H&F - good news on the cot/sleep front

I hope you had a nice time at your baby classes. Well done on the hill walking. We live at the top of a massive hill and it gives me butt burn walking up it
Maybebaby - wow Owen's teeth have just rocketed through! Bummer about the car

I hope you can get it fixed soon and for not too much more money. I think H&F is right about testing, I would have thought 10-14days.
I hope Owen feels better soon and Dylan is not poorly too

Yay for the tips. I hope you had a nice time with your sister.
Amy - oh my goodness the calzone sounds lush

Joni likes to rub food into her eyebrows

I am glad the pills are ok for the time being. It would be nice if the doctor could have told you that when they were prescribed

Good luck with the dry-run tomorrow.
Yay for Alex's nap

but sorry to hear he might be getting poorly. BOO to poorly babies

It is good that you managed to keep Kerry calm, hopefully one day he might come around **she types whilst squeezing her eyes tightly shut and wishing really really hard**
Sarah - I am glad you found a playpen to suit. A couple of my friends have the wooden ones which are super if you have the space, they are adjustable height and are great from birth to whenever the learn to escape

Joni is also a 'fall-asleep-5-minutes-from-home' baby

Poor Oliver and his bump. Blooming men

I would have been super-peeved. Arnica cream is what you want for bumps and bruises.
It was me asking about the raisins. I have got some in the cuboard so might try Joni with them tomorrow depending on how she handles her solids at breakfast time.
The muffins and croquettes sound lush
note to self I must get the BLW cookbook out of the library.
Emera - oh they completely massacred the plotline which I found suprising given that Terry Goodkind was consulted for the screenplay and production

I hope you found something appealing to eat. I love beans on toast, especially if I either spread the toast with marmite or stir some chipotle sauce in the beans

Beans, beans, beans love em
Muddles - Wow your Mum is being really unfair

It is completely unreasonable for her to expect you to be free to see her whenever she wants. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with your parenting skills or your choice to be a SAHM
Baby club sounds like a great idea
I am chuffed with the jumperoo. It is the model prior to the rainforest version: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fisher-Price-H4328-Deluxe-Jumperoo/dp/B0007LD2NE I think I actually prefer this one as it will fold up which is great given that we are really limited for space
I made some rice pudding today and it is really lush. One of the cookbooks I borrowed from the library suggested using a small can of evaporated milk as part of the milk quantity. I had a can in the cupboard so thought I would give it a try and it is nice but, dare I say it, a little too sweet which is really saying something for me! I think I will just use plain milk next time and see how it turns out. I would love to lay my hands on some tapioca too, it was my favorite pudding as a kid but I can't seem to find it in the shops
We had a dreadful night last night with Joni waking at 12.30 and not going back down until 4.30

WHen I spied the toothpeg at lunchtime the restless night made a lot more sense. After such a cruddy night I would usually nap when Joni does but I had to stay up as my new washing machine

was being delivered and installed. I had hoped Joni might sleep a bit more soundly tonight as she has not made up the missed sleep from last night in her naps, but between her runny nose, cough and tooth/teeth she is stirring pretty frequently poor wee thing. Poor hubby has caught her cold too but remarkably I seem to have evaded infection yet again
Think I am going to make myself a mug of hot milk and turn in as I have a sneaky suspicion tonight will be a broken one - oh and there she is