Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

yup. the doc mentioned that I may feel less movement and not to worry cause he's run out of room. Finn however, did not get that memo. it will stop me in my tracks and make me gasp for air sometimes.
So exciting that you'll go to the hospital on wednesday as 2 and come home as 3.

Keep bouncing :holly:
Bobster, saw you ordered your travel system, so exciting- what swayed your decision in the end? How long until it arrives?
I went to look again today and it just felt so much more sturdy. The interior is softer and more comfortable for baby too than the sola, and I think it should last for number 2 whereas the sola looked like it might age badly. It also has a bigger shopping basket. It will go to his mum's until we're ready for it so won't be getting it until just before babys due.

I saw the uppababy vista today in the shop and its lovely too. So many to choose from its unbelievable! Have you thought about when you might start looking? You said you might leave it until later before, are you not itching to start buying stuff though?

I've been thinking about what else we need to buy and its so expensive. trying to sale shop for things bit by bit. Have quite a few bits of clothing now but not sure how many of things to buy (sleep suits, vests etc) and don't want to buy too many in new born in case we have a big baby. Eee its a confusing thing isn't it.

Mack sounds crazy. Like Jane said its so amazing that you are going to have a new addition to your family so soon. Yes I agree keep bouncing! (love the pic Jane haha).
Sounds like all good reasons for your choice bobster. Don't think we would buy anything before 30 weeks. What shop did you go to test the buggies out?

We're having stuff done to our house and last thing we need is to accumulate more bits while the house is upside down. I am tempted to get a few bits but managing to resist the urge.

It is confusing, I've no idea how many vests, babygrows etc you need either :shrug: the shops will always be there so as long as your good for the first few weeks and there's always sales/offers on. My sister has already bought a bumble bee outfit for mine :dohh:

Will you buy a matching nursery furniture set? I was thinking of getting the proper cotbed in white then go to ikea for a wardrobe and chest of draws also in white. Mothercare do have nice furniture sets though.

Are you having a whooping cough vaccine soon? Is this something the midwife does?
Oh that sounds like a good plan too. We need to do a few bits here too so can't buy too much yet. How cute will a bumblebee suit look!! I might have to get one of those.

I had a look in mothercare and saw a nice white set with wood around the top but it looked a bit scratched and weathered so wasn't that impressed. Then went to mamas and papas and they have some offers on at the moment. I like the Sienna set which is 599 for cotbed, wardrobe and chest of drawers with a changing unit on top. I was thinking white too. Got the pram from a local shop not a chain.

Got the whooping cough vaccine letter but think I have to have it with the practice nurse. Not looking forward to that! Will you be having it too?
I have a nice crib and dresser set hand me down from my sister. It was probably 3 times what we would have had in our budget when it was new, and ladies, look at the drawers closely. They suck! And it's nice, real wood furniture. His drawers are so shallow and tiny that they barely hold anything now!! I had an Ikea type dresser that I stuck in the closet to hold his sheets/blankets since there is room for his clothes to hang above it still. My sister said she wishes she had bought the junior/kids furniture, or a small regular dresser for my nephew's room in a similar color as the crib rather than the matching baby dresser. I think by the time he was 2 the baby dresser was in the attic and they'd replaced it with something bigger. Just something to watch out for!
Thanks for the tip Mack. Luckily the dresser I saw is not tiny like some of them around so should last a good few years.

How are you all bearing up in the heat? I'm finding it so uncomfortable. Sweating whilst trying to treat patients is not a good look. It's so awful as there are hardly any windows that open fully and its so stuffy. I said to OH that no.2 is going to be timed so we're pregnant through winter (as if it will happen that easily!)

Hope you are all ok and beans are behaving :) will you all breast feed and if so for how long do you think? I was thinking I would for 6 months as its better for baby/cheaper and more convenient. I hope baby takes to boob ok.
It didn't seem like his dresser was tiny either. Its too tall to use as a diaper changer, but the drawers are super shallow. Like they didn't put the bottoms of them close enough to the bottom of the drawer or something. His top drawer I can only put in booties and some bibs if they are laying flat out. The 2nd drawers I can only fit a few onesies high, and this is newborn to 3 months! Even the bigger drawers didn't hold the sheets/blankets well, and this is crib sized stuff!

We still have DH's first real bedroom set, so I went ahead and took the baby dresser even though my sis had warned me about it. We will be trying for kid #2 soon after Finn arrives since I'll be 36, so the dresser will get moved to the new baby's room (hopefully if things go as planned) before Finn totally outgrows it.

I plan on boobfeeding until 6 months, giving my body 3 months to recover, and trying for kid #2 when Finn is 9 months old. We'll see how that goes!!
I'm not super excited that I'm going to have to be induced, I'd hoped to start labour naturally, but I tell ya every day I get closer I'm grateful. the last two days I've been in so much pain I can barely walk. I wish it felt like pelvic pain, or possibly cervix like maybe it was starting to dialate, but no.whenever I move I get pain in the front of my vijay area, like almost the outer part of it. it gets more intense as the day goes by, hopefully I can still walk when we check into the hospital Wednesday night. what the heck is up with vj pain?? so ready to deliver this baby!!
Aww Mack not long now! Can't imagine what it must be like. I guess carrying a fully grown baby will put huge pressure on your vijay area. Have you tried things like hot curries to get it started? I read some herbs can help too and also sex but you may nor feel like that lol. You've made such a good home for Finn over the last 9 months he doesn't want to come out! Least you know tomorrow sonethibgs going to happen one way or another xx
I haven't tried the food since it seems my tummy gets more upset easily, and unfortunately the sex train left the building a few weeks ago. I guess dh has been kicked by Finn too many times when we've lying down cuddling and new he's uncomfortable with it.

read online that the pain at the front of the vj is the pelvic bone spreading, so yay my body is doing something to get ready. no birth ball for me today, I think it'd make me cry. have a few things to finish at the house today so I should get in some standing, walking and stairs even. then the pool as a reward, bc this pain is not messing around.
oh yea, I've been drinking raspberry leaf tea and eating figs. both are supposed to make contractions easier and labor shorter, I'll let ya ladies know if that works. also been taking evening primrose oil, which is supposed to soften the cervix and start dilation. that has not done anything for me.
Oh sounds like you're still doing stuff today that will help. I think you deserve a rest from the ball. I don't blame you for the no sex thing- we've hardly done it at all as it just feels a bit wrong.

Last time we had sex (and I o'd) I'm sure I had a braxton hicks contraction which scared me. Have you had any of these mack?

I hope that pain means it will start soon for you but either way you will be fine tomorrow and at least you know you're having him one way or another. What a great birthday too in July! Think of all the parties you can throw him in the garden!
oh mackjess, does the pelvic bone spreading mean his head has moved down?
Guess you'll find out soon enough. I will be thinking about you over the next couple days :crib:
Me too Mackjess, hoping baby gets his head down soon and makes himself known! So exciting!
Jane have you thought of any boys names yet? We've thought of a few and like Harry, Jack and Seth. It has to go with the middle name Lee. Boys names are hard to think of. I like Ronnie but OH has completely vetoed it.
Good luck Mackjess! How long does it usually take from being induced to delivery? Did they give you an indication? Keep us posted. Can't wait to hear your news :)
Still an eggplant today! How disappointing. I wonder when I will change to another fruit/veg.

Mlm and Phez how are you both? Still having sickness? Have you relaxed at all yet or still worrying? Phez have you got a date for your 12 week scan yet or is it too early? Will you have the downs syndrome screening?
Still an eggplant today! How disappointing. I wonder when I will change to another fruit/veg.

Mlm and Phez how are you both? Still having sickness? Have you relaxed at all yet or still worrying? Phez have you got a date for your 12 week scan yet or is it too early? Will you have the downs syndrome screening?

I'm OK. Was my Grandma's funeral on Monday so witht he preg hormones I'm a bit up and down emotionally. Still just feeling sick really, the smell of my own house is enough to make me curl my toes so air fresheners needed (my house doesn't smell when I'm not pregnant!) Had this with Dexter too. Starving hungry all the time, doorstoop sandwiches are a winner! No date yet, mw app a week today which is when she'll book me in. Will see what my blood test and nuchal scan look like before seeing whether to take any more tests. Got to start thinking boys names as well but they are so hard. Love Harry, Bobster!

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