Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Muddles: that is so scary :hugs: I dont know what I would have done :hugs: I hope they catch that fucker!

Emera: that advice sounds totally weird:nope:
Roh routine sounds great you have really given me hope :hugs:

Frufru: Thank you for the encouraging words about naps Bobby is so difficult to put down for a nap :cry: It great to hear that it will get better.

Sarah: glad you had a great week hon! Hope you had a nice annversary hon :hugs:

Maybe: I am so sorry that your DH is being such a douche :growlmad:

LM: Sorry Chloe is still in hospital :hugs: glad to hear she is doing better hon :hugs:

I was wondering if we could arrange a meet up sometime? LM do you want to come see the UK?!!!! It would be great if we could all meet!
well we did get to the waterpark today though when i got up i was dubious about it all as i found OH asleep on the living room floor :shock: (and we have tiled floors!) but he got up when i woke him and we had a nice day out and a fairly decent evening watching xfactor. he's so much nicer when he's not drinkin, drink brings out the worst in him. anyway owen has just fallen asleep so i am off to bed and fingers crossed will get a 3hr stretch of sleep out of him, that seems the most i can hope for unfortunately!!!

sarah-hope u had a good anniversary and had a wonderful night out!!!
evening ladies

sarah - Happy Anniversary :flower:

maybe- sorry about your DH :hugs: I'm glad he was nicer today, I cant believe he fell asleep on a tiled floor! As for babynaps my book says they need 3 naps a day with at least 5-6 hrs sleep in the day :shock: Alex is like Owen, he wakes after 20 mins. My book lady says to listen out for when they are stirring and get them straight back to sleep until they learn how to sleep longer...hmmm, so hard with 2 other children in the house making a racket isnt it!

LM - I hope your niece gets better soon :hugs:

frufru - you're so right about the vicious circle about day and night sleeps. Alex was all over the place last night, I have no idea how many times he woke up. I get him out and nurse him everytime which I know is creating bad habits but I get so tired I dont know what is going on! He's actually fallen asleep by himself tonight so I hope he sleeps better [-o< men are so funny, my DH will only do jobs I instruct him to do, he never does housework spontaneously :haha:

modo - how is bobby's sleep going without being swaddled? A meet would be cool!

Well I am watching a very wierd film about Angels possessing people and a baby that needs to be saved, very creepy :wacko:
muddles - yes, my niece Chloe is in the hospital - STILL. She will be there AT LEAST another week, maybe two. She is doing very well, but she needs to be on IV antibiotics. Her mom is going out of her mind - restless - because she is staying there with her. She won't leave her alone. The only time she leaves is if her husband or someone else in the family can stay with Chloe. The hardest part is that she has 3 older kids at home missing their mommy!

Awww that's a shame she is still in there. Hope she gets out very soon.

A meet up sounds like good fun.

Thanks ladies for your messages about my H's car. It is now with the insurance company so hopefully we will get it back soon all fixed. Oh and get this I have fallen out with my Mum AGAIN! i'd appreciate some advice and have posted a thread in the girly sanctuary.

modo - how is bobby's sleep going without being swaddled? A meet would be cool!

Oh Amy I gave up on that for now! He did sleep but it seemed like a much lighter sleep and my moving around the room disturbed him. I just took him out of his cot swaddled him and put him back in. He slept much better. Besides with his napping problems I just thought I had enough on my plate :(

I would love to meet you all in person :) Maybe I totally forgot you live abroad! Were you brought up in Gibraltar?
Maybebaby - I am glad that you got to go to the water park :thumbup: and hopefully Owen gave you a good run at sleep too :hugs:

Amy - great news that Alex fell asleep by himself. I am glad I am not the only one with an OH who needs to be told what to do around the house. Joni decided to be wide awake after her 3.30 feed and after an hour for the first time ever I took her into hubby and woke him up announcing that it was his turn! I climbed back into bed, put some earplugs in and left them to it. Joni eventually went to sleep at 5ish so got about and hours sleep before she woke up for the day at 6. I think hubby now has a better appreciation for what I do while he sleeps at night and has his lay-ins. I slept from about 4.30 until 6.20, checked in with hubby and then had another hour which was very much needed on my part.

Muddles - hopefully you will be fully reimbursed by the insurance co - I will pop over to the girly sanctuary to look at your other thread :hugs:

Modo - Joni is the same as Bobby and sleeps more deeply and for longer if swaddled. The trouble is trying to get her swaddled in the first place :wacko: I have a really long piece of thin linen that I swaddle Joni in and then just lay a blanket over her if she needs it.

I think we have a poorly Joni on her hands. She was snuffly last night and has been sneezy and coughing lots, we think she has a sore throat :sad1: She has been really temperamental today - very clingy and impatient which is not like her. She had some calpol earlier and she has had a few good naps today but she is hardly taking anything at her feeds. So far today she has had the following:

3.30: 4oz
6am: 1 oz
10am: 2.5oz
2.30pm: 3oz
4.30pm: 2.5oz

She usually takes 20-25oz per day, sometimes 30 and she is only at 12.5oz for the whole day so far :shrug: I think we might be in for a tough night :sad1:
frufru - hope joni is ok :hugs:

amy - how do you get them to extend their naps :wacko::shrug:

modo - yes i was born in gibraltar and have lived here all my life apart from when i went to UK to do my music degree (lived in Bath for 3 years) and my PGCE (lived in Oxford for a year. i do love to visit the UK but money is tight at the moment unfrotunately!

muddles - i'll check out your thread now.
I would loooovvvveeeee to come to the UK!! Anyone wanna buy me a ticket?? LOL.
Evening Ladies!

LM Sorry to hear that Chloe is still in hospital, her poor mother, she must feel so torn with her other children at home. I hope Chloe is on the mend and can come home soon.

FruFru I hope you managed to get your jobs done, I could do with a few days like that too! I hope Joni is feeling better soon, and I'm glad you got some sleep. Some times when I'm really tired Steve will get up with Oliver in a morning and I have a few hours - its so nice and I feel so much better for it!

MaybeBaby I'm glad you got to the waterpark - I cen't believe your OH slept on the tiled floor! I think I would have woken him up mopping around his face :haha:

Modo I'm certainly up for a meet!!! It would be amazing to meet all you lovely ladies and your lovely babies!!

Muddles I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles with your mum again :( You sound like such a really lovely person, she should just be so proud of you been such an amazing mum, and with Oliver been so lovely. It sounds like she is having trouble accepting that you have grown up. Would it be easier for you to write her a letter? rather than talk when things can so easily turn into an arguement and get heated? :hugs: I hope you can sort things out.

Well we had a lovely anniversary thankyou! The day started well - with a delivery from John Lewis lol! Steve had bought be an Il Tutto leather changing bag - OMG its gorgeous!! I daren't look to see how much it cost - but I wish I'd bought him something better now, though now I'm on mat pay I can't really afford to splash out too much. Its his birthday in a few weeks so I'll have to think of something really amazing but not too expensive - any ideas ladies? I love my bag so much - my poor Pink Lining bag has been relegated to second best :haha:

So we had a lovely day, we went out for lunch and had a relaxing time :) We decided not to go out in the end - we are going out on Thursday so since Oliver is stil going to bed at 8pm we just stayed in and had a nice meal and watched a film - small things seem like such an achievement now lol!! It was lovely though :)

Oliver has also decided that naps are for the weak! He's still going to bed at about 8pm, sometimes a bit earlier, but day time naps are a bit of a struggle. He's so nosy, I think he's afraid to miss something! Yesterday we resorted to going for a drive - he always falls asleep in the car! We had seen a house we could be interested in so we had a drive out so see it from the outside lol! Today he's only had two small naps, and then I managed to get him to sleep on me for about an hour and a half. Bless him!

We have a viewing arranged for the house we saw but I think we're going to cancel it. Its so frustrating - the house is perfect for us. It could do with a bit of a cosmetic makeover - but it looks perfectly livable just isn't to our taste really, and it has an absolutely massive, gorgeous garden. And it has a utility room which is something I really, really want lol! The crazy thing is that it's a good 20k less that our house is worth . . . and with a bit of work would be worth about 50k more than its on the market for. The downside is that its a reposession so they need the sale to complete within 21 days and we just can't do it. Even if we didn't sell our house first, its impossible to get a mortgage agreed and in place in 21 days - and we don't have the cash (blimey I wish we did lol!!). Argh its so frustrating . . . so I think going to look at it properly would just be putting ourselves through it lol! Everytime I was awake with Oliver last night I kept trying to think if there was a way we could do it. By morning I had come to the conclusion that the only way was a small lottery win lol! I checked our ticket and over our three lines we had five numbers - just not on the same line lol! So no utility room for me just yet :haha:

Well I'd better go . . . dinner is almost ready! I hope you are all having a lovely bank holiday weekend!

LM - if I can have a small-ish lottery win (I'm not asking for millions - I think thats reasonable lol!) I'll pay for you to come over for our meet. And MaybeBaby - you too. I think thats so nice of me that if anyone is 'up there' they should let me win on Wednesday :haha:
frufru - aww poor Joni. I really hope she is better soon and that you dont have an awful night. You're so lucky your DH takes over and gives you a break at night. Mine refuses. He says I can catch up in the day :dohh: fat chance with Emily and Holly about. I went to bed at 12.30 last night which I knew was going to be a bad move, Alex woke at 12.45 and then didnt get to sleep until 3.15am(by which time I was sobbing over his cot :cry:). Then he was awake at 5 - 5.30 and then 7. I felt sick all day!

maybe - my book lady reckons you should sit outside the room where your baby is asleep and then go to them the minute they start to stir and do whatever it takes to get them back off to sleep. she says eventually they learn to nap for longer - hmmm, cant see that working. I tried it today and it was a disaster. I'll keep trying though! :hugs:

muddles - so sorry to hear about your Mum :hugs: I'll have a read of your thread next :hugs:

modo - :haha: if swaddling works stick with it :) I'd do anything if it meant Alex slept well :haha:

sarah - I can imagine how frustrating that is about the house! I get so annoyed when I cant have what I want :haha: i agree that going to look at it will only increase your turmoil! Is your house on the market?

We had a lovely pub lunch out with friends today. I feel so fat now, I really wish I could stop picking and picking in the evening but its the only time I get to myself and I feel I deserve a treat :happydance:
A3my the only way I find guarenteed to get Oliver to have a decent nap his to hae him sleep on me and the second he starts to stir he gets a boob in his face :haha: He latches on, sucks for a few minutes and falls right back to sleep. If I don't do that he wakes up and then its back to square one!

Our house isn't on the market, we had a similar situation last year when we saw a house we loved but I had just found out that I was pregnant and we decided to stay put and benefit from our very small mortgage payments while I'm off work. We were just passing the estate agent and saw it. We'd really like to move, but we have both agreed that sensibly we should stay here for now. We are just not always the most sensible couple - heart tends to rule head around here - on occasion at least lol!
sarah - thats what I have to do to get Alex to nap, that or a long car journey or walk with the pram. I just worry that he'll struggle with naps when I go back to work. Luckily thats not until he's 9 months. When do you plan to return to work? Do you work from home? I think I remember you saying you worked in fashion/design? I'm totally ruled by my heart :haha: luckily (or unluckily at times) DH is the total opposite!
A3my I'm trying not to think about going back to work :( I think I will go back to my 'proper' job (in banking) in either February or May, depending on if we can afford for me to take three months unpaid. I will only go back part time though. I'm lucky as we have a very good nursery on site, so I think I'll do two 5 hours shifts with Oliver in nursery, and one longer shift when Mum and Dad take Oliver. I'm hoping to make my own business (wedding venue dressing) earn enough that I can leave the bank in a couple of years when I've probably had another baby and cashed in my share save scheme lol! Though the benefits are so good with the bank I should really just always keep a shift or two, just for the pension and things. I am also just setting up a small online shop selling craft type stuff - I did a few craft shows last year and bought a lot of stock I could do with shifting lol! I really want to work for myself . . . and to be at home with Oliver.
sarah :dohh: it was the "dressing" part of wedding venue dressing I remembered :blush: Its horrible isnt it, I didnt think I'd feel so bad about going back. I was meant to go back in October but luckily I had an injury payout from an accident we were in last year which I can use. I'm supposed to go back full-time but the thought of it makes me feel sick. Sensible DH doesnt think I can drop a day. I worked part time when the girls were little but I was a nurse then and working shifts meant we didnt need any childcare. You're lucky you've got options for working from home, I really hope it works out for you that you can eventually!
Hi ladies, hope you and your lovely babies are all ok! I've been soo busy lately and haven't got the internet connected yet. I miss you all and hope to be back very very soon x x
Emera that's great that the fenugreek has upped your supply. 8oz in 30 mins is pretty good going!

Sarah those changing bags are gorgeous (i googled out of nosiness :lol:) that house sounds lovely too. What a shame your lottery numbers didn't come up!

Katie nice to see you. Hope Daisy is doing well.

maybe glad you made it out to the waterpark.

A3my that film would have scared the crap out of me! Oliver is another one who likes to fight day time naps unless I am wanting to go out somewhere then he seems to choose to have an extra long one! :lol: At the breastfeeding drop in i go to I heard the woman who runs it saying to a mum who was worrying that her baby wasn't doing things 'by the book' She said 'it's all very well you reading the book and knowing what to do but has the baby read it?' I just try and get Oliver to have a nap whenever he starts rubbing his hands across his face and eyes and he rubs his hair too. He sleeps for around 30 mins usually with the occassional longer nap here and there.

Modo now the temperature is dropping a bit more Bobby will probably still like being wrapped up all warm and cosy. I wouldn't worry about it whatever helps him and you get some sleep is great!

Frufru how is Joni today? Hope she is feeling lots better after a good nights sleep.

Thanks very much those of you who were able to read and reply to my other thread. I really appreciate it. :flower:

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