so glad your scan went well Margie. wow imagine if LO is born on new years eve/day. are you still on team yellow then? you have more will power than me!
as for prams, i've got the silvercross 3d pram system. it has a carrycot type insert which lays LO completly flat and this was an important factor for me. its not good for LO development if they are squashed up. it does come with a car seat which fits onto the pram but i never used it like that, i just transfered dd from the car seat to the pram so she wasn't squashed up for too long.
when LO is ready you just remove the carrycot insert and use it as a pushchair. its got 4 reclining positions. (i sound like i'm selling my pram lol i'm just very happy with the one we picked

when i took dd to her 6 week check up the doc commented on the pram saying it was a good chioce for baby's back.
mine is 2 years old now and has been well used but its still in very good condition. i'm just going to give it a good clean and it will be a good as new for pud. oh and the added bonus is that i've checked if its compatable for a pram board and it is

just in case dd gets tired when walking.
i don't know if the pram or the fact that i lay dd flat all the time in the early weeks has anything to do with it but dd had a nice strong back as a baby. she could sit unsupported at 5 months old and could easily stand holding onto something from about 6 months old.
well i've finished with my hard sell now

hope you girls have a lovely weekend.
p.s i cant stop eating Galaxy Minstrels, yet another thing that points to me having a girl (apparently)