Good morning ladies!! Thank you Khatif for your kind words.

I love how we've all become a little family!

We will all get there when the time is right. Yes, it is Independance Day here in the U.S. tomorrow and my DH and I have the day off as well!!

3 day weekend for me, but my honey has to work on Saturday.

I'm not sure what we'll do tomorrow. Probably go golfing, my DH LOVES to golf and I'm trying to learn. It's SOOO hard!!

But I enjoy going out with him. It's relaxing. Then we will probably go watch the fireworks. I have officially been done with my mc for a couple days now. Thank God!

I'm actually feeling pretty positive, just trying to be patient for my AF to start before trying again. I hate being patient.

Haha! This is worse than the TTW because I don't know when it will come.

Hoping for it to show up by the end of the month at the lastest, but we'll see. I love all the baby names!!

I have today and then next Mon-Fri at work and then I'm on vacation!!

I can't wait!! I seriously need one!

It's too bad my DH and I have to wait to try again, because our vacation is just the 2 of us and it would be the perfect time to try. But I have to listen to my doctor.

Maybe we'll just practice with protection. Haha!!

Glad everyone seems to be doing well. Love you ladies!!