November Sparklers 2012

It actually wasn't that much work. I just boiled all the veggies, baked the potatoes/yams...then stuck in my magic bullet express (food processor) and all done! Took an hour to do it all.
An hour........ :haha: I'm seriously lazy these days. I had dh and W1 help me make up a whole bunch of freezer meals a few weeks ago because I can't even be bothered to make a fresh dinner lately. It's been fabulous as I just grab something out of the freezer every day and poof - dinner's done. So yes, in theory, it's not a big deal, but I just can't be motivated to do it. :haha:
Haha i hear ya. My husband did that the other night for lunches/dinners because I can't be bothered to make something special, but the kids have to eat lol
I only get random spurts of "let's get it done!"
We are doing baby led weaning here so no purées! I might fork mash a few things if our dinner isn't baby friendly but otherwise I can't be bothered!
I think they have the baby bullet at Walmart for $59? At least that the picture my mother sent me lol. I just use a blender. With Dominic's baby food I used a cake mixer so really either works lol. Anthony's had easy stuff so far bananas, avocado ect that you mash up quickly.

I thought baby led weaning was when they aren't interested in breast feeding anymore?

Anthony woke once last night but it was 4:30 so I guess that's close to sleeping over night three nights in a row! He put himself to sleep today in his jumperoo! He was jumping back and forth quickly, then slower and slower, finally laying his head down, eyes closed still lightly jumping back and forth :haha: guess it was his personal rocker! he didnt cry out ever so i guess he was happy to do it himself. Too cute.

Tomorrow is my foot surgery boo hoo. 545am we have to be there, waking the kids for that won't be so fun. :nope:
Daddies-aw good luck with the surgery!

I thought about baby led weaning but lil man isn't quite ready for that but at the same time I feel he needs some real foods because he's been spitting up a lot lately. So the purée works for us but maybe well move to blw one day :)
Yup, it's basically allowing them to transition to finger foods at their own naturally determined pace. Most don't ingest too much for the first few months, but then BM or formula should be the majority of their calories until 12 months anyways.

I have nothing against purées! I just don't see the need and I'm not into all the work ;) He will eat dinner with us and get some roasted veg/strips of meat etc at first. It's really important to us that he learns early that we all eat the same foods together!

Plus I can actually eat while he is!

Might spoon feed some occasional oatmeal or yogurt or something!
Oh ok! I thought you meant.. I forget what people call it.. But when you skip any kind of baby food and just go to real solids that you'd eat yourself. Which I think is smart we only use purée for a couple months anyways then they can chew better and feed themselves. We put baby cookies the kind that dissolve with any wetness on Dominic's jumper and one day he just picked it up and started chewing on it so it was over from there on! He was able to feed himself now you can give him a bowl of real cereal and milk and he can feed himself no problem. I don't think I've fed him in over 6 months lol.

Thanks lilbean! Hopefully OH can keep up with meals, kids and cleaning. I even showed him how to wash diapers last night! I'm sure he'll appreciate me more after this :haha:.
Good luck tomorrow daddies!

Yey for swimming even though pricey Cridge, it's not cheap over here, but I feel important too, so hopefully worth the money!

We're the same here Gaia with BLW, pretty much will be offered bits of what we eat when we're eating, I'm excited about starting and I think S is on track to be ready at around 6 months, just waiting for her to sit better with less support then we will have our first breakfast together, hopefully some time in May :)
Good luck daddies!! I hope it all goes really well!

I'm doing a combination of baby led weaning and purees. We'll sit him up to the table with us while we're eating and if we're having something that he can handle, I'll put some on his tray. He's hasn't cared about any of it yet, so I haven't been too consistent. I'm not consistent with purees either. He'll get a little something about once a week. Today I tried some bananas and he didn't go for that at all!! He gave me the funniest face with the first spoonful and then would spit out all other spoonfuls. Finally, he gagged and I called it a day. :haha: No bananas for him, I guess.
flax seed sounds good. well now it is only one more month to go for her dermatologist appointment. shes on her 3rd set of jabs today later this afternoon. Sleep , i don't know i have given up on a proper routine atm and just put her to bed when she is tired. Good luck on your surgery, hope all goes well :)
Thanks ladies. I survived :( in horrible pain. Pain meds weren't working at all so my husband had to go pick up a different kind from doctor. I hope he hurries home! He had to take Anthony to his 4 month check up for his shots too so I hope Anthony did well and isn't cranky rest of day. I feel bad not being there during his shots :(. Hubs is getting 3 weeks off work to help me. Doctor recommended at least that long. It's nearly impossible to even walk and I barely slept last night I hurt so bad.
Daddies - I hope you recover quickly! Sorry the pain meds aren't working - I hope the new stuff does. That's great your dh gets 3 weeks off to help you. I imagine he'll have a much greater appreciation for you once it's over. :haha: Hopefully at the end of 3 weeks you'll be doing well enough to manage on your own. Ouch!
Hope the new pain meds work their magic daddies. The silver lining, try to enjoy a bit of relaxation over the next few weeks. X
Thanks ladies. New meds are working well but my big toe is still killing me so I'm assuming something is wrong with it :nope: I have a follow up Friday so hopefully taking the bandages off and cleaning/re wrapping will help. I'm already over this :cry:

Anthony is cranky from his shots :nope: but daddy said he did well and stopped crying when picked up. He's 28.5 inches long and 17.5 pounds. Doctor was impressed how tall he is and how good he's getting on with the solids.
Wow! He's a tall one! Ninja was 25" and 13#5oz. at his 4 month appt. I have to say, I love having a little baby! :cloud9: I hope nothing is really wrong with your big toe and that it's just slower to feel better!
Hey ladies!
Daddies-how r u doing?

Lil man is 6months on wed I can't believe it! Just had him weighed the other day he's almost 18.5lbs.
Sadly lil mans lungs r not doing to good :( right now he's on steroids in the nebulizer a few times a day. Luckily my ped is good and wants to wean him off ASAP and try and figure out if it can be handled in a different way from now on, but first we need to get it unr control. (i dont like the idea of steroids) He's been waking up freaking out and screaming because he can't breathe :(
Were trying to figure out if something else is going on but she says it all comes down to his lungs being premature. She actually thinks he was even more premie then what they said.
She also also wants him to get on as much solids as we can get then we can wean him off the formula and she said that may help and bit of reflux that also may be aggravating inflammation. She thinks the RSV he had maybe brought on some reflux by aggravating everything in his poor chest.

Otherwise he's doing great though. He loves to roll over from back to tummy over and over. Unfortunately doesn't even try going the other way so after awhile I get the, what I interpret s, "mom! Help!" lol
So sorry Lilbean :( I hope he gets better quickly I hate hearing babies are not feeling well. Once weaned off formula what will he drink then? That's so crazy he's 6 months! Where has the time gone?

I'm better, forcing myself to try and walk in this boot and "stretch" my foot a little. My follow up appt was awful. They took off boot and I had to stand for X-rays which hurt so I was sweating, then they take off all bandages and I fainted! I was in chair so it was fine but I started crying and gagging. Guess I learned I'm a big wuss! Seeing others blood or wounds is fine but my own not so great! My foot just looked deformed and I kept thinking it would always look like that with big scars and hurt. :cry: then doc showed my X-ray which I could've done with out and seeing all that metal ugh. She said it was fine just swollen causing pain and me not being able to move it much. And stitches come out in ten days!

Lil Anthony is still not feeling well :nope: idk if its the shots or not! Wednesday and Thursday he had fever and cranky waking every hour over night even with medicine :( yesterday and today no fever but very scratchy voice. Not much coughing so idk if its sore or what? He was crying earlier and no sound coming out. Monday ill call doctor if he's not better. So heart breaking

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