Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)


Well the WW seems to be going well, had a sneaky weigh in this morning and it’s looking good for Wednesday, fingers crossed.

Frufru Elmo is on channel 5 at about 6:30 am, Will is mesmorsied by it and gives the biggest grin when Elmo comes on, me and DH do nothing but sing the song now – very sad! Well done on the bargain jumperoo, £25 is a great price. We have given ours back now (borrowed) as now Will is on the move that’s all he wants to do.

Yay for a tooth!!

Amy your walks sound lovely, we walked along the beach at Exmouth yesterday it was very cold but lovely. Lunch at Ask sounds lush, we’ve not done anything like that for ages now.

Sarah don’t even start me on cupboards I’m sure there are some surprises at the back of ours and DH is forever asking if I know what we have, I always tell him yes but have absolutely no idea ha. Definitely no cats though!!

Sarah why are all men the same when it comes to babies, clueless. I’m struggling with a running commentary from the other side of the bed in the night at the moment. It’s so annoying and makes me want to scream at him to get up off his arse and do it himself if he knows so much and could do it better. It makes me giggle that I am back to work in two months and he will be having Will to himself then!.....also a bit worried too.

Mmmmmmmm Jamie Oliver’s restaurant x

Emera – that’s great Roh is standing unsupported, gosh he is developing quickly! Ha ha loved the raison poo nappy, least he’s not afraid of them. I tried Will on custard a while back but got a thumbs down, must try again. I just use whole cows milk in cooking x

Well done for the pram to bed manoeuvre, I’ve only managed it once and usually have the same nap results.

Your treasure box sounds like a great idea!

H&F – 47 cans of tuna!!!!! That is impressive

Muddles boo to your Mum, what is she on, do you think she is jealous? A baby and toddler group sounds great, I’d come!!

Maybe – I’m so suspicious when there is a car fault that is fixed and the computer gets reset, it would be so easy for them to charge you switch off the light and do nothing ese. How was Danny’s night shift? They don’t do wonders for your mood, hope he copes ok x
Well done LC!!! Enjoy WW on Wednesday :happydance:

Inspired by you, H&F Maybe and all the rest of the girls here, I have been more careful with food for over a week now. I think I will be doing WW online once I feel ready to properly diet. Just trying to get some structure for now and get used to not eating when I am not hungry. I was actually surprised that when I feel hungry I don't notice it as much when looking after Bobby. I guess he distracts me from thinking about it!
Hey all -

LC - I am not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow but let us know how you get on!

Well it has been a long day ... I went to the dress shop and she was waiting for us to arrive, we went into her fitting room and she had the dress I had tried on in the first place and asked me to put it on (it was a size bigger than the one ordered and literally fell down) she then kept pulling in the back. Then she pinned it and disappeared ... she came back with the owner of the shop and explained the situation to her and said she had never had one of her brides lose so much weight. The owner took the dress details and said she would sort it! Within 10 minutes she came back and said unfortunately my dress had already been made but there is no way with its design it can be taken in that much so the shop are taking my dress and she has ordered me a new one in 3 sizes smaller than the original one! The lady pulled the dress in to round what size mine will be and I have to say it looked stunning now I have lost some weight! Yay

Anyway sorry for long post will catch up with everyone later ... need to make oh some dinner!
Well done H&F :happydance: You should be so so so proud of yourself hon!
Amy - Could you extend your current property or convert the loft to give you another room?
I hope today went ok looking after Alex and Gabriel.

Maybebaby - I hope you get good results with the anklet, we have found Joni's necklace so helpful. Did you order anything interesting from amazon?
It is good that Owen's chest, throat and ears are all clear. Hopefully he will make a speedy recovery.

Modo - I wonder it is an evolutionary thing that your hunger pangs are diminished when around babies and small children, like it is almost natures way of allowing you to put your babies needs first. Sort of along the same line that all baby animals make you go fuzzy and want to cuddle and protect them.

H&F - great news about the dress :happydance: I am really glad that the shop were so helpful in the end :thumbup:

Muddles - you sound like the model teenager and daughter! At least your Mum is a good role model as to how not to parent Oliver.

L-C - thanks for the Elmo info, I shall check it out :thumbup:
Yay for WW, good luck with your weight in tomorrow.

Well it has been another relatively laid back day for Joni and I as she is still getting over her cold and cough. After I signed off last night I climbed in bed with Joni and she had a pretty decent night compared to those of late, although she did get up for the day at 5.15. She has napped really nicely today and has gone down smoothly this evening without much coughing and snuffling so I am really hoping she manages to stay in her cot tonight.

We had a walk up to the shops for some veggies this afternoon. I took Joni to the playpark on the way home and she had a go in the baby swing. She absolutely loved it :mrgreen: so I think we will have to make walks to the park a more regular thing.

It is singing tomorrow and Joni seems well enough for me to risk taking her, although she will probably end up napping through it knowing my luck :dohh: We were supposed to be swimming today but I did not dare take her when she has been so poorly and is still recovering. We have re-booked for next tuesday so I am really excited about that!! Of course that mean I am going to have to wreak some deforestation action on my legs before then :haha: I must confess that I have not shaved my legs since the start of December :shock: :blush:

Well I best sign off, hubby is on a late so I am trying to get all the chores done so we can have a relaxed hour when he gets home before I turn in for the night.

Hugs to you all :hugs2:
Evening all, I'll reply later. Just wanted to say we had some shock news today. The company Kerry and I work for is closing the site and we will both me made redundant. Feeling very shocked and worried x
Oh my goodness Amy, I'm so sorry that's awful news xxxxxxxxx

H&F Great news about the dress, you must feel fantastic.

Frufru Funny I have just said to DH, we should go to the swings, might sneakily go tomorrow.

DH read my post earlier, not happy - oops. Will has two teeth on their way and a cold poor little man, he can hardly breath through his nose and has to take a deep breath before and after each guzzle.
Blimey Amy!! :hugs::hugs: I guess that changes things hugely!! Gosh, I hope you're all okay. When will they close? :hugs::hugs:

L-C Naughty nosy OH!! You didn't write anything bad, maybe it will make him change his ways :haha:

FruFru the baby swing sounds great!! :thumbup: I'm glad Joni is feeling better, fingers crossed she's back on top form soon :hugs:

H&F YAY for the dress!! :happydance: Thats great!! I once met Caroline Castigliano ( at some networking event and she said that they refuse to make dresses on the strength of brides saying they are going to loose weight :haha: She said that so many have good intentions and order the dress too small, and then they end up remaking them big when the brides do't loose the weight :dohh: So you have done SO well! :happydance:

Well today went well!!! We went to Jamie's Italian and Oliver was soooo well behaved :cloud9: The food was lovely, he had tomato and basil childrens pasta and he ate absolutely loads . . . and then helped Steve with his :haha: He was flirting like mad with all the other diners and everyone was soooo nice about him. And he didn't leave too much of a mess :haha: The food was gorgeous, we'll definetly go again. Oh, and they had the Stokke Tripp Trapp highchairs and now I want one, they are FAB!

We collected the play pen tonight and as I feared its bloomin HUGE! I think we might need to move a few things about to fit it in better. I can see how it could be so, so useful though and I really want to make it fit into the lounge properly :haha: Oliver is just non stop now, I'm sure you all know what its like, and I sometimes just need 5 mins to send an email (work ones, pleasure ones can wait :haha:) so it will be so, so useful for that. I was also thinking if I can finally get the basement room set up as my office again (rather than storage :dohh:) it will def fit down there :thumbup:

Steve has gone out playing snooker with a friend tonight so I'm home alone. I think I might seach out something nice to eat :haha:

Amy I hope you're alright honey :hugs:
Who else was it who has an iCandy? Modo you have one don't you? Which one is it? Someone on here is selling a Cherry and I'm soooo tempted. Naughty I know :haha: but my Apple takes up SO much room in Steve's car, its fine in mine but I could do with something smaller for Steve's.

Blimey that would be my fourth stroller!! I WOULD sell the Loola Up though. Promise. Maybe :rofl:
LC - glad WW is going well :thumbup:

modo - I also have to get myself in the right frame of mind for dieting. I'm glad Bobby is a good distraction :hugs:

H&F - fantastic news about the dress :thumbup: and the weightloss :happydance:

frufru - my legs are also a jungle :blush: i used wax strips to do mine and the hair has grown back all different lengths which is highly attractive :haha:

sarah - the resturant sounds fab :flower: I wanted one of those highchairs until I saw how much they cost :shock: :haha:

well... I'm just in shock really. I think my job will go in 3 months, Kerry's in 6 months. we're just working through ideas of how to manage this. I'm scared for the girls, they were so upset. I am a real family person so I dont want to move away from here :( I want my children to grow up with their family around them. I just dont know where we can get jobs :( there's nothing much round here. urgh, we're on the news and everything! well not me but our site :(
Amy I just saw it on the news! How awful :( I guess what you do is pretty specialist too?

Was it completely out of the blue too?
yeah, I'm a pharmacologist and Kerry is an analytical chemist. There are no other pharmaceutical companies around here and the whole industry is really unstable so its not looking good :( completely out of the blue, they've just finished 2 rounds of redundancies and we all thought we were safe :( its really rubbish :cry:
amy - awful news i'm so sorry :hugs:

sarah - glad oliver behaved at jamie's!!!

muddles - i agree i couldnt live without you girls to talk to! i'd go mad :haha:

modo - thanks for the link!

frufru - ordered 3 nigella cookbooks and 2 books each for dylan and erin. £50 for everthing which i thought was good for 7 books! owen also loves the swings! still waiting for the anklet. hope it arrives.

lc - danny actually enjoyed the night shift and even got up for lunch time! they only did til 5am though so will probably be a different story after a week of 10pm-7am!

h&f - yey for the dress!!! how are pro points different to the old ww system? i bought some ww meals and the points are in the new system so i dont know how much they are worth on the old one!
amy - will you get decent redundancy pay at least to see you through til you get a new job? could you do a back to work nursing course maybe?
Amy thats rubbish :( Could you go back to nursing?

My Dad was an Analytical Chemist!!! He worked in the steel industry though so quite different. I remember growing up the steel works were always been bought and sold and so many times he thought he would be made redundant. It was scarey. He started that job when he was in his early 20's, its all he's ever done, all hes ever known. In the end he took early retirement / voluntary redundancy a few years ago so that one of the younger guys could keep his job. Dad said it wasn't right for him to stay and see a young man with a family and a mortgage loose his job, but I think he secretly just wanted to retire at 57 :haha:
maybe I've only been there 5 years so my package will be pretty crap. Kerry has been there 15 years so he thinks we can manage for a year at most. Gives us a bit of time to play with. I've been looking at return to practice courses. the info is really sketchy but I'd have to work as an auxillary nurse first and there are no jobs in neonates for that and I cant find any on the paediatric wards :(

sarah - ahh bless your Dad :hugs:

Doh ALex is awake x
Amy I wish I could say something that would help :(

Is there anything else you'd like to retrain in? Hopefully they will offer some retraining packages etc.

Its just so bad that its both of you too, there are quite a lot of couples where I work and whenever there is talk of redundancies they are always the most worried in case both jobs go :(

Its early days yet though and a lot more info will come to light for you yet, try not to worry too much :hugs:
I just want things to stay the same :( urgh stress! such a shame we "put all our eggs in one basket" as Kerry said! x
Amy I'm so sorry to hear that. I was laid off while on Mat Leave along with over a third of the staff across the country. Am now desperately trying to find something as when my maternity benefits run out I will get nothing. :(

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