Babymabey, sorry that your TTC journey has been a struggle. Good luck with the tests and I hope that you don't have to wait another year to start TTC again.

Have you considered abstaining until your positive OPK? Frequent

lowers sperm count so especially if he has problems with his count already then if you have him abstain for at least a week before your positive OPK then you can either BD then or wait until O day itself to BD. I've also heard really good things about the SMEP method for getting pregnant quickly.
Tracy you never know! Sore boobs were an AF symptom for me before I got pregnant with DS and I was definitely still had them when I was pregnant. Everything we literally exactly the same as it was for normal AF cycles. The only thing that tipped me off to test was that I had all of the AF symptoms yet was 5 days late. I was never late, when I had the sore boobs I always knew that AF was coming. Don't count yourself out yet!
Bombshellmom, could you take a picture of your OPK for us? Also what brand are you using? Ideally your control line should always be dark but since LH is always present in your system your test line could possibly always look faint until you get your surge. Some women get a blank test line but usually there is at least a faint line throughout your cycle. As you get closer to your surge (you generally O 12 to 24 hours after your surge) the test line will start to look darker. When your test is positive (when you've hit your surge) the test line will look either equally as dark or darker than the control line. Be leery of some test brands though. Some will never look positive or always look positive. Wondfos are the most reliable cheapie brand from what I've gathered. I bought AccuMed tests from Amazon because they are cheaper than Wondfos and had better customer reviews and so far they seem like a good brand. My test line today was considerably darker than it has been since I started testing. It wasn't positive of course, but it certainly appears to be getting there. I wouldn't be surprised if I get my positive OPK tomorrow or Saturday, right on time.