Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Morning - firstly Maybe I feel your pain today :sleep: Alex was awake between 3am and 6am and just wouldnt settle. I was sat on the edge of the bed crying whilst feeding him for most of that time :cry::nope: I wish I knew a magic spell that would make our babies sleep! I've been working on getting Alex to fall asleep without my boob and he does go to bed well. He sleeps from 8pm ish to somewhere between 11 and 1am but every feed after that its a struggle to get him to settle. I have had a couple of better nights before last night but better is still him waking every 1 1/2 hrs. I know how hard it is, especially with 2 other children around demanding your attention when you are so tired you feel sick.

Sarah - I dont think its cruel for you to take Oliver out till 9pm, the worst that can happen is he'll get a bit restless. Routines need to be flexible :)

frufru - I hear you on the routine, I've found Alex settles much better at night with a routine. I'm going to work on a nap routine when the girls are back at school and dont wake him every 5 seconds ! :wacko:

muddles - we have a small adult tent that the girls love to play in - good plan :thumbup:

CG - :hugs: what you are feeling is totally understandable :hugs: its much better to talk about how you are feeling rather than bottling it up too. :hugs:

well I'm having lunch at the beach with my best bud today. so nice to have some sun. hope you all have a good day and maybe - hope you get a chance to nap xx
I am trying with the routine but not sure how successful it is!

Sarah I do the baby massage at my sure start centre and its great. I get on well with all the Mum’s but there are 3-4 in particular I think I will stay in touch with when the course ends as we all get on so well. I also still see five of the ladies I did my pregnancy yoga course with.
I’m sure it won’t hurt Oliver to have a later night for once. Joni often has a random night where she does not go down to sleep at the usual time for no particular reason. When this happens I just make sure she naps well and has an earlier night the following day.

Maybebaby - :hugs: I am sorry you are having such a bad time sleeping at the moment. Could Owen be going through a growth spurt perhaps?

Amy – Sorry you had a bad night too :hugs: Hopefully he will nap more in the day when the girls go back to school and that might help his night time sleeping. Have a lovely time with your friend.

Well I have been a busy bee this morning and got lots of bits and bobs done. I often feel like there are so many little &/or big jobs and things needing doing that just keep coming along and adding to the already massive pile of stuff waiting to be done – it is nice to feel like I am making some headway even if it is only baby steps :winkwink: Of course Joni’s monster nap of the day helps. She went down at 10.35 and is still sleeping :shock: I will have to go in and unswaddle her in the next half hour if she doesn’t wake on her own as I don’t let her nap more than 3hours straight in the day otherwise I find she wants to get up in the night to eat and play :rolleyes:

Have a good day everyone :hugs:
haha Joni literally woke up as I hit the "post reply" button :haha:
owen does not have a routine and does not nap much during the day. his naps are about 20mins long if i am lucky and sometimes a bit longer if we are out in the fresh air. the place he sleeps best is in the car when it is moving :dohh: today he has been awful during the day. his feeding was bad and my boobs were leaking everywhere! i gave him a bit of calpol as i thought it might be his teeth and he napped much longer after that. no sign of a tooth breaking through though :shrug: i am dreading tonight :cry: i wish i could have just 1 night off!

amy - hang in there! at 3am when i'd not even gone to sleep yet i honestly was wondering if it was at all worth trying to go to sleep! i really just dont know what to do! :dohh: he wouldnt take his dummy, just the boob and every time he unlatched he started thrashing about and moaning!!!
maybe - I dont suppose there's any chance of your DH helping out and giving your a break? I wonder if Alex's poor sleep is due to teething, I can see the teeth in his lower gum/jaw. Can you see any in Owen's? Alex also drools constantly and is quite bitey. Hang on in there too :hugs: xx
fat chance! lol! i was also thinking maybe teething. good luck tonight amy! owen is still wide awake :dohh:
fat chance! lol! i was also thinking maybe teething. good luck tonight amy! owen is still wide awake :dohh:

:grr: My DH wont help me out either :growlmad: Well Alex is asleep and if I was sensible I would go to bed now but I am on here :dohh: and I have to get all the girls stuff ready for their first day back at school tomorrow!

Really hope you get some sleep tonight xx
MaybeBaby is could be teething, Oliver has no sign of any teeth but he chews his hands and likes to bite things! I either give him Calpol if he's really upset, or more often I use Anbesol too which is really good - its liquid so can't be sucked off in a chunk like Bonjela :haha:. I just put some on my finger, rub it on his gums and it really seems to help. My HV recommended it and I think its great.

Oliver has been so different at night since I started a night routine. Is there any chance of you starting one with Owen? Does he have a point in the evening when he starts looking a bit tired? As soon as Oliver starts looking tired after about 6pm I start his night routine - shower with Steve / Bath, the into our bedroom with the lights all low to get dry and PJs on, he has a good feed and goes to sleep. He's usually fast asleep from 7/8pm. Tonight was a little different as we had company so I missed out the bath / shower step but kept everything else the same - it took longer to get him settled (he was laughing and cooing for ages lol!) but he was alseep for just before 9pm. Instead of me deciding on what time bedtime is I just went with Olivers natural tired time, so some days bedtime is earlier / later but he's always tired so getting him to sleep isn't generally an issue, and I don't worry about him falling asleep on the boob - sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't, but there are worse things he could be doing in my opinion :)

Oliver is at the Doctors in the morning, he has a little bit of a cough so I thought I should get him checked over. He's absolutely fine apart from this little cough, but I just want to make sure its nothing to worry about. He's got his third vaccinations next week so I wanted to make sure he's okay for then, or if he needs to delay them I can sort that out now rather than wait until the day of his appointment.

Oh, and fingers crossed for a good nights sleep for A3my and MaybeBaby, if you ladies were closer I'd come and watch your babies for you while you got some rest :hugs:
sarah - aww, I hope Oliver is OK :hugs:. I have found that Alex goes to sleep much better with our evening routine, its just the rest of the night I have to crack now :D I dont understand why he wakes so frequently. Its a shame, on holiday he was sleeping through (11pm - 7am) and when he started this waking I thought it might be a growth spurt but its been going on for 4 weeks now :dohh:

I forgot to say, we were at the beach today and Emily fell off her scooter. She had a huge bump on her head and skinned her face, knee, shoulder and foot. She was hysterical and screaming "please help me". luckily my sister is a doctor and she got on with cleaning her up becasue I went to pieces. Poor thing. She's meant to go back to school tomorrow but is really worried about people staring at her :(
Aww poor Emily! Hope she heals up quickly :hugs:

And i hope Oliver turns out to be ok Sarah, its best to check these things out, just to set your mind at rest :hugs:

A3my and Maybe, i really hope the boys behave themselves and let you get some rest tonight! I really feel for you, especially with the 2 weeks or so i've just had of Roh walking up all the time in the night after he was sleeping 11 hours for so long, it was quite painful :hugs::hugs:

I've not been about much as i usually come on and check how things are going with everyone after i get Roh off to sleep, and these past 5 nights have been absolutely awful, if been in tears each night :wacko: It really doesn't help that OH has been working lots of late shifts recently, he's been going to work at 9 or 10am and not coming home until 10pm or later, i'm finding it really hard when he's only here for a couple of hours in the morning to help out.

Roh has been teething too, he had a bout of it and then it all calmed down and now its back with a vengance! Poor slobbery little guy. He does make me laugh though he's started getting all excited when he sees the Bonjela tube, he really loves the stuff! :haha:

I went and complained to my HV about the weaning class i did last week, she was really apologetic that the advice was so confusing and misleading, she also helped me come up with a plan for weaning Roh, and what i was to watch out for as to when to start, so i'm feeling alot more confident now :) She still wasn't alot of help about BLW, but i've been researching it myself and have the book on the way, so all in all i'm feeling more confident.

The last 5 nights, Roh has been going totally mental at bedtime, and its been taking over 3 hours to get him to sleep. I started swaddling him again a few weeks ago as he seemed to be waking himself up in the night with his crazy arms! Anyway, i've been settling him down as usual, he has his bath, massage, bottle, wind, cuddle, and then swaddled up and his dummy in to go off to sleep. Thats how we've always done it, only change is that he goes to sleep at 7pm rather than 9pm, well, until last friday anyway. Once he's in bed he's just been getting more and more worked up and thrashing his legs about and crying, so i thought maybe he was suddenly suffering with bad wind, so i've been winding him, walking about with him, cycling his legs etc, all of this taking 2 hours+ with him crying all the time, and then eventually end up giving him another feed as it gets past 10pm so he's hungry as well as uncomfortable and tired, nightmare! :wacko: The later feed is the only thing thats got him to go to sleep. I've been going through everything i'm doing to think if it could have been causing this, its just been awful :(
Anyway, tonight i was really careful about everything and he was all relaxed getting into his cot, i swaddled him up and put his dummy in and suddenly he was crying and kicking his legs out, i thought "oh no not again i did everything so carefully" and tried to calm him down for about 10 minutes and then decided to get him up again , so i took his dummy out and his swaddle off and he stopped crying right away and started smiling! Apparently the only problem has been that i've been getting in the way of him trying to have a little play and then settle himself to sleep! :shrug: So, no dummy and no swaddle, strange little baby!
I feel so guilty that i didn't work it out sooner though as the only reason he's been upset these last 5 nights is that i've been getting it totally wrong...i feel like a bad mother for not working it out :(

:hugs: to you all !
Awwww Emera hun don't feel bad! We all have to learn and babies are funny little things, always changing their minds!! Sometimes Oliver settles much better if I just leave him to it, not crying but wriggling! I think he trys to stay awake if I'm there, like he doesn't want to miss anything! Nosy little thing.
Oh poor Emily! Just saw your post Amy, I hope she's okay - and you too, it must be horrid. I'm not looking forward to Oliver getting big enough to hurt himself falling over and things. its bad enough when he gets his vaccinations! I hope Emily has a good first day back at school :hugs:
amy - hope emily is ok. did u have a better night?!!

emera - dont feel bad! babies r so fickle!

another crap night here! owen went to bed about 11 and woke about 10 times between then and 7! so :sleep: off to get ready to take erin to nursery xxx

sarah - owen never seems tired til 11pm :dohh:
Sarah hope Oliver is ok. When my Oliver had a cold the doctor gave me an inhaler as he was quite chesty but said only to use it if his breathing got worse. He also recommended Karvol (sp?) plug in thing which we did use. I also put him in his bouncer in the bathroom when I had a shower so the steam cleared him out a bit too. The nurse didn't delay his 2nd lot of injections as he had no temperature so you should be ok.

Maybebaby sorry your H isn't helping. Is there any way you could leave him with the kids and go off somewhere for the evening/day just so he can see how hard it is to have to do everything by yourself. Mine said last night that he was feeling really tired as Oliver woke him up in the night when he wanted feeding. I just looked at him, and said 'I know it must be so hard for you with all of the getting up you have done over the past 18 weeks and then to have to go to work and generally do everything round the house while I just sit on my bum watching Jeremy Kyle all day.' :rofl: He then laughed as he was just joking thankfully, we do have funny senses of humour though and are always teasing each other about who does most. I then worked out that I have got up at least 126 times in the past 18 weeks as Oliver wakes up once most nights but sometimes more. That's crazy as my H has only got up around 7 of those times, and yes that was the first week of Oliver's life! Mind you he can't do much as I am bf so not much point in him getting up. He does help when he is at home, but would happily let me do most of the work if he thought he could get away with it. :lol:

A3my hope night times get better for you soon too. How are Emily's injuries? I'm sure if anything she will get lots of sympathy at school rather than staring. Are the girls pleased to be going back to school? It made me laugh on Facebook as my teacher friends are complaining about going back to work but my mummy friends are delighted the schools are going back!

Frufru that's a great nap! It's such a nice feeling when you get lots done isn't it?!

Emera least you worked out what the problem was, it would be much easier if they could just tell us what they wanted. Oliver often babbles to me as if he is telling me something I'd love to know what it is, though it usually seems to be accompanied by him trying to latch on so I am guessing he is saying 'Stop smiling at me woman and get the milk out.' :lol: It's funny how quickly they change what they like and leave you to work out what it is that has gone wrong when what you are doing has worked for the previous x amount of nights! That's good about getting better advice for weaning. The Gill Rapley book has been recommended to me as being really good. We went and bought a highchair, little bowls, spoons etc at the weekend though not intending to use them for another couple of months but thought he could start sitting in the highchair as it reclines so doesn't matter he can't sit up unaided yet.

Oliver had his third lot of injections yesterday and I was so worried because it was the three. He was so brave and even did a half smile at the nurse after the second one! I could have cried as he was standing on my H's knee in the waiting room smiling and giggling with no idea what was about to happen. I couldn't even look at him :cry:
Evening ladies!

Muddles I'm glad Oliver was okay after his vaccinations! I'll be glad when Olivers are out of the way next week.

maybebaby sorry you had another bad night. Do you co-sleep? If not, it might be worth trying. And if you do, I'd be tempted to try putting Owen in his cot? Just in case he's waking up because you are close? Is there anyone else you could talk to for advice like a health visitor?

Oliver was soooo good at the doctors this morning, and he's absolutely fine. I'm glad I got him checked out though :)
Well Steve and I are going out tonight, I'm actually looking forward to it - I think lol! We are going to my favourite thai restaurant in leeds and then to one of Steves rival casinos lol! For a bit of a spy :) My parents are coming to babysit, I started Olivers bedtime routine at about 6pm and he's asleep in my arms now. Hopefully he'll stay settled while we're gone. I have no idea what I'm going to wear though, and I just coloured my hair in a bit of a hurry so I'm hoping its okay!

Right, well I should put Oliver down and go and get ready, hope everyone else has a nice evening!
Oh, and has anyone seen JannyWanny? I know she was having a tough time and I haven't seen her on here for a while. I really hope she's okay!
sarah - we half co-sleep: owen starts off in his cot and as soon as he wakes he comes to our bed and stays there. he's done 3 poos today which is very strange for him as he normally goes days without a poo! i guess i could try to see the HV but they get arsey if you dont have an appointment! enjoy your night out! and glad the dr gave oliver a clean bill of health!

Amy - how was your night?

muddles - glad oliver's vaccines were ok! owen has his on 13th
Thanks for all your best wishes for Emily. She looked awful this morning but we patched her up with neurofen and dressed the wounds and she had a nice day at school. Holly was pleased to be back too. I really missed the little scoundrels :)

Maybe - would it be worth trying to get Owen to bed with your other two? Alex was a struggle to get to sleep tonight but after 4 attempts he went off sucking his thumb. Last night he was brilliant! He slept 8 - 12, then 12.30 - 4.30, then 5 - 7am. The only thing was i still woke every half hour all in a panic because I am not used to it :dohh: I highly doubt it was the start of something, more like a freak night.

emera - sorry you've had a rough few days. thats good you got to the bottom of it though. Great news about the weaning plan too :hugs:

sarah - glad Oliver is OK and hope you have a fab night. I'm sure you look gorgeous whatever you wear! :hugs: I dont think Jannywanny has posted for a while now :nope:

Muddles - yey to Oliver being done with vaccines for a while :thumbup: I forgot it was three this time, I'll torture myself beforehand like you did :cry::hugs::flower: I keep telling myself its to protect him and it would be so much worse if he wasnt vaccinated and caught something horrible.
amy - i'm so happy u had a good night!!! hope u had another good one last night! mine was still the same but at least OH slept on sofa so i had bed to myself as owen was in with me before midnight!

it's dylan's first day at his new school today! he's starting reception.

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