Never used opk, updated - let the journey begin :)

Why would she get so upset?

My DS cry’s the entire time getting ready to go in but I think it’s because he just wants to get in the pool and doesn’t understand we have to get changed first!! He insists on clinging to me so it makes it hard to physically get us ready!!

I’m sorry but being stabbed by a scabby toenail that did make me lol!!!! Xx
Not sure to be honest she just says she's nervous. She says tonight she'd like to try again as swimming so I'll look into lessons again. We used to go first thing Saturday might try after school instead.
It's ok think I'd piss myself hearing that story too:lol: Honestly it marked my arm :shock: it was like a blade
:lol: A gruffalo!!! LMAO! Im on the train into work and that made me laugh out loud!

2 more to go!! Thats going fo fly by!!

Im CD 6 today so back on the opk bandwagon lol. When i came on I messaged the BF and he just said what do you think i am? Super human? Lol! As we only bd’d once. So hoping for a more active cycle this time round. What do you guys think worked for you do get your bfp? Frequency etc? My period was awful. So was definitely my first true one! I thought i was dying (bit extreme i know lol) but really was horrible lol so i really want to do everything i can to get bfp and hopefully not have that again anytime soon lol. Cycle ended up being 29 days so felt happy with thay my SIL said thats so positive since it was my first real one xxx
I agree, 29 day cycle is good! And yes, periods suck! But pregnancy and labour ain’t no pain free walk in the park either! (But sooo worth it!).

Ref my BFP, first one was following a two week honeymoon where I ovulated bang smack in the middle. So, yes, we babydanced ALOT as that’s what you do on honeymoon!! when I had my implantation bleeding and thought it was AF I cried and said to my DH ‘if we didn’t get pregnant after that it’s going to be so hard, when will we ever have that much sex again!’ I’m sure he was thrilled by that comment!!!

Anyway, this time I logged our ‘efforts’ on my ovia, and I’ve just looked back. We only DTD about once a week (DH was sick for what I thought was my fertile window). So I was incredibly shocked to get a BFP. Just shows it really does (for some people) only take once at the right time in the cycle. Clearly when I thought we’d missed the boat, it was right when I must have released my egg. Something to be said for irregular cycles I guess.

And yes, my DH does now think he has some sort of super sperm. :spermy::haha:
So you have had both ends of the scale then.

Would love it to happen this month so then would be a December baby! My birthday is 25th Nov and OH is 20th December so what a lovely late and/or early Birthday present that would be! Xx
:rofl:Gruffalo !!

Honestly Jam I think only time will tell for you hun. The 1st time we got our BFP I was just tracking via a phone app & think just doing it a few times a week during the 2 weeks i thought it could be. It took us just about a year. Unfortunately that ended in a mmc at 11 weeks. We then had to wait 3 month before we could start ttc again due to complications. After the heartbreak & waiting what felt like a life time to get a BFP i wanted to give my everything when we could. I started temping and referred back to my ap. we then DTD every other day for almost 2 and half weeks as to not miss the egg. It took all the fun out of sex and would never do it again that way. Luckily we feel pregnant first month try and that resulted in our now almost 5 year old.
We are not back to TTC & just doing it as & when we feel but 2-3 times during fertile period, September - December 4 months trying nothing (as you know now on mini break)

good luck hun
It’s hard not to be excited and hopeful though, we all get that. And everybody knows it could take a long time and try to prepare themselves but nothing seems to help that disappointment when it doesn’t happen. Bumblebee, a year of trying followed by the utter heartbreak of a miscarriage must have been unbearable. I’m not sure how I’d ever cope. I guess you do, as it’s just all out of your control. It’s all consuming when you really start TTC. Xx
Big time all consuming & at times out of you control so have no choice but to deal with what's thrown at you. In a way I feel like one of the lucky ones I had an early-ish miscarriage. Some women get dealt a much tougher hand. Can't say I felt that way at the time but can look back & count myself lucky to have my beautiful daughter now. Sorry to bring a downer on such exciting times XX

Hoping for a slightly more relaxed approach this time but that's easier said than done. It is such a rollercoaster of emotions,ekkkk exciting time really is. I love being part of everyone elses wait & ttc journeys x
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Yes, it’s lovely to be able to excited for you all and I so desperately want you all to get pregnant soon!!!
Saying that, I’ve just watched my first ‘one born every minute’ in quite a few months. I’m so scared, I honestly think it was better the first time just having no idea what lay ahead. I know it’s just one day, we’ll not even, maybe half s day if I’m lucky again, but boy does it hurt and feel so out of control. Trying to remain positive that I’ve done it before so I CAN do it again and I know I’ll have a beautiful newborn at the end of it.....but I’m still freaking out!!! :help::sad2:
Yeah I don’t really want to be all consumed by it. I do want to be relaxed and just take it as it comes. I know it is slim chances for of to happen so quickly. Its like half my brain is in over drive and the other is saying just chill lol. I definitely dont want to take the fun out of it with being regimented with BD times ive read loads on here with people dtd everyday or every other and i just think for us it will just not be the right thing as much as i probs will be different views on that if it does start to take a while.

Sorry to hear about the MC :hugs: yeah i know what you mean about feeling lucky (not personally) but i can only imagine that as its awful at any point but the further along you are is just horrible to think about.

Wel please don’t give me the gory details if its best not to know :D but to be honest i watch one born and get excited to do that! So weird lol

Yeah I don’t really want to be all consumed by it. I do want to be relaxed and just take it as it comes. I know it is slim chances for of to happen so quickly. Its like half my brain is in over drive and the other is saying just chill lol. I definitely dont want to take the fun out of it with being regimented with BD times ive read loads on here with people dtd everyday or every other and i just think for us it will just not be the right thing as much as i probs will be different views on that if it does start to take a while.

Sorry to hear about the MC :hugs: yeah i know what you mean about feeling lucky (not personally) but i can only imagine that as its awful at any point but the further along you are is just horrible to think about.

Wel please don’t give me the gory details if its best not to know :D but to be honest i watch one born and get excited to do that! So weird lol

Well people will tell you all about their good or horrific labours, but just like TTC, you have no idea what your own will be like until you actually doing it!!

Personally mine was quick, so no time for any pain relief other than gas and air (you have to be in hospital 4 hours for anything stronger and my DS was born 2 and a half hours after arriving!). I guess if it happens like that again I’m lucky, but my contractions came on very fast and very strong so I’m just scared if the pain being bad before we can actually get to hospital, be examined and then actually give me gas and air!! (Which does help, it’s like being really really drunk for 2 minutes at a time, you feel the pains but just don’t care!!) xx
Hahaha sounds fun didnt get to try gas & air so for me I'll be going in blind like it's my first timer. Mine ended in a C-section, I had been contracting all day from 6am. My mum told me to go in as she didn't think something was quite right. I was only 2-3 cm dilated my DD heartrate dropped very low when I was contracting so took me to deliver tried to break my waters but turned out she was breach so off for a section I did go.
I don't have the fear of the pain as I don't know what it feels like but fear of not being able to try & deliver naturally. Like you say BB everyone is different and ever journey & birth different. It's such an amazing journey and unbelievable to look at them & think you & your husband made it mind blowing :D:-k
C-sections, the recovery must be so painful from them, or at least I’d imagine so, it’s a major op but people just act like it’s so run of the mill! I was cut and needed stitches but other than the soreness while that healed I was pretty much fine after the birth was over! I didn’t get the after pains some people do, just felt like I’d done a collossal workout!! xx
Yeah I don’t like the idea of a c section ive seen so many people around me have them and definitely seems worse. So FX you both can have a natural. Xxx
Yeah C-section recovery not the greatest :( xx
You started your opk now Jam x
Yeah C-section recovery not the greatest :( especially because you have a baby to look after too. Any other major op like thst and you'd have time to rest and recover. But C-section your up and at it :neutral:
You started your opk now Jam x
Yeah its so true!

Yep. All started. CD 9 today. Bit confused with it so far. Ive attached a picture. Look at the top two (cd 6) i thought i was about to ovulate or that i had nd just missed it. Gave me a right panic lol xx

It’s quite common to pick up traces of LH throughout your cycle, it might fade then come back before you see it building to its peak. I’ll try to reattach my cycle from August, just before we started TTC and you’ll see that it detected LH from when I started testing. You need to keep going until you get a very dark test line then you’re in business!


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