Amy they are smelly things

I knew that though as my friend had chickens when I was little, thats another reason I wasn't going to be cleaning them out

The eggs are nicer though, though at the moment Steve has competely lost track of which are the new and which are the old eggs so we need to throw them all out and start again

I don't think he's enjoying having them so much in this crappy weather.

Blimey Danny is sooo out of order!!! I don't mind you ranting, I'm sure the others don't either
Okay, I'll rant, feel free to ignore
Steve was just been a grump today

I think the problem is that he's 'secretly' started smoking again. He stopped about two years ago and was so, so horrible when he was stopping that I almost left him. He was just truely horrible. But then he was doing so well. When I was pregnant I thought he'd been smoking again, at work. His suit would smell of smoke some times and I could smell it on him, but he'd just say it was because he'd been in the smoking area talking to people. But I think as a non smoker, you can tell. Then I found his little ciggie stash hidden behind the X Box one day

I told him and he just kind of laughed it off. He's a grown man, so if he's stupid enough to smoke, its his problem, but I just find it sooooo selfish and gross TBH

So now I notice the smell quite a bit, I'm pretty sure he smokes quite a bit when he's at work. He went out with his friend the other day and the next day his car smelt so bad I refused to put Oliver in it - I know his friend smokes but I was so mad that anyone had been smoking in the car where Oliver goes, esp since he has a cough at the moment and Steve had had a huge go at me for putting deoderant on in the bedroom on the same bloomin day

So anyway, I know he's smoking again. I expect he's keeping it from me for two reasons. Firstly, because he knows I think its disgusting, and secondly because I think he thinks he's just an occasional smoker, and that he's not addicted again etc etc, so he doesn't want to be smoking all the time. Except that he is such a grumpy git! Its not all the time, but its just so like he was before when he smoked. For example, tonight he was cooking Omlettes for tea, he was doing Olivers and there was no cheese grated. I was sat at the table playing with Oliver, with the netbook on. Instead of asking me to grate the cheese, he had a little strop that there was none done (I tend to keep some ready grated in the fridge) and started grating cheese like a crazy man and then managed to grate his finger. OUCH! It was bleeding a bit so I took over the cooking and he threw some stuff on the floor (my stuff, obviously) to get a plaster, and then went off in a complete huff moaning that there should have been cheese grated

If he had just said 'can you grate some cheese' I would have done it, argh it makes me so mad! So then he buggered off and got ready for work while I gave Oliver is tea and everything and then he went to work, still in a complete huff. he used to get like this when he smoked before, then he'd disapear off outside and come back in all calm and fine again. He's spoiling his days off because he's so damn grumpy!!!!!! Argh!!!!!!!! So I'm utterly pissed off at him. I'm so sure that this is whats wrong (obviously he would compeltely deny it - when he stopped smoking and he was horrible it was because of me, not because he had stopped smoking

) The more I rant the more mad I'm getting!

I need to have it out with him though. When he'd been a non smoker for a year I changed our life insurance because after 12 months you're classed as a non smoker, which is obviously a LOT cheaper. I'm worried that if something happens to him the life insurance wouldn't pay out, and Oliver and I would be homeless and have nothing but debt

I know its a morbid thing to think, but I've dealt with people at work who have gone through things like this and its awful. So I need to change it all. I'm so annoyed at him for starting again

I've never smokied and I just don't understand it at all. I don't know why he'd do something that might leave Oliver without his Daddy

and if he stopped again and was as horrible as last time, I'm not sure I could stay and go through it again
Blimey, what a rant