Never used opk, updated - let the journey begin :)

We shall see!! We’re all hoping this is it for you. So hard not really knowing what is going on. Looking after DS today and my patience is just minus a million. He isn’t even being naughty just getting on my nerves anyway. I hate being such a cow but I just can’t be bothered to ‘play’ all the time. Then I look at him and feel guilty for being short with him when he’s done nothing wrong and feel like bursting into tears!! I’m emotionally drained I think, but that’s not his fault. Xx
Mum guilt is the worst at time. I was pretty similar to my daughter this AM after seeing those results & her pissing about not getting ready for school. Then am like, you don't deserve to be a mum again feeling like this towards your DD. It's so hard sometimes. Xx

Can you send me the weblink for that converter pregnancy test please. Saves me posting them in here and asking you to do them ;)
Bb don’t feel bad your emotions are all over the place. Try going in another room to gather your emotions when you feel like that. I used to feel like that every month after getting negatives and snap at dd and then cry about it, now when I feel I’m about to snap I go in another room and get myself together as I can’t snap at her every month I get negative tears.

Bumble I so hope your ov is slightly out which is why your haven’t got a positive yet. Will you test tomorrow with an ic ? Do you have plenty of them ?

Jam how are you ? Remind me how many dpo you are ?

On a slightly good note for me I had a colposcopy today to check my cervix and she said it all looks good and that there are other tests / meds I can have and that my gp was wrong by saying there is nothing else they can do because I have a child already. She said she was going to write to my gp saying that they should refer me for further testing but she said up to now all is looking ok. Let’s hope my gp listens and refers me or better still I get that positive before we get that far x
Bumble, I think you have to have an account as I have to be logged in to do it. From the preg test gallery there is an icon that you press, I’ll image it as that’s easier, which takes you to an image upload screen. You don’t have to publish them, just select ‘post to my profile’ then ‘only I can see’ in the drop downs. Once it’s uploaded you can tweak it using the tools.

Thanks BB xx I've got an account so I'll give it a go.

MME thanks good news but yes i do hope you get your BFP before needing to go for further tests x I have one cheap poas test from b&m & one first response. I'll probably do the b&m one tomorrow AM & 1st response Sunday
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Im around 12 dpo. Bfn this morning on a crappy test. Feeling a little bit crampy but not strong cramps this afternoon. I really expect AF to arrive to be honest. Im due on sunday/monday (sunday is when my app is saying but monday as i felt O pains on the monday after my positive opk on the sunday) xx
Oh I’m sorry jam, I know the feeling too well. You just want af to hurry so you can move on to next cycle.

So praying you get a blazing positive in the morning bumble.

How’s your day been bb ?

I’m having quite a few pains on and off in my cervix today, way too early for anything at 3 dpo so putting it down to colposcopy earlier.
Thanks MME, me too but on the other hand trying so hard to convince myself it's over to avoid the utter disappointment when I see either bfn or AF arrives. It's hard not to be hopefully. Got the show tomorrow & also hols on Sunday so like BB said a few things to try to keep my mind occupied.
Felt AF was coming early as I had lots of AF type cramps but nothing as of yet or any spotting x
I’m ok, can’t believe it’s my due date tomorrow and I’m still pregnant. Weird. Although I’m still really really really worried about labour I’m also fed up of being pregnant now. I kind of want the labour over now so I can just stop dreading it all the time. It’s so weird, in the mornings and afternoons I feel I’d cope, but then it gets to evening and bedtime and I just almost panic about it. Maybe I get extra emotional because I’m tired I don’t know. I guess it won’t be much longer really. I look back at morning sickness and I can remember saying to myself ‘at least labour is just one day and you get meds’ rather than the 3 month living hell of sickness I had. Strange I don’t feel so confident now!! Lol.

Bumble, we’re all with you however things turn out.

Mme, I’ve had a few colposcopy’s over the years, with biopsy’s too, not fun at all. And yes they caused pain and aching after. Xx
We are all with you for sure bumble regardless of the outcome.

BB. How is it your due date tomorrow!! Hopefully not much longer for you. And you probs are more worried at night as you are tired and you have more time to stress about it.

Still bit crampy on and off like AF is here but nothing. Boobs still a bit tender and also have upset tummy this evening. Had a very stressful meeting today at work had to go in on my day off aswell :/ i just wished i knew now xxx
It honestly doesn't feel like that long ago you got your BFP BB. Locking yourself in your bathroom & being surprised when your DH already guessed you where pregnant :laugh2:

Thanks guys I know you are. Really not sure if to just wait a day & re test Sunday instead. Say that now but things will be different when am dying to re test 1st thing tomorrow x
Feel your pain Jam :brat: TTC can be so shitty at times. I do however count myself very lucky to have been blessed with a very beautiful, caring & kind little girlie :hugs:
Well I haven't a clue what's going on. Tested this am with a 20miu minimal line but still a line. Either very very slow hormone progression or a chemical on the cards.
So bloody confused & just not sleeping x

Happy official due date BB definitely didn't think baby would stay put this long x

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God, that’s a 20, how bloody frustrating, looks the same as the 10 from the past few days. What time are you leaving tomorrow? Hopefully you can do the frer before you go.

I remember testing so clearly, we’d just got back from legoland remember, even though baby would have been about 4 cells I was worried I’d gone on a child’s rollercoaster!!

Had a few strong cramps last night, and felt very hot as I got into bed. Baby was kicking like a mule and I wasn’t sure if it was mild contractions or Braxton Hicks from baby moving so much. They lasted about an hour then I must have fallen asleep. But rather than panicking I just kind of felt ‘right, let’s get this over with’ in my mind. I hate this dread of the pain hanging over me 24/7.

Jam and mme hope you are both feeling ok this morning. Xx
Bumble I would have took that as a positive if it was me, with it being a 20miu you can’t compare the progression. You have more willpower than me not using the frer !
Btw love the nail colour !

Bb can’t believe today is your due date, have you had a curry or tried is it pineapple yet ? Cramping last night is a good sign.
I’ve heard horror stories of people eating curry’s and then having a bad tummy in labour...grim!! Lol. I’ve eaten pineapple but think you have to eat the core or about 10 pineapples to have any effect. I’m just waiting it out now. It can’t stay in there forever right?! Xx
Happy Due Day!! Hope last night is a good thing and its starting bb!

I would still take it as a positive. With a less sensitive test and your still getting a line. I think you need to do the frer and then if your still not convinced then try other brands. Clear blue etc. It might just be slow progression. I hope that it is just that and this is your time bumble.

Afm. I just feel out. So im just waiting for Af tomorrow/Monday to come so can just get on with the next cycle. Xx
We fly at 7.55am taxi at 5am so my use my 1st response tomorrow x

MME not sure if it's willpower or fear lol

Ohh BB I've heard absolutely horrible grim stories post curry tea births hahaha
Wow, that’s early!! This time tomorrow you’ll be well on your way to a blissful week in the sun!!! Very jealous. Make sure you let us know what the test says before you fly!! Xx
No progression what so ever. Feeling utterly confused, I know it's only 3 days but I would have thought it would have got stronger. Arhhh well off to holiday we do go & see if I've come on in a week if not I'll re test. If not stronger I'll go to the docs xx
The show was amazing by the way

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Bumble, weird. They say the pregnancy hormone doubled every 48 hours so yes you’d be right to expect a stronger line. But it’s also not weaker. I’m puzzled but very hopeful. I really wanted you to be able to go away and relax with a little smile in your face. I really hope AF doesn’t show up and you enjoy your holiday. I still believe that counts as a BFP!!
Have fun, I wonder if I’ll have a baby when you get back? Lol xx

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