Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Well Joni seems to have decided she does not like her routine anymore :nope:

SHe was really difficult to get down for her naps all day yesterday. Her wake up time has been getting progressively earlier over the last week and she woke up to start her day at 4.45 this morning :wacko: She fought her first nap like crazy and for her second nap has woken up after only an hour :shrug: Bugger - I really thought we were starting to get naps licked. Ah well back to the drawing board :rolleyes:

I did try to get her back to sleep twice with her second nap but she was not having any of it so I have got her up and she is currently having a kick and play on the rug. Joni is getting really good at rolling over from her front to her back now but she has just done that about 8 times in a row and made herself sick 3 times as a result of the tummy pressure :dohh:

I have just been browsing online for bottles and nappies and seen that Boots deliver free for orders of £40 or above and they have bumper packs of pampers on offer 2 for £20 :thumbup: I am using the TT anti-colic bottles (the ones with the torpedo in them) with Joni at the moment but am getting really pee'd of with them as the anticolic valves keep disassembling in the bottle so they leak everywhere. And 2 of the rubber stoppers already have slits in them despite me washing them REALLY carefully :growlmad: Joni used NUK bottles when she was first born so I am going to order a couple of them to try instead.

Comical thought for the day is Joni farting so loudly the other day she made herself jump :rofl:

Right - time to start trying to get the little miss to wind down so we can attempt naptime again.

Have a nice day everyone xx
Oh and I forgot to say how cute your Oliver, Dylan and Erin all look in their pictures :mrgreen:
owen does the fart thing too frufru! amazing how such a huge noise comes out of such a small person :haha::rofl:
Frufru - Dillon started rolling from his back to his front a few days ago. He is an "expert" at it now! LOL. I can't keep him in one spot and expect him to stay there anymore!

I hope Joni starts doing better with her sleep for you. Dillon has been all over the place too. No real schedule anymore.... Well actually - he does go down about the same time each night - but he has been waking a lot more frequently than he used to.

Did I tell you ladies I got a new breast pump finally?? I was using my OLD OLD one - and it was only a single. It was taking me 30 min and I would only get 3 oz at the most! Now I have an Ameda Purely Yours double - and can get 4 oz in about 10 min. Its fabulous!
Maybe - your Dylan is so cute! What grade did he start? Kindergarten? And Erin is precious too.
LM - he started what they call 'reception' here. i guess it must be like kindergarten. he's 5 in november. he was at the school i teach last year (in nursery year, i guess that is like pre K) and he has none of his old friends with him now as this is a new school but he said he was playing with a boy called Jaivan so he seems to be getting on OK. his teacher was telling my MIL (who's a teacher there too) that he is really well behaved and helpful. shame he's not so well behaved and helpful at home :dohh: Glad you got your new breastpump :thumbup:

i am really struggling with bf at the moment as owen wants to be on the boob all night and then just goes on for a couple of mins at a time during the day. i am exhausted and ended up having a meltdown and was in floods of tears as i dont even get a 2hr stretch at night. Danny told me i should try formula and to not feel like a failure about it as i have 3 kids now to look after and need to sleep. i do love bf though and i would feel like a complete faliure if i gave up now. feel like such a crap mum at the moment though as i lose my patience so quickly with dylan and erin and then i hate myself for losing it. :cry: i bf erin for 21months and was hoping to go a long way with owen too. i just dont know what to do.
Hey ladies,

Maybe and Muddles - love the pictures :hugs:

frufru - so sorry to hear about your job :hugs: nightmare. Stick with the routine for Joni, I keep hearing about the 3/4 month regression so maybe its that :shrug:

LM - yey for the breast pump - sounds fabulous! :thumbup:

well Alex has been a little rotter again the last couple of nights :(

Maybe it seems we have a pair of little tinkers. And a pair of useless OHs when it comes to support/helping out with the babies. I completely understand your turmoil over breastfeeding. I feel the same way. I'm not sure switching to formula would help you at the moment, it sounds more like Owen needs to learn that days are for feeding and nights for sleeping. Alex does feed in the day but its constant some days. He wakes hourly on a bad night and although I feed him I know he's just using me as a dummy. Alex's problem is he doesnt know how to get to sleep without nursing and I know I have to somehow break that habit. He also only naps for 20-30 mins in the day. All I can suggest for Owen is that you really force some sort of night routine on him and maybe tell Danny that he can help you more by trying to settle Owen at night rather than suggest you give him formula becasue you have 3 children to look after (which are his responsibility too!). You could try it for 10 days and see if you make any progress??? :shrug: I always said I wouldnt but I tried leaving Alex to cry today becasue I feel I dont have time for my other children but it broke my heart and I ended up in tears saying I cant cope. You're not alone, somehow we'll crack this :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Ladies :)

Aww Oliver looks so cute in his Bumbo :thumbup: Roh just got one off of his cousin, my Mum assured me it was "flesh coloured" which is rubbish, so now Roh has a lovely baby pink Bumbo :haha: He likes it alot, but gets frustrated before too long at the moment because he is constantly trying to reach his feet to eat them and the Bumbo gets in the way :haha:

Maybe - Sorry you are feeling so down and fed up :hugs: Its all down to the fact you aren't getting your sleep, i really feel for you. If you swapped to formula, would it be worth it? I mean, would your OH help in the nights or would you just be up making up bottles etc instead of Bfing? And if you swapped to formula, there is no guarentee that Owen would sleep anymore than he does now :shrug: Maybe if you were going to do it you could just give him one bottle in the evening, to hopefully make him have at least one stretch of longer sleep, if you did that on top of the BF then he'd have plenty of food in him and might start sleeping a bigger stretch after a while? You certainly aren't a failure though, you have 3 fabulous and wonderful children who you look after non-stop, to the point where you are totally exhausted yourself, and with an OH who doesn't help out alot, basically you are supermum! :thumbup: Heck you fed Erin for almost 2 years! And if you really want to do the same with Owen then i say go for it! There is nothing wrong with giving him the odd bottle on top of that though to try and save your sanity! :hugs: Whatever you decide, let it be your choice, not pressure from other people, and never never beat yourself up for it! You are doing everything for your family and its an inspiration to someone like me :hugs:

It was my wedding anniversary yesterday, we went to the cinema and then had a meal which was lovely :) My mum came down to babysit which was very kind of her as its a 2 hour journey each way, but then i suspect she was more than happy to get that exclusive time with Roh.
She arrived with loads of sachets of organic baby food, Ellas Kitchen ones and Plum ones. I almost got a bit stroppy as she's been nagging me to try Roh on food, but then she pointed out that they were on sale in Tescos and they are best before july next year, so actually they will be pretty handy in the future.

Frufru i know what you mean about routines suddenly going out the window. As soon as we seem to be in a pattern and Roh is doing set things then suddenly everything changes and i'm back to being confused again. Like with this whole bedtime thing, its so confusing. From day one he's always gone down in his basket / cot, and now suddenly he's lost the ability to fall asleep by himself :shrug: There is no explanation for it at all, absolutely nothing has changed in his bedtime routine, but obviously he's changed as he's not having any of it when i put him to bed!
The other night he got so tired that he just screamed hysterically for about an hour until i worked out how to calm him down. It was awful, and the trouble is as he's never needed me to get him to sleep in the past i really don't know how to do it, turned out that holding him tightly and swaying in a dark room whilst humming tunelessly was what was required. :shrug:
I've taken to letting him fall asleep on my lap the last couple of days, as i can't cope with the screaming every night, i'm hoping once this 4/5 month phase thing that i assume is what is going on passes then we can get back to him settling himself :shrug: but who knows :wacko:
Ah well, to be honest i just want him to be happy, whatever that takes :thumbup:

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to all!
Maybe - your Dylan and my Logan are about 7 months apart. Logan just started PreK. 4 is such a great age! And don't beat yourself up about the breastfeeding/tired issues. Owen will figure it out eventually and you WILL sleep again! Just hang in there and do whatever you need to do to get through. Maybe you can express for a few feeds so dh can help out while you get some zzzz's? I know your dh is about as helpful as mine though, so not sure if that'll work for you!!
Here is Logan on his first day of school (pre-K), and me with him in his classroom.


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Muddles/Maybe/Logans - what lovely pics of your LOs.

Frufru - I cannot believe the run of horrendous time you are having hun. How unfair for your redundancy to be based on the part time work after the mat leave. Is DH job safe do you know?

Sorry to hear so many are having sleep issues. I have no idea what the answers are so I read the replies with interest.

Sarahwoo- your night out sounds lovely. My neighbour manages a casino in Leeds so wondering if that is Steve's rival one!! I have taken Che swimming twice when we were in Budapest in a waterpark as there was a thermal pool. However we have signed up to Aquababies starting in a few weeks.

Thank you again ladies for all your support and lovely words. I am feeling a lot better again. Che is in his rocker at the moment and everytime I turn to look at him he is staring at me and gives me a big grin and that makes everything worthwhile!!

I went out on Saturday to watch Muse (which was incredible). I left Che with DH and when I left asked if he had any questions to which he said no. He then text me after a few hours asking how often he needed to feed him :wacko: :shrug: but he seemed to cope when I got back although he said the evening was difficult (which it normally is as about 6pm is when Che gets grizzley) DH seems to have this idea that he cannot settle Che but what it really means is he does not put the time and effort in to settle him. He seems to think I have the magic touch to sooth him but he does not see the times when I struggle and spend an age trying everything.

Having a very rare day in today - think might take a walk down the canal to Tesco in a bit. I am really starting to dread winter coming now with the darkness and cold!
LM - OMG Logan is sooooo hansome :mrgreen: and looks really excited about Kindergarten.
Great news on the breast pump :thumbup: sounds like it will save you time and effort. I had an electric pump as there was no way I could have expressed exclusively for the first 6 weeks of Joni's life manually and my electric pump was a godsend - as I am not BF anymore I have lent it to a friend who has been struggling with her supply and a few weeks on and her supply is increasing nicely :)
Joni is becoming a pro at rolling now (back to front) - bless her she always pulls her knees up to her chest like she is doing a proper army roll :haha: It is so cute :cloud9:

MaybeBaby - I am so sorry that nights are still such a struggle :hugs: When I was BF Joni was always on and off all day long and I could easily spend 10-12 hours a day on the sofa feeding :wacko: Like Amy has suggested it is almost that in terms of his feeding he has swapped night and day. I am not sure how you would go about making him switch back to day feeding :confused: perhaps if you tried giving him a bottle of EBM/formula before bed and halfway throught the night so you know he has had enough food for the night and if he wakes up wanting to feed you know it is for comfort and can just try to settle him without nursing? Hopefully after a few nights he would get used to the new routine and have more appetite in the day.
As for introducing formula don't feel pressured, it is your choice. Some babies are just more demanding than others when it comes to BF, and if you choose to add a formula feed in here or there that certainly does not make you a failure :hugs:
Incidently, I can honestly say that changing from Breastmilk to formula did not affect how long Joni goes between feeds or how often she wakes in the night.

Amy - :hugs: it must be so hard not having enough time to give all your children all the time they want with you. Joni used to need to feed to sleep, I spent a week trying my hardest to keep her awake during and for at least 15 mins after feeds in the day and before bedtime and we did break the habit.

Emera -
my Mum assured me it was "flesh coloured" which is rubbish, so now Roh has a lovely baby pink Bumbo
:rofl: flesh coloured, oh my word :mrgreen:
I am glad you had a nice anniversary :thumbup: Hubby and I are looking to have a long weekend in Brussels for our first wedding anniversary next year. We did go last October for Hubbies 30th but when we booked it we never imagined I would fall pregnant so quickly :dohh: While we were there I had dreadful morning sickness so did not get out of the hotel before midday most days and of course could not partake in sampling the beers either :rolleyes:
WHilst I am sorry to hear that Roh keeps changing his mind, I am glad I am not the only one with a baby that seems to be in a routine one day and totally kicks off the next.

CG - Both our jobs are going :nope: For ages Joni would only settle for me, and it turned out that my hubby would give up after a quarter of the time I usually spend soothing and calming her :rolleyes: Men!!!!!


Well today I am taking positive action!
- I have started my diet and I WILL get this two stone off by the end of November.
- After a month of observing Joni's feeding and sleeping and a long talk with a good friend I have decided to start feeding Joni by the clock rather than on demand. Alongside this I have decided to try and wean her off using me as a prop to get to sleep. I have established a regular naptime and bedtime routines over the last month which even on their own have decreased the time it takes to get her to sleep. I am going to start with naps and will move onto bedtime and night wakings at the end of the month when Hubby has a week off work. I have been reading lots of books on sleep habits for babies and am kind of winging it with a mixture of different ideas. I will let you know how it goes.

My NUK bottles arrived this morning - I only ordered them yesterday :shock: I have only done one feed with them so far but Joni fed in a timely fashion with minimal fuss compared to her feeds with the TT anti-colic bottles and gave a good burp afterwards. The teat did not compress, the bottle did not leak and there are no sodding torpedo's to fiddle around with and wash :thumbup: I will trial them for the next 4-5 days before I decide whether to commit to buying more or not.

Ooooh and not only did the bottles arrive but so did Joni's Peke Moe - the Peke Moe is pretty much a sleeping sack which can help to transition babies from swaddling to sleeping bags. The thing that particularly attracted me is that Joni is terrible for scratching and clawing her face and scalp when she escapes her swaddle - with the Peke Moe her hands are inside the fabric so she can still suck on her fist but not hurt herself with her nails. It is drying on the line outside at the moment and I am really excited to try it out tonight :)

Righto, this is a bit of a mammoth message (I have been writing it on and off since 5.30 this morning :blush:). Have a good day (and night [-o<) everyone :hugs:
LM - nice pics! Logan looks so cute!

thanks all for your kind words and support. i went to HV today, she said that i have to get him back to the 11-12, 3 5-6am feeds he used to do and let him realise he cant snack all night! bet it wont be that easy! she said just give him the dummy/pat him but not pick him up! wish me luck!
Good Luck Maybe! :hugs:

I'm sure it won't be that easy, but its likely one of those things that if you stick with it then eventually it will happen! I keep my fingers crossed for you that Owen will get the hang of it quickly.


Roh has had a really bad tummy for the last 24 hours, he's pooing every 15 minutes or so and this morning they went bright green! Also there was clumps of fluff in some of it, i think he's secretly been eating the blanket i have on my bed while i'm not looking and its given him a funny tummy :dohh: Doctor said he should be ok though and to just keep feeding him on demand, honestly today has been worse than a growth spurt! Poor little man his bum is starting to get all sore :( I really hope it clears up soon, all his nappies are in the wash and i'm running low on the disposables i have :wacko:

Just a quick one from me, I'll catch up properly tomorrow hopefully,

Emera I hope roh is better soon!

Maybe good luck with owens sleeping, hopefully you can crack it!

Oliver had his third vaccinations today, it was horrible :( Steve had to work so my parents came up and went with me, I swear if my mum hadn't come in with me I would have cried! Oliver just sobbed and sobbed. I fed him right after and he picked right up and was fine, but since he went to bed he's been really unsettled and has a bit of a temperature. I've given him calpol so I hope that helps him to settle. I see a tough night ahead, and Steve is off to the races with work tomorrow so he'll be leaving before 9am. I might be on feeling a bit sorry for myself tomorrow, just to warn you all lol,

sarah - hope oliver is better soon!

emera - hope roh's tum is back2normal soon. sudocrem is great4sore bums
arrggh, I wrote a long reply and my computer went nuts :grr: :growlmad:

anyway, the gist of it was LM - Logan is a very handsome little man! :awww:

CG - glad you are feeling better :hugs: My DH thinks he cant settle Alex too :dohh: I tell him its because he has no patience :roll:

emera - poor Roh, hope he feels better soon :hugs:

sarah - I'm dreading the third imms, poor Oliver :hugs: I hope you dont have an awful night. At least thats it for jabs for him for a while :hugs:

frufru - loving the positivity :thumbup: I know I'll have to be really strict about getting Alex to go to sleep without booby :) I tried it this evening but I think he was too tired and he screamed for 2 hours :cry:

maybe - I hope this is the start of a turn-round for you and Owen :hugs:

I went for a walk with my mum and heavily pregnant sister today. She's due in 9 days and I am soooo excited!!! x
well owen woke at 2am and after a few mins of really pissed off crying as i wouldnt pick him up he stopped and just whinged a bit. he seems asleep now! i can feed him in 20mins if he wakes now! well off to see if can catch some :sleep: before the next waking!!!
well after feeding owen at 3am he actually slept til 6am :wohoo::happydance: am feeding him now! am still tired as only slept myself 2-3 &3.30-6 but at least we are going in the right direction :thumbup:

amy - hope your night was not too traumatic :hugs:
Emera - Poor Roh :hugs: I hope her feels better really soon :flower:

Sarah - I hope Oliver did not have too bad a night. It is weird how different babies react to their immunisations. Joni is always tired and sleepy after hers - in fact the only two times she has slept from 10-6 has been after her jabs :rolleyes:

Amy - I hope the computer has righted itself now, I really hate it when you spend AGES writing a message then lose it all :growlmad: I am sorry your efforts to wean Alex off snoozing on the booby did not go well :hugs: It is really hard to be so strict, I had a nightmare trying to get Joni to nap yesterday afternoon and she whinged and cried for an hour at which point I gave up and just kept her up until bedtime at 7 when she went down with minimal fuss :mrgreen: Though if I am honest Joni has always been hard to get to nap in the afternoon and often cries and grumps for a good hour around 4-5 as she is tired anyway :rolleyes:

MaybeBaby - :yipee: Great news about Owen settling last night :thumbup: Once his sleeping is a bit more settled I am sure yours will follow suit.


Well all in all yesterday went pretty well. I managed a whole day without snacking and actually stuck to my diet plan :thumbup: which is great as I usually fold in the evening and end up eating myself silly :dohh:

Joni's feeding went well yesterday. As I mentioned I have decided to feed Joni by the clock in an effort to help her nap and sleep at night better. As she 's always awake for 6 each day I have decided to feed at 6, 9, 12, 3, 6 and between 1-2am. Joni managed to go down for her morning nap awake but drowsy with only 20mins whinging and went down for her mid-morning and midday naps awake/drowsy without any protest whatsoever :shock: As I mentioned above the afternoon nap was a complete bust so will try again today and see how we go. This morning Joni went down at 7.30 in her cot, drowsy but awake and fell asleep on her own without any protest again :thumbup: I can hear her now so better go and get her up again. Perhaps independent sleeping is not a myth :haha:

Have a good day everyone :hugs:

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