I did so much research during my 4th week, googling and found that everyone was saying it's normal to feel AF type cramping during your 5th week. This made me crazy, because I wasn't 5 weeks yet, only 4. But I got them all throughout my 4th week, and they were completely gone by week 5. I wouldn't worry. I'm sure we probably feel them because it would have been about the time AF was due. If you see any spotting, or the cramps get heavier, and begin to feel painful, then obviously, talk to you doctor. But other than that, the cramps just seem normal. Do you remember getting them with DS?
As for the b6, I have continued to take the b complex 100 mg, and still have not been able to hide from ms.
Thanks, that makes me feel better. I am obsessing over everything now. I need to stop worrying so much. I've waited so long for a bfp, I didn't think of the worry part when I actually got here. I don't remember getting them with ds no. I also had no ms with him. This time I'm gettin the cramps and a little dizziness if I lean or bend over.
I hope your ms doesnt last too long. Have you tried that supplement called morning sickness magic? I've heard it helps. Also peppermint or smelling lemons can help. Eating more frequent, smaller meals and eating a few crackers before getting out of bed can help too
No, I have not heard of the supplement. I am curious about it though. I actually at crackers this morning before getting out of bed. My aunt is due on the 21st of this month. She got ms really bad with this baby, and she said her doctor gave her something and it worked miracles. She told me when I go on the 22nd, to ask about it. I'm not sure what it is. Just be careful when bending over. Everyone is telling me to be sure I squat, and not bend over at the waste. I'm not sure if they're saying this because it helps dizziness, or if its not good for the baby to bend. I was curious if you knew.. I read that you should lay on your back at all through pregnancy. They say it decreases oxygen to the baby? Do you think this is in early pregnancy also, or just when the uterus is bigger? I'm just curious because I lay on my back all the time. I wouldn't worry though. Remember, you helped me through all of my paranoia. I think its normal to worry about your baby. When I see the hb I will feel much better. Then, when I am far enough to hear it from the little doppler thing I believe its called, I will be buying one for myself, so when I start feeling paranoid again, I can reassure myself!