Muddles - Whoah what a nightmare!!!! People that do these things make me so mad

It is a shame they are unlikely to catch the little bugger.
Emera-I am glad that Roh has settled himself down into a routine that suits you both

Fantastic news about the fenugreek and pumping too. I can't believe you were given such confusing information about weaning, that is really bad

My HV and classes reiterate the WHO recommendation of not weaning until 6 months and for them to have milk only until then. As Maybebaby said, the amount of iron in your BM is not sufficient after 6 months but technically your LO should get the iron from the food you are introducing. However, my HV recommends giving them iron/vitamin drops from 6 months if BF which you can get over the counter at the pharmacy for a few pounds. As for BLW - I can't decide

I think I will see if the library has a copy of the book for me to read up on it. Out of interest does you HV adjust Roh's weight centile on account of him being born early? I only ask as my HV's often forget and Joni is on the 2nd centile un-adjusted but once you take into consideration she was more than 5 weeks earlier she actually sits between the 25th-50th centiles.
Sarah - I am really pleased that you have had a lovely week

Have a fantastic night out tonight. I am still jealous of Olivers early bedtime
Maybebaby - I am really sorry your OH keeps regressing to his old ways

I hope you still managed to go to the waterpark or at least got to do something nice with the kids today
LM - Glad to hear that Chloe is doing well, hopefully she will be home sooner rather than later
Amy - thank you for the encouragement

I sympathise about the short naps - I used to struggle to get Joni to sleep at all without being cuddled the whole time. Then about 3-4 weeks ago she started wanting to nap at the same times twice a day and will fall asleep deeply enouh to be put down. The next step is to be able to put her down in her cot awake/drowsy and for her to fall asleep alone - I suspect it might be at least a few months trying to make that one happen
Well, as far as sleep goes Thursday night was better than Wednesday, but still not great. Joni was a right little grumpster on Friday and did not nap well all day as a result of not enough sleep at night. It is a viscious cycle with Joni where if she does not get enought sleep at night she does not nap well and if she does not nap well she sleeps poorly at night

I ended up letting her sleep on me yesterday afternoon just so she could get some rest and stand a chance of sleeping well at night. It seemed to work and she had a much better night Friday only waking once at 3 to feed and waking at 6

and she has napped well today

so fingers crossed for a shot at a good evening and nights sleep for her tonight
SO just a relaxed day for us today. I lay down with Joni at 1 for her nap, just for a bit, but did not wake up until 3.50

Unfortunately, while I had napped it had rained on my washing and the bottle I had made that was cooling had been left out

as, in true male style, Hubby had not thought to put the bottle in the fridge or get the washing in

He is great if I ask him to do certain jobs, however it would be good if he could use his own initiative, plus it would stop me feeling like a nag! Does he think there are fairies and pixies that come and do all the jobs around the house while he is at work all day and I am looking after Joni


whinge over
Well I hope you are all having a lovely weekend, I intend to spend the next two days staying at home where hubby can have some intensive 1:1 Joni time and I can try and get some of the bigger jobs around the house done - we will see