November sparkles ☆testing thread☆

Something is catching on the free I can see what you mean. Just FYI I had stark negs 8dpo and had my faint lines this morning at 9dpo so not out yet love xx

thank you and congrats!! I guess I’ll see what tomorrows shows! Can you show what your 8DPO looked like compared to your 9DPO?

oh hun. I’ve been where you are so many times and it’s so frustrating. Hopefully it’ll happen for you in the next day or two once your body’s feeling more recovered from what it’s been through. Sending hugs

oh yay!!! I’m definetly saying :bfp:. Look forward to seeing your progression and congratulations

8dpo is so early hun. Too early to lose hope. Somethings catching my eye on the frer. Have everything super crossed for you. :dust:

thank you, I just don’t have much hope anymore :(
thank you and congrats!! I guess I’ll see what tomorrows shows! Can you show what your 8DPO looked like compared to your 9DPO?

thank you, I just don’t have much hope anymore :(

Oh I wish I could I didn't even take a picture of it I just threw it in a tantrum after it had been like half hr and me staring at it hoping something will show but nope! X
Opk just done ladies think o is on the way better late than never supose :shrug: but oh is to knackered to do anything :cry: xx

@Suggerhoney I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering where you were and how you were doing. And oh my gosh!!!! I'm so glad you're okay!!! What you went through sounds so scary and painful! I'm so so sorry that happened to you and I'm glad you're okay. I am sure this health situation is what is delaying your ovulation. I always ovulate later in December/January because of the stress of Christmas. And that is nothing compared to the stress you went through. Also, when my mom went through menopause, she didn't go from ovulating every month to it just stopping one month. It was a gradual process, so I don't think you have to worry about that. I'm guessing it's just stress and once your body realizes you're physically fine you will ovulate. ❤

@tdog That OPK does look darker! Hopefully it will keep getting darker and darker for you!

@angelbump I see lines on those tests!!!!! Without squinting!!! Oh I hope they keep getting darker!

@PinkCupcakes Don't lose heart sweetie! 8dpo is still so early. I read the most common day for implantation to occur is 9dpo. So you are not out yet! ❤

Sorry to anyone I missed. This board moves fast!!! Just know I'm praying and hoping for each one of you to get your bfps.

I'm at 4 dpo and my nipples are still super duper sensitive. This is exactly what happened when I was pregnant in August. The first week after ovulation my nipples were so tender which had never happened before. Normally that didn't happen until a couple of days before AF was due. Not this early in the TWW. So it's feeling like deja vu. Plus I'm like 99% sure I ovulated on both sides this month. I had horrific double sided O pains. It hurt to sit down they were so bad! So if by some miracle I get pregnant again, twins would definitely be possible. Which is a little crazy to think about. My sister had twins and it was so much fun, but also really really hard when they were babies. But they were the last babies in our family 13 years ago. It would be so fun to have babies in the family again after all this time. Ugh sorry I'm just rambling and dreaming.
@Suggerhoney oh lovely what an ordeal! So sorry you've been in pain. Glad you're getting there now ❤️
@tdog that's deffo darker today, I'd keep testing at afternoon and evening and see if it darkens up?

Good luck to everyone else.
AFM I've taken 2 ept this morning and both have vfl, I'm having alot of twinges and shooty sensations too....but most of all I am fucking roasting, I am warmer than the sun!!! I'll post pics below x

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Oh wow I see lines clearly and looks like a BFP to me. I’ve never gotten a sniff of a line b4 10dpo. I really think you are and bet those lines get darker. Gd luck

@Suggerhoney glad your back sorry you weren't feeling well and still waiting to ovulate :hugs:

Thanks love. Just so fed up now all this waiting for ovulation. Feel like it’s not going to happen this cycle. Gd luck when you test love.

@Suggerhoney Oh sweetie that is so horrible!!! HUGS I hope you get to healing up real well. Probably why ovulation has been holding off. Lot of stress for the body to go through. FX it’s all resolved and you peak.

@tdog that is darker. I bet it sneaks in on you. Do you get any harsh cramps at I time?

@pinkclouds FX for your next test!!

@angelbump Yup!! Those are some decent first lines Congrats !!!!!!:wohoo: See?? Just knew you were preggers!! HH9!

Sorry if I missed anyone, trying to post before work in hurry. As for me I dug around hpt den and found two tests but no two lines to speak of just indents. Really nauseous this morning so af is on her uninvited way. I hope it’s not a bad one. Praying all of you waiting for your peaks or that bfp see them soon. Can’t wait for us to fill up the rest of this year with rainbows. <3

Thanks love. I literally have no idea love. I’ve never ever gone over day 20 without ovulating. So stressful. I’m so scared I won’t ovulate at all. Gd luck for when you test again love.

Hi ladies just popping in to say I'm still alive lol.. Been so so busy and mood hasn't been good so I've really not been ttc at all I just haven't had room for it in my mind. I hope you are all well and hopefully I'll get back on it in the next couple of months x

I hope your ok love.

8DPO today and I have not been able to get a good nights sleep in days ugh! I’m super super warm. Anyway here’s todays tests which I thought my eye kept catching something but I think I just have line eye, I’m sad cause a lot of ladies I see get super BFP at 8DPO

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I see a line on the Frer, I’ve never ever gotten a line at 8dpo. Was bfn with both my sons at 8 dpo then 10dpo faint lines. And with my miscarriage. But I definitely see a line on the Frer. Got everything so crossed tightly for you.

Wow @Suggerhoney that sounds so scary and painful hun I'm glad you was able to pass it at home and not have ti go go back to A&E though. My hubby spent 9 hours in A&E last week he has a bad chest infection and flu. His temp was over 40° so so scary seeing him so poorly. I gave of course caught the lurgy off him and been so poorly this past week coughing up a lung :(. I really hope you get your positive OPK ASAP hun. U think that maybe you veing poorly has halted you releasing your egg so far?. I have everything crossed you ovulate soon babe x

@Angel2bump defo start of BFP huny that's how mine started :cloud9: fingers crossed darling x

Thanks love. It was absolutely horrendous unbearable pain. Worse then labour because it was constant. I just pray I never have to experience it again. Only time I wanna feel pain that bad is giving birth to my healthy rainbow with gas and Air and a good epidural lol.
I’m so upset I’ve not ovulated yet I’m so worried but it’s out of my hands.

oh hun. I’ve been where you are so many times and it’s so frustrating. Hopefully it’ll happen for you in the next day or two once your body’s feeling more recovered from what it’s been through. Sending hugs

oh yay!!! I’m definetly saying :bfp:. Look forward to seeing your progression and congratulations

8dpo is so early hun. Too early to lose hope. Somethings catching my eye on the frer. Have everything super crossed for you. :dust:

thanks love it’s just so so worrying. I have around 6 more weeks and I’ll be 43. I just don’t have time for this.
I really feel I’m never going to get my rainbow, I feel so so sad and so low.
I’m not gonna take the maca or coq10 now incase with it being so late in the cycle it delays things even more, will Start back on it on cd1 because I’m sure I’ll be there again at some point.
I’m getting so fed up with it all now. I’d do anything to have my heathy rainbow
Opk just done ladies think o is on the way better late than never supose :shrug: but oh is to knackered to do anything :cry: xx

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That’s what mine are like today love. But no signs of ovulation at all. So dry. I rekon you will peak today or tomorrow. Wish I would get some signs like cm and get my peak, I feel like it’s not gonna happen this cycle :cry:

@Suggerhoney I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering where you were and how you were doing. And oh my gosh!!!! I'm so glad you're okay!!! What you went through sounds so scary and painful! I'm so so sorry that happened to you and I'm glad you're okay. I am sure this health situation is what is delaying your ovulation. I always ovulate later in December/January because of the stress of Christmas. And that is nothing compared to the stress you went through. Also, when my mom went through menopause, she didn't go from ovulating every month to it just stopping one month. It was a gradual process, so I don't think you have to worry about that. I'm guessing it's just stress and once your body realizes you're physically fine you will ovulate. ❤

@tdog That OPK does look darker! Hopefully it will keep getting darker and darker for you!

@angelbump I see lines on those tests!!!!! Without squinting!!! Oh I hope they keep getting darker!

@PinkCupcakes Don't lose heart sweetie! 8dpo is still so early. I read the most common day for implantation to occur is 9dpo. So you are not out yet! ❤

Sorry to anyone I missed. This board moves fast!!! Just know I'm praying and hoping for each one of you to get your bfps.

I'm at 4 dpo and my nipples are still super duper sensitive. This is exactly what happened when I was pregnant in August. The first week after ovulation my nipples were so tender which had never happened before. Normally that didn't happen until a couple of days before AF was due. Not this early in the TWW. So it's feeling like deja vu. Plus I'm like 99% sure I ovulated on both sides this month. I had horrific double sided O pains. It hurt to sit down they were so bad! So if by some miracle I get pregnant again, twins would definitely be possible. Which is a little crazy to think about. My sister had twins and it was so much fun, but also really really hard when they were babies. But they were the last babies in our family 13 years ago. It would be so fun to have babies in the family again after all this time. Ugh sorry I'm just rambling and dreaming.

Awww thanks love. It was awful. I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone. I hope it doesn’t happen again,
I normally ovulate cd13, was cd11 last cycle. The latest I have ever ovulated was cd20 after having covid in July. But I’m cd20 now and still nothing,

it’s just a worry me turning 43 in about 6 weeks time. Time is running out and I just don’t have time for this.

good luck when you test love

I’m having lots of weird pinch like cramping in my lower abdomen, feels strange!

That May be implantation fx fx fx​
Thanks ladies I'll be doing another this evening cb digi still blank circle so who nos :shrug: xx
Thanks ladies I'll be doing another this evening cb digi still blank circle so who nos :shrug: xx

good luck love. Wish we would both just get our peak I hate all this waiting and uncertainty.

So I’m an idiot and I looked at my tests again while dry and the ICs have VVVVF lines… evaps?!

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I see them too and the Frer. I am praying this is the start of a BFP. Fx tomorrow will be darker and you can call it. Gonna be sat on the edge of my seat waiting for your next tests. Fx fx fx fx fx so so so tightly
good luck love. Wish we would both just get our peak I hate all this waiting and uncertainty.

I see them too and the Frer. I am praying this is the start of a BFP. Fx tomorrow will be darker and you can call it. Gonna be sat on the edge of my seat waiting for your next tests. Fx fx fx fx fx so so so tightly
Thank you! I’m betting I’ll get a BFN tomorrow though. I don’t have much hope
So I’m an idiot and I looked at my tests again while dry and the ICs have VVVVF lines… evaps?!

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I know we aren't supposed to count anything after the time limit, but I personally have never seen lines like that after my negative tests are dry... I hope this is the start of something and it's just too early to be obvious. I saw faint shadow lines on your tests even when they were within the time limit. I just couldn't tell if I saw color or not. I swear I can always see the antibody strip even when it's negative, so now I don't let a line get me excited unless I can actually see color. I think I see color on the ones after the time limit which is so weird..... Oh I hope this is your month!!!!
TMI alert, but I'm having diarrhea which happened when I was pregnant in August!!! Holy crap! First the sore boobs at the same time as the month I was pregnant, and now another weird symptom that happened when I was pregnant, too! I know I'm only 4 dpo, but my body is sooooo sensitive to hormone changes. So it could be nothing, but I'm feeling a lot of deja vu!
TMI alert, but I'm having diarrhea which happened when I was pregnant in August!!! Holy crap! First the sore boobs at the same time as the month I was pregnant, and now another weird symptom that happened when I was pregnant, too! I know I'm only 4 dpo, but my body is sooooo sensitive to hormone changes. So it could be nothing, but I'm feeling a lot of deja vu!

When I was pregnant in Aug (that 2 was a chemical) and in June (that was a mmc) I had heartburn from around 4dpo which I no is early but still lol, I have everything crossed for your bfp xx
@Suggerhoney oh thats horrible! My husband had that last year before christmas. The doctors couldn't work out what was wrong so kept sending him home after giving gim morphine and that easing the pain they said yepp its gastro etc because he was vomiting from the pain. We went back to 1 hospital twice and then the third time went to a different one and basically said we're not leaving whilst he still has pain. He tried to eat and it was after that it would get very bad. If your pain was the same gosh im sorry, it was horrible enough to watch let alone go through yourself. Xxx
@angelbump those definitely look like the start of my BFP ! Congrats!!

@PinkCupcakes i see soemthing catching my eye on the FRER too, and I just thought I had like eye but everyone else sees it, too, good luck! I had nothing morning of 8DPO and after barely drinking any fluids that day due to circumstances stances I took another that evening and got positives!!

@Suggerhoney bowel obstructions are so scary, I’m glad you’re doing better now!
So I’m an idiot and I looked at my tests again while dry and the ICs have VVVVF lines… evaps?!

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saw them straight away. Praying hard they get darker. Pregmate really stood out to me. Is the pink one Clinical Guard?

TMI alert, but I'm having diarrhea which happened when I was pregnant in August!!! Holy crap! First the sore boobs at the same time as the month I was pregnant, and now another weird symptom that happened when I was pregnant, too! I know I'm only 4 dpo, but my body is sooooo sensitive to hormone changes. So it could be nothing, but I'm feeling a lot of deja vu!

FX!!! Hate that it’s sending you to the loo but it’s all in the name of a bfp lol. Really hope this is your sign.
saw them straight away. Praying hard they get darker. Pregmate really stood out to me. Is the pink one Clinical Guard?

FX!!! Hate that it’s sending you to the loo but it’s all in the name of a bfp lol. Really hope this is your sign.
Yes I think it’s clinical guard off Amazon!

ugh so this evening I keep getting mild cramps off and on, some stronger than others. Feels so weird! I think my minds just playing tricks on me though

also pretty sure I’m getting a cold sore :(and heartburn ugghh
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