November Sparklers 2012

Thanks :)

Everything I've been told is just to let them sleep when and however long since its good for their growth but some kids need less/more than others.
But does he just spontaneously fall asleep? F won't go to sleep unless I PUT him to sleep, as in dark lighting/quiet/rocking or nursing...
Oh yeah he just falls asleep lol. I guess he's use to noise with a toddler brother around! He usually falls asleep for nap while eating or right after. Bedtime usually you lay him in his bed and hold his hand he'll go right to sleep. He'll open his eyes and peek ever so often to make sure you haven't gotten out of bed :). If he's fussy at bedtime we can just feed him and he's out! He's a sucker for a full belly :)
lo s the same, but she wakes if you move her . 3 weeks ago she was 66cm ad 7,4 kg .The other day we saw someone with theit 1 yo son and asked us if we need more 62 size clothes for lo. was afraid to say that shes in 68 clothes. Their boy is tiny only 72 cm at 1 year old
That is tiny! Anthony is 26inches/66cm. Dominic is VERY skinny 19 months and only 25 pounds but very tall. He's taller than most three year olds I know. A friend gave us some disposable diapers for Anthony I put one on him the other day and it fit great, I put same ones on Dominic and it fit! My 4 month old and 19 month old wear same size diaper!
Katiya is generally awake an hour, asleep am hour throughout the day . Her last nap ends at 6 and she's back in bed for the night by 6.45 xx
Gaia- funny or sad? Lol I'm sure Anthony will even out older they get slower the weight goes on.

Sharon- awesome sleeper!
Maybe you ladies could teach me something :) someone I know had her daughter at 26 weeks.. Now she's 4 months old but always saying "adjusted age" soo will the little girl go by her birth date birthday or due date birthday? I'm so confused lol. How long do you say adjusted age? Will she not start school at same time or be behind? We aren't very close so I didn't want to seem rude asking about it.
Daddies: my lil guy is a premie and when u say "adjusted age" its more so just because sometimes our premies will do things later than "term babies" so from a medical perspective they consider the "adjusted age" and will begin to worry if they baby is also behind for the adjusted age. If they're only behind for their "actual age" (ie day they were born on) then its not too much of a worry....I hope that made sense?
Otherwise they should be celebrating their actual birth day, going to school according to their actual age etc etc.
(I have heard of some premie parents being weird tho and playing up the "adjusted age" to make it seem their babies r so far ahead because they're doing things earlier than others etc by saying "he's only 4months but doing xyz" when really the baby is 5months+ kinda thing)
Since she was born at 26weeks I'd venture to guess she may be a bit behind other babies her "actual" age. So the mom will probably continue to say "adjusted age" until she catches up.
It's sometimes hard for us with premie babies to just say oh he's 5months but yet appears so behind and then ppl give us weird looks so it helps to explain the "adjusted age" to make us and other feel better if u know what I mean?

...hopefully that made sense haha sorry for the ramble
Thanks! Makes sense now haha. I had never really heard that before so I was confused, as usual. I can't tell the baby is a premie she's kinda small but most girls are compared to my big boys! Thanks for helping.

Feeding Anthony now 220 am feed zzzzzz woke up to him completely sideways in his bed.
At the ped i alsp saw a prem girl. only a week younger than lo but born at 35 weeks. so she was 10 cm/4 '' smaller than lo.
Hi girls! We've been out of town, so I've been slacking with updates. :)

Gaia - my guy was up an hour, down an hour until right after turning 4 months. His naps are still random, but I've determined that he needs to be up by 4 or 4:30 to go to bed at 7 or 7:30. During the day, I watch for his sleepy cues and put him down when he starts acting tired. He won't usually just go to sleep unless I put him down, although on rare occasion I'll find him falling asleep on a blanket on the floor or in his car seat. His doctor told me at 4 months babies usually have 3 naps, but he's definitely gearing more toward 2. Sometimes they're long (if I stick him in bed with me for a nap, it can go 3-4 hours!!), but usually on his own they're only 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. If he has short naps, he'll usually nap 3 times. BTW, my oldest didn't nap at all until I trained him (kicking and screaming) at 6 months. So not all babies need naps as long as they're getting the sleep *they* need.
I miss everyone's updates, gives me something to read during feedings :haha:

I don't have much to report. I'm pretty sure Anthony has a tooth just about to break the skin though its uncommon for the first tooth to pop through to not be one of the bottom middle teeth. It's the tooth right next to that so maybe we're wrong! He's been acting like hes teething lately with lots of drool, chewing hard on stuff, random crying bouts. Bought a teething necklace tonight so hopefully ill be getting that this week! We lost his bracelet somewhere :nope:

Sleep is about the same still waking 1-2 times a night and taking very small naps during the day.

He's had his first taste of food besides oatmeal, sweet potatoes! And he LOVED them!! Didn't let a drop go to waste.
Thanks for the nap input! I've been really trying to stress way less about naps and it's pretty liberating! I still try and get him sleeping 2 hours after he last woke, but if it's 2.5 or more I don't feel like a bad parent. He's so chill that until he's OVERtired he doesn't get fussy, so it's easy to let it slip. But we were visiting family this weekend and soooo busy and it was fine, he had short naps in the car and at my moms and the world didnt end ;)

In fact...he had a five hour stretch last night AND the night before. I'm not getting my hopes up that it's permanent (I learned that lesson) but it's very encouraging!

He's actually taking a longer nap right now too so feeling pretty happy with sleep at the moment!

He's rolling more, trying to get up on his hands and knees, laughing and interacting with other people more, and he's just WAY more fun! Loving this age :) Really excited for solids at 26 weeks, although not so much for the poop! Lol.
Hey ladies! How has everyone and the Los been?
Things have been kinda nuts here. Lo ended up in the hospital a couple weeks ago with a cold, turned into the RSV virus and his premie lungs just couldn't handle it. Then after we got home and he was almost better family stayed with us and brought a horrible flu that once again went straight to his lungs. Luckily we've been able to handle it at home with a nebulizer but it's still hanging on :(
On top of it all his bottom two teeth r soooo close to breaking threw. He's handling it great tho, just drooling like crazy and chewing on everything! I don't know if the amber teething anklet I have on him is working but he isn't fussing so I'm not messing with it!
Everyone in our house got sick it was horrible! I'm glad that most of it is over, now just to get my lil man healthy!
Oh no lilbean! So sorry to hear :nope: I hope he gets 100% better and stays that way! Changing of seasons really is the worse for illness seems so much is spread around!

I 100% think amber works for teething. But check back with me when Anthony really starts :haha: for Dominic I feel it has. Even if it is not what helped him they are super cute :winkwink: He use to scream and cry and not sleep during teething. Orajel would only work for a little bit, then we got his necklace and the natural no medicine teething tablets and didn't have to use orajel again! He's worn his necklace everyday besides baths for over a year. Right now his last four teeth to come in are barely poking through and you would never know it! Never cries or chews on things. Hope it works for Anthony!

Anthony make get solids once a day, if I remember! Usually oatmeal. He's had sweet potatoes once and carrots twice. I don't mind solid poos his poo doesn't smell as awful and its no longer a ton of creamy splattered all over diaper poo! I can now just roll it off into the toilet :haha: well when he does get the food, if not its back to messy poo.

If you ladies have the chance to pick up the baby signing time videos do it! It says you can start using them around 3 months though I find that far fetched but its never to early! Dominic increases his vocabulary everyday but still has a hard time telling us what he wants so he will get frustrated and whine. We started the baby signing time videos and he has picked up sign language so quick! Helps so much!! A friend of mine said her daughter picked up signs around 7 months and almost eliminated all crying bouts.
We start a baby signs class in a week!

Lilbean that sounds awful! I hope you are done with I'llness for the year!
Ah lillbean hope ur LO gets better soon, it must be tough having a premie as they are so susceptible to infections, big hugs.

Daddies and Gaia we start baby signing too in 3 weeks. We went to a taster 2 weeks ago and S loved it! So we're off, they recommend 6 months here which as S will be almost at the end of this month, 3 months does seem a bit young, but I'm sure younger babies would enjoy it even though they can't sign at that age. Good to hear that it helps Dominic now. That's one of the reasons I am doing it, while S is a generally happy baby she clearly gets impatient and frustrated when you don't understand what she wants and I'm sure that will get worse as she gets older, so I hope baby sign will help, it's also meant to help their verbal development too. Really can't wait to start.

Gaia how's the sleeping going? S's is all over the place to be honest, no 2 nights are the same at the mo! And the napping problem is getting worse! Oh well i do what I can, today she went to bed early as she probably only napped for 30 mins all day, so she was asleep for the night an hour earlier. Daddies, how's Dominic in his room at night? Or is it still half in his room half in yours? I can't see me not co sleeping with S, I like it too much and it's working well for all of us so at the moment I see no reason to change it.
Ah lillbean hope ur LO gets better soon, it must be tough having a premie as they are so susceptible to infections, big hugs.

Daddies and Gaia we start baby signing too in 3 weeks. We went to a taster 2 weeks ago and S loved it! So we're off, they recommend 6 months here which as S will be almost at the end of this month, 3 months does seem a bit young, but I'm sure younger babies would enjoy it even though they can't sign at that age. Good to hear that it helps Dominic now. That's one of the reasons I am doing it, while S is a generally happy baby she clearly gets impatient and frustrated when you don't understand what she wants and I'm sure that will get worse as she gets older, so I hope baby sign will help, it's also meant to help their verbal development too. Really can't wait to start.

Gaia how's the sleeping going? S's is all over the place to be honest, no 2 nights are the same at the mo! And the napping problem is getting worse! Oh well i do what I can, today she went to bed early as she probably only napped for 30 mins all day, so she was asleep for the night an hour earlier. Daddies, how's Dominic in his room at night? Or is it still half in his room half in yours? I can't see me not co sleeping with S, I like it too much and it's working well for all of us so at the moment I see no reason to change it.

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