My ~*January*~ Testing Ladies, on our way to our BFP!

aw so we're going to be test buddies too! that'll be great.

I'm sorry dh is sick :(

I've had serious cramps for the last hour. i went on a crazy first floor cleaning blitz today, completely cleaning everything. i've also been hungry ALL day. i probably could eat everything in sight it's terrible. trying to control myself!!!!

instead of the cake you could eat i could do rita's custards all day. oh yeah, that would be splendid. i'm wanting ice cream and things like that. oh my gosh it feels like i'm going to get af right now, but the earliest i could get it is the 16th- which would be 28 days but that's WAY too early for me, i never get it til 30+. but it hurts so bad :( either it means something good - OR it means i'm only just about to O. which would suck on timing since i'm about to go to the beach tomorrow without dh, just me my father and the kid, but we'll be back sunday. i won't be temping on sat or sun though.

i think we should dtd tonight just to be safe lol. but i'm in so much pain it's not funny.
I'm sorry your feeling so gross. Could be implantation? I have been starving too- I love Ritas but they took ours out. I'm originally from Philly but now I'm in Florida (at Disney this weekend). I have been having weird twinge like pains on my right side but not cramping. It is so hard to wait another month. I also feel like AF could be any second but would be way early. I keep praying good things for us both.
who knows? i've never felt implantation that i know of lol. will try to bd tonight just for the heck of it. cramps finally stopped but still hungry. peed a bunch again too.

so hungry!!! you're at disney?! have a mickey bar for me would you?!

I"m actually in York County in PA! We have a great ritas over here, i so want to devour it!

funny too my pains have been more right sided too.

i'm really hoping this is it for us as well! would be lovely!!!

don't forget too that if you don't hear from me for a few days i'm on vacation til sunday lol.
AF came today :( Not the end of the world just disappointing. I kind of expected it with my thyroid being so high right now. Hopefully by next month my numbers will be back to normal. What's weird is I am early - like cd 26, which means a short lutal phase since I know I ovulated less than 14 days ago. I guess I will call doctor tomorrow and get more clomid.

Hope you had fun on your vacation. Good luck- I hope you get better news. Are you feeling better?
Oh hun i'm sorry af got you!!!!

:( still nothing really for me, earliest af could be here is the 18th, so just waiting. and i doubt she'll be here then, way to early.

ff moved my o date again, so i'm not really sure. ovufriend says it's still the same putting me at 9dpo going to test on monday the 22nd if nothing by then. not having high hopes

Cramping still, had some bad ones during the weekend, my head has been funny, intestines have been funky, and on saturday i had a migraine. the last migraine i had was during my pregnancy with dd. And i had two of them. I'm REALLY hoping it's a good sign, but i'm not getting my hopes up. :/
Those signs all sound really positive. Especially the cramping this early. I hope this is it for you.

I wasn't supposed to get af until the 18th- this is way early for me. Actually too early if I oed when I think. I'm wondering if I should take the clomid earlier in my cycle? I am going to ask about that tomorrow when I call. Strangely I am not too disappointed- I guess I knew. I also would rather AF then have another mc with my tyroid levels wacky. If my dosage is right now, then my levels should be good this cycle. I will let you know what my doctor says.
wish i knew more about clomid. it seems to do different things to different people. Hoping it's getting you on the right track though!
Hey ladies, was just creeping and saw I'm about the same DPO and I plan to test this Friday at 10DPO! I'll be checking in with you ladies to see how it goes for Mommy esp!

Sorry Overwhelmed about AF.. I hate that stinkin feeling. Good luck next month. Try as hard as you can, we'll be right here with ya!!!
hi morgan!!! glad to have you over here!

i really should wait til the 22nd to test. one chart says i'm 6 dpo and another says i'm like 10 already so not sure.
Waiting is the hardest part. I feel sort of relieved AF came or I would be worried about the tyroid levels being so high. I picked up my next round of clomid- doc gave me the same dosage and days, but I am wondering if I should go against doc and take it on day 3-7 (today is day 3 so I don't have much time to think). I will probably do what the doc says. Just so tired of TTC.

Any more signs Mommy? How about your Morgan? I will keep praying for you to have this be your cycle.
Awh thanks.. prayer is all we really have!! I started having dull/mild cramps yesterday at 4DPO and they have continued today. Weird, just usually after O and pre AF that I cramp. We'll see, testing Friday :)
Waiting is the hardest part. I feel sort of relieved AF came or I would be worried about the tyroid levels being so high. I picked up my next round of clomid- doc gave me the same dosage and days, but I am wondering if I should go against doc and take it on day 3-7 (today is day 3 so I don't have much time to think). I will probably do what the doc says. Just so tired of TTC.

Any more signs Mommy? How about your Morgan? I will keep praying for you to have this be your cycle.

when does doc say you should take it?? how far off would you be taking it day 3-7? And no more signs, temps dropped this am, not much hope. timing was way off anyway, just waiting for af to show.

Awh thanks.. prayer is all we really have!! I started having dull/mild cramps yesterday at 4DPO and they have continued today. Weird, just usually after O and pre AF that I cramp. We'll see, testing Friday :)

i'm the same with cramps when they occur- however, mine just stopped, where i had them constantly since just before i O'd. ive had them for like 2 weeks straight at some point during the day, and none today and the temp drop. i'm probably testing monday now.
Hi all,

I finally seem to maybe, touch wood, have some sort of temp rise going on. Ooo I hope so. Which would mean actually I'm way behind all of you but happy to offer all support I can!

Good luck Morgan, sounds promising!

Mummyofone - hopefully she doesn't show...but if she does, another month another chance xx
Mommy- doc said day 3-7 would cause more follicles but not as high quality. Because I only had the one high quality follicle last cycle it is not smart to move it- although the way I think is more follicle more of a chance, right? I will follow what doc says and go in again on day 16 for an ultrasound. I am going to ask about a trigger shot, which makes you ovulate in 24-48 hours or something like that. That way I know for sure. Went out today and spent another $50 on OPKs. At least Dh is super supportive- I had a brief meltdown yesterday about having to gain weight to get pregn (I gained around 15lbs) and now my clothes from last school year don't fit (did I mention I am a teacher)- he told me to buy maternity pants since that's what I will be in this year. Might sound harsh to someone who hasn't been TTCing, but is actually a sweet comment.

Sorry to hear about the drop in temp. Could be a fluke with testing? Hang in there until you know for sure

Rozzer- are you using any OPKs? How long is your normal cycle?

Morgan- weird about the cramping- early implantation or early ovulation?
Hi all,

I finally seem to maybe, touch wood, have some sort of temp rise going on. Ooo I hope so. Which would mean actually I'm way behind all of you but happy to offer all support I can!

Good luck Morgan, sounds promising!

Mummyofone - hopefully she doesn't show...but if she does, another month another chance xx

oh that's great about the temp rise! my temps are all over the place. very curious about tomorrows.

Mommy- doc said day 3-7 would cause more follicles but not as high quality. Because I only had the one high quality follicle last cycle it is not smart to move it- although the way I think is more follicle more of a chance, right? I will follow what doc says and go in again on day 16 for an ultrasound. I am going to ask about a trigger shot, which makes you ovulate in 24-48 hours or something like that. That way I know for sure. Went out today and spent another $50 on OPKs. At least Dh is super supportive- I had a brief meltdown yesterday about having to gain weight to get pregn (I gained around 15lbs) and now my clothes from last school year don't fit (did I mention I am a teacher)- he told me to buy maternity pants since that's what I will be in this year. Might sound harsh to someone who hasn't been TTCing, but is actually a sweet comment.

Sorry to hear about the drop in temp. Could be a fluke with testing? Hang in there until you know for sure

Rozzer- are you using any OPKs? How long is your normal cycle?

Morgan- weird about the cramping- early implantation or early ovulation?

i see what you're saying, for me, i'd be too scared to move it and do what she didn't say to do. And i think that is nice of DH to say. i'm so sorry you are feeling so down about all of it :(

afm, just waiting to temp tomorrow. we'll see what that says. if it goes any lower, i'll say i'm out for sure. if it goes up or stays the same, it's still unknown.
oh yeah with dd it was actually up and down like crazy so i guess there really is no way for me to know until af shows or i get a bfp.
oh mine are all over, but if i go down low enough, i know af is coming, since i get very cold right before af comes. and during.

when i was pg i was HOT! i knew something was up, but a few days before af i got so hot, and i remember sitting in the car (it was nov) driving home thinking 'hmmm... i wonder if that means something' i was sweating so bad i had the a/c on. i also thought it could've been because i just left work, but nope. And i've had cold flashes and cramps (although the cramps don't mean anything) pretty sure af will be here any day. :(
I'm sorry Mommy! When does AF normally come for you, on time? Oh and also is there a real name we can call you? Haha Mommy is okay if not!! :) Don't give up hope.

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