Hello ladies , I'm new to this forum so be gentle with me. Me and my gorgeous fiancee are ttc , I already have a 15 year old son and so want to be a mummy again !!! Had my mirena coil removed mid feb and had no bleed or period , but had a positive opk at the beginning of march and Was starting to get very worried that my bits weren't working properly so decided to use my crystals to help me. I put on a lapis lazuli bracelet last Wednesday. On Thursday , my Af came ! I was so happy after thinking I was going crazy
I have a massive chunk of rose quartz by my bed and wear a moonstone bracelet and am hoping to get a bfp soon.
For those of you asking about charging and cleansing crystals , all crystals love the moon and sun to re charge. But they also like to be loved , hold them to your heart , kiss them and ask them what you wish for. Hold them tight in your hands and blow on them - this can also cleanse them. If you want to run them under water , as you do it , use the power of thought and intent to cleanse them and tell them what you wish for.
Garnet , unakite , bloodstone, carnelian, yello jade and aventurine are also associated to fertility and conception.
Sending lots of baby dust to you all xxxxxxxxx