Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Maybe: I am really sorry you had such a rough night :( I really hope it starts to get better soon hon for your sake :hugs:

Amy: Glad things were better yesterday. Hope it keeps working.

Sarah: hope you had a good time last night!

Does anyone one have Janny on Facebook?
Sarah I did a search for Janny and it says she posted yesterday so looks like she is still around.

Nothing new to report here. Went to a mum and baby group this morning and Oliver played with some handbells and loved the noise they made when he moved his hand so am going to try and get him some (they do say age 3+ on them but sure it will be fine if I am watching him?).

Going to walk to the Post Office in a little while to post my Dad's and little sister's birthday presents. Feel a bit of a cheap skate as I couldn't afford much- For my Dad I got a mini bottle of red and a mini bottle of white wine, some nice smelling shower gel, mini birthday cake and candles and a little book of quotes from famous Dads and put it in a nice box with shredded coloured paper. It all came to £18 including the box. For my little sister- a mini birthday cake, some light up balloons, fancy patterned hardbacked notebook, patterned pen, erasable highlighters and body butter. Hers was about £18 as well.
Muddles they sound like lovely presents! I wouldn't worry about it x
MaybeBaby I really feel for you . . . I don't know what to suggest though. I've never really looked into any of the sleepsense kind of things but might it be worth having a look online at the different sleep programme type things? I hope Dylan had a good day!

Muddles those pressies sound fab and very thoughtful - I am sure they will love them!

We had a lovely night last night :) It was so nice, we had a fab meal and I was less worried than I have been leaving Oliver before. I only text twice for an update which is quite an improvement :haha: We didn't win anything in the casino but we had a nice time, and I found something to wear that I felt okay in so thats a big improvement. I felt through a funny time with Steve when I felt quite distant and I was struggling a bit with that. But I feel like we're getting back to how we were before, I feel much closer to him again. He's been off this week and we've had a lot of fun, he's been fab with Oliver too. We haven't got half the jobs done we wanted to but we've had fun, so thats the main thing :)

I'm glad Janny is still about, I posted her a message :)

Oliver and I went to Baby Massage today and he cried the whole time :haha: He was a bit tired but the main problem is that if he hears another baby crying he always crys!!! So I would just get him settled and another baby would start crying and he'd be off again! Everyone was lovely though and I watched so I can still do it at home, and hopefully as the weeks go on he'll get better. They also do a baby group on Thursdays which some of the other mums go to so I think I might start going to that. The other mums were saying how they go swimming and things and I felt a bit bad for not doing that with Oliver . . . I think I need to start doing more with him. I'm going to look into taking him swimming, do any of you ladies go swimming with your babies? Do you go to organised classes or do you just go along?


Well we have had a better week, although the long stretch of first sleep has still vanished - boo! He goes to bed at about 7pm every night and last night woke up and fed at 10:30, which was gutting as I was just hitting a lovely deep sleep, then fed at 2:30 and fussed from 4 am with wind! He just comes into bed with me then and we sleep all snuggled up. i think I am begining to get used to chunks of only about 3 hours sleep now.... not sure I'd know what to do if he did sleep through.

Maybebaby - I really feel for you and hope you get some sleep soon, I really admire you for being so strong!

I really think Will is starting to teeth, he has been quite grumpy today and not slept so well, his cheeks were red, he's drooling like mad and biting anything that goes near his mouth!

Muddles they sound like lush presents!

Sarah I really wanted to do baby massage but they aren't running any courses near me. We are starting baby yoga on tuesday, I can't wait x
Hope you all had a nice day! Take care ladies and goodnight xxx
Evening -

Sarah, thats fab you had a great night and I'm glad you're feeling closer to Steve again. It's funny, my DH said to me that I've been really distant!

Muddles - I think they sound like lovely presents!

L-C - good news that Will is sleeping enough for you to have 3 hour sleeps. Alex seems to be settling into that pattern and I can manage on that much better than how he was. I just hope it continues for both of us! :hugs:

maybe - :hugs: really hope Owen starts getting into a better sleep pattern for you. I dont know how you manage to keep going, I know when Alex is like that I just feel sick and dizzy all day :hugs::hugs:

modo - hope you and Bobby had a lovely day too :hugs:
Ergh was talking to my Mum about Roh being so unsettled at bedtime and now i've had calls from her and from my Aunty telling me to give him some food and he's unsettled because he's hungry! :dohh: Grr i was hoping for support not to get nagged about weaning, ah well, i know its just a generational thing and they mean well.
Finally had a no tears bedtime tonight, well, the only time he cried was when i stopped giving him his gripe water, he loves that stuff so much he tries to grab my hand and ram the spoon into his mouth! :haha: he always cries when the spoon is empty! I've no idea how long he'll sleep for tonight, its been really hit and miss recently, some mornings i've had to wake him up :wacko: and other nights he's awake every 2 hours or so, its just a world of confusion these days. Or nights rather. At least he's still sticking pretty much to his daytime routine, although he occassionally drops a nap. Not complaining though!

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to you all!
Argh Emera that must be so frustrating - even if it is well intentioned!

We had a good night last night, Oliver slept from 8am - 5am and then until 7am! Woo hoo! Think it was aa fluke though lol!
wow, lucky you Sarah! Alex was back to his old tricks last night and woke hourly from 11pm :wacko:

- :dohh::dohh: that is frustrating! I always get "feeding again, that baby is always on the boob" comments :haha:
emera - you do what is right for you! my MIL is constantly asking when i'm going to give owen formula and when i'm going to wean!!!

sarah - what a great night :happydance:

amy - are the nights any better?

owen went to bed at 10 last night and then woke at 2, 4, 6. that was an improvement from the rest of the week but not improvement enough!!! especially with the other 2 to look after too!

my friend told me she's pregnant today and due in may! brought back so many memories! i must say a big part of me is broody again especially as owen is so big and is hardly a baby any more!!!

here's a photo of dylan ready for his first day of school and one of erin at an open day for dance lessons which she loved and is going to start properly in two weeks (she's the one with the striped dress) bought her dance uniform yesterday - pink leotard and black jazz pants!


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why does OH think its perfectly fine for him to go to bed in the afternoon and leave me to look after all three kids and do housework especially as i have had v little sleep as opposed to his full nights sleep EVERY night!?!
he's just shouted at me from the bedroom coz the baby is crying and disturbing him! meanwhile i am trying to cook dinner for the other two! what the f*** does he think i am doing? sitting on my arse?
MaybeBaby that's sooooo out of order!! He needs a reality check - have you spoken to him about it? He really nEds to be taking all the kids and giving you a break to get some sleep too, they are half his afterall!! When does he start his new job?

We had a lovely dAy, we went up to York and had a fab time, Oliver was so well behaved :) just getting him off to sleep now.

I hope everyone else had a nice day! X
Maybe that's awful! You need to go out for the day and leave him with all the kids to see how he gets on. It sounds like he has no idea how hard it is to sort things in the house with a baby, let alone with two other kids on top of that too! Lovely pictures Dylan looks so smart. Did he enjoy school?

I know what you mean about being broody. My friend is due really soon and I had bump envy. :lol:
he's just shouted at me from the bedroom coz the baby is crying and disturbing him! meanwhile i am trying to cook dinner for the other two! what the f*** does he think i am doing? sitting on my arse?


Good grief with the lack of sleep and these kind of comments I don't know how you refrain from committing GBH :wacko:

I know it is hard to talk to your OH about the imbalance of your parental roles - could you maybe write it down in a letter to him? Surely if he saw it in black and white he would see how unfair and unkind he is being to you :shrug:

MaybeBaby I think you are such a strong person and fantastic Mother :hugs: you do such an amazing job raising your kiddies and running your household each and every day. I only have 1 baby and don't get half of what you achieve in one day done in a week :dohh:
:hi: everyone.

I apologise in advance if I haven't responded to everyone's posts, I have had to do a quick skim so have not be as thorough as I would like to be.

Amy & MaybeBaby - Sorry to hear that Owen and Alex are still having really fragmented sleep at night and keeping you both up :nope: The only thing I can say is that introducing a regular bedtime routine and sticking to it religiously has really helped Joni and she is now going down around 7pm most nights. Previously it was taking 45-120mins to get hre down but now its generally only taking 10-25mins. Overall I think it took a good 3-4 weeks for Joni to start responding to the routine. She does, however, still wake at least twice in between 7-6 for feeds and she seems to be wide-awake and ready to start the day at 5.50-6 every morning :wacko: Fingers crossed their sleep settles down as they hit 4-5 months.

Sarah - Glad you had a lovely timein York, and I am so pleased that Oliver seems to be settling into his own routine with a nice early bedtime!

Emera - I too get so sick of being asked if Joni is being weaned yet. Her adjusted age is only 3 months, she shows no interest in food and can't sit in a highchair/bumbo with her head held strongly enough to feed. It is amazing that even though the guidelines have changed to recommending weaning at 6 months everyone still expects you to start at 4 months :shrug:
Bless Roh and him loving his gripe water :haha: Joni used to hate baths when she was little and now she cries when we take her out :dohh:

Muddles - I agree, they sound like lovely presents and £18 each is hardly cheap! I bought two of my good friends BD presents yesterday. They both love baking so I got them both some fancy cupcake cases and a pot of edible glitter each which came to 4.40 per present :thumbup: I was going to buy them some other bits and pieces but decided I would save my pennies (see below).


This week has been a bit rubbish - I thought that I had recieved more than my fair share of crap for this year.............. apparantly not :nope:

I got a call from my manager at work on Thursday to tell me that the centre I work from is being closed in the next 18 months so effectively I am out of a job :cry: It gets worse as Hubby also works in the same centre (diff dept) :nope: I will of course get redundancy, however by the time it is paid out I will have finished mat leave and will have returned on p/t hours after so my payout will only be a fraction of what it would be now :sad1: This really is a massive blow as this time last year when there was talk of redundancies we were assured our jobs were safe and on the back of that we decided to start our family. BLAH - blah blah blah blah blah :cry:

On the bright side, Joni has had a great week. She has learned to roll over consistently and can now do it without trapping her arm :thumbup: I have been a lot better at giving her tummy time regularly and this is helping her neck strength and efforts to sit up (while supported) immensely. I have continued to encourage Hubby to be more involved all week and Joni has responded really well and is much more settled with him now and gets really excited when he comes home each day :cloud9:

Well enough from me - I must go and get one with some jobs, including getting dressed as I am still in my pj's :blush: Have a lovely Sunday everyone :hugs:
Frufru sorry to hear about your job. That really sucks.

Oliver is loving his new Bumbo seat that we borrowed from my friend. He wants to stand or sit up all the time. He loves being on his tummy and has done since he was a couple of weeks old. He shows no interest what so ever in rolling over but finds it really funny when I roll him over to his back then roll him onto his tummy and he giggles but is happier for mummy to roll him rather than bother to do it himself! He isn't being weaned yet as he can't sit up unaided (he can for a couple of seconds then slides downwards in slow motion), is satisfied with just milk and he shows no more interest in food than he does to me doing jobs round the house, perhaps he is ready to help with the dusting and hoovering as he seems to enjoy watching me do them more than anything else! :lol:


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Awwww Muddles what a gorgeous picture!!! I really want to get one for Oliver, maybe on PayDay :) I don't know where all my money has gone this month!

Frufru so sorry to hear about your Job! That's rubbish, esp with you both working there. I love that you were still in your PJs at almost 2pm, makes me feel sooo much better knowing its not only me who does that lol!

We have had a nice quiet day, I went out with my parents and Oliver this morning and we have just spent the afternoon at home.
frufru - so sorry about the job :hugs:

muddles - great pic of oliver! owen loves the bumbo. i put it on the kitchen table so he can see me cooking!

sarah - get a bumbo, they are great :thumbup:

we went to my in laws today and dylan was really badly behaved! was so embarassed! talked to him when we got home and he seemed really sorry about it. mum reckons it might be to do with starting a new school. he told her he was going to miss his old friends from his last school :sad2: hope he is ok tomorrow. he seemed fine on friday but he doesnt have any kids he knows in his class. we shall see! anyway back to the :iron:

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