November Sparklers 2012

Daddies I hope the poop resolves! F poops a LOT like 4-5 times a day some days. It's still pretty mucousy and always has been but I'm just over it. He's otherwise really healthy and it doesn't bother him so I'm not obsessing!

I hope Anthony isn't uncomfortable!

We are still in the sleep regression! It is nooooo fun, he usually sleeps a 4-5 hour stretch but then it's 1-2 hours after that. Last night was 4 wake ups from 2-7 but luckily they are 5-15mins so it's not THAT awful. But it wears you down for sure!
Thanks, he actually seems more comfortable pooping now then he did when it was runny! But now it's maybe 2-3 times a day. Someone gave me a big pack of disposable diapers that I've been staring at thinking about using them. They won't last long but would help me not have to clean so much poo haha. My husband saw them and said "what is this?! You cheating on cloth" LOL. I still haven't technically bought any in 15 months so we're good.

Sorry sleep is no better :( I hope it straightens itself out soon. Nothing worse than getting use to sleeping to have to go back to not.
Hi Ladies

Sorry about the sleep regression Gaia. Hope it resolves soon. I thought about wonder week 19 too when S was sleeping badly again. However her sleep isn't really the problem now. We have moved into her room. So OH and charlie cat are in our room and me and S in bed in her room. She made the transition really well but i didn't!! She still goes down like clockwork at 7pm and was sleeping until between 12.30 and 2-.30am for a feed. Then after that was the problem she would wake every 5 min as her pacifier had fallen out! even though we co sleep it means about 2 hours of this and that's with me not really sleeping until after that 1st night feed, so about 2-3 hours sleep in all! I'm pretty frugile with the paci, as in only when all else fails or you can't cuddle, so in car etc. but OH is very genourous with it!! we have had words tonight and she has gone to sleep without it!! I am also waiting for black out blinds for her room, her room is a lot lighter and the nights are getting longer here and then the clocks go back in 2 weeks!! yikes they better hurray up!! S needs the darkness to sleep, so do i!

Daddies what nappy do you use at night?? i use a sposie as well Gaia, as much as i would love to use a cloth nappy but haven't had much luck with them overnight.

Good to hear your nights have got better Cridge.

Lilbean, glad your boy is home, hope he is still doing well.

I can hear S now and when i checked on her i remembered the problem we had when she slept without the dummy...she bables and whines in her sleep!!!! it looks like either way i won't get much sleep tonight!
Yah it's between 1-5 that he's super restless too. He won't take a pacifier anymore so I AM the pacifier. Good times.
I'm a cheapie diaper gal ;) so we pretty much always use Sunbaby diapers from
Not sure if they ship everywhere but since they are in China I think so! So both boys wear those all day then Anthony wears one at night with a microfiber insert and a 5 layer charcoal bamboo insert. No leaks and I don't change him all night. Dominic use to be a major heavy wetter at night so he wears the Kawaii goodnight heavy wetter with a 5 layer charcoal bamboo insert and a kissaluvs super soaker. If your diapers leak at night wool or fleece covers are AMAZING!! They'll stay dry even with the inserts soaking! Most use them as covers over fitteds or pre folds but I use them over pockets no problem!
My lo is in cloth day and night. We use a Charlie banana at night with 2micofibre inserts. I use the next size up of what he would normally wear. Never had any leaks and he goes 12hrs. He wakes up with the inserts soaked!

Thanks everyone for your thoughts on lo! He's doing really well!

He's weirding me out tho haha he's a tummy sleeper since forever and tonight he's sleeping on his back! Going on 2.5 hrs now! Well see how long it lasts lol.
For some reason it kinda worries me, just cause its not his norm I guess.
I've never used a Charlie banana but they sell them at Target here which I think is really cool! I think I'm done buying diapers.. For now hehe. Our collection is pretty good and Dominic is going less and using the potty more.

Dominic spoech evaluation went like I thought.. She said he is not developmentally delayed at all, saying enough words and sounding just fine for his age. That hes just independent doing his own thing! Thanks doctor! Made me feel worried over nothing.
i have got little lamb bamboo nappies and they work a treat :)
I have a huge selection and I know some of what I have would probably work at night, I think when wake ups settle down ill try it! Right now the LAST thing I need is to have to actually get out of bed and change him!

4 wake ups last night, all under 10min so I guess that's not awful...but I miss our 2 wake up nights!!!!!!
I have tried LL nappies with boosters and yes they are great and i had no leaks in the bed at all but the liners, inserts and whole nappy get totally soaked, so even though it's well contained with the cover S is sleeping in a soaking nappy towards the end of the night. I really don't like to change her at night as it really wakes her up when she normally settles back down so easily, so i've got some super dooper absorbant sposies that keep both the bed and her dry!

Last night she slept from 7pm through to 6am! there were a couple of wake ups in the 1st couple of hours but sje just needed a little cuddle then was off again. I think the reason for this is the pacifier which we ended up giving her in the end as we had a busy day today so i wanted her to have a good sleep. I think i'll try day time 1st. has anyone any experience of weaning a baby off pacifiers??
#1 wouldn't take a paci so I'm not sure how to wean a baby off. I've seen friends do it but it was always an older baby around 1. I think we'll wean Anthony off it once we put him in his own room. Whenever that will be! He hardly ever takes it during day only in middle of night. So for now we don't mind it.

Took Anthony swimming for first time today! He did great! They have "splash time" where it's only children so they have warmer pools. He really didn't act any different then if it was a bath. He slept good after too!
I want to do the pool soon! I've heard mixed things about the chemicals and their skin before 6 months. Was it a chlorine pool? Or salt? Also do you worry about ear infections or is that silly? I have no idea!

Actually on that note...we started bathing F in the tub on his back with just a few inches of water. Is it ok for his ears to get wet?!?
S has started water babies here, we went today for the 3rd time. 1st time she loved it, 2nd time didn't so much but today was better. It's fine to get their ears wet, though when they are teething or have a cold it may be painful, but they'll let you know pretty quick so just lift them up. At her classes they go underwater, most babies are really fine with it. However S isn't too sure but she is teething quite badly at the mo as one of her incisors is about to cut through.
No idea.. Thinking chlorine? No skin issues here! #1 was about same age when he went but we took him weekly and had no skin issues. I was always told to never submerge their ears as water getting in can cause ear infections so we didn't put his head in the water and during bath time he's still in his baby whale tub. Dominic has only had one ear infection when Anthony was born I think from going to park with no hat on idk?
Hmmm ok! We will try the pool soon probably! And for the bath I'll just keep the water level below his ears :)

Do you ladies just use a cloth diaper cover? A pocket with no insert? In the pool I mean...

Is a swim diaper really necessary?
Also maybe silly but what's the gettin ready routine? Family change room with DH or taking turns?
Well I learned that disposable swim diapers only keep in poo no pee (am I silly for thinking it kept in pee? Lol) so we just use covers with nothing else. I've never had a kid poo in water so not sure what would happen hehe.

Well today was very eventful us getting ready to get in pool since we went in family changing locker room my husband and me couldn't very well get naked right there and of course there was only changing tables NOT in a room so I got Anthony ready on changing table then went in room and put my bathing suit on while he layed bench. Hubs got him and Domi ready. If we wouldn't have been in a rush there I would just have everybody in swim suits at home so we could get right in water then after I take baby then hand him to dad while I put on clothes.

Oh it was eventful because I forgot towels!! Putting clothes on wet bodies is no fun then Anthony had a mighty I'm cold melt down. Soo it was exhausting upon leaving lol
We've only taken lo swimming once. But I'm allergic to chlorine so I'm playing it safe in case he is too. I slathered him in coconut oil to act as a bit of a barrier tho when we went and washed him off right after. No rashes so that's good think I'll stick with it just in case he has skin reactions too.

I use a pocket diaper.

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