Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

LM that's greats news about chloe! Fingers crossed things keep moing in the right direction!!

Just a quick one from me, I'm on my phone so typing is a pain! I feel like such a bad mum tonight! Oliver seemed a bit off colour earlier, he had a super snotty sneeze and I wondered if he was coming down with my cold. Well he had a nap at about five and we were all due to go out for a family meal at seven. I was in two minds but my cousin was going - I haven't seen him for about two years as he's been working overseas, and my sister who we don't see much of as they live in London. Well Oliver woke up and seemed fine so I just popped him in a nice babygrow so he was comfy and off we went. We only stayed until half eight because Steve is working tonight, Oliver was fine while we were there but sobbed all the way home. I think it was a combination o been a bit under the weather, teething and tiredness. By the ime we got home he was in such a state. I managed to calm him down (the magic boobie lol!) So he's now asleep in bed, pjs on and calpol given :) I just feel so bad. Before he went to work Steve said we can't keep him up this late again, he needs to be in bed for seven, eight at the latest. I know he's right. I feel so bad! And I know why Steve said it, we've been invited to a party next week for the other side of the family, Steve is working so we were going to go with my parents and though we'd be home for about 10pm I now just think its too late. I would have really liked to go but its not worth upsetting Oliver for. I don't think StevE wanted to say 'you can't go to the party' with it been family, but I know what he was getting at :)

Sorry about all that, just getting it off my chest! Oliver is sound asleep now, phew! I'd better text Steve and let him know!

Ahhh, i just got back from a day out in London meeting up with some old friends, we had a good walk about St. James Park and then went for a chinese meal and then cocktails afterwards (i had non-alcoholic ones hehe). Spent the morning shopping and finally got myself some nice clothes :) It was my first day away from Roh all day, and i was really expecting to feel a bit stressed and upset about it, but knowing he was with his Daddy, i actually felt really comfortable about it. According to OH Roh was a dream all day and only did 2 poos, which is great news, i think the bad tummy may be calming down! :thumbup:
I'm feeling so good, i had the best time, and it felt great to just be me again for the day, although i'm very happy to be back home with my beautiful boy :) :cloud9:
My boobs were absolutely killing me when i got home, i fed Roh at 5am, 7am and 9am, but then nothing after that! I've just about finished expressing now, it looks like i have about 16 oz here!:wacko: Glad i didn't drink, i can restock the freezer after what got used up today :)

exhausted! owen only slept 11-2am so far this night and still awake and is almost 3am :sad2: cant take it! am so tired and feel so ill with my cold!
i'm going to :cry: after sleeping a grand total of 3-4hrs again (and not all in one go) dylan decides to wake up before 7am and come to my bed and wake up the baby. i was so angry with him. i'm angry with everything this morning. angry that i have a headache from so little sleep. angry that i have such a crappy cold. angry that OH is in bed sleeping whilst i am up after so little :sleep: as usual. why cant he just look after the kids for a couple of hours so i can sleep and at least feel semi human :grr: he doesnt do anything nice like that for me :sad2:
Oh Maybe :hugs:

Since Hubby had his op I have not felt like I could ask him for help with Joni through the night and just did not know how to talk to him about it. Then I had a night like yours not so long ago. I was so peeved I woke my OH up said it was his turn, handed Joni over, put my ear plugs in and got in bed.

Later that day he kept saying how tired he was and actually said he did not know how I coped with getting up like that every night :shock: To which I responded I had already been up for a couple of hours before I came and got him too. Since then he has been much more understanding about me being tired and more helpful with getting up with Joni in the morning sometimes so I can have another hour or so in bed.

Been very busy the last few days so have not had time to have a proper catch up on here - hope you are all ok x
he refuses to get up as i am bf. his mum seems to think babies only cry when they are hungry and it's rubbed off on him!!!
Wow maubebby he needs a big kick up the ass! Will Owen take ebm in a bottle? Your oh really needs to buck his ideas up. Even if he can't take owen he could look after the others!! Was he like this when they were babies! I really feel for you hun, I know I complain about Steve someetimes but I read your posts and I don't think I have anything at all to complain about!!

Oliver slept from 10pm until 7am, without waking up once, bless him. We got up at just after seven and Oliver fell asleep on my lap at about eight and he's still asleep. I'm wondering if he will just sleep his cold off?

Awww Maybe. Feel Better. My OH is useless too if I'm home. The only time he does ANYTHING for the kids is if I'm at work, and thats because he has no other choice. But if I'm in the house, he is off duty. Its really annoying. He will actually come and say "The baby is crying". WTF???? Pick him up! What are you telling me for! That kind of thing!
Anyways - don't mean to go off on a rant about my husband - just sympathizing with you. I hope you get some sleep soon.
hey guys. well i did intend to try and get izzy to sleep at around 8pm and try and shift her sleeping pattern. as she's sleeping well. usually about 7ish hours and then a feed and then she sleeps again. i however do not. i just can't sleep even if i feel half dead. however she goes to sleep at about 11pm. if i could get her to sleep a bit earlier then i could get up with OH at 6am in the morning without feeling half dead... and i need to start putting her down for naps too or she's only going to sleep on me during the day. however it's OH's birthday tomorrow and he already has his pressies and one of them is a pc game and the pc is in our room. so i figured i'd leave it until he goes back to work on tuesday. plus, izzy is still asleep on me right now so there's no way she'll drop back off and go to bed properly at 8pm, ha.

she has had good head control for about 3-4 weeks now, so we bought her a bouncy chair for in the door today. she loves it. took her about 30 seconds to work out what was going on and then off she bounced. will hopefully save my arms a bit as all she wants to do is stand up at the moment. i'm wondering whether she'll go straight from lying to walking and miss out crawling all together, ha.

abz xx
abz - dylan and erin missed the crawling stage and went to walking.

LM - your oh sounds like mine! he calls me when the baby cries! like what have they lost the use of their arms? :shocked:

sarah - glad oliver slept well. hope his cold is better. owen is snotty tonight and so is erin! guess they have got my cold :dohh:
MaybeBaby how was last night for you? I wish you lived closer . . . I would watch Owen for you while you napped no problem. Having no sleep is seriously no fun, and been ill too? Gosh I wouldnt be able to cope. You are an amazing mum!

Oliver had quite a good night, I was really late to bed (midnight - eek!!). I have a wedding this weekend, I'm providing chair covers etc so I'm trying to get everything sorted for that after Oliver goes to bed!

I have so much to do atm, its never ending! My ironing pile is far too big, I think we have too many clothes lol! I think I should have another clearout and get rid of soooo much stuff. My problem is that I would rather ebay stuff and try to make some money but I never have time. I think I need a major, major ebay project lol! Either that or just cut my losses and take things to the charity shop.

Oliver still has some sniffles, bless him! Its not a full blown cold though, he's very brave :)

Finally . . . I need your help ladies! Its my birthday on October 3rd . . . my 30th - eek! My parents have suggested going away for the weekend, with them and also my sister and brother in law. We all get on well so this would be really nice. We are working to quite a tight budget at the mo but my parents have offered to pay for the hotel. Even so I know that with evening meals, days out etc this could quickly up and I really dont want to end up spending loads. So I'm trying to think of somewhere that we could go - ideally inbetween Yorkshire and London, but anywhere really - where we could have a day out (also we will obviously have Oliver) etc without spending too much. Any ideas ladies? All our past mini breaks have tended to be shopping ones lol and I really dont want to do that, I'll just end up spending money that I really dont want to spend. Help! :)
owen woke up screaming last night. he was really snotty and his eyes were red. took him to the gp today and he is quite sick as he has bronchiolitis :cry: he has antibiotics and an inhaler. he has an infection in one of his lungs poor little one. is asleep after dosing him up on medised antibiotics and saline drops. hopefully he will get better. if his breathing gets worse have been told to take him straight to hospital :cry: my poor baby.
he was supposed to have his vaccines on wednesday but i have to delay them by a week as he is now on antibiotics.
hey ladies.

aww maybebaby i hope owen starts to feel better with the inhaler etc xx poor little thing. we had to put harrisons last lot of vaccines back a week due to him having a temp. i was actually glad, he had a cold that week and i didnt fancy that and injections.

sarah im not quite sure where you could go! im no help am i lol we are going away for the weekend on the 24th sept, its for our 3 yr anniversary of being together (oh i wish i could say married lol) he wont tell me where we are going but i think it might be Stratford-upon-Avon. i accidentally seen a hotel on his bookmarked page when i was looking for something i had saved on his laptop.. oops.. maybe somewhere like that?

LM glad chloe could come home!

i forgot what else i seen.. damn it!

i had a big ebay day yesterday, so far have 22 items up, mainly a few things from sophie and a maternity dress. i need to tackle harrisons stuff, i should have done it over the weekend with the rest of things as it was free listing weekend but by 9pm last night i got fed up lol think il do them over the course of the week now.

on the house front, we caught a break! marks parents have very kindly offered to loan us the deposit for a house, they said we will set up a direct debit into an ISA to pay them back every month so they have soem money to fall back on in the future when they both retire!! When his parents offered it they must have thought i was ungrateful! i was so shocked by it i never said a word! i couldnt speak luckily it was when harrison was getting niggly so i was focusing mainly on him but now i think back i must have looked so ungrateful. Ive said to mark when i get the final lump some from Sophie's dad (for my half of the house we own) i want half at least to goto his mum and dad to pay some off. the original plan was a trip to florida for the kiddies and a trip for me and my cousin to new york to celebrate my 30th and her 21st. i get that in 2012 so at least that will be a decent amount paid back!

so my job for the next few weeks is decorating our house and de-cluttering every where to get it on the market sharpish. i was wondering if it was worth us starting to look around at houses once its on just incase by some miracle people are interested in ours.. unlikely with the state of the market but you never know i guess.
Wow Jo that's fantastc! Lucky you! We change our minds all the time about what to do re moving. I'm tempted to do the same - have a big declutter and just put it on the market. If it sells that's our deposit. Argh I don't know what we should do!!
MaybeBaby poor llittle Owen! I hope he's feeling better soon! X
u can always put it up 4 sale and see what happens! u r not obliged to sell it just coz it's up 4 sale! :muaha:
Maybe I am so sorry to hear that Owen is poorly :cry: give him a cuddle from me :hugs:

Sarah: it's my 31 on 15th and I still have no clue what aim doing. I also have loads of Bobby's clothes to sell.

Amy: good luck this week with shush-pat it's still working well for Bobby's naps and when he wakes up too early.
poor owen, just given him some nurofen. he has to have the inhaler and antibiotics in a bit and i'll give him some medised before putting him to bed later. he's really snuffly. hope i dont have to take him to hospital. he's in his bouncer but i think he cant get comfortable enough with his stuffy nose to go to sleep :cry: feel so sorry for him, and for myself as i feel really crappy too. erin said her ear hurt earlier on so i am hoping she's not coming down with something too :dohh: hope OH comes back soon. i need a bath or shower!!!

modo - glad the shush pat thing is working :thumbup:
Thanks maybe. Is your oh home now? I hope Owen feels better hon:hugs:

Good luck jolou! That's really great news hon :hugs:

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