Never used opk, updated - let the journey begin :)

Felt totally exhausted today, was feeling sick and having pains, half convinced myself I was starting labour. Could have cried when DS woke up when I tried to get him from car to cot, was desperate for a rest. Anyway a few hours later I got him to cuddle into me while watching kids tv. I fell asleep almost straight away and I’ve just woken up and he’s still cuddled into me fast asleep, no idea how long he’s been asleep or how long I was napping but feeling better now, desperate for a wee but can’t move!! Xx
Bb it’s gone so fast ! Glad you managed to get some rest. Hoping for you that little one comes when either your mother is back or Even this weekend when you sister is around. My mum was on holiday when I had dd (she thought 6 weeks before my due date would be ok) but I was lucky my sister was able to be off work that day even though it was quite traumatic for her me having emergency c section but she was the first to see her after me and dh and that’s a bond they will always have. Wishing you all the very best and I do hope you update us as soon as you can

Bumble remind me where you are in your cycle, I’m keeping all crossed for you and same goes to you jam. I’m on cd11 ov due in 2 days, had 2 rounds of acupuncture I’m so praying it’s worked this time, even dh had it 2nd time. Dh mentioned if nothing by my bday in sept maybe it’s time to call it a day on TTC
Arhh how absolutely so cute. No better feeling in the world than snuggling with them & them falling al asleeping in your arms.
It really can't be too much longer for you BB x
Enjoy an early night if you can Hun

Ohh MME I have absolutely everything crossed for you, I really do. I am currently cd26 with AF due in 7-8 days. My cycles are on average 32 days. If I am honest I haven't got my hopes up not feeling anything or any change. I know it's early but still
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Mme, that’s a really hard decision but only you and your DH know what’s best for your family. I really hope you get the baby you so badly want.

Bumble, Also you too. A week feels such a long time when your in the TWW.
How is everyone today its hubby's birthday on Tuesday & with it being father's Day today. Me & DH went out for a meal last night. Really enjoyed ourselves, food was amazing.
The only symptom I really had has been sensitive nipples that are always sticking out. However this morning that seems to have gone. Only time will tell :?

MME where you up to in your cycle.

BB how you feeling hun, any closer with names. Can't wait to find out if you've had a pink:pink: or a blue:blue: :oneofeach:

Jam how you feeling any symptoms
Well I had to call mum over at 1am as started having pains at about midnight, and had been feeling weird all day. Anyway by the time she got here it had all stopped so we all went to bed at 2.15, I woke up at 5.15 with more pains and a really big one as I got out of bed. Went and sat on my gym ball, and ......nothing!! Had a few spells of cramping but not exactly what I’d describe as contractions like I’d had previously.
Although went I had that strong one thus morning and regular fair strength ones last night I was really panicking about the pain etc now I’m just really pissed off. With my DS the whole event was over in this time. I don’t want this to drag on for days.
Nothing really other than my bbs have swollen not really sure thats anything out the ordinary to be honest lol had a dream last night that i did a test today and it was positive. The vivid dream Symptom wouldnt count for me as i get them all the time though.

Oh BB! Hope it doesn’t drag for days for you! Really hope it goes well & fast lovely xxx
Omg BB sounds like things are starting to get going. I have a feeling it won't be long now. X hope it doesn't drag on for you hun
FX Jam when you gonna test. An thinking Thursday or Friday x
Hi ladies, nothing further to report other than I’m now fed up. Mum rushes over in the night, was up early with us all and then returned this afternoon and cooked a roast dinner. She’s just left saying she’s going to snooze in front of the tv just in case I need her again tonight. Think she’s worried I’ll be reluctant to call her again after the false alarm last night (which I probably will TBH!).
I’m so fed up, I thought this morning it will all be over by now, but no, here I am still. I’m also even more terrified of the pain now and that it’s going to happen at night again. I’ve been googling stop start labour all day, could be on and off for days, longer even. I feel utterly deflated and exhausted.
The only thing I think that’s changed is baby is lower, right down so low it feels like it’s already half out when it moves.
Sorry to moan, just needed to vent. Xx
You rant away lovely! Thats what we are here for! I really hope that is happens soon for you and you dont go for days like this!

Im thinking might do a test Friday as its my day off from work. Then will be sunday as AF is due that day xxx
Thanks JAM, I really hope this week flys by for you as I know how long the TWW feels.

I’m texting a friend getting myself all worked up and close to tears telling her how scared I am of what’s to come. I’m such a pathetic fool, why can’t I just be excited like everybody else is at this point? Xx
BB not everyone is excited. Infact most of my friends who where onto baby number 2 some 3 where certainly not excited. They couldn't wait for labour to be over. You know what's to come but it will be over, you'll be fine & take what ever pain relief you feel comfortable with. There is absolutely no need to with hold from anything. Try to calm down Hun you'll need your strength xx have a warm bath, maybe a few paracetamol if your still having pains. Even ring your labour unit or get your mum/hubby to. To see if there is anything they can suggest to help try to calm you down. I suspect its very common especially with 2nd - 3rd time mum's. Give it a few days to a week & it will all be over & you'll have your little baby boy/girl in your arms xx
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I can only say from what i have heard but most people i know that have had 2 are more nervous than were the first time for the simple fact you know what’s coming. I think its only natural to feel the way you are feeling lovely. And you definitely hve all the drugs you need to get through. Who cares what anyone else thinks! Xxx
Thanks ladies. I think the extreme tiredness and exhaustion from everything just overwhelmed me and I was clearly a bit over emotional last night. I just feel ‘ready’ to deal with it during the day, but for some reason not at night? Weird huh. I was terrified going to bed last night but nothing other than a bloody good sleep followed! DS and DH are still snoring away next to me. 39+2 today, which is when DS was born, so after today I’ll be officially the most pregnant I’ve ever been! Xx
Bb everyone feels differently, being scared is very normal, sounds like you are getting the right symptoms and twinges though so fingers crossed you don’t have to wait much longer. I can only image how you are feeling.

Fingers crossed jam, you have more willpower than me I would be testing tomorrow I’m that impatient!

Bb you are so close to jam in your cycle I don’t know how you manage not to test ! Fingers crossed and hope you and hubby have a nice day today on his bday.

CD15 i usually ov CD13 but not had the usual ov pains, didn’t take any tests this cycle as I usually feel it and have been quite regular. Been reading up and the period delay pill can have something to do with it so not holding out any hope this cycle.
Well BB if something hasn’t yet happened your now official the most pregnant you’ve every been. Whoopy. However, at this point in pregnancy I strongly feel the pain you must be going through. It SOOOooooo bloody tiering towards the last few weeks.

MME- Thanks hun currently at work but planning on a 2-3 course family meal later HAHAHA crazy women I am after a full days work. Really wanted to test this AM for hubbys bday but held off thinking how devastated if I were to see a BFN. To be fair think am out AF due in 4 days today one boob started hurting and a few PMT cramps on and off today. I may test tomorrow but trying to hold off till Friday.

Still tawn on if to take this period stopper tablets or not. A delay in my next O would be welcomed. My hubby is away for 4 days on a stag do bang in the middle of my fertile period. I am due to O the day before he’s back. Hubby doesn’t want me to take them and says its only a family holiday. But like you MME I have extremely heavy periods especially the first 2-3 days. Changing a heavy flow tampon every 2-3 hours.

JAM how you are getting on chic, you held off on testing. Any other symptoms. More dreams, that was one of mine with my DD pregnancy aswell as ALOT of creamy white CM, nothing of that to speak of this time so another thing for me thinking am out.

I’m still here fat as a cow! Lol. DS is at nursery so literally been sat on the sofa ALL DAY eating chocolate and biscuits. Managed a nap as well. Seriously feel like I should be being much more productive but I’ve done nothing. Watched 3 episodes of one born every minute, can’t decide if it helps me calm down about labour or not. Keep expecting my waters to break every time I stand, move, go to the loo etc. I never really got to this point mentally last time as I had no expectations that I’d go early, it took me by surprise and there was other stuff going on that distracted me from thinking about it all to much. This time I feel it hanging over me all the time, weird.

Bumble, I honestly don’t know ref that pill. I’d not heard of it before you ladies mentioned it on here. If you’ve not had it before it’s hard to know how it will work for you. I think you’re right to put off testing, just enjoy your DH’s birthday and testing can wait. Chances are you could get a negative this early even if you are preggo.

Mme, could just be a later cycle this month, taking that pill must affect it. Frustrating when you’re TTC. You might feel it over the next few days. Xx
Oh bb!! Fair play! Love that you had a slob day! Im sure you deserve it!

Im unsure how i feel. One half i feel hopeful but then im like nah im not. We only dtd the night i had positive opk which the next day i felt O pains. Boobs are tender and swollen. Felt crappy and tired yday and today. I THINK i felt some pinching/sharp pain very very briefly earlier today. I duno. Just cant see that it’s happened this month. Im a dreamy type of person anyways so i dont think that would be a symptom for me lol. And i feel that my CM has just stopped. I feel that doesn’t normally happen. I haven’t tested but i really want to tomorrow xxx
Well I am ovulating right now ! Pains started a couple of hours ago and just finished a reflexology session so all calm and relaxed, feeling positive today what with having acupuncture and reflex I’ve done all I can really, fingers crossed this eggy is the one. We will be having an early night tonight!

Enjoy your meal bumble and yes today wasn’t best to test as you didn’t want to ruin the day if it wasn’t positive. You and jam both still in with a chance.

Bb glad your taking it easy, relax while you can I say x
That's fantastic news MME FX you got down to BM last night & you catch that little eggy xx

BB you've been productive by resting your body. Here's one for you "It's ok to rest nothing in nature blooms all year round" xx

JAM your symptoms if am honest are sounding pretty promising. I have everything crossed for you but I have got a good feeling for you this time round. Think I may test this morning. Xx

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