Never used opk, updated - let the journey begin :)

Yep bleeding, am ok but just extremely sad x can't really believe I've got to do it again
I’m devastated for you I really am. I can’t even begin to imagine how you are feeling. Xxx
OH bumble!! Im so sorry!! Im sad for you! Well take the time you need to get yourself okay again xxxxx
No bumble ive only just seen this, I’m so sorry. It’s so unfair! I feel so sad for you and angry that this has to happen to you !
Life can be so cruel xxx
Been to the docs this morning. Sending me to the early pregnancy unit next Wednesday for a scan. He was lovely didn't want to say I was definitely having a miscarriage but I know I am. Atleast this way they can check it's all out.
I feel I just want to try right away it sure I'll use opk though. Hubby even more determined now it will happen when it happens. Ohh he also said next time don't take a test till I am really late. Bless him xx

Just out of interest do/did your other halves now you where using opk.

How are you all.
Where you all at in your cycles.

BB is your DD a little more settled with her dummy x
Oh bumble. If you are having a miscarriage then hopefully it all comes away like you said. And if thats what feels right to you then go for it. My OH doesn’t know about the OPKs unless hes seen them. But I haven’t told him or shown him.

Im CD20/7or8dpo. I was convinced i was pregnant the other day but now im not so sure. Ive been having some slight crampy feelings last couple of days. And as im typying this im having like a pulsating sharp/stingy pain about 3/4 fingers down slightly to the left of my belly button which is odd. Anddddd now its stopped. Literally lasted 30 seconds. My skin has gone crazy! I have some hormonal spots going on along my jaw line. Bbs aint really hurting or anything. Just can’t make my mind up.

I go away in the morning camping. Have my secret stash of tests to take with me. 2 poundland ones and 2 frers lol. Im due on Thursday.

Sorry thats a really long message lol
Bumble if it is a miscarriage then here’s hoping it’s over fast so you can move on to next cycle. Nothing wrong with wanting to try straight away. My hubby knows I use opks as I tell him when I get a positive and he knows what’s coming haha. He actually said I shouldn’t waste my money on them as I get ov pains so I know anyway when I’m ovulating. Today is Cd12 for me so ov will be this weekend. We have another round of acupuncture tonight.
We are only using the dummy when she’s fed for like an hour and still wants to suck but not feed, if I try to remove my nipple she wakes up and I have to start all over again, so the dummy at that point just gives me a break from the relentless sucking, but I’m hoping in time she’ll just improve. We were worried as we hadn’t had any poo since early Monday but she went yesterday evening and then we had an epic poo-plosion today just as we arrived for the newborn photo shoot. Typical! But at least she’s pooing again. Currently got DS, DD and DH all asleep in the lounge!!

Bumble, is your bleeding heavy? I guess at least with the scan you’ll know for sure and can move forward. Yes my DH did know I was tracking my cycles in the months leading up to TTC, he wasn’t very supportive and exactly like your DH just felt it was clinical and to go with the flow and see what happened. He even thought I was testing too early with DD when I tested after I was 5 days late!

Jam, I think early pregnancy and period cycle pains and symptoms are almost identical so it’s impossible to know what you are feeling is either one. Hopefully AF won’t show while you’re camping and you can test. Xx
Yeah am bleeding quite heavy, clots cramping etc but mainly when I go to the loo. If there is a baby in there it will be a bloody miracle. I just hop it doesn't take long to fall pregnant again. I don't think ill use OPK and just go with the flow, it blood exhausting TTC.

It was my DD summer fait yesterday, SO many of the mums had bumps how held myself together & struck up conversations I don't know.

Ohh how cute a new born shoot, you are doing well. Don't think I got out the house properly to do anything until she was about 3-4 weeks old xx

MME good luck for this weekend chic.

Jam have a great holiday chic, my first symptom with my DD was mega spots on my chin and a few on my forehead. I don't really have spots not even when AF was due. Good luck chic. when will you be doing your first secret test lol x
Quick update. Did one this morning a poundland cheapy and BFN will do one again tomorrow. Will check back in and read your messages when i have better signal xxxx
good luck Jam, still very early x

I think I passed it last night ladies, my stomach was so bloated and sore yesterday all day. We had a little party in the park for all our village in the afternoon, as we have entered the RHS village in bloom completion. It was lovely but when I got home I could barley stand up straight it was that sore. Sat on the loo for 10 mins and something came out which didn't look too good. Am just hopeful its all over. Had a hot bath and hot water bottle last night which helped. This morning I still have pains but I am not as bloated and the bleeding seems to be easing off now. I hope on Wednesday they say its all out. I am going to ask about ttc straight way and if its ok to do so.
I am going to focus on decorating my DD bedroom this week in time for her birthday. I am not going to use anything this month or next like opk and wont be taking a pregnancy test etc I just cant deal with it again. Not knowing anything may help, I say that now LOL xx

hope your all well.

MME when are you next in to see the GP or consultant from the referral. Have you managed to get a few times in this month. I know you where coming up to O and said about dtd every other day. x
Well cd15 and no ov ! Either i missed it which is unlikely as I feel it or it’s later this cycle. Only time will tell. I have my gp appointment this Friday and they will refer me then so just waiting the referral from then.

I really hope they say on weds that you can try straight away, would there be any reason for them not to ? I’m so sorry you are going through this xxx
Bumble, that sounds horrid, I hope you’re right and it’s over now and your body starts to have cycles again. It’s so awful, I feel so emotional for you.

Jam, hope your holiday is going well and that you’re keeping your mind off TTC/TWW and having fun.

Mme, have you had longer cycles before?

I’m ok, well, no that’s not strictly true. It’s just what I say. I’m finding feeding REALLY hard. DD got weighed today and has lost weight. We were hoping she’d be back to birth weight and we could be signed off from the midwives but instead I was crying in front of her saying how DD is on me sucking my dry empty boobs for hours every day. Midwife advised adding in two formula feeds a day to get her weight up.
To be honest I was so relieved she suggested it. I’d been sat for days with tears streaming down my face as I tried to feed her with empty boobs. I just wanted to quit breast feeding at that point. DH got some formula and she had 4 ozs at lunchtime. I felt ‘liberated’ from being her sole provider. But then DH said ‘you need to pump while she feeds’ and I came crashing down to earth again. Obviously he wants me to keep BFing her. I do too in a way, all that goodness I know is best for her, but I’m already so sick of being trapped in the house by relentless feeding, having only 2 or 3 outfits that I can easily feed in, not be able to properly look after DS. So now I’m going to add pumping, washing bottles, sterilising and making up feeds to the list of things I need to get done while STILL trying to BF her. I keep reading it gets easier after 6/8 weeks, but to be honest that feels like it may as well be in 10 years it seems so unachievable. Why can’t I be one of those mums who just takes to it, loves it, and the child thrives? It’s just so bloody hard. She’s only 2 weeks old for goodness sake, I feel pathetic!
Ohh BB breast feeding is SO bloody hard I only did it for 3 weeks with pumping in-between as I want DH to feed too. I didn't have another child at that point either. I did nothing else and it drove me to insanity. One of my friends was like the breast feeding goddess and even she found it unbearable at time. I just went to ground & didn't talk to anyone about anything though my feelings nothing.
Keep at it girl if that's what you feel don't feel pressured by anyone not even hubby I know he wants whats best or was said is best. But looking after mum is massively important. Without a happy mum unhappy baby xx here for you chicken
Yes earlier on in the year it was day 16 but other than that it’s been day 13/14.

Bb I totally understand how your feeling. When I had dd nothing came at first from the c section and when it finally came it wasn’t enough, I tried pumping while she was having a formula feed and could barely pump a feed for her, I did this for 10 weeks and I was exhausted from it. Hubby took us away for the weekend and I just stopped and put her fully on the bottle, it was literally taking over everything and I couldn’t even produce one feed. From then on she just fed off me during the night and maybe once in the day while hubby made the formula (more for comfort really)The other times she just had formula. I look back now and I know that I tired my best but I just couldn’t do it any longer. Please don’t feel bad, it’s still early days and your emotions are running wild. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and enjoy your little one. You will know in your heart what is right for you both xx
Thanks for your support and kind words ladies. It does mean a lot. I just pumped and after 15 minutes on each boob I had less than 1oz total. Not sure if that’s good for 2 weeks in, or rubbish. I know that pumps don’t get out anywhere near what a baby can. So now I’m free to go to bed. DH is ready with the formula to feed her before he comes up to bed.
Hi ladies. Im just quickly checking in. Did a test this morning and its BFP! Buttttt. As i was doing it o accidentally got a bit of pee on the window! So i dont want to accept that its true!! Ill attach a pic but because my signal is naff im not sure if you will see this or the pic. Sorry for the short and sweet. I will catch up when i can xxxx

BB. Dont be so hard on yourself about breast feeding. I know I haven’t got past experience but i think there are plenty of people that don’t Breast feed at all and there child is completely healthy too. I know they say breast is best but if its not working anymore love then just give it up. Like the other two have said you have got to look after you too!

Bumble - i really hope that you can start again right away if thats what you want to do. And hopefully it has all came away now. Big hugs xxxx

Mme. Have you been doing the deed every other day? Have you got your positive opk yet? Xxxx
Massive congratulations Jam definitely a BFP. H&H 9 months am so happy for you xx

I called the midwifes this am to cancel my appointment I had Thursday but they have asked me to ring back again tomorrow after my scan. In their words you never know. No you don't but am pretty sure for what I saw there is no baby in there now. Anyway onwards and upwards I hope xx

Hopefully MME it's just a late O I hope everything goes ok at the docs on Friday Hun xx
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So do you think is a true BFP? Even though i peed a little on the window? Ive got another one so will do that one tomorrow morning.

Well no you never know but i think thats a bit unfair of them to be like that with you in all fairness. Xxx

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