Modo - I hope you had a nice weekend
H&F - Wow, thats great that you can stay at home with Amy. If you could find a job you could do at home that would be the icing on the cake
Emera -

for the poor sleep and biting

Hopefully Roh's teeth will make an appearance soon. Yay for your new nephew/niece
Sarah - Well done for sorting out the tax return. I hope you managed to get your home insurance sorted too. How frustrating about the tax owed

that happened to me last year.
Amy - I think I am going to leave the beaker for a little while, I just don't think Joni is ready for it yet. You will have to keep me posted on Alex's progress.
I am so pleased that Alex has found his voice again

It is just lovely when they giggle and chatter with you all day

I know exactly what you mean about wishing you could preserve memories perfectly.
I don;t know what to say/suggest on the Kerry front. I can however offer lots and lots of virtual hugs
LM - fingers crossed for you and taxes this year.
L-C - I hate it when you lose posts

Those damn Freddo's! I had a really poor eating day yesterday too. I am hoping to make better choices today. It sounds like Will is really coming on with his cruising. I found Joni with her bottom half under the futon yesterday

she can;t crawl or wriggle forwards but she is very adept at shuffling backwards
Maybebaby - I am outraged on your behalf about the mould

that is terrible. I would expect them to sort that out pronto as that is a real health and safety hazzard. Perhaps they should reduce your rent as a goodwill gesture until it is sorted too

Well done on resisting the biscuits

As I mentioned above I ate dreadfully yesterday
I don't know what is going on with Joni's night sleep and naps. Last night she woke at 12 and eventually went back down at around 2

I just don't know why she can self settle and sleep through one night and not the next, it just seems so hit and miss

Her naps have really gone sideways too

She really does still need at least half an hour in the morning to see her through to her lunchtime sleep, but yesterday she went from 6.10am - 1pm before taking a nap

it is safe to say she was exhausted by 10am and spent the next three hours screeching and crying because she was overtired but point blank refused to nap and got herself into a right state everytime I tried to get her to nap. I guess it could be teething

who knows? I think I am going to start making a note of her sleep/nap times and activities for a couple of weeks and see if there is any pattern.
Well despite being tired Joni has refused a nap this morning too. I have been trying to get her down for just over an hour now!!!!!! I think I may pop her in the buggy and go for a wee walk in the vain hope she might take a little catnap so we don't have a repeat of Moaning Monday