BB I think your right, you can’t let it take over. I think there is ALOT of pressure put on women to BF but sometimes it just doesn't work. I really don't think your friend will feel that way at all huni but only you know what’s best. Your hormones are all over the place too which wont help with if you’re feeling a little emotional or anxious. They say baby can pick up on that too, not sure how true it is or if it would affect anything. But I know when I started to hear my dd start to stir I felt my heart rate increase immediately and then she’d go from 0 to 1000 screaming her head off and I just couldn’t get her to latch once she was like that.. I have enough milk supply to feed 10 babies LOL my boobies where massive. Funny now but they looked fake at times. I remember waking up and id fallen asleep on my front they where flat but really round circles and I have leaked all the way through my pads, bra, PJ top and to the mattress. I just cried, it was so painful, that along with DD not latching was it then I’d given up.
So, ladies I’ve got this scan tomorrow as you know, I am SO bloody scared to do a pregnancy test but really want to as I want to have an idea if my levels are still up and what questions to ask. The thought of taking a test to hope for a bfn is heart breaking.
JAM I know its hard hun but it is a really good strong BFP result before AF is due. I am really happy for you chic x what an amazing thing to tell your other half as an end of your holidays