Lol, bless you. Cd12 is pretty early for ovulation! But like you say maybe if you'd used the OPKs on cd10 you would've got a + but then cd11 you should have got a lighter line with the surge going . I think I ovulated yesterday, xmas day! . I got pains in my right side for the first time! I usually get them on the left side as there's a cyst there (& I'm sure its stopping me from ovulating on the left though the FS says not ) GL hun! x
I just poas on an opk, like I said to keep checking and it's positive!!! I threw the pee away though, (because I wasnt expecting a positive) so I can't check it with the digi!!
Ah you did the same as me on Friday! Hold your pee & do it again! Get busy hun x
I managed to squeeze a little pee out and got my positive on the digi :woohoo: