Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Just popping on quickly as I'm knackered so off to bed in a minute. Sarah we bought this highchair:
Thanks Muddles! Thats a lovely high chair. Mmmmm, I think I might buy one that reclines etc. Mmmm, when's payday again? :haha:

Steve is home from London now, I think Oliver missed him today. Tomorrow I think we're going to have a day at the coast, I doubt the weather will be great but it'll still be nice :)

:hugs: to you ladies having OH issues. They don't deserve you lovely ladies :hugs:
Hi all -

thought I would pop in ... will be online more now as I have just joined weight watchers on a mission to lose a fair bit of weight and I want at least some of it off before I get married next year!!!

Amy is doing really well and growing really fast she has now learnt to roll over but she has also found she can scream - not when shes upset tho she just lays there smiling and screaming!

We have decided to ttc baby number 2 about this time next year - sometime after the wedding, I am loving being a mummy so much.

Hope everyone is getting on ok.

x x x

i feel knackered and dont feel like ive done much lol i cleared a bookcase of all my old books that ive read and stuck the rest in a box for a loft.. now the bookcase can go in the skip cos i dont think it will last another move and it will also make our diddy front room look a tad bigger, currently we have a bookcase either side of the sofa, the plan is to move the bigger one to where the one i just emptied is.. mark wants to bring down the comp table and stick the comp on it so its not on the floor anymore and put it where the larger bookcase is.. makes sense i guess rather than using a stool for my screen and sitting on the sofa lol but id have like more places to stick toys outta the way! but i think he is thinking he can show any potential buyers that even tho its small we can still fit the things we need in and it not look a mess..

good luck with weight watchers h&f.. i joined middle of june and have lost 18llb so far which im happy with considering ive had a month of parties to goto.. mi just used to loosing weight quicker at the start on WW! but i know the slower it is to come of its more likely to stay off. i aim for another stone at least by christmas.. so even if i only loose 1llb a week il do it.. small targets! and then i will be the weight i was when i found out i was pregnant with harrison..

and just as i decide to have a brew harrison starts to stir! lol typical

hope your all well xx
Hey everyone!!! been ages since i been here thought id come see how everyone and their lo is doin??
Hey everyone!!! been ages since i been here thought id come see how everyone and their lo is doin??

Janny great to hear from you! How have you been doing?

Bobby woke up 2 in the AM yesterday :(

I am researching 4 month sleep regression which can happen with 3 month olds.
im u?

question should baby be sleeping all night by 3 months???
Hay Janny! Good to see you! Oliver and I are really well thanks for asking ;) All babies are so different, some sleep through a long time before others lol! Oliver sometimes sleeps through but most nights will wake once of twice for a boobie and a cuddle :)

Jolou it sounds like you've been busy!!

We had a great day, Oliver slept in until just after 9am so we got to sleep in too - yay! Steve was off today so we had a drive to Bridlington to see the sea lol! There's not much there worth looking at but we had a walk and a cuppa :) it was nice. it seriously needs some money spending in Brid though, if they want more people to go on holiday there. Yorkshire is so lovely but our sea side places are pretty rubbish imo, such a shame. We had a nice time though, but a couple of hours was enough! There were some gorgeous massive houses overlooking the sea, they must have been stunning once, but they wete all run down and empty, so sad when they have obviously once been really beautiful.

On the way back we went to Leeds to Mothercare to look at high chairs, I think we will get an adjustable one. While we were there we put Oliver in the Jumperoo again and he absolutely loved it, he was going mad! So we ended up buying him one, Steve is building it now while I settle Oliver for bed. I'm so excited to put him in it in the morning, haha! Daft I know :)
Hi ladies! I miss you all soo much, I never seem to get round to posting but do try and keep up with how you all are!
Maybe & Amy, I'm sorry things are still rough with your OH's, no advice here, just :hugs:
It's reassuring to hear that some of your babies are back to waking in the nights. Daisy has slept through without fail since I moved her into her CPR, but the last couple of weeks she's been waking around 4-5am for a feed. She goes down around 7.30 and falls straight back to sleep until around 10 after I feed her. People keep telling me' to wean her but they've got no chance. I'd rather do a night feed or two every night until she's at least 24 weeks.
Which brings me onto her kidney! As you all know she was really ill and in hospital for a week last month, we've since seem her consultant and he's ordered more tests, some to check function and some to check the blood supply, as he currently plans to remove the upper moiety of her right kidney. No time frame yet, but we'll know more soon.
I am absolutely loving being a mummy, I've never been this happy in my life :blush: enjoying every moment, I don't want her to grow up though! We've bought a jumperoo and I'm SO excited for it to come on Monday.
As Sarah said, I'm moving again soon so don't have a proper Internet connection until then. I really will try to stay in touch as I really really miss you all, love getting the little updates on facebook though and I'm so glad to see all your babies thriving! xxxxxx
Also, Daisy is now 19lbs 11oz!! Giant baby! She's only 64cm though, which is somewhere around the 80th percentile, just a really fast gainer for some reason.. I can't believe how long Harrison is Jo, he's going to be so tall when he's grown up isn't he! All the better for looking after you and Sophie :)
amy - i really feel for you as it sounds like we have a lot of parallels in our life! with my DH things always end up in an argument when we try to 'talk'. he always makes out like i think i am perfect (i am well aware that i am not!!!) Last night i had been dealing with the kids all day and owen was still not settling at 11pm and i had him in the buggy and was rocking him and DH starts saying 'he's hungry' and i was like 'no, i just fed him' and he said 'why do you take everything so personally' i scooped the baby up and he pushed the buggy so hard it smashed into the wall and insulted me. so i walked off. i used to cry but to be perfectly honest i dont any more! i just went to bed and settled owen there. this morning he offered to take dylan and erin to nursery and school so i let him do that whilst i stayed in with owen. then he was really nice until he left for leeds. i really dont know why our men seem to have a jekyl and hyde personality? he has been texting me nice texts since he landed in uk. we shall see what things are like when he comes back! enjoy your wine!!!

I really couldve written that about me and my DH :wacko: we do have a lot of parallels! idiot husbands and boys that wont sleep :dohh::haha: my DH always makes out like I think I am perfect and I am also well aware that I am not! He emailed me today (because he is rubbish at talking!) that he loved me and wanted to sort things. So I tried to talk to him again but he twisted everything I said :growlmad: he's gone out drinking with friends. he is such a jekyl and hyde. I used to cry too, but now I just walk away alot too.

As for your MIL :ignore: why is she so determined to give him formula? if only babies only cried when they were hungry!! how easy would that be! hope Owen's bottom gets better :hugs:

Jolou - you've done soooo well losing 18 lbs!!:thumbup: thats so good! I'm rubbish, I just cant break my naughty habits (just had 3 peices of toast and nutella oops).

Jannywanny - lovely to hear from you, hope you and Jared are doing well :hugs:. My Alex has no idea what sleeping through means :dohh:

H&F - when is your wedding? :flower:

Katie - wow!! Daisy is a fantastic weight! I have tried weighing myself with and without Alex to see what he weighs but I think he's only about 14 lbs. titchy boy :haha:

my sister's contractions are still all over the place :( I hope she doesnt have to go on like this too much longer. I was with her today and they are definate contractions, not BH but they cant seem to get into a good pattern.
amy :hugs:

katie - glad u r ok! owen is like daisy average height and massive weight! was 17lbs8 at 16wks. probably about 19 now!!! HV said in a class of 100 there would only be 2 heavier kids!!!

its almost midnight and owen is only just falling asleep! am so tired and i know i'll be woken up in an hour or so again :sad2: am so in need of some decent sleep. most nights i dont even seem to get a 2hr stretch!!! i'm hoping when we start weaning there will be an improvement. he is so big and showing all the signs of being ready so i think i will start in the next few weeks. started with dylan and erin at the same sort of time. are u all waiting til 6 months?
Maybe - I was just thinking tonight about when I will start solids. I started Logan when he was just a few days shy of 6 months - but he was VERY ready. I made steamed broccoli tonight and half-thought about trying to give Dillon a taste - but he is no-where near showing signs that he is ready. He is JUST starting to watch us eat - but never tries to reach for the food or open his mouth imitating us or anything. So - needless to say - I didn't bother. But then I realized - WOW! He will be 5 months in just a few days! I can't believe he is almost half a year! Its crazy how fast the time has gone. I feel like I JUST brought him home. Being pregnant feels like yesterday! Anyways - I will most likely wait until at least 6 months to start him with solids - maybe longer if he is still not seeming ready. I am in no rush really. My doctor told me we could have started him at 4 months (apparently the guidelines have changed again) - but I believe in waiting until he shows physical signs of being ready - not just going by calendar age.
I mean - he can't even sit up on his own yet. So - when he starts to sit-up pretty well by himself, shows some interest in the food, things like that - I'll start him. And I think I will try the baby led weaning this time - maybe with a mix of some traditional though.

Amy - GOOD LUCK to your sister!
amy :hugs:

katie - glad u r ok! owen is like daisy average height and massive weight! was 17lbs8 at 16wks. probably about 19 now!!! HV said in a class of 100 there would only be 2 heavier kids!!!

its almost midnight and owen is only just falling asleep! am so tired and i know i'll be woken up in an hour or so again :sad2: am so in need of some decent sleep. most nights i dont even seem to get a 2hr stretch!!! i'm hoping when we start weaning there will be an improvement. he is so big and showing all the signs of being ready so i think i will start in the next few weeks. started with dylan and erin at the same sort of time. are u all waiting til 6 months?

I am open to weaning Bobby earlier if he shows interest like LM was saying. Right now he seems to have no clue about it. I put some food under his nose every once in while (more out of curiosity) and he looks at me like I am crazy:wacko:

Good luck to your sis Amy!
Hm, Daisy is always interested in food. I often sit with her on my knee at restaurants while I eat (if the plate isn't hot etc) and she often tries to grab my food, she watches me' eat too. But I don't think it's always a sign on being ready to wean?
Also, she had 23oz (!!!) over 3 hours last night before she went to bed, then woke up at 4am (9 hours later) for another 8, when she used to sleep 12-14 hours easily..

amy i still have my toast with nutella! lol i just add it to my points ;) tho i havent been as strict with my points as i usually am.

katie nice to see you back! love seeing the pics of daisy on facebook, she is sooo cute! and yes he is gonna be a tall one, he is always on the 50th percentile for weight but he is off the chart slightly with height.. oh lordy im gonna be the midget in the family i think... i have a sneaky feeling sophie will either be my height 5ft 8inch or taller, all the women on my dads side are 5ft 11 or taller.. its just her daddies side that are small (i used to tower above em all!)

as for weaning.. harrison is certainly showing signs, he watches every single bit of food or drink that nears our mouths, i even caught him licking a biscuit i had in my hand, so every now and then il try him with a bit of banana mushed up or rusk which he likes, not every day but every now and then.. tried baby rice.. he hates it, tho not tried it in a week so might try again, sophie was ready just after 4 months the greedy monkey, im trying to leave harrison a little longer but its getting hard to not give him something every day as he loves it so much.

annnd he starts to wake as i am about to do more ebaying typical lol

hope your all ok
Evening ladies!

Hope you all had a good day!

Oliver LOVES his jumperoo!! I don't leave him in their long but he absolutely loves it :) It takes over the living room but its worth it :)

I'm hoping to leave off weaning until six months, unless Oliver shows signs earlier. I'm still reading my BLW book in prepeRation :)

We had to miss baby massage again today as Oliver has the sniffles, he's fine in himself but I didn't want to risk any of the other mums and babies catching anything.

I have a wedding tomorrow, I'm providing chair covers, bows etc. I'm almost ready, just a few more bits to do. its my first wedding since Oliver and the only booking I kept for this year so I'll be glad to get it over wit, though I am looking forward to it too. Mum and Dad are coming up to help me so one of them will amuse Oliver while the other helps me. Hopefully it will just take a few hours.

maybe - I'm planning to wait until Alex is 6 months to wean but I dont think I'll get a good nights sleep until then. I've managed to get him back into sleeping from 8 - 11pm then he sleeps till 2am but thats it then. He comes in bed with us and grazes off me/laughs and plays with his feet/cries - just generally keeps me awake :dohh: so I really sleep from 12-2 and then nap when i can manage till morning :hugs:

my sister is having a horrible labour :( she was 5 cms at 3am and got in the birthing pool. then at 7am she was 7 cm but really struggling. Then a new midwife examined her at 10am and said she was only 5cm!!!! :nope: she couldnt cope anymore and opted for an epidural (her dreams of a waterbirth out the window) but its now past 8pm and the baby still hasnt been born!! I'm getting updates from my mum who is also on the verge of collapse. I think she may end up with a c-sec. I didnt think they let you be in active labour for so long. Surely its failure to progress?
and LM - I cant believe Dillon is nearly 5 months!!!!!!! OMG xx
amy - owen sounds more or less like alex sleep wise! it's awful isnt it? :hugs: to you too!!! hope your sis has her baby soon!

LM - how's school going?

sarah - glad oliver likes his jumperoo :thumbup:

am applying for a few promotions which have come up in a couple of schools. i dont hold out much hope as here there are about 20 applicants per job and as i have had 3 lots of maternity leave and am on maternity now i bet that will go against me. i went to see the head of one school today and am going to see another on monday. closing date is tuesday. have tried to make a start on application form today but am sooooooooooooooo tired i cant think straight! have asked my FIL to help me as he's really good with that sort of thing.

owen is napping on the sofa beside me. i really feel like getting into bed already so i may take him to the bedroom, have a shower and get into bed and watch the rerun of eastenders. so wish i could have even a 2hr block of sleep. really in need of some quality :sleep: owen at least doesnt seem to be struggling to breathe any more which is great as it was a real worry :thumbup:

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