November sparkles ☆testing thread☆

@jellybeanxx I could have ovulated late, after all I wasn’t tracking it.
@tdog I understand. I prefer it not to be sugar coated - would only get my hopes up more. I’m anticipating a chemical but praying for it to be all good and a true positive! Good to know about the CB pink dye. Hopefully it shows up on those soon!
@NightFlower I’m hoping it is darker and continues to progress! I want this so badly!!
@jellybeanxx these are them tests Accufast Pregnancy Test for Early... yea they were on amazon I have 1 more I'm going to do in about a week see how it looks then, yea they lines bit cheaper than digis lol xx

@Ellybean so glad you understand lovely the last think I want to do is upset anyone xx
We bd last night and will again tomorrow then I'll be in my tww. I grabbed some 10miu wondfo tests before I checked out my Amazon order should be here Wed a little gift to myself lol. I still have a few easy@home left too.
I will be happy to see your tests when it is time. Best of luck
@jellybeanxx these are them tests Accufast Pregnancy Test for Early... yea they were on amazon I have 1 more I'm going to do in about a week see how it looks then, yea they lines bit cheaper than digis lol xx

@Ellybean so glad you understand lovely the last think I want to do is upset anyone xx

I can't find them on Amazon. Can you send me the link.? I'd like to get some of I can. Thanks love ❤
Walgreens tests just came in! Although I'm not very hopeful. Still no symptoms, like nothing at all. Trying not to be prematurely disappointed, since it's just 8dpo for me. I have 3 kinds of tests, Clearblue pink dye, generic target blue dye (which got bad reviews), and the Walgreens ones. I will start testing in the morning in all likelihood.
I can't find them on Amazon. Can you send me the link.? I'd like to get some of I can. Thanks love ❤

Wondering if the link isn't working because your not in UK I don't no if they would sell them over there :shrug: normally when you click on photo it takes you to them but that's just UK one tho :shrug: xx
Thanks hun and good luck to you. Where are you in your cycle now?
AF showed for me today. I don't temp, but I swear that I didn't ovulate this cycle, no cramps or usual post ovulation symptoms.
Also, my husband has decided to stop TTC now. Hopefully only for a time, but he seems serious.
I cried myself to sleep the other night because of it.
9DPO, stark white bfn. Not even a hint of anything. Will try again tomorrow, but seems pointless atm.
AF showed for me today. I don't temp, but I swear that I didn't ovulate this cycle, no cramps or usual post ovulation symptoms.
Also, my husband has decided to stop TTC now. Hopefully only for a time, but he seems serious.
I cried myself to sleep the other night because of it.
Aww I'm sorry sweetheart ...big hugs
Hi ladies 7dpo here and I’ve had spotting on and off today gosh knows what’s happening. I did test this morning but was bfn.

good luck to those still waiting and to those that have got bfp’s
Hi ladies 7dpo here and I’ve had spotting on and off today gosh knows what’s happening. I did test this morning but was bfn.

good luck to those still waiting and to those that have got bfp’s

Good luck lovely :) spotting could be implantation fxd xx
Looks like I’m out. The test this morning is stark negative. I’m heartbroken to say the least.


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