Modo - I wrapped presents last night. I have been to the shops today and it nice to know I only have todays purchases to wrap when I get home

I agree with Sarah on a big bow on the rabbit rocker, if you wanted to do a reveal for Bobby you could always put a throw over it for you or him to pull off?
Only one cupboard full of crap!?!?!?! Lucky you

I have several

I cleared them all out before Joni was born but as people keep giving us things for her and she grows out of things they are once again stuffed to the hinges and fit to burst
Oh my goodness - how you have described Bobby is just what Joni has been like. I am certain it is her teeth.
Sarah - I think that Christmas day will be so stimulating for our babies that Oliver will probably welcome peaceful trip in the car to have 40 winks

I hope your tooth/jaw is feeling better now. Did you dress Oliver up as an elf for baby club in the end?
Joni recognises ashton parsons packets now and mmmmm's at you while you open them. I hope the Trafford centre was not too busy for you.
Emera - 10 hour days OUCH! I hope you are taking it easy over the weekend, as easy as you can with a young baby of course

as lets face it a mothers work is never done! Bless you OH doing such a good job while you were working

Poor Roh and the rocking stool
Any sign of your parcels yet? Now you mention it I have not got anything for my hubby from Joni

I will have to put my thinking cap on about that one - hmmmmmmm *raises one eyebrow and changes bnb status to pensieve*

I know what you mean about buying for in laws, however I don't think that our OH's have any more of a clue than we do. This year I did all the women and kids in hubby's family and only left him with his brother and Dad. In the end we have ordered what I suggested for his Dad and brother but now I am going to be rushing around all next week getting everything posted. I wish I had just bought everything myself weeks ago

I am determined to be more organised next year, I have hated rushing round like a headless chicken this year
Katie -

for you my lovely. Being a Mum is so rewarding but so very hard all at once

I am glad that you are able to talk about how you are feeling. Don't ever think you can't post on here or have to restrict yourself to the GS, what I love about our little group is that we are here for one another through the thick, thin, good and bad times.
Hannah - WOW for nearly visible teeth and standing

I hope your Christmas shopping was successful.
H&F - Well done on getting your cleaning done and dusted and putting the tree up

We were not going to bother with the tree as we do not have much room with Joni's toys, playstation and swing just to name a few things. However, you inspired me and today I had are-arrange, dust and tidy and have made room for the tree. Now all I need to do is find which cupboard the tree is stashed in
Maybebaby - I am still in shock about your friend

I hope you are ok

I am glad you are enjoying having your SIL with you
L-C - I am ok thanks, something just really hacked me off this morning

I am however feeling much calmer now

I know what you mean about developmental spurts. Joni has had weeks where she has learnt a new thing nearly every day
Amy - Your description of what your Christmas day had me in fits

particularly the bit about Lyra weeing on the presents

I hope Alex is feeling a bit better.
Well Joni has just had her dinner. I tried her with cheesy scrambled eggs again and once she got used to the texture she seemed quite keen. Joni also tried baby sweetcorn at lunch today and seemed to really like it. The sticks of red pepper were not nearly as popular and all ended up on the floor after only a brief lick

Her appetite is a bit down the last few days, she is still eating and drinking but not as much as usual. I think her teeth are really bothering her again. She has been really cranky, extremely clingy, is dribbling like a fiend and her cheeks are all flushed and scaly again. Still no sign of teeth yet though
I went into the city first thing this morning as hubby is on a late shift. I parked the car in the multi storey and made a mental note to ensure I had change when I came back to pay the ticket. As I made the mental note I also realised I had neglected to bring my wallet with me

What a freaking idiot!!!!! Thankfully I had stuffed fifty pounds in my pocket on my way out. We don't usually have that much cash lying around but this was Christmas money from my Nan bless her

I'm 32 and she still sends me money even though I tell her she doesn't have to now I am 'grown up'
We had an all up the back affair just before dinner

it was up to the bottom of her shoulder blades

NOT NICE!!! Then while I was trying to get the poo soaked clothes off of her without getting them on her face and head she widdled on my leg

We had a good giggle about it
I had best sign off for now as I need to start getting organised for bedtime. Speak to you all later