Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hi Janny! :hi:

Yay, one of the teeth has finally surfaced, only 3 more to go!

Hope you are all well! :hugs:
its quiet in here today.

we are shatered amy didnt settle at all last night so we didnt really get to bed at all!

I am just meal planning for the rest of the week ... our freezer is so full we prob wont have to do a big shop for a couple of weeks just essentials like milk and bread, nappys and formula!

How is everyone?

I'm soooooo tired! Think we have a tooth through though, yay for another toothypeg for Roh, hopefully the rest will forllow suit and give him a break.

H&F I've taken the plunge and joined weight watchers online so weigh in tomorrow then I'm off. 36 points seems a lot, does it sound right? Haven't worked out how many points in a Freddo yet......ha ha

Emera a friend came over today and I gave the babies pork mush sausages and she has just text to say she is making some of her own - you should have got the copy right! Loved the custard story!!

I have just gone in to check Will's temperature and my DH followed me in to see him asleep (which I thought was very cute). As I go to shut the door I said to DH ooh gross it smells like he has poo'd himself to which he replied no it's me. What a stinker dropping his guts in our babies room (I was very nearly sick!).

Sarah i think Steve's Banksy has just gone up in value!

Maybe love the video of Owen online sooo cute. Hope the environmental people sort themselves out, poor Erin! Tell them my DH has some snags they might be interested in!!!!

Amy cunning plan about putting the finance conversation on hold ;-)

Well Will had a better night only up 3 times but still woke up very hot, I managed to douse us both in calpol, which was pretty annoying.

I have been so tired today and Will's refusal to eat is begining to get me down, I managed to get an Ella's pudding into him tonight, but he refused, meatballs (his favourite), brocoli, sweet potato, banana and strawberries amd he loves them all - gutted! He puts it into his mouth pokes out his tongue and lets it all fall out. I begining to have a sense of humour failure. He did suck on a strip of mango.

I have become a lazy Mummy and have been recording Elmo's World and Will loves to watch it, means I can wash and clear up after meals (not that he eats them!!).

H&F hope you have a better night tonight, maybe how was yours last night?
maybe - thats terrible! the mould must be sporing lots - thats so bad it could get in your childrens lungs :growlmad::growlmad: any news from Env. health?

Janny - good to see you, Jared looks very cute. How are you? :flower:

emera - yey for Roh's tooth :happydance:

H&F - hope you have a better night tonight :sleep:

LC - 12 freddos a day for you then :winkwink: hopefully Will will be better now the tooth is through :thumbup: Does he have much milk in a day now? Does he refuse spoon feeds and finger foods? Emily was also like that as a baby and I used to tear my hair out over it. It does pass, she wasnt ever skinny but she was quite a lean LO. She got better once she was about 1 and learnt to eat with a knife and fork, I think its definately a control thing. :hugs:

I had lunch with my sister today after walking Lyra at the beach. It was lovely but she is really stressed becasue she goes back to work next week and Gabriel is refusing to take a bottle :nope: any tips? he's 20 weeks old xx
LC - Yay you have the same weigh in day as me ... I have 37 points at the moment but I try not to use them all I average about 31 daily at the moment. I am hoping for a good loss tomorrow and I have been fairly good this week so fingers crossed but i always have a sneeky weigh and I dont seem to be shifting anything!

Amy - I have a friend whose baby wont take a bottle but he will take some milk out of a special cup ... I will find out which one it is tomorrow but its the only thing he will drink out of.

Fingers crossed for a better night tonight ... Amy is currently asleep but not sure how long it will last. Again she screamed when put down in the cot, my health visitor told me to just sit in there with her and ignore her and not pick her up but all she wanted was to be held and in the end I gave in and brought her into my bed until she was sound asleep again!
Phew, well Roh is finally asleep, his teeth are really giving him hell, he was crying for ages, and sounded so sad (different crying to the normal tired crying) I even broke my rule and took him out of his cot, although i deided it was special circumstances. It took ages of cuddling before he relaxed enough to go back in his cot, where he fell asleep pretty fast. Poor thing :cry:

L-C - Roh is right off his food with the teething, he usually eats absolutely masses! I'm not too worried though, i keep offering him stuff, and i'm making all his favourites, so there is maximum chance he'll eat it. He'll be ok not eating so much for a little while, and i figured if he was really starving he'd eat :shrug: He's barely having any milk these days, i'm finding myself adding alot of the milk i express to his food, as he just isn't taking the bottles when i'm at work. I'm sure he's not having the 500ml he should be having really. I'm now adding 200ml to his breakfast each day, i figure that and 2x10 mins BF/ 150ml bottles should be about enough? Who knows, he seems healthy enough though, so like i said i'm not going to worry too much. I'm sure it must just be a phase for Will, and especially with teeth coming through its understandable he doesn't want to chew anything.

Hah, your OH sounds just like mine, he's always letting rip and blaming it on Roh :rolleyes:

Sadly you can't patent/copyright recipes :( However, i've started making alot of notes on what i'm cooking Roh and i'm planning to write a weaning/toddler/family food cookbook :thumbup: I've come up with a really yum tomato sauce recipe this week, its got 6 different veg in it, but it just tastes like regular pasta sauce, hah, sneaky vegetables! :D

Amy - Sorry no tips about the bottle, except, has she tried leaving Gabriel with someone else just before feeding time, giving them the bottle and then going out? she might find that if she's not there and the bottle is the only choice then that might work? My friend was going nuts about it too, and in the end thats what she did. :hugs:

H&F - Hope you get some sleep tonight :hugs:
sounds like we're mostly all of us getting crappy nights. teething sucks! boo! owen's second bottom tooth has surfaced now his top ones are just dying to pop through! all of my 3kids are coughing and spluttering tonight! probably another rubbishy night in store :dohh:

emera - glad one of the teeth has popped through!

lc - teething could affect his eating. i found that with dylan and erin. cold things like yogurt were best for those times.

amy - your poor sister. erin never ever accepted a bottle. has she tried a beaker or sippy cup?
H&F - HVs piss me off! Mine told me to just leave him in his room alone once i'd put him to bed and not go in to him, no matter what, so full on CIO basically :dohh: Seriously, i couldn't do that, even if i wanted to try i would crack, the one or two times i've ever left Roh to cry (as he was dead tired, but nothing was working) its been the worst feeling.
Saying that, since i've been enforcing the whole, once he's in the cot he doesn't come out thing, its been a real improvement. I don't ignore him though, i lie down next to the cot and murmur to him, and hold his hand. It seems to let him wind down without having to feel upset about being on his own. Only trouble is he's taken to falling asleep with his head on my hand, and then i get stuck until he shifts position :haha: To be honest, i don't think babies really react that well to being ignored, i wouldn't appreciate it either, so its understandable! :winkwink:
I'm afraid I haven't read everyone elses posts but argh, I need to vent!
Oliver and I both have awful colds :( He was up all night with a really nasty cough and we ended up seeing the dr this morning, who said its a cold viral thing and it will clear up on its own, which is great. But I have been feeling worse and worse all day, mum and dad ended up bringing Oliver and I home so I wasn't driving with him on my own :( we got back at seven and I've been trying to get him to bed since then. He's just so fed up and so am I :( I've tried everything I can think of but nothing seems to be helping. I could sit and cry but I would because it will make my runny nose worse :( and to top it off, Steve isn't back from london yet and I have to wait up for him because he hasn't taken a key!
Sorry for been so silly and feeling so sorry for myself :(
H&F - thankyou, that would be great if you could find out :hugs: :hugs: I hope Amy has a better night xx

maybe - :growlmad: can you take photos of the mould and then clean it? how long do these people take!! :grr:

emera - my sister left Gabriel at his nursery for a settling in session and they tried to feed him. Maybe it needs to be someone he knows but not my sister, just to get him used to it :shrug:

On the sleep front, I've realised I used to go charging upstairs to Alex every time I heard him stir on the baby monitor and I think I probably woke him up every time :dohh:. I make sure he really sounds awake now rather than just having a little grunt and groan in his sleep. He's sleeping much better in the early evening now without my disturbing him :dohh::haha:
sarah - :hugs::hugs: poor you and Oliver :hugs: could you leave a key in a secret place and text Steve to let him know so you can get to bed? Will Oliver go to sleep if you prop yourself up on lots of pillows and hold him up while he drifts off? Thats what I did when Alex and I had flu. Then you could get some rest. Sending lots of :hugs: xxxxxxx
Aww Sarah, poor you! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: You and Oliver should go and sit in the bathroom with the shower running hot to steam it all up, it might help to clear you both out? :hugs:

Get yourself a nice hot cup of lemon and ginger or something and just cuddle up with Oliver? Surely Steve can just call you when he arrives to wake you up if you wanted to crawl in to bed and both of you try to get a bit of rest, if not sleep? I really hope you are both on the mend quickly :hugs:
Popping on to say get well soon Sarah and Oliver. :hugs: Tell Steve to text you when he gets back and you will go let him in. The night before Oliver got chicken pox he wouldn't go to sleep, and I tried everything. After almost an hour I gave up and brought him to the lounge (but kept the light off). He sat/laid on the sofa for almost 3 hours playing with his feet and the remote control and watching tv with me, then finally started showing tired signs again and managed to get him to bed. Sometimes its not worth the battle, especially if you aren't feeling well either, he will sleep eventually!

Amy Oliver has never been willing to have expressed milk from a bottle. He will only begrudginly have it from a cup, but he appears to try and hold out for as long as possible to wait for the real deal to arrive back! :lol: Hope your sister gets there in the end.

Emera :rofl: at the 'cheese sauce' story. My H thought the beard grabbing one was cute, he said he pictured Oliver doing it to him with his little 'candy grabber hands' and it made him smile.

Night night everyone. Off to bed as Oliver was up three times last night, all off which were between 1am and 6am so I am super sleepy. Only reason I am up now is that he has just been up for a feed. Oh on a happy note he has got his 4th tooth now :happydance:
Amy don't joke - I have done 12 before and it's very tempting today!! Sorry no tips but I'd be interested if anyone else has!

Emera - family cook book sounds great, can I preorder a copy. I really do hope it's teething...I just suspect it may be something more, not sure why, just and inckling. My Mum said I gave up BF myself when I was 9 months old, I think they can do it. That was when they went straight onto cow's milk though x

Maybe hope you had a better night, ours was awful and we have been up since before 6 am, I was all tearful by the end of the day yesterday and so I don't know how I'm going to get through the day today.

Muddles yay for toothypeg number 4!!

Sarah big hugs hope you are feeling better today xx
it's really pathetic but i don't think i can do this today, I'm feeling fed up of getting my hair pulled or face grabbed all the time, saying no all the time, making food throwing it away and still having to clean the highchair......
Sorry if this is a bit sketchy, there are quite a few pages for me to comment on so I may miss a few things :blush: so I shall apologise in advance :winkwink:

Emera - I think a cookbook is a great idea :thumbup: It is sad about not being able to copyright recipes, I noticed that one of the cookbooks I got out of the library had lifted quite a few recipes from the veggie cookbook I borrowed which was written about 10 years earlier. I felt quite put out on behalf of the veggie cookbook author :(
I make the annabel karmel hidden veg bolognase for us and Joni, if you want anyone else to roadtest your recipes I will happily be involved :)
As for milk I know that Joni rarely ever drinks the 'recommended' pint/20oz a day, she generally has around 15oz a day, sometimes a little more. I figure she eats really well, has a good range of fruit, veg, protein and dairy in her diet and is growing well. If she has a really poor milk day I make sure I give her a yoghurt and something made with cheese :winkwink:
I hada good old laugh at your hubby's expense eating custard on his pasta :rofl:

Sarah - :sending you get well :hugs: I hope you and Oliver recover soon :hugs2:

Amy - I know what you mean about racing in at every sound, I used to be just the same :blush: and Joni also tends to self settle most of the time if we leave her to it. I used to always sneak in her room before going to bed to have a look at her :blush: and had to make myself stop as she kept waking after I had been in and was really difficult to get back down :dohh:
I think you might be right about getting someone Gabriel knows to give him the bottle/cup. Has your sister tried different types of bottles? I few people I know say the NUK ones have the most similar action to BF. I have a couple of them which I bought to try but Joni did not get on with them if you wanted me to post them for your sister to give a go - Please don't think I am a minger offering them :blush: they are like new as I only used them 2-3 times and I know how frustrating it is having to spend money on bottle when you can't be sure your baby will take them.

Muddles - yay for Oliver's new tooth :thumbup:

L-C - I hope WW works for you, it is good that you can build Freddo's into the plan so you don't have to go cold turkey :winkwink: Speaking of cold turkey, we have had to stop Joni using the door bouncer after a doorframe/face incident on the weekend :shock: Joni is just too energetic in it now and bounces so ferociously it is dangerous :sad1: it is a real shame as she does really love it. It won't be long until she is out of her playstation too as she is nearly too tall for it. It makes me wonder whether it would be worth getting a jumperoo as Joni has another 5/6 lbs and 9cm before she would be too big for it :-k but then I think of the money and blah blah blah :wacko: :haha:
I am sorry mealtimes with Will are so challenging at the moment :hugs: Could you maybe just offer some really easy basic meals for a few days? Like maybe toast for breakfast with a handful of dry cereal, then for lunch a pitta bread and some fruit, followed by perhaps fishcakes/emera's mush sausages and a yoghurt or something similar for tea. I'm sure it is just a phase :hugs:

Maybebaby - BOO to bad nights! and double BOO to mould :growlmad: I hope you can get the environmental health round soon. I hope the kids all get better soon and Owen's tooth comes through without too much fuss.
Oh and well done on another kilo down :wohoo:

Yay for Katie's internet :mrgreen: it must be so nice to surf on a big screen again.

H&F - good luck for weigh in tonight! You are so good with your meal planning, I really need to take a leaf out of your book and meal plan properly. I sort of half heartedly do it for a few days then stop :dohh:
I hope you enjoyed your haircut and you got what you wanted.

Modo - I hope Bobby is in a better mood. Joni is not loving tummy time at the moment and has stopped crawling practice as she just wants to sit all the time. That or have us stand her up so she can bounce :haha: She seems to go through phases of favorite activities and toys etc. Also might Bobby be cutting some new teeth?

:hi: Janny


Joni is becoming a real fruit lover. Today she had some lovely local pears and some segments from a blood orange which she did really well with. I left the skin on the pear so it was easier to grip, expecting her to gum off the flesh leaving the skin behind, but ate loads of the skin too :thumbup: She has been having blood oranges for a few weeks now (they won't be in season much longer :sad1:). I did not expect her to like them as they are a really sour flavour but she absolutely demolishes them!

I borrowed a load of baby/toddler cookbooks from the library this week to get some more meal ideas for Joni and I. I want to make sure I introduce as many flavours and textures as possible in the hope she develops a broad palet and I wanted a few more ideas for vegetarian meals. There was a lovely cauliflower, courgette and chickpea curry recipe which I am really excited to try *she types while gleefully grinning and intermittently rubbing her hands together* :haha:

We had Joni's 9 month HV development check on Monday. The HV said she was really pleased with Joni and that she would not have thought Joni was born 6 weeks early to look at her now :mrgreen: The weird thing is she did not measure or weigh Joni :shrug: So I took Joni off to clinic this morning and she is now 19lb 2oz and 72cm tall :) We went to baby singing afterwards which we always love. Speaking of baby singing, I went to a different one at the main library yesterday. It was interesting to do another group as they had lots of different songs and it was nice to meet new Mum's and babies. I might try and pop along to the library session again in the future just to mix it up a bit :haha:

I was supposed to be seeing a friend and her kiddies this afternoon after she has cancelled the last 3 visits for various different reasons. We arranged it last week and I texted this morning to say how much I was looking forward to it andwas 2.30 ok, she replied saying absolutely fine. Then at 12.10 I get a text saying she has to cancel as her 1 year old is getting his jabs this afternoon :rolleyes: I am trying to be magnanimous about the whole thing as I know how disorganised I can be, but I can't help being a little peeved that she has cancelled again. I don't think it would bother me so much if she did not message me every couple of weeks asking if she has upset me as she has not seen me for a while. She seems completely oblivious to the fact that the reason I have not been to see her is because she always cancels on me at the last minute :dohh:

Well Joni's naptime is nearly done so I think I will sign off for now and go and attempt a quick cuppa :coffee: before my girl wakes up. I have to write a shopping list so I can go to asda tonight. I have been putting it off for days but we are running out of formula and nappies so I have to go tonight now. Maybe I should try and mealplan before making the list :-k Oh I hear Joni so the :coffee: will have to wait........ until after bedtime :haha:

Have a lovely afternoon all :hugs:

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