I’m going to tell you all a funny story about birth... so as you all know I have 4 my first two was born in a UK hospital, my first DS was born after a lengthy first stage but a quick last stage only 4 hours of active Labour and only 20 minutes of pushing.... had gas and air which for me was amazing so drunk but so good, I loved it!! 2nd Ds came quicker 2 hours after arriving to the hospital he was here the same that wonderful gas and air ( bit disappointed I did have a longer Labour LOL) so fast forward to DS and this time in Italy, gas and air I screamed out, but alas they don’t do it “what?” I cried, so a kind doctor said I’ll see what I can do, sometime later 2 guys brought in the old fashion machine like the size of a fridge freezer.... with dials and knobs she gave me a mask and said please tell me when it gives you the feeling like your last Births!!!! So playing with knobs and dials for about 30 minutes ( my midwife having a heart attack every contraction) I just said stop!!! The midwife was freaking me out, so these 2 guys came and removed the machine. And everyone in the room sighed with relief (lol) I went on to have a 9lb baby with out anything and did the same with my DD. Birth story’s are all different but us women are strong we are able to handle it more than we think we can.... don’t worry about birth it’s pain yes but for a lifetime of love!!!Well people will tell you all about their good or horrific labours, but just like TTC, you have no idea what your own will be like until you actually doing it!!
Personally mine was quick, so no time for any pain relief other than gas and air (you have to be in hospital 4 hours for anything stronger and my DS was born 2 and a half hours after arriving!). I guess if it happens like that again I’m lucky, but my contractions came on very fast and very strong so I’m just scared if the pain being bad before we can actually get to hospital, be examined and then actually give me gas and air!! (Which does help, it’s like being really really drunk for 2 minutes at a time, you feel the pains but just don’t care!!) xx