Margat if you can try to squeeze it in. Ms. Reinke this is your month....
I'm on approx CD 28 or 29 and my cycles are normally anywhere from 28-30 days. But no AF as of now.I haven't tested yet because I'm not 100% sure when I'm actually due with my last AF being so screwed up, so I'm waiting to test until Wednesday. I'm scared though, because I've had some weird symptoms and I'm hoping it's because I'm pregnant and not just hormonal crap.
Praying for my
this time.
Thanks Magrat!! How are you two feeling today hairftsher and heychrissie?
It seems like we don't stand a chance this monthtmi ahead...We bd Sunday morning and won't be able to dtd till Wednesday evening and I'm pretty sure I'll ovulate tomorrow or wednesday morning ...already got ewcm and ovulation pain
it's frustrating with our home being under construction and having a wedding to plan
I'm very very disappointed
Thanks Magrat!! How are you two feeling today hairftsher and heychrissie?
hairftsher and heychrissie, you guys are not out yet!!My fingers are crossed for both of you!!! I really haven't had any cramps yet, just that annoying achey feeling around where I assume my right ovary is. Plus all my other annoying symptoms, tired, dizzy spells, creamy CM and sore bbs. My luck it's a cyst or something. I had a bad one when I was 17. Didn't have to have surgery or anything, but it was the size of a softball!!
It gave me horrible pain though, enough my Mom took me to the ER. But I know cysts are common around this time of the month for a lot of women and I'm hoping that's not what it is. Then I was thinking OMG it's an etopic pregnancy!!
I looked at the symptoms and pain in that area is one of the symptoms, but then there are a lot of other horrible ones that I'm not experiencing...LOL!!
I'm such a worry wart it's ridiculous!!
Having sex on ovulation day usually doesn't increase your odds! It's having it before so that the sperm is there waiting for the egg. If you bd'd on Sunday you have a really good shot!!! Fingers crossed!