Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

I have something to make you all smile....Daddy is bathing Will and he has just wee'd on the towel and mat so I went into rescue them only to find that Daddy had left him on the mat and he had also poo'd everywhere - it's complete mess and tempted to bin the towel!!!
Bobby rolled over today for the first time!!!

LC :lol: bin the towel!!!
L-C - hehe brilliant, well done Will :)

H&F - time sure is flying by quick!

Maybe - nothing new from the book yet, just the usual try to put them down before they fall asleep on the boob. One thing she says is that babies should be asleep by 7.30/8pm, she reckons they stay up late when they get overtired so tonight I have got him in bed for 8pm and I've left him munching on his fist. I'll see if he can self settle [-o<

modo - well done Bobby!

surprise surprise Alex is crying! laters x
LC - thats sooo funny lol!!

CG - I'm glad you had a great time at the festival - great photo!!!

Muddles - Oliver is such a fab weight! He's just gorgeous :)

Bexxie - I'm planning to do baby led weaning at 6 months, Oliver seems happy with his milk still so I'm hoping to get to 6 months on just mummy milk lol! Oh, and we're DTD a few times now and it's finally starting to be more like old times lol! Argh the first few times it was pretty painful.

I've had a lovely week so far, met my friend from New Zealand on Tuesday which was so, so nice but it made me really sad to think that she is so far away, and its likely to be years and years until we see each other again :( We ended up going to the 5* hotel where we used to work together for lunch which was lovely - Oliver behaved and I got to show him off to some of the people I used to work with too :) Yesterday my niece came up and we had a nice day together, and today I went over to another friends house who I last saw when I was expecting, again Oliver was soooo good and she was smitten - she has a little one year old who was so cute with Oliver :)

Well tomorrow my parents are coming up for the Oliver Day lol - they come up every Friday. I'm taking my two persian cats to get clipped - eek! I just don't have the time to comb them anymore, so they both have quite bad tangles. I thought the best thing to do was to just get them clipped, thought goodness knows what they are going to look like!!!! But it will be more practical . . . they are just going to look so odd!!!!!!

Oliver was in bed for 7pm tonight, he's still fast asleep. I thought it might be a bit early for him but he's been fine . . . he'll probably want to get up at about 5am though now lol!

I sometimes put Oliver down while he's still half awake, and sometimes I feed him to sleep. He tends to self settle really well now, he likes to suck his thumb lol! Sometimes though, esp if he gets over tired, I have to rock him or feed him to sleep.

Right, well I might go to bed! Hope you're all well xx
amy - good luck! owen is falling asleep on the boob and it's 11.20pm :dohh:

LC - i salvaged a towel in that condition but only coz it was brand new, really fluffy and nice.,......and cream coloured :haha:

modo - well done bobby :yipee:
sarah - that's fab u r able to get oliver down so early! owen could take some tips off him!
sarah - I'm planning to try BLW this time too, I'm just reading Gill Rapley's book. I cant wait, it sounds like so much fun :D glad you've had such a lovely few days.

well I've had to go up and settle Alex 3 times but I put him down before he was asleep each time and he did self settle to sleep in the end but that wasnt until 9.30pm. I dont let him cry, I'm too much of a softie. I tried the "cry it out" technique with Emily when she was a baby and it was awful, she would scream until she vomitted so I wont be trying it with Alex. I want him to be able to get himself to sleep for when he goes to nursery :(

maybebaby - Alex is on the boob all day :haha: he never goes longer than 2 hours :dohh: hope you get some sleep.

as for DTD, its still only twice for us. I feel far too unattractive. I want to lose a stone but everytime I think tomorrow I will cut down I end up eating more! I am addicted to Alpen at the moment - two bowls a night :blush:
Muddles - congratulations on having super-duper booby-juice :mrgreen: Take no notice about others saying it is time to wean him, Oliver will let you know when he is ready. Joni shows absolutely no interest in food yet.

Amy - wow cooking Chilli, baking and cleaning the house! I am in awe of your domestic prowess. My book say the same about bedtimes too. I started our bedtime routine at 6.15 today (bath, massage, feed, cuddles and hopefully sleep) but Joni did not successfully go down until 8.40 :wacko: I guess I will keep trying.......

Babyhope - thanks for posting about Dylans sleeping patterns, it is good to see everyones routines. I hope Dylan's shots went ok :hugs: Joni always sleeps really well after hers.

Hope&faith :wave: lovely to "see you" It sounds like Amy is growing well :mrgreen:

Maybebaby - sorry to hear Owen is still not sleeping well. Fingers crossed the temperature will come down soon.

Bexxie - Harry sounds as if he is coming along wonderfully. No weaning here, as I mentioned above Joni has not shown the remotest interest in food and is still more than happy with milk. On personal note Hubby and I have got jiggy a few times since Joni was born but it is difficult to find the time and energy sometimes :blush: Hubby has point blank stated as far as he is concerned Joni is an only child!

L-C - :rofl: Joni had an all-up-the-back poop a couple of weeks ago that went all the way up to her armpits :shock: I was out at the time and when hubby texted to say that it was up to her armpits I thought he was exagerating but he really wasn't!!!! I was tempted to throw the vest she was wearing away but 4 applications of vanish and an hour soaking in oxiwash and it was as good as new :mrgreen:

Modo - yay for Bobby :yipee:

Sarah - It sounds like Oliver is a great little sleeper and so well behaved in the day too - maybe he could have a word with Joni :winkwink:

Last night Joni had a feed at 10.30 but woke up at 12.10 to play and have cuddles :rolleyes: I managed to get her back to sleep after about 40 mins by snuggling her in our bed and put her in her cot again around 2am. She fed at 4.30 and proceeded to fidget and grumble right through to her next feed at 7 :nope: Consequently she has been a right grumpy-bum all day as she did not get enough sleep last night and has been difficult to get down for naps as she is so overtired.

My mission today was to dismantle and move her cot back into her room. It is all done now and Little Miss is sleeping on her tod for the first time tonight. I really think we disturb her with our movements and noises at night and hope that her sleeping in her own room will improve the length of time she sleeps and reduces the number of times she wakes - I will let you know how she did tomorrow.

Righto - enough of my waffle - night night everyone :hugs:
Hey ladies we had a nightmare day yesterday!

Oliver was nodding off around 9pm yesterday so i was in our bedroom with him and was putting the clean clothes away. I heard loud banging outside so looked out the window and saw some scrawny little shit bashing the hell out of my husband's car with a crowbar!!!!!! I banged really hard on the window and the little sod ran off. You know when you hear the stories in the newspaper about people tackling thieves I always insisted that i would never do that and yet my first thought was to run outside and tackle the little shit. :blush: The police came quickly but the kid was long gone and because it was dark and he had a hoodie on I didn't get a look at his face. He smashed the driver's window, back window on the driver's side, the windscreen, the driver's side headlight and the driver's side wing mirror. Oh and to top it all off it was pouring with rain but we weren't allowed to touch the car until the police were done with it so the inside of the car is soaking wet. My car was parked right next to my husbands and there were three other cars in the parking bay opposite and it was just his that was done. The police man asked if he had fallen out with anyone but my husband is so chilled out he really isn't the sort to piss anyone off. We think they were trying to steal it but because of the immobiliser and dead lock they couldn't get in so just bashed it up instead. :grr:

Well i've managed to cheer up a bit since i last posted! :)

I've had over a week of Roh waking up in the night 3-4 times and waking up properly at about 4-5am, ergh, its killed me! Its amazing how fast you get used to sleeping... terrible really, but it feels so much harder to have disturbed sleep when you know your baby can usually go for 10+hours.

Anyway, these last 3 days Roh seems like a different baby, he's suddenly gone to sleeping 7pm-7am, and seems to have suddenly developed a set daytime routine too! He's now napping 10-11.30am, and then 1.30-2.30pm and then 4-4.30pm ish. He's gone down to 5 feeds a day, but he wants both sides at each feed now, such a weird change around. I hope he sticks with this for a bit though, its really nice! :)

I've been taking fenugreek tablets, and they seem to have helped alot with my pumping. Roh is still wanting 8oz at his night feed, and after a week of the tablets i can now get that amount in 30 minutes ish when i pump in the evening after he's asleep :)

We went today to have his heel prick tests redone, as i got a call last week saying they couldn't do the tests as the sample wasn't big enough. He was so brave and didn't even cry! He was just all smiles for the MW :)

I went to a weaning class today, and i've left far more confused than before i went! :wacko: I really don't know what to do now....
When i spoke with the HV last week she said don't wean until 6 months unless his weight starts to dip before then, and i know the WHO says exclusive BF is the best thing up to 6 months thats what i was planning to do and then BLW after that.
Anyway the child nutritionistwho did the class today (an nhs run class at the HV centre) said that you have to start weaning before 6 months, preferably at 17-19 weeks and then move them on to proper meals at 6 months, and that leaving it until 6 months to introduce any food at all could cause fussy eating and problems later on, and also they wouldn't start to build up their stores for when they run out of iron etc at 6 months!? She also said that if we planned to continue with BF after 6 months and not introduce any formula, then it was important to give vitamin drops as the breastmilk is defficient in some vitamins and minerals?? The whole thing was so confusing, it sort of sounded like she was saying that we should use 50/50 formula, or our babies could become anaemic. I'm just really confused, surely that would mean that before formula existed all babies would end up anaemic after 6 months if they can't get the minerals and vitamins they need from the food you give them? :shrug:
I'm really annoyed that something set up but my HV to be educational provided advice that totally conflicts with the line i've been given by my HV. There was no mention of BLW at all, just to give finger foods and purees after 6 months, so now i don't know where i stand with doing BLW, and am i going to be putting Roh at a disadvantage by going down that route if he is potentially not going to be getting the nutrition he needs soon enough.... argh! What a nightmare, i wish i'd never gone to the class now :(
It wuld be ok if Roh was a bigger baby, but being on the 2nd centile i'm now really concerned about the whole thing, as he can't really afford to slow down his weight gain. On top of that i have no idea who to ask for advice about it now, as my HV seems to be at odds with the nutritionist!

Oof sorry to rant on a bit, but do any of you have any thoughts or advice? I'm feeling totally lost about the weaning thing now :wacko:

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to you all!
Oh Muddles, what a nightmare! Good that you didn't go out there though, its not safe to confront people like that. Just glad it was only the car that was damaged!

Emera that sounds like really shocking advice-you should complain especially as it is totally against what the World Health Organisation recommends (exclusive bf until 6 months and no solids until then)! My area recommends BLW and not purees and they will push us in that direction so the weaning talk in this area is only about BLW. Not been to it yet though. Rohan will continue to get the majority of his calories from milk so if you do BLW it doesn't matter too much at first how much he gets because he will still be having lots of milk. I think with regard to the vitamins isn't it vitamin D that breastmilk lacks? As long as you take your baby outside in the fresh air then that provides the vitamin D all other vitamins will be provided in food and milk so sure you don't need to give other vitamins. May be worth asking one of the breastfeeding mums who have continued to feed after 6 months about it.
frufru - keep trying, thats what I am going to do too :hugs: my book stresses the importance of daytime naps. Alex is rubbish at sleeping for longer than 20 mins and so I am going to try to extend those too. Good luck with tonight, hope Joni sleeps well in her own room tonight :hugs:

muddles - that sounds awful. what a horrid little sh1t!!! I'm so sorry that happened :hugs:

emera - thats great about Roh's routine. I agree with muddles re weaning advice. I'm reading Gill Rapleys book on BLW and she says BM doesnt contain as much iron as formula or food but the iron in it is very easily absorbed. She says internal reserves of iron are used up by about 6 months but the baby is still getting iron from your milk and from the small amount of food they will be digesting by then. try not to worry though, the main thing is to find the way that works for you and Roh. I weaned my girls at 4 months (before the wHO legislation came out in 2003) and they are both fit and healthy but I plan to do BLW with Alex :hugs:
Muddles what a nightmare! Gosh I hope they catch the little sod. Did you get the car sorted okay? Our neighbour once caught someone trying to brake into his car, he chased them down the street with a cricket bat - afterwards he said he knew it was a bad idea but just had to do something. Hope it all gets sorted okay :hugs:

Emera I can't believe what bad advice you were given!! Complain hun cos that advice is soooooo out of date. I've just bought the gill rapley book on blw too, can't wait for it to arrive!!

Well I have just had the nicest week! Its been lovely :) Today my parents came up and we went shopping as I needed an anniverrsary gift fior Steve for tomorrow. I ended up getting him a Paul Smith tie and some cute Paul Smith socks, a bit boring but I left it too late! Doh! Tomorrow night we are going out for a meal :)

Oliver went to bed at half seven tonight and has been so good! He was just getting a bit restless so he's had a dream feed. He's a little star :)
amy - how do u go about extending daytime naps? owen sleeps 20mins max too unless we are out in the fresh air!

my OH is being a d*** again tonight. when he drinks he's such an a*** hole! he's drunk nearly 2 bottles of wine already regardless of the fact we r supposed to be going to the water park in spain in the morning and supposed to leave at 8.30am! sometimes i think i'd be better off alone. i can never do anything right in his eyes.
:hugs: for maybebaby. Sorry your OH is been an iddiot, I hope you get to the waterpark! X
muddles - yes, my niece Chloe is in the hospital - STILL. She will be there AT LEAST another week, maybe two. She is doing very well, but she needs to be on IV antibiotics. Her mom is going out of her mind - restless - because she is staying there with her. She won't leave her alone. The only time she leaves is if her husband or someone else in the family can stay with Chloe. The hardest part is that she has 3 older kids at home missing their mommy!
Muddles - Whoah what a nightmare!!!! People that do these things make me so mad :gun: It is a shame they are unlikely to catch the little bugger.

Emera-I am glad that Roh has settled himself down into a routine that suits you both :thumbup: Fantastic news about the fenugreek and pumping too. I can't believe you were given such confusing information about weaning, that is really bad :nope: My HV and classes reiterate the WHO recommendation of not weaning until 6 months and for them to have milk only until then. As Maybebaby said, the amount of iron in your BM is not sufficient after 6 months but technically your LO should get the iron from the food you are introducing. However, my HV recommends giving them iron/vitamin drops from 6 months if BF which you can get over the counter at the pharmacy for a few pounds. As for BLW - I can't decide :wacko: I think I will see if the library has a copy of the book for me to read up on it. Out of interest does you HV adjust Roh's weight centile on account of him being born early? I only ask as my HV's often forget and Joni is on the 2nd centile un-adjusted but once you take into consideration she was more than 5 weeks earlier she actually sits between the 25th-50th centiles.

Sarah - I am really pleased that you have had a lovely week :hugs: Have a fantastic night out tonight. I am still jealous of Olivers early bedtime :lol:

Maybebaby - I am really sorry your OH keeps regressing to his old ways :sad1: I hope you still managed to go to the waterpark or at least got to do something nice with the kids today :hugs:

LM - Glad to hear that Chloe is doing well, hopefully she will be home sooner rather than later :hugs:

Amy - thank you for the encouragement :mrgreen: I sympathise about the short naps - I used to struggle to get Joni to sleep at all without being cuddled the whole time. Then about 3-4 weeks ago she started wanting to nap at the same times twice a day and will fall asleep deeply enouh to be put down. The next step is to be able to put her down in her cot awake/drowsy and for her to fall asleep alone - I suspect it might be at least a few months trying to make that one happen :rolleyes:

Well, as far as sleep goes Thursday night was better than Wednesday, but still not great. Joni was a right little grumpster on Friday and did not nap well all day as a result of not enough sleep at night. It is a viscious cycle with Joni where if she does not get enought sleep at night she does not nap well and if she does not nap well she sleeps poorly at night :rolleyes: I ended up letting her sleep on me yesterday afternoon just so she could get some rest and stand a chance of sleeping well at night. It seemed to work and she had a much better night Friday only waking once at 3 to feed and waking at 6 :thumbup: and she has napped well today :) so fingers crossed for a shot at a good evening and nights sleep for her tonight [-o<

SO just a relaxed day for us today. I lay down with Joni at 1 for her nap, just for a bit, but did not wake up until 3.50 :shock: Unfortunately, while I had napped it had rained on my washing and the bottle I had made that was cooling had been left out :growlmad: as, in true male style, Hubby had not thought to put the bottle in the fridge or get the washing in :rolleyes: He is great if I ask him to do certain jobs, however it would be good if he could use his own initiative, plus it would stop me feeling like a nag! Does he think there are fairies and pixies that come and do all the jobs around the house while he is at work all day and I am looking after Joni :shrug: Blah :winkwink: whinge over :haha:

Well I hope you are all having a lovely weekend, I intend to spend the next two days staying at home where hubby can have some intensive 1:1 Joni time and I can try and get some of the bigger jobs around the house done - we will see :winkwink:

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