he is always looking at food longingly :haha: i weaned my other 2 at just over 4months so will prob do this with owen too. i keep thinking about another baby but OH is having none of it.

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