Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

:hi: ladies!

Sorry I have not posted for a while.. I have had such a busy couple of weeks :wacko:

LM.. I am so glad that you have good news about Chloe finally :happydance:

Maybe.. I am so sorry that Owen is poorly :hugs:

Jo.. :hugs: to Harrison too

Chloe had her third and final set of jabs last week.. I am so glad that we are done until 12 months!

Chloe also has a bumbo.. but strangely has filled her nappy everytime she has sat in it?! I have told hubby we need to buy a potty that looks like her bumbo when we come to potty train!!

Like some of you, we have also moved Chloe from her pram into her stroller.. She is such an inquisitive baby and can see so much more from the stroller! (she's definitely a people watcher and she gets this from me! :blush:)

She also sleeps much more in the stroller which has to be a bonus!

On the sleep issue... my sister lives in Australia and had a baby boy in January of this year and has had real issues in getting him to sleep through the night. In Sydney they have lots of support and following a GP referral she attended the Tressilian Centre which offers day courses and even residential courses on all manner of problems.

She attended for a day last week and within 4 days of following their tips and advice, her little boy is sleeping through. They have a website and I thought it might help to post a link in case any of you are interested although I suspect it may be repetition of info readily available online..

They were very firm in their advice however that every baby is different!

We are very lucky in that Chloe has slept through the night from about seven weeks, but that said we cannot get her to sleep in her cot before 10.30pm no matter what we try. We are working on this and maintaining the routine of getting her bathed, fed and ready for bed by 7pm... and will just keep going. Hopefully we will crack it soon!

Right... off for her 10.30pm feed!

Night all :)
:hugs:maybe - OMG poor Owen :hugs::flower: bronchilitus is horrible. I really hope the antibiotics kick in soon. poor little thing. I hope your DH is being supportive!

Sarah - my 30th was a disaster :haha: DH had a meal planned out with all my friends but Holly cut her knee open really badly and we ended up in A&E and we had to cancel the meal. My mum took pity on me later on and came to babysit so we went to the local pub with a couple of friends and I drowned my sorrows. I woke up in a pool of red wine vomit :blush: oopsy! I cant think of any good ideas for you but I'm sure it will be lovely if you spend it with family :hugs:

Jolou - great news on the house front :happydance:

well Alex has been horrendous with sleep. He barely slept last night. Tonight I have really struggled to get him to sleep. DH has been an absolute @rsehooooole and we are talking about separating. We've been together 14 years, married for 1 and did separate 6 years ago for 6 months. Having Alex has proved how different our priorities in life are and he just makes me feel sh!t all the time.

and my rabbit had to get put down today. brain infection :cry: woe is me
A3my I'm so sorry to hear about your bunny :( and your issues with your OH :( :hugs:

PG its good to see you! Love the bumbo story :haha:

I'm off to bed in a mo, been doing more prep for this weekends wedding. There is so much to do but I'm on track lol! I really want to watch True Blood . . . I've been watching season three downloaded from America, last night was the season finale and I soooooo want to watch it! But I really should go to bed, I can watch it in the morning when Oliver has his nap :)

my OH came back at 10pm last night. he kept an eye on owen whilst i showered and actually got up at 5pm when owen pooed! 1st time ever he's got up. he's off to leeds tomorrow to help his sister settle into her new uni halls. his dad was supposed to go but he needs an op so cant.

amy i am so sorry to hear that u r thinking of splitting up :hugs:

will write more later. need2collect dylan from school.
Sarahwoo - moving is really great way to get rid of things. We gave away a lot of clothes when moved. Ironing is a thing I don't do. It just takes too much time and if I wrap clothes together after ironing they still get furrowed. So I'll better iron before using if some blouse needs that.
maybebaby3 - so sorry for Owen. Hope the antibiotics help and he'll be okey in no time :hugs: And that's really good that your OH woke up.
Pram - Kristan is still in pram and I don't see any reason why I should put him into stroller any time soon.

As you can see, I'm alive :happydance: Run was good, my time was bad but as OH said, it's good enough for beginning.
PG: You really made me laugh with the bumbo!

Amy I am reall sorry about your bunny and your oh :hugs:

Maybe Glad your OH helped you.

Marta: well done!

Bobby finally rolled over for the second and third time ever today (he rolled over for the first time a while back and never did it again). This is good news except he is now trying to do it in his sleep, failing, crying and delaying his sleep! He did this during nap time and I got him to settle and he slept (for almost two hours :happydance:) and he did it this evening and it took him longer to settle. I stayed with him for about twenty minutes until he fell asleep.

Do you girls think he will try and do this in the middle of the night instead of going back to sleep? What did your LO's do?
PG - love the bumbo story :haha:

marta - I bet your time was a whole lot better than the rest of us could manage!! Thats fantastic you did the run! I can barely push the pram up a hill without puffing :haha: I really must get my running shoes out!

Maybe :shock: wow!!! Im so pleased your DH did something for Owen! Do you think its a sign of things to come or a one off? How is Owen? :hugs:

Modo - does Bobby still sleep on his front? Alex hasnt tried rolling in his sleep, he'll probably start that right when I've got him to sleep a bit better :dohh:

Well Alex had his final jabs today. So glad thats over! DH, well H (not a darling to me :haha:) is still being evil. Emily had some exams at school today so I co-slept with Alex last night to keep him quiet so he didnt wake her. Consequently he screamed and screamed tonight when I put him to bed in his cot. I asked H to keep the noise down and he said why should I. He said the sooner I leave the house the better. he's "for gods saking" me now becasue he doesnt like me typing. Its always like this when things are bad between us, he just goes completely evil and it seems like his mission to make me cry and then call me pathetic! Rant over, time for me to get up to bed and away from him xx
Hi ladies haven't posted for a few days so have gone back a few pages to see what i have missed.

Jolou lovely pictures of Sophie and Harrison. Sophie looks like a proud big sister and Harrison is super cute. How is your back now? That is great news about the house deposit.

CG they do a rhyme time thing at my library but there is no way i am going to it if you have to do that! :lol:

Modo sounds like you have been very busy! The Baby Whisperer book sounds like it worked well for you. Did the injections go ok? That's good about the rolling, though no so good about doing it all the time. Oliver is way too lazy to roll, if you put him on his tummy he is happy there and will do a kind of fake cough like cry when he has had enough, he does the same on his back. He is perfectly capable of rolling though as if you touch him to put him on his side he starts rolling so not sure if Bobby will do it in the night or not.

Emera is Rohan better? Hope so. When Oliver's bum was sore you name it we tried it and what worked was Conotrane cream and lots of nappy off time (with a towel under him!!!!!) which we got from the doctors, I have heard it is what is used on old people with bed sores too. Your day out sounds fab, as do the cocktails even if they were non-alcoholic.

Sarah are you feeling better? Hope so! Was thinking about places to go for your 30th. What about Harrogate? They have a turkish bath and spa there which would be a great way to pamper yourself for your birthday. There is lots of walks in the yorkshire countryside and lots of nice restaurants and cafes too. I went there for a girly weekend when I was at uni, not that we did any walking other than to pubs :lol: but the turkish bath and spa was great.

Abz the bouncer sounds like lots of fun. That is great that she enjoys it so much.

maybebaby has your cold gone? Hope it has! We have to use a cover for feeding in public as Oliver is so nosey, however he tries to eat that too so between trying to eat the cover, his milk and his fingers I am not so sure he feeds very effectively when we are out but he makes up for it at home! Have you managed to get some sleep? Sleep deprivation is a form of torture so no wonder you feel so angry and ill, not helped by your OH! :grrr: Poor Owen hope he gets better very quickly, the inhaler will help. Can you use stuff like Karvol plug ins to help clear his snuffles too?

Frufru that's great your OH is being more understanding and helpful with you getting up in the night. Mine will get up with Oliver if I have fed him then come and get him, by which time I am usually so wide awake anyway there is no point going back to bed. He can make up for it when I am no longer breastfeeding though :lol:

A3my sorry to hear that you are having such a bad time. Huge :hugs: Hope things get better for you soon.

Marta well done on the running!

LM that's great that Chloe got to come home. Her parents must be overjoyed :happydance:

PG Oliver until last week would not go to sleep properly until 10:30pm (he has slept 10:30/11pm-at least 5am then fed then slept again until 10:30am ish since 7 weeks) despite having a bath between 6 and 7pm. All of a sudden last week (he was 19 weeks on Thursday) he started going to sleep between 8 and 9pm and now wakes anytime from 3am feeds then sleeps again until around 9am. We have done nothing to encourage this he just decided to do it so hopefully you will get the same from Chloe.

Has anyone seen Katie? Not heard from her in a long time. Hope she and Daisy are doing well.

We moved Oliver to the stroller bit of the pushchair. Like you Marta we had no plans to change from pram to pushchair anytime soon but all of a sudden Oliver didn't look quite right in it, he looked uncomfortable and was getting really frustrated that he couldn't see. We have changed the pram to pushchair mode and have reclined it a bit so he is kind of between lying down and sitting up and he is so much happier and looks much more comfortable. He does keep holding onto the straps when he is in it, like you would a rollercoaster bar so wonder if he is trying to tell me I am a bad pushcair driver :rofl:

We also bought a highchair and he has been sitting in it playing whilst I wash dishes or cook. He keeps eating the straps though so have to keep using milton wipes on them as they are covered in dribble!

Oliver has a new trick, he keeps trying to sit up, if you hold out your thumbs or a finger on each hand as soon as he grabs them he pulls himself up to sitting. I forgot to warn my sister in law about that today and he grabbed her finger and before she knew what was happening he had pulled himself up to sitting and was sitting up with such a proud look on his face. :lol: I also caught him trying to do it in his car seat but thankfully the straps are tight enough that all he can do is lift his head slightly.
Modo - does Bobby still sleep on his front? Alex hasnt tried rolling in his sleep, he'll probably start that right when I've got him to sleep a bit better :dohh:

Yes he does still sleep on his front. So far no wake ups so we will see what happens tonight. Thanks for asking hon!

Amy try the baby whisperer forum (google it) there is so much info there. They have a FAQ sections in each of the subforms with a wealth of info. I just introduced some changes and stuck with them. Our LO's are still young enough to adapt very quickly to changes so you can see an improvement quite quickly.

Bobby follows the EASY plan. So he Eats, then plays (Activity) for an hour and ten/twenty minutes and then I take him for bed. It usually takes about 5-10 minutes to get him to Sleep now but when we started it was about 20 mins. He will generally wake up an hour later and I will shush-pat him till he goes back to sleep. The aim is to get him to nap for 1.5 hours 3 times a day. Then he wakes up in time for his next feed.

Modo sounds like you have been very busy! The Baby Whisperer book sounds like it worked well for you. Did the injections go ok? That's good about the rolling, though no so good about doing it all the time. Oliver is way too lazy to roll, if you put him on his tummy he is happy there and will do a kind of fake cough like cry when he has had enough, he does the same on his back. He is perfectly capable of rolling though as if you touch him to put him on his side he starts rolling so not sure if Bobby will do it in the night or not.

Thanks for asking Muddles! The vaccines went ok the first day or two Bobby was a bit restless but it was ok. He does the cough cry too! Mostly in the morning I think he is saying "Hurry up and get me wench!" :lol:

Has anyone seen Katie? Not heard from her in a long time. Hope she and Daisy are doing well.

I spoke to her on Facebook she and Daisy are doing fine. She hopes to be back online soon :)
modo - sounds like bobby is really getting agile!

amy - so sorry things are so bad between you and H. hope you can sort things out :hugs: i know how you feel. things here are either good or bad and nothing in between! you are not pathetic. why do our OH think it is ok to insult us :shrug:

sarah - are you better?

PG - they grow up so quickly dont they? i wanted to keep owen in the pram as long as possible but that wasnt long!

marta - well done on your run :thumbup:

muddles - owen likes to pull himself up too! he loves standing up more than anything!!! he is so strong:wacko:

well owen is on the mend, he's still snuffly but i'm not worried that there's the possibility of ending up in hospital thank god!!! he hates the inhaler though and holds his breath when i put the mask on his face and then screams when he can hold it no longer. i have lost my voice but today i feel my throat is getting a bit better. so hopefully we are both on the mend :thumbup:

OH has left for leeds today. am sooooooooooooooo jealous! he has cought the sore throat though. serves him right for saying i was annoying him with my 'stupid voice' yesterday :rofl: i live in the hope he may bring me something nice back fom uk (other than the black cardi i asked him for!) we shall see!!!
I hate my computer!!! just wrote loads and it wiped it :grrr:

basically, modo - thanks :) will check it out. and I know I said it on fb but happy birthday! :cake: hope you get lots of pressies.

maybe - glad Owen is on the mend.

my sister is in early labour :happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm so excited and strangely wishing I was pregnant again :haha:
Hey ladies!

Just trying to catch up while Oliver naps!

I'm feeling soooo much better thankyou :hugs: I just have a cough now and I think I'm loosing my voice. Argh!! Oliver seems to have only had a very very mild cold - well just sniffles really and it hasnt really bothered him. He had a slight temp so I gave him 2.5ml of calpol and he was fine. I was sooooo glad he didnt get it bad, I would have felt so guilty!

MaybeBaby I'm glad your OH helped out, I hope he turns a new leaf. Its a shame you couldnt come to Leeds too, we could have met for a coffee :haha: I'm glad Owen is getting better :hugs:

Martia you are so right about the ironing, I should just do what you do! But I just cant bring myself to put away creased clothes, silly I know :dohh: Well done on your running!!

A3my I'm glad the jabs went well, I was so glad to get Olivers out of the way too. The nurse who did Olivers said he could have a birthday before he needs his next ones - it made me think OMG he really is growing up so fast!!
I'm sorry your OH is been so horrible - tlling you to leave the house?! I'd tell him to pack his bags and leave himself! There is just no excuse for been nasty, its just such a horrible thing to do, esp since you've done nothing wrong. I hope you're okay :hugs:

Muddles We LOVE Harrogate, I'd love to live there but its soooo expensive! We go shopping there every few weeks but that it a good idea . . . . we could go to Bettys for lunch. Its only about 30 mins from us so I think we'd probably not stay over. Very good idea though - maybe if we dont go away we'll have a Harrogate day, I've never been to the Spa so I'll have a look into that :) Thankyou!!

As Modo said Katie is fine, she's moving again soon so she's still without a proper internet connection. Modo and I have both told her to hurry back :haha:

Oliver does the exact same thing in his pushchair and holds on lol! He looks so cute, and both of my pushchairs lay flat so I have him reclined nicely. He loves it, he's so nosey so he loves been able to look around. I would have loved to keep him in his pram longer but he just didnt like it.

Oh, and Muddles - which highchair did you buy? My SIL gave us a lovely wooden M&P's one that I was going to get a insert for, but it doesn't recline / adjust etc. And its quite big . . . but it looks nice at my table lol! I'm tempted to buy something a bit more fancy but I have no idea really :haha: I'm hoping not to wean until 6 months (and do BLW - I'm reading the book now, it sounds soooooo good!) but it would be so handy to sit Oliver in the kitchen sometimes!

Oliver is also getting so strong, he loves standing up - like a ew of you I can see him skipping the crawling stage and just walking lol! His favourite trick at the moment is sitting on my knee, holding my fingers - I say 'stand up' and he stands right up, I say 'sit down' and he sits down again!!! He laughs and laughs, its very cute :)

Oohhhh A3my how exciting about your sister! Hope all goes well!!

Well Steve is in London today for a meeting. He's only down there for the day, so Oliver and I are wondering what to do. I've spent the morning tidying and cleaning, I was going to walk into town with the pushchair but the weather is horrible!! I finally packed away Olivers moses basket :cry: I just had it downstairs for naps but he really is too big for it now. Where do your babies nap in the day? Oliver can't normally nap in his cot as Steve is in bed in our room, he has a cotbed in the nursery but it's full of other stuff :dohh: so he normally naps on the sofa or on me.

Well I think I'll get a coffee and some lunch while I can :)

Right on cue Oliver woke up :haha: As soon as I think about food he wakes up . . . how come I still have a stone to loose?!?!?! :haha:
sarah - i'm glad u and oliver are on the mend :thumbup: we had one of those style of high chairs with dylan but ended up getting a chicco polly in the end as the other one was too upright for him. owen naps in the bouncer, swing, pushchair or on me in the daytime!

amy - how are things with you? hope your sister has a speedy labour!
oh sarah i wish i could've gone to leeds too! it'd have been great to meet for coffee!
evening ladies!

amy so sorry things arent very good for you at the moment.. how dare he be "for gods saking" you! maybe if he was nicer to you you may not be on the computer typing!

grr i really hate men sometimes

i have changed harrison to the stroller part of the pram.. like u muddles we have reclined it so he is half laying down and half sitting up which he likes. he got too long for his pram!

i keep getting asked how old harrison is.. when i say 4 1/2 months they all gasp.. its because he is so long, we measured him and is 73cms.. he is in 6-9 months trousers and sleepsuits and fits them length wise perfectly..

i had something else to say and i now for the life of me cant think what it was...
hi all,

Sarah Harrogate sounds like a great idea. we went to a wedding there last year at the Old Swan. it was brilliant :thumbup:

Jolou - :haha: I am always forgetting what I wanted to say :)

maybe - I'm ok thanks. Tried talking things through with H today but didnt get anywhere. men! He's gone for a run so I am going to relax with a small glass of wine :haha: treat myself.

Well my sister's contractions have died off to every half hour :( she had them every ten mins all night and had a massive show this morning. She's tried to keep active today and is guzzling RLT. It will be my first niece/nephew :happydance: I hope she's not had a false labour.

Alex seems to have reacted to his jabs this time. He had a temp in the night and had been grumpy and had a temperature on and off today. I gave him calpol which he normally likes but he spat it EVERYWHERE so I had to bath the sticky boy. He went to sleep really easily tonight which freaks me out so i keep checking on him every half hour. :dohh:
amy - i really feel for you as it sounds like we have a lot of parallels in our life! with my DH things always end up in an argument when we try to 'talk'. he always makes out like i think i am perfect (i am well aware that i am not!!!) Last night i had been dealing with the kids all day and owen was still not settling at 11pm and i had him in the buggy and was rocking him and DH starts saying 'he's hungry' and i was like 'no, i just fed him' and he said 'why do you take everything so personally' i scooped the baby up and he pushed the buggy so hard it smashed into the wall and insulted me. so i walked off. i used to cry but to be perfectly honest i dont any more! i just went to bed and settled owen there. this morning he offered to take dylan and erin to nursery and school so i let him do that whilst i stayed in with owen. then he was really nice until he left for leeds. i really dont know why our men seem to have a jekyl and hyde personality? he has been texting me nice texts since he landed in uk. we shall see what things are like when he comes back! enjoy your wine!!!

my MIL came over tonight to 'help' but we ended up having an argument about bf/ff. owen was crying in his buggy and MIL said he wouldnt be crying if he had a full tummy (yeah i know babies only cry when they are hungry) i told her i had just tried to feed him and he wasnt interested. se carried on and on saying he was starving and said if she went to morrissons and got me formula i would see how well he'd settle and sleep :wacko: i picked owen up and he had done a poo. so changd him and put him on a towel on the floor (he has nappy rash as he is pooing lots but only little amounts coz of antibiotics) and he was happy as larry for the next hour or so until he really needed feeding. i hope she has realised once and for all that babies can cry for reasons other than hunger! she has left and i am exhausted. i know she meant well coming over but i think i'd have been fine (actually better) on my own! it's not like DH does so much to help that i am really missing his help!!! rant over sorry!

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