you are over the half way mark Jam... and till will fly from here...
as for Breast feeding, honestly I think some people shame women who doesn't or cant, but every woman's body is different and I have to say it's not easy especially at first... you are already dealing with post partum and your body is in such pain, and breast feeding adds more pressure. If you truly want to give it a go, then don't give up in the first couple of weeks, because the beginning is the toughest and then things get a lot easier.... but if for what ever reason you can't, then don't beat yourself up for it... I would also recommend getting a good pump so you can give the feeding duty to the dad once in a while so you can get some zzz.... but other than that, not much to prep for..... it's really hard to say how your baby would take to the breast too... some babies are born pros... and some not... so go with the flow....