I'm so sorry I haven't been able to get online in a few days. My DH and I have been out of town visiting his parents. My stupid AF showed up a couple days ago. So back to square one yet again.

On to try for the 7th time.

It's been 8 months since we started TTC. We had the one month in there we couldn't try due to my mc, but other than that we've given it 100% each month and we're still not pregnant. It's a bit depressing, but I'm trying my best to stay positive, but it can be very hard at times. I'll be 31 on the 13th and I'm only getting older which is concerning as well.

I would give anything to have a healthy BFP for a bday gift. My body is obviously completely different since my mc, so I am going to do my very best to not symptom spot this next cycle and not assume anything. I pray we will get there some day soon. 8 months feels like forever. It makes me sad we haven't been blessed with our healthy baby yet.

So I'm on CD 3. I had 2 days of spotting and then my AF started. So technically I would say I'm on CD 5, but my Fertility Friend thing counts the first day of actual bleeding CD 1. I never had spotting prior to my mc before my AF kicked in. I always went straight to the full thing, none of this 2 days worth of spotting crap.

Annoying really. It's like a tease...if you're going to start, just do it! Stupid body.

I scanned through to catch up with all of you ladies. Looks like everyone is hanging in there. Sending lots of

to each and every one of you ladies!!