Never used opk, updated - let the journey begin :)

Happy New Year everyone!! Hope the New Year is filled with nothing but good health, happiness and sleepful nights!!!
Happy new year! So DD is now 6 months old!!!! How???????? She’s started weaning now and I think she’s probably a perfect candidate for baby led weaning but I just can’t, I try, but get so scared she’ll choke. So she’s on mainly purée and a few bits of finger food when I’m feeling brave. I’ve just discovered kiddicious wafers, they are great, she happily sits in her highchair munching/sucking her way through them while we have dinner.
Happy new year! So DD is now 6 months old!!!! How???????? She’s started weaning now and I think she’s probably a perfect candidate for baby led weaning but I just can’t, I try, but get so scared she’ll choke. So she’s on mainly purée and a few bits of finger food when I’m feeling brave. I’ve just discovered kiddicious wafers, they are great, she happily sits in her highchair munching/sucking her way through them while we have dinner.

Oh wow, how did that happen! Seems like she was only just born
Happy new year! So DD is now 6 months old!!!! How???????? She’s started weaning now and I think she’s probably a perfect candidate for baby led weaning but I just can’t, I try, but get so scared she’ll choke. So she’s on mainly purée and a few bits of finger food when I’m feeling brave. I’ve just discovered kiddicious wafers, they are great, she happily sits in her highchair munching/sucking her way through them while we have dinner.

oh wow, that baby phase sure does go too quickly... is she starting to get mobile??

yes, I did hear about baby led weaning... looks very interesting... I’ll for sure try it with this baby because I did the purée for both DS and they both turned out to be picky eaters...

Especially if your DD is showing interest you should try it.... but I can understand your concern too though...
She’s been up on all fours for about a month rocking back and forth but only today and yesterday has that back knee moved forward so she’ll be crawling within the week I think (but I’ve thought that since mid December!!). She can roll and commando crawl like a demon though so gets where she wants to go anyway. The backwards crawling did lead to her disappearing under the Christmas tree a few times! Ha ha.
I’m kind of doing a mixture as I can’t quite get on board with giving her chicken or steak just yet!! Lol. My son is also not a good eater, and kids I know who have done BLWing are good eaters, but I don’t think it’s a given. What will be will be!
hi ladies,

HOw's everyone doing??

I just got back from a work trip... glad to be home.... bump seems to be growing... I still haven't told work yet... execpt one coworker who I am close to... so hiding the bump has been a challenge....

I have my first midwife appointment on Wednesday... looking forward to it...
Hi, we’re ok thanks! DD has had a rough few days with a cold/sore throat, calpol has been our saviour!! She seems to be on the mend today. But the week of very disturbed sleep has taken its toll on me so I’ve been very grumpy and feeling a bit under the weather. DH got up at 6am with DS today so I slept until 7.10 and that really helped.
When do you think you’ll tell work Wanna? Why have you not told them yet? I told my manager at about 6/7 weeks!! I was so bad with MS and they put in some brilliant adjustments for me which helped so much. Xx
aww hope you are all feeling better BB... it's not fun when kids get sick... and it's the season too....

oh the reason I don't want to tell my work yet is because I've put in a request for a raise... and if I tell them I am leaving on Mat leave in a few months, I have no leverage... and my career is important to me where I don't want to fall behind just because I took a year off for Mat leave. not sure if that makes sense... I am probably not even going to get the raise, but I don't want to risk the chances... so going to hold off until mid next month if possible..

going to leave to my midwife appointment... I've been having some pain on my lower left abdominal area... not sure if it's the normal growing pains or anything else... will mention it and see...
Wanna could be round ligament pain but best to get it checked, and yes totally makes sense, tell them when you’re ready.
So this week I came down with a sickness bug, then DH got it, so now we’re just waiting to see if the kids get it too. We also had DH’s other kids here the night he became ill so they are back later for the weekend so there’s also the chance of or both might have also caught it! We live in hope they don’t get sick and it wasn’t pleasant!
In other news, I officially hate weaning!! DD is clearly independent and just wants to self feed, not a bad thing but I’m so fearful of her choking and really struggle to be inventive with things I can offer her. Why can’t she just eat off a spoon???? My life would be so much easier.
Oh, and she’s now crawling...and trying to pull herself 6 and a half months old!!!!!
Wanna could be round ligament pain but best to get it checked, and yes totally makes sense, tell them when you’re ready.
So this week I came down with a sickness bug, then DH got it, so now we’re just waiting to see if the kids get it too. We also had DH’s other kids here the night he became ill so they are back later for the weekend so there’s also the chance of or both might have also caught it! We live in hope they don’t get sick and it wasn’t pleasant!
In other news, I officially hate weaning!! DD is clearly independent and just wants to self feed, not a bad thing but I’m so fearful of her choking and really struggle to be inventive with things I can offer her. Why can’t she just eat off a spoon???? My life would be so much easier.
Oh, and she’s now crawling...and trying to pull herself 6 and a half months old!!!!!

Hope the kids don't get sick and you are all feeling better now..

wow, DD is already crawling at 6 months?? that's fast... your life is about to get more busier... are you still breast feeding? As much as it might be tough to let her self feed, I am sure it'll be easier in the long run... try to do more research on proper food to start off with that's safe and you can gradually build up... When did you introduce solids to her??

As for me, yes it must have been ligament pain... because it comes and goes.. and that's what the midwife said too...
speaking of midwife, so I had my first appointment... and I am torn weather to stick with the midwife or go back to the OB... the only thing I didn't like about the midwife is that there's no hospital stay... they basically send you home in a few hours after birth to which I am not sure if I would be ready to go home especially with the other 2 being home...
I still haven't decided if I am going for a water birth because that's the only thing that should keep me at the midwife... if I decide against the water birth then I can switch to an OB... I should make up my mind soon...

BB, you mentioned you had a water birth with DD... that means no epidural right?? did you have a normal birth with DS? how do they compare??? which would you recommend??
Hi, I had a normal birth with both. DS has reduced movement (how are you supposed to feel movement with contractions?!) so they strapped me to monitors on the bed. So I had him laid on the bed with just gas and air. I needed a cut and had to push him out quickly as they were starting to get out tools etc. I guess his heart rate was up and down or something as they all stared to panic a bit. It’s all a bit of a blur to be honest.
DD was a water birth, much calmer, just gas and air, a few pushes and she was born, it was much much better but I put that down to partly my mind frame. With DS I was scared of the pain and fighting it, I was scared. With DD I worked with my body and want scared. I worked with the pain and she’s was out really quickly with just a small tear that didn’t need stitches. It’s up to you, can the older two not be cared for by a grandparent for a couple of nights so you all get to go home but have a bit of peace and quiet?
wow, you are brave to have them both with out epidural... how does gas and air work?? Is that something you breath?? how does that make you feel? does that ease the pain?

I'm still thinking about my options... I put a posting about this in the birth section and someone mentioned that I should find an OB who does water births.. that would be my ideal situation but not sure if that exists in Canada.... Should do some more research...

As for the other 2 kids, they would be on summer break plus, my mom would be over helping out with the newborn..... and they would want to be home to see the baby... so not an option....

As for baby updates, I should start feeling the baby any day now.. at times I feel like I feel something but can't be sure... time seems to be going by so slowly... wish I can fast forward to June already...

just looking forward to the next scan in 4 weeks...
It’s officially called Entinox I think (gas and air) and it really does help with the pain. Well, you still feel it but it’s like it makes you drunk so you just don’t care!! You breathe it in using a mouthpiece when you feel the contraction coming and then you use it throughout the contraction and once it’s over you can stop and almost immediately the drunk feeling goes. It doesn’t pass onto the baby and there is no side effects or risks as far as I know. Both mine where fast labours so doubt there would have been time for epidural etc and it doesn’t appeal to me to overly medicate labour (unless needed etc) but every mum has a right to choose what suits her best. I have a good family history of women having quick, trouble free labours in my family so I had confidence in the fact mine would likely follow suit and be quick and straightforward.
I’ve just found out that my sister-in-law (the one who had been trying in the autumn, I mentioned her previously) is expecting. There are a few concerns so she’s having some extra scans over the next few weeks but I’m confident that all will be ok and Baby will arrive just after DD’s birthday in the summer.

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