Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

H&F Sorry to hear you are unwell! I have no advice re Amy catching it - I think I'd keep a close eye on her and call NHS Direct at the first sign of her seeming a bit off colour. Hopefully she'll be fine :hugs:
I know I have caught it off one of my NCT group ... it seems to be going round but none of the babies have got it so far so fingers crossed she will be fine. Think I will be up most of the night keeping an eye on her.

Did you have a good new year?
h&f - i have not had the experience of a baby with a vomiting bug. hopefully amy wont catch it! i have had that kind of bug whilst bf all 3 of them when they were little babies and by some miracle they all escaped coming down with it! fingers crossed for you

sarah - hope you never have to go back to work

emera - what a clever boy roh is cruising already

amy - glad u r better

we had a lazy day yesterday. we are supposed to be going into spain today but OH is still in bed :grr: i told him to get up that he has no excuse to complain as he has had a lie in every day he's been off but there's still no sign of him surfacing :growlmad:

oh i got af back at long last! happy 2011!!! i've also done my back in again though not as badly as last time!

have a nice day girls :hugs:
argh I have woken up sick again ... how can OH get it for abput 15mins and then just feel run down and I am non stop for three days. Really hoping I start to feel a bit better this afternoon i really dont want to spend another day in bed. I always feel like i miss out on so much when i dont see her for a day.
Emera: Well done to Roh! You must be so proud :hugs:

Amy: Glad you can taste again! Hope you and Alex are completed better soon :hugs:

Sarah: Glad you enjoyed your pyjama day! I have done it before, its great :D You have to be lazy sometimes!

H&F: Hope you feel better hon! Hopefully Amy wont get it.

Maybe: Hope your DH got up and you went to Spain!
sarah - I like your jolly :haha: posts :winkwink: I cant think of a resolution....maybe to sort our house out as I'd quite like to move now we need another room. We are 15 mins drive from the coast here :) my family has had a beachut here for 60 years :)my children play on the beach i played on as a child and my mum played on as a child - I love that :) (I use :) too much :haha:)

H&F - poor you, hopefully Amy wont get it but if she does then stop solids and just feed her milk/water. Thats what they advised me to do when Alex was vomitting with his flu. I'd also contact the doctor for advice, sounds like a nasty bug. I hope you get better soon :hugs:

maybe - I hope you made it into Spain :hugs: boo to AF although its good you know you're def not preg :winkwink:

modo - has Bobby crawled yet? Alex is so close, he gets in position then doesnt know what to do next :haha:

We're feeling better each day. Today some friends popped round for a cuppa and then we had a quick walk in the fields. We had a lazy morning playing Wii games together :haha: After flu i was only 2 lbs over my wedding weight but I've been a pig today so thats a few lbs back on :sigh:
Amy I love your happy :) posts :haha: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Living close to the beach sounds lovely! If you move will you stay quite close to where you are now? It sounds gorgeous! I'm glad you're both feeling better!

Maybe I hope you made it to Spain!!

Modo PJ days rock :haha: I was up and dressed for 8am this morning to make up for it.

Oliver and I went for a lovely walk with my parents today, it wasn't too cold and it was so nice to get out and about.

Modo can I ask what recipies you've tried from the BLW cookbook? Did they go down well? I made the pesto and cheese pita pockets for lunch today and they were yum - and Oliver loved them! I'm wondering what to make next.

Emera - I forgot to say before - a quick guide to making those sausage things would be great! I'm finding it so hard to give Oliver meat, I rarely ever cook or eat meat myself and I just don't kno where to start. I never eat mince or anything but I don't feel like I should feed Oliver something that I haven't tried in case its gross :haha: I also don't eat fish, I can't stand it :sick: but I know I should let Oliver eat it, but I have no idea where to even start.

I posted a thread in GS today and I wish I'd never bothered now :dohh: I don't normally post threads but I thought I'd try, on a lightheared kind of subject, but it gets way too serious - everyone takes it so personally! I think I'll stick to posting in here and occasionally on other threads :dohh:

Well I have more 'work' to do before bed and I should really do the ironing too. I've got a friend coming aound on Tuesday and I really need to have a good tidy up before then too. There just isn't enough hours in the day!!

Happy New Year to you all. What a year 2010 was, I hope 2011 is as good!

Get well soon to poorly ladies!

Got to go as oliver has just woken up.
Amy:No Bobby has lost interest in crawling again! I guess that could be my fault because I keep putting him down in the sitting position. He really likes toys now that he can sit independently! Hope you enjoyed your walk and playing the wii. I over use this smiley :D :lol:

Sarah: We have made; Pancakes, Pizza Toast (yum), Onigiri, Salmon spread (Yuck for me I hate fish but Bobby liked it!), Chicken soup (I also made a variation veggie soup), potato salad, spicy lamb patties (super yum), Lemon and Taragon Chicken, Green Thai Curried Chicken (make sure you use the mild paste like she says). Basically from the first half of the book. Bobby liked all of them except the Thai Curried Chicken because I didn't use mild paste (accidentally bought wrong one) and Bobby cried when he tried it :( I haven't tried the pesto and cheese pockets but I think I will do it soon :D

Muddles: Happy 2011 to you too!!!!


Bobby is really into mealtimes now and seems to spend a lot of his time doing that! He can grab his food very confidently and put it in his mouth (without missing) where ever it is on his highchair tray. I am thrilled that he will eat anything!

The whole reason I did Baby Led Weaning is that I am the pickiest eater and it's so embarrassing. I hardly eat any veggies, fish/seafood. I guess it more of a phobia because I wish I could eat these things and dislike them rather than have to admit at a dinner party to the hosts that I don't eat A, B and C. It was bad enough enough in the Middle East but over here it seems like a much bigger faux pas.

Not that I blame anyone (but myself) I mean you don't want to spend ages cooking only to be told (by an adult especially) that they don't like/won't eat what you have made :(

I really hope that Bobby is not like me :(

Sorry to be such a downer! I hope you are all doing well xxxx
Modo I am also a super fussy eater - I would happily just eat the same 7 or so meals that I know I like. I don't eat fish and the only meat I will eat is chicken breast and steak. Before I met Steve I wouldn't even eat that. I hope that Oliver grows up to appreciate good food (ie not eating rubbishy sausages and McDonalds burgers) but will also be much more adventureus (I can't spell that :haha:) than me, and more like his Daddy.

Do you find the preparing / cooking difficult? Because Steve has always been the chef in the house I am struggling with thinking up meal ideas and been confident enough to cook them. I only ever cook for me, so I have no confidence at all. I want to make the pancakes for lunch and I know that pancakes are super easy - and I have made them before (ages ago) but I just don't feel confident at all.
Sarah its funny because you sound like me! Ben says I am happy eating the same things over and over again, while he gets sick of them.

From my experience you just have to practice and you will get better :) The prep can be hard with a baby but I try and do that while Bobby is napping. I like BLW cookbook because its quite easy! It doesn't take too much prep time and the food doesn't need that much time to cook :) I guess I got the confidence from when I ate the food I made and it tasted good. Also seeing Ben and Bobby enjoy it!

Ben used to do ALL the cooking in the house and he was lovely in accommodating my insane faddiness. One day I decided that I wanted to start cooking and Ben was so relieved that some one else was doing it for a change that he really encouraged me and was so supportive :) So I got into it and I think I started getting pretty good but after a while it got really tiring to cook after I had been working all day. So I pretty much stopped.

I only started again after Bobby was around 4 months old. I starting cooking a lot from when we started BLW and now I do breakfast and lunch and Ben makes dinner.
Thats lovely that Ben supported you :) Steve eats in the resturant at work five days (nights lol) per week, so he only has two main meals at home. I do a mean pasta bake :haha: but Steve seems to enjoy cooking on those days when he's home. When I have cooked for him he always seems to enjoy it, but he also hovers terribly when I'm preparing food and tells me how I should be doing everything. To be honest, its not just cooking where he does that, its just about everything. I know he means well and thinks he's been helpful, but in fact it just makes me feel like I don't do anything right. I really don't think he knows he's doing it, but it drives me mad. He was watching me change Oliver the other day and he chipped in 'You haven't made sure he's pointing down'. Yes, I had, and tbh after almost 8 months I'm pretty sure I can change a nappy. I was going to bake some cupcakes the other day, I used to love baking, but everything I did he told me a better way to do it . . . . aren't you using the K-Chef? Are those eggs room temperature? Oliver got a bit grumpy after a while so I took him and let Steve finish the cupcakes, it just wasn't fun anymore. I've spoken to him about it before but he takes it the wrong way and gets in a sulk, I think he's so used to bossing people around at work he just keeps doing it at home.

Urgh, didn't mean to moan so much lol!!
Sarah, no offense but kick him out of the kitchen :lol: I would never be able to cook if Ben did that! I tell him to watch some TV while I cook or go upstairs :)

Same with the diaper! Isn't it usually pointing down anyway?

You could try doing what he does when he is cooking or changing the nappy. Not to be mean but make him realise what its like. He might not be aware that what he is doing is (in my opinion and again no offense intended) ANNOYING!
Modo, you are right, I should kick him out of the kitchen :haha:

I'm pretty sure he doesn't notice he's doing it :dohh: it just saps my confidence. I think he likes to be in control, and he's one of those people who hates to accept that they are wrong or might not know best. If he suggests something to me and I don't do it, he takes offence, even if its something that I know more about. He genuinely thinks he's been helpful :dohh: Sometimes he is really helpful but sometimes he's just a pain in the ass :haha:
Sarah :hugs: you really should talk to him esp if he is sapping your confidence :( I am sure he doesn't realise it makes you feel like this.
Hi all -

Sarah - Dave sounds similar he is always hovering huge thank you to advice modo as i spoke to Dave he was so apologetic and didnt realise he was doing it.

I have a super grumpy baby she has refused to nap all day and now she is so over tired really hoping she will go down for a snoze soon. x
:hi: everyone.

I hope you are all ok and those of you who are/have been poorly or have had poorly babies are all on the mend :hugs:

I know what you mean about eating habits. I am not the worlds biggest fan of fish but I make sure that Joni has it regularly. I am really keen for her to grow up with a diverse taste for food :thumbup:

Joni is teething like a fiend. Usually she gets by with her amber necklace and the odd Ashton Parson sachet if she is particularly bad. But the last week she has had real trouble at night and we have had to break out the calpol most nights. I keep looking in her mouth and still can't see any blistering or tooth like shapes under her gums though :rolleyes:

Other than sore gums Joni is doing fab :kiss:

I have been popping in here most days but for some reason have not been posting :shrug: I have felt a bit lost and just not myself recently and my comfort eating is waaaaaaaaaaay out of control for the first time in over 3 years :sad1: For the first time in a long time I am really scared about my weight, or rather my weight increasing drastically if I stay on the road I am currently following. Need to sort myself out hmmmmmmmm.

I am currently in bed on the netbook but think I will sign off now and read for a bit before trying to :sleep: Sending :hugs: and wishing you all sweet dreams x
Fru fru - I am feeling the same, just not myself and cant seem to stop eating I keep looking at myself and telling myself to stop. I did lose a few lbs whilst ill but now I seem to want to eat all the chocolate in the house.

I am a really fussy eater as well - I'm not great with vegetables and to be honest prefer what I cook (my few basic meals) to anything else.

Hope everything one else is ok. x x x
:flower:Hi :flower:

frufru - I've felt like that today, I hope you are alright :hugs: for me I think its the fact that I go back to work in 6 weeks and trying to work out childcare and deal with the guilt of leaving Alex is really getting to me. I feel like there is nothing nice to look forward to now Christmas is over. I've rammed my face full of food today stressing. I've got to reel it in and stop pigging, I can easily get out of control with my eating too :hugs: Thinking of you :hugs:

sarah and modo - I am not a fussy eater (except when it comes to sea food like muscles) but I can be a faddy eater (as in pig out or just not eat) and I've always tried not to let that rub off on my girls. I've also got that recipe book and I've made the chicken risotto (Alex loved it), banana bread and also pancakes today. I put a bit of lemon and natural yoghurt on Alex's pancake and he did NOT like the lemon :haha:

H&F - I also lost a few lbs being ill but I'e put that back on and then some today! :dohh:

Kerry is back at work tomorrow, I was looking forward to some space as he had been really grumpy but we had a nice day today - typical. I tried to talk to him about working 4 days a week instead of 5 as its making me feel sick with stress and he just wont discuss it. I know we can afford it and it wouldnt be forever but he just refuses to talk about it. When I was a nurse and had the girls I worked a 12 hr night shift and a 12 hr weekend shift (which he never questioned) and I didnt use any childcare until Emily was 2 and Holly 1 (when I went back to uni) so I am struggling with the concept of leaving Alex when he is so used to being with me all the time. I have 6 weeks left and I'll probably make that fly by stressing :cry::dohh: hope everyone else is ok :hugs:

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