Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hi all :wave:

LM lovely pic of first day at kindergarten. Did he enjoy it?

Maybe how was Dylan's first day? I'm sure he will have made lots of friends already kids usually do make friends easily.

Maybe and A3my hope your LOs fall into a better feeding pattern soon so you guys can get a break and hopefully a decent night sleep!

Sarah my local surestart lets you hire Bumbos from their toy library for a small charge as they are quite expensive if you buy them new or Ebay may be a good place to look.

Frufru you should take the bottles back they shouldn't be falling apart so easily surely. How was Joni's sleep last night? Hopefully a bit better. Good luck with the diet!

Emera flesh coloured :rofl: I'm sure Rohan wont mind.

CG Muse sounds fab!

Errrrmmm so i went to Tesco yesterday to buy a few useful bits like nappies and wipes etc and I might have bought a boat! :blush: In my defense it was reduced to £2.50 from £10, has Toy Story on it and if we get some balls it will be a great ball pool once Oliver can sit up by himself. My H saw it and was like 'what the hell is that?' but think he likes it really :lol: On an OT note for some bizzare reason they are doing buy one get two free on Huggies Natural Care wipes- I thought it must be a mistake but it definitely went through as me only paying for one pack!

Right I'm off to clean up the puddle of drool all round Oliver's face. His new trick is to blow spit bubbles and raspberries. With that and sticking his hands in his mouth he seems to have an amazing knack of wiping his hands or wet mouth on my face! :rofl:
I'm back :happydance:

Had some really busy times but I got school for Janely and kindergarten for Janno so we moved. We had to do it before 1st September or else we would've had to pay rent for September. Then we spent last days with family and now we're getting used to new life. Janely likes her new school, Janno will start kindergarten next week but he's looking forward to it.
It's so good to use internet again, like coming back to civilization.

Anyway, I'll try to get back on track with your news now :winkwink:

PS: I really-really love this apartment and everything around here.
Muddles Oliver has started blowing raspberries too, he gets some great spitty bubbles - nice :haha:

Maybebaby well done on the sleeping!!! Hopefully you're on the right track now!

We bought a bumbo in the end, they were 29.99 in mothercare including the tray which I thought was really good. Oliver looks so cute sat in it!!

Oliver actually slept really well last night, Steve's alarm went off at 8am and thats what woke him up lol! So he slept solid 10pm - 8am though he was in bed from just before 7pm last night, he just woke up a couple of times. So that was great.

So Oliver is great but I am so ill!!! I was feeling a bit rubbish last night but put it down to been tired, but today I walked into town and started feeling soooo ill. I've now got a full blown cold :( Sore throat, runny nose, sneezes, the lot. Urgh. And Steve is out all day and will be drinking too so I'm on my own with Oliver and Steve will be no use when he gets home lol! I really need to hoover up, do some ironing etc but I think I'm just going to chill. I really hope Oliver doesnt get my cold but I guess he will . . . . urgh!!!

Oh, and good to see you back Marta, glad you're doing well and enjoying your new place!!

Finalllllly i have some time to log onto here! the summer holidays havent been extremly busy really but i just seemed to lack any time to log on to bnb!

hope your all well, i admit ive not read through what will be over a months worth of pages but il try catch up what i can next!

soo whats been goin on with me..

Sophie's skin seems to be getting slightly better, her face at least, her arms is still full of psoriasis but we have finally seen a specialist who is trying various things to help which is good! She has just started year 1 of infants.. so weird to say she is now in the infants! my baby girl is growing up way too fast.. during the summer hols she has now decided she likes hello kitty and moxi girl (noo idea what moxi girl is.. lol) rather than dora the explora and other early years toons, i feel so sad, the magazines she chooses are older now too, she always used to go for cbeebies.. not anymore, anythign with pink, ponies, glitter and girly things is for her!

We didnt go away or anything this year as we are trying to save for a bigger house (more on that in a depressing) so we did various days out and went camping last weekend. I had a couple of evening wedding parties to attend and marks 30th birthday was the 1st sept so we had a huge family bbq the bank hol weekend, amazingly i managed to loose over a stone in that month lol.

Harrison is doing well. I finally got the HV to say he had reflux, for a long time she was saying it might be that he's teething for the reason behind him spitting up every single feed and even a few hours later. So he now has gaviscon, which is a god send! as soon as he started having that the spitting up reduced alot and he was happy to have tummy time! he even started rolling over on his own (before he would need to hold on to something like a hand or toy lol). He gets very stroppy when he cant get to where he wants to be, its really funny how he moves himself around, he is like a crab! he arches his back and uses his legs to move himself around, only problem is he only goes in a circle ;). He seems to be getting very long too, i measured him myself last week and measured 72cms.. im thinking that cant be right lol his weight isnt extreme, always on the 50th percentile but i have had to start getting him 6-9months pj's and trousers.. and also he loves blowing raspberries.. thanks to my mum lol its his new party trick, he will sit there for ages doing them and his t-shirts end up soaked, so he is now permanently wearing a bib lol

We borrowed a friends bumbo which i need to buy a tray for, tho he doesnt last in it very long, he wants to be on the floor moving about! and is also starting to like being on his feet on my legs and likes me bouncing him up and down on them, so im not looking for something for him to go on so he can do that.

We realised over the summer we need a bigger house sooner rather than later! looked into selling ours but we wont get back what we paid i dont think, nothing is really selling well atm :( and we also worked out we will probably need around 12-20k to put down and since we wont make anything on this house we needing to start from scratch! i have no idea how we will do it, there is always something popping up where we have to dip into savings (marks bloody car!!) its getting me down not having any space, il tidy the whole house and it looks so nice and tidy, the next day its back to square 1!!
thought id update those of you who dont have me on facebook with some pics!


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Maybe - brilliant news, I hope its a turn-around for you and Owen :thumbup::happydance::hugs:

Sarah - poor you :hugs: I hope you feel better soon :flower:

frufru - I hope the timing feeding works out for you and Joni! I really need to work on a nap routine. Are they "meant" to have 3 naps a day (Alex has about 6-7 little ones :haha:)

Muddles - great idea with the boat! you should put a pic on :) I had a little boat for my two girls when they were little and they loved it! :thumbup:

Marta - great to have you back! Its wonderful news that you are so happy with your new home and that the children are all settled :hugs:

Jolou - great to have you back too! brilliant that Sophies psoriasis is better and that you have got specialist help :hugs: I found that from year 1 onwards they grow up so quick :cry: :) my eldest is in year 6 now (gulp) and it really doesnt seem like that long since she started school. Harrison is gorgeous :hugs: glad the gaviscon helps. Good luck with saving for your move :)

Well I tried comforting Alex in his cot to get him to sleep rather than feeding him every time he wakes last night and he was really upset, crying for about an hour to get to sleep but then was OK in the night. He was the same again tonight but I will stick with it. He gave up with his thumb and shoved his whole fist in his mouth. He went to sleep in the end with me kissing his head (my back is now dead :haha:).
amy its so scary to think of sophie in yr 6!! and she keeps talking about it! it feels weird when i say she is only in yr 1 because she is so old headed, she is 6 soon! everything is "mummy can i have this when im 6?" i used to say yes cos it felt so far away.. i regret that now lol

i have to admit i have never had any problems with both sophie and harrison with getting them to sleep etc.. i started to struggle with sophie when she hit 2.. she started waking all the time and wouldnt goto bed awake etc it lasted till she was nearly 5! im hoping i dont have the same problem with harrison.. the one thing he does need at night to goto sleep is his dummy but once it falls out he doesnt bother, he also needs his little snuggle thing as i realised he would nod off in cot awake holding someones fingers... odd i know so now i stick this thing in his hands and he puts it to his cheek.. so cute! il try to get a pic sometime
frufru - thanks for the compliment on Logan. He is a little ham for the camera. He knows he's adorable! LOL. And good luck getting Joni on a schedule. Thats one luxury of bottle feeding that really can't be done when breastfeeding... at least not strict anyhow. Let us know how it works out for you!

Maybe - good luck with Owen. Thats why I keep Dillon (and kept Logan) in bed with me. My boys like(d) to nurse all night. It doesn't bother me as long as I can sleep - which I can if they are right next to me. If I had to keep getting up I wouldn't survive!!

Emera - Hope Roh gets well soon. Poor baby! Poor Mommy! And kudos on using cloth diapers. Its something I admire but would never attempt myself!!

Sarah - Glad Oliver did okay for you. Hope you feel better soon.

Muddles - What a great deal on the Huggies wipes! I'm jealous! And Logan loves school so far! But he told me he doesn't want to go "every day" LOL. Poor kid. He likes it, but not to go every day - just sometimes! He has no idea, Don't worry buddy - its only for the next 13-17 years or so..... :)

Marta - congrats on the move. Glad you like your new place!! Would love to see a pic or 2! And you really need to take it easy for a while now - you have had a very busy year! Marriage, Pregnancy, New Baby, Moving, Traveling - I think its time for you to chill out for a bit!!
Muddles - The boat sounds great and talk about a fab deal on the wipes. If I did not already have 12 packets of wipes in the cupboard :blush: I would be making a beeline for Tesco. As for spit bubbles, raspberries and drool they are also favorites in our house too :mrgreen:

Marta - :wave: Good to have you back. I am pleased that the move went well and that you are all settling in ok. And of course it is great that you love living in the new place and apartment too.

Sarah - Boo to you being ill :sad1: I hope you are feeling somewhat better today. As for the housework don't push yourself, put your feet up and relax :hugs:
Wow Oliver's doing really well with his night time sleeping :thumbup: and that is a great deal on the Bumbo too. Luckily we inherited the family Bumbo which has already been round 2 of Joni's cousins.

Jo - :hi: lovely to 'see' you. My goodness Harrison has grown! Both he and Sophie look gorgeous in your avatar picture :mrgreen: It is good to hear that you finally have someone actively trying out different things to help Sophie's skin improve, I really hope they find something to clear it up for her. As for the reflux, I can't believe it took so long for the HV to figure out that was his issue :shrug: I am glad that the gaviscon is working :thumbup:

Amy - On the nap front the books I have read suggest around 4-5 months babies should be having around 2-3 naps a day with the longest at lunchtime. Joni is still on 3 hourly feeds and if she stays up more than 1.5-2hours she gets overtired and is foul so at the moment I am trying to nap her in between every daytime feed so that works out 4 naps a day - providing she goes down for them all of couse :roll:
Well done on getting Alex to sleep without feeding last night, it sounds as though he is responding and with a bit more time the crying will reduce and stop :thumbup: I feel you about the dead back :hugs:

LM -
And Logan loves school so far! But he told me he doesn't want to go "every day" LOL. Poor kid. He likes it, but not to go every day - just sometimes! He has no idea, Don't worry buddy - its only for the next 13-17 years or so.....

Emera - How is Roh doing? I hope he is on the mend :hugs:


Well things are going ok here. I managed to get through a second day on my diet :woohoo: I figure I will just keep taking it one day at a time and hopefully I will be back in my favorite jeans in no time.

On the Joni sleep front things are going pretty well and we seem to be making progress. Because I am feeding her at reglar intervals and I know she generally can't manage more than 1.5-2hours awake before getting overtired it makes it much easier to identify when she is needing to go down for a nap. I am keeping a log of her naptimes at the moment as I suspect (and hope) that as I am feeding her at regular fixed times that her naps will start to happen at the same times from day to day aswell. I have stopped letting Joni have a 3 hour nap at lunchtime over the last few days as this interferes with the feeding schedule and this would appear to have resulted in Joni waking up at 6 in the morning as opposed to 5 :thumbup: Of course I am only basing this on 2 nights so it could be a fluke but fingers crossed it will continue [-o<

Well time to sign off as I am popping into work this afternoon to say hi to my workmates. I have baked them some fairy cakes this morning and did not lick the bowl once :mrgreen: its a miracle!
hey guys. i have had no time for catch up. i just don't get on the pc any more.

how is everyone.sorry i vanished.

was wondering if you guys could give me any tips ongetting izzy to go down for a nap. at the mo she just falls asleep on me after a feed or in her pushchair if we are out but i have neever really put her in her moses basket for a nap and i think i should.

she is 14 weeks now. have i left it far too late?

abz xx
Martami - welcome back! Great to hear the move went well

Jolou - welcome back to you too. Good news that both your LO's are getting the treatment they need

Abz - I would like to know that too - Che only sleeps well during the day if he is in the car or on me. I would like to know how to put him down somewhere so can get stuff done.

FruFru - cannot believe it is both of you that are being made redundant. I have emailed you earlier. Sounds like operation 'getting Joni into a routine' is getting there.

Maybe - you also sound like the sleep is getting there and sure you are just used to waking so much so hopefully you will settle soon too!

Sarahwoo - that cold sounds miserable - hope you are better soon.

Muddles - I have to really stop myself buying older toys for Che!!

I went to a toy library yesterday - it was only small and obviously depends on what toys have not been taken out but got a couple of things and Che seems interested in them. I don't really see the point in spending loads of money if 1) he is only interested in the for a few weeks 2) not sure if he will like them anyway! I am a right tight sod!!

Then we went to the book library - did you know that if you get the baby's a library card if you are late back with the books you are not fined?? Anyway there was some kind of story time for babies session on which I was roped into and we had to go round the group and sing hello to all the babies which is my idea of hell!!

DH has interviewed at work today and is taking on 2 more members of staff - it will be so weird when I finally go back to work - have only been off since May and already there are 5 staff I won't know!!
Sarahwoo - good to hear about Oliver but :hugs: for you.
jolou - such sweet kids :cloud9:
LogansMama - poor Logan. He has no idea what he got into :haha: Not that Janely is better. She has 11 years more to go and couple days after start of school she said that she doesn't want to go anymore. She want's to sleep longer in morning. Yes, you're right. It has been a busy year but I can't take it easy yet. With year 2011 everything should go easier.
abz - I don't think you are too late but don't have anything else to say but good luck.
CG - toy library? Wow, that's a good idea. I would love to have one in here.

Just 2 more days until City Run. I've been running 10km distance for couple of times and it feels so good. Now I feel like old me again :happydance: Next year I'll be running marathon, this year it's too much for me.
Hi Girlies!

I bought an Ipad and finally managed to read the Baby Whisperer book on it! It is really good and I have been using many of her techniques. So we have had a very busy this past week which is why I haven't been around.

  1. I have had so much more success with naps using the Baby Whisperer's the 4 S's. Basically I go into the nursery with Bobby (say bye bye to the sun) close the blinds, sit down with him while carrying him upwards and talk to him in a whisper (I love you, have a nice nap etc). I play lullabies from his baby monitor while doing this and then put him down in bed. I then sit down and whenever he cries I use the BW's Shush-pat method. I leave while he is awake but quiet. I check on him from the baby monitor and go back up if he starts crying. I am so happy with this :)

  2. We decided to move Bobby to his own room last Sunday. I didn't really want to do it but we kept disturbing him during the night going to the bathroom, snoring and our Siamese cats meowing (long story they have always done this). The first night was pure hell. I never realised how addicted Bobby is to his paci/dummy during the night. I knew that I have to put it back in his mouth several times but because he right to me I would do it in my sleep and go back to sleep quickly and easily. That Sunday by 3am I had put it back 11 times. Getting up walking down e hallway into his room I could not get back to sleep easily plus I realised that he was not getting very much sleep because of all these wakings.

    The next night we stopped it cold turkey. I used the shush pat method during his naps and that night and he started to have proper naps and sleeps. I would say its the best thing we have done and it really was not that bad it took one night and two days for Bobby to forget it.

  3. We just finished his 3 month growth spurt and it was really tough! He was drinking so much and very grumpy. Wonderful timing considering that we had weaned him off the paci! We was drinking so much and waking up once a night to drink. He has not done this since six weeks. He still woke up last night but did not have much so I was pretty sure his growth spurt was over. I will dream feed him tonight and not feed him if he wakes up. I will instead use shush/pat if he does wake to reassure him.

  4. Today we started the Baby Whisperer's EASY (Eat Activity Sleep and You time!) Technique and I am so happy with it. I feel like we now both know what to expect. When i put him down for his naps I am sure that he is sleepy and he has sarted going down so much easier since I started his much improved wind down routine.
cactus - a toy library is a GREAT idea. I wish we had that here!!! Baby toys are pricey and they don't use them very long.
For anyone interested the 4S Ritual from the Baby Whisperer Forum.

Four S ritual:

- Setting the stage - go into baby's room, away from toys and the rest of the house, and do the same thing everytime, be it changing a nappy, saying 'bye bye' to the sun, closing the blinds, putting on music/white noise.

- Swaddling - I can't recommend this highly enough for younger babies. It helps them control their limbs whilst asleep, and so makes them much less likely to wake themselves up. Also it makes them feel more secure. Tracy recommended it for definite up to 3 to 4 months, but also said that some babies benefit up to 8 to 9 months. It is, however, not recommended for those babies who are tummy sleepers, or when they start to roll, but cannot yet lift their heads up when on their tummies.

- Sitting - simply sit with your baby for a few minutes, preferably in the dark, with as little visual stimulation as possible. No rocking/jiggling/etc. Just sit and be calm, and let baby relax.

- Shush-pat method - Because younger babies can't concentrate on more than two things at a time, Tracy developed this method. It can be done on your shoulder (just make sure baby doesn't fall completely asleep before you put him down) or in the cot. It's quite simple - whilst rhythmically patting him on the back, you also whisper "sssh, sssh, sssh" in his ear. This helps him to stop concentrating on crying, and calms him down. This method is a great alternative to rocking or holding to sleep, and will eventually teach the baby the skills of sleeping independently.
ive been using her methods since i had sophie and i swear by them. only thing i dont do is swaddle, i did the first 2 weeks but then i didnt need to. i always used to watch her shows before having soph! i bought her 2nd one abot toddlers but forgot all about it when it came time to read it lol
That's great Jolou, I really think her techniques are fantastic! I really felt sad when I found out that she has passed away :(

I don't swaddle either because Bobby sleeps on his tummy.
i know same here, i found out not long after i had sophie.

ergh im pooped! sophie had a friend round for tea and im shattered! her friend was being slightly fussy with her food (i had checked what she likes etc) i told her dad i made her something else etc as i didnt want her to go hungry (if it was soph i probably wouldnt have bothered..evil mother) her dad was shocked and said she was a little madam.. ooops!

marks not happy either, he is still on the M6, there has been some crash or something, he been stuck there now since 6:30 and hasnt really moved much at all.

on top of that i appear to have twisted my back on the right hand side! i was going to go for a bath to ease it but im scared now makrs not gonna be home for lonnnngg time lol
oh oh oh and i just won a fisher price hop n pop activity thing on ebay! id have loved tog et the jumperoos but mark wont pay that much for something that wont last a long time lol but yay harrison can finally play with something else rather than being on the floor all the time1
That's fantastic Jolou! I will be getting one for Bobby in about a month. Well done for getting on eBay! Did you get a bargain?

It's Bobby's vaccinations tomorrow :( I will def be giving him calpol 50 mins before the appointment again. It made a tremendous difference last time from the 8 week vaccinations when he was crying for so long.

I still need to catch up on all the posts I missed.

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