Amy:No Bobby has lost interest in crawling again! I guess that could be my fault because I keep putting him down in the sitting position. He really likes toys now that he can sit independently! Hope you enjoyed your walk and playing the wii. I over use this smiley
Sarah: We have made; Pancakes, Pizza Toast (yum), Onigiri, Salmon spread (Yuck for me I hate fish but Bobby liked it!), Chicken soup (I also made a variation veggie soup), potato salad, spicy lamb patties (super yum), Lemon and Taragon Chicken, Green Thai Curried Chicken (make sure you use the mild paste like she says). Basically from the first half of the book. Bobby liked all of them except the Thai Curried Chicken because I didn't use mild paste (accidentally bought wrong one) and Bobby cried when he tried it

I haven't tried the pesto and cheese pockets but I think I will do it soon
Muddles: Happy 2011 to you too!!!!
Bobby is really into mealtimes now and seems to spend a lot of his time doing that! He can grab his food very confidently and put it in his mouth (without missing) where ever it is on his highchair tray. I am thrilled that he will eat anything!
The whole reason I did Baby Led Weaning is that I am the pickiest eater and it's so embarrassing. I hardly eat any veggies, fish/seafood. I guess it more of a phobia because I wish I could eat these things and dislike them rather than have to admit at a dinner party to the hosts that I don't eat A, B and C. It was bad enough enough in the Middle East but over here it seems like a much bigger faux pas.
Not that I blame anyone (but myself) I mean you don't want to spend ages cooking only to be told (by an adult especially) that they don't like/won't eat what you have made
I really hope that Bobby is not like me
Sorry to be such a downer! I hope you are all doing well xxxx